そんなことがあったのですね、それは心にちくっとくる経験ですよね。 でもおっしゃる通り、その言葉が事実とは限らないし、むしろその人の「世界観」だと思った方がいいと思います❣️最近の本で学んだことなのですが"People are living in their dreams. (ここでの夢、というのは幻想、とも言いましょうか。人々は自分自身の幻想、世界に生きている)" 分かります。相手はそんなつもりはなかったとしても、誰かを傷つける言葉ってありますよね。 最近感じた、学んだことなのですが、本当に優しい人、徳のある人というのは、相手にとやかく、自分の意見を押し付けないと思います。(自分もそうなりたいです!)・・・誰かに対してとやかくいうのではなく、静かにあえて見守るということ、そして「もしアドバイス、助けが必要だったら言ってね」って言えること。それが本来の姿かなって思うんです。 気をつけよ!🍀って思えること素敵ですね。私もいろんな経験から、学んで周りに愛情を持って接していけるように自分を磨きたいです!
ちなつさんのlet's get into it.がいつも素敵です。 画面を見ずに聞いているだけでは「速い!何を言っているのかわからない!」状態…一通り聞いた後に画面を見ながら聞いて理解することを1年ぐらいやったりやらなかったりwしていました。 今日、画面を見ないでも「あれ?何となくわかる」って感動😮 ちなつさんのおかげです。 本編とあまり関係ないコメントでごめんなさい。つい嬉しくて。 ちなつさんの体調がはやく戻りますように。
You hit the nail on the head, Chinatsu-san! There are things you can learn only from your experiences. No one - not your parents, teachers, media influencers, but yourself can give you a lived experience. 💯
@chinatsu_the_emo6 ай бұрын
Hi there! Yes I totally agree with you! WE decided how we live, we never should blame it on something else. I'd love to be a person who can choose how to live by myself! Thanks for your comment!
I can't believe she said such harsh things to someone who wants to learn something. I'm so angry at that woman for you. It reminded me of my own situation. I'm in England now, and when I told people I was going to the UK, they asked, 'Why did you choose the UK? British food is awful!' But interestingly, they had never been to the UK. Now, I don't think British food is awful at all. haha
@chinatsu_the_emo6 ай бұрын
Hi there! I know what you mean. I recently learnt that we need love and courage to do what we really want to do. Love sounds funny in this context, but what I'm saying is, you need to have love to listen to yourself. People who don't have courage and love to listen to themselves, they go against the world. They hurt themselves and other people. (Does that make sense? Too spiritual? haha I didn't mean it though! haha) I hope you are having fun in the UK! x All the best.
Thank you for sharing your opinion!! Before I saw your video for the first time, my personality was so cowardly…How to say, it means that I tended to give priority to stability. But, your video always makes me adventurous, and my personality is changing lately By the way, I’m in the middle of job hunting. I want to look for my job based on my curiosity and intuition. This video motivated me a lot. Thank you ここまで読んでくださってありがとうございます✨英語勉強中なのでどっか変で伝わらなかったらすみません😂😂
@chinatsu_the_emo6 ай бұрын
Hi there! Thanks for sharing your comment in English, good on you! :) I know what you are trying to say. Believe it or not, I used to be a highly sensitive person, was worried about other people, hesitated to challenge myself at all. I think I have changed because I knew I wanted to change that. I can see from your comment that, you are aware of your own personality (which not many people can't do! ), I think you can work on it. All the best for job hunting! Be true to who you really are, listen to your heart. Everything will be ok! ✨❤️x