你提到書店的both of the year,令我諗起日本嘅本屋大賞,而寫sticker都係日本書店多做嘅推書方法 另我都好鍾意買關於書店嘅書,(講買而不是睇因為永遠睇唔切🫣) 香港書店唔興sell客,書展都除咗作者簽書都好少sell客,我自己作為客都比較慣自己揭多過聽人意見,可能係因書口味比較偏食,同時都比較i唔慣和別人太多面對面溝通🤦♀️
I'm curious how you ended up in the bookselling industry. Did you have experience from Hong Kong? Did your employer expect employees to already have experience in the industry? I love browsing in bookstores and have always thought I might be interested in doing a stint part-time, for the employee discount. 😅
@RoverUKlife9 күн бұрын
@@kl-ge9bg I don't have experience in Hong Kong but in UK before. If you have no such experience though, just try anyway when they're hiring.