i never read and watch similar analysis like Mr. Siu It is an unique way to read the document in this way. Thanks for this video. Freedom of speech is very important.!!!
多謝蕭生一直以來的教導 有關蕭生在最後部分提到 :「新約聖經邊度講不需要守舊約的律法 ?」 這個問題主要相關的經文是 使徒行傳 15章 主要決定是 15:19 「所以據我的意見,不可難為那歸服 神的外邦人; 15:20 只要寫信,吩咐他們禁戒偶像的污穢和姦淫,並勒死的牲畜和血。 15:21 因為從古以來,摩西的書在各城有人傳講,每逢安息日,在會堂裡誦讀。」 簡間來說,基督徒不需要舊約律法有關「禮儀部分」如割禮、食物的潔淨條例,但是需要遵守 舊約律法有關「道德」的部分 ,如 「祭過偶像的食物」、「姦淫」。可以參考 這個片 kzbin.info/www/bejne/qne4qauHZ6uMjck Carson on the Relationship between Old Testament Law and New Testament Ethics kzbin.info/www/bejne/r326aKtuoLeSgtk Do Christians have to obey the Old Testament Laws?kzbin.info/www/bejne/oJ7CXnWGe7t8ncU 大家可以讀一下 bible.fhl.net/new/read.php?chineses=徒&nodic=0&chap=15, 也可看看 KZbin kzbin.info/www/bejne/aZO0iGWcqdWcnq8 ,釋經書 : zhsw.org/123/z/cjzlzh/nr/44-使徒行传查经资料总汇/7548-4210-1915-8321.html 有關於聖經新舊約的關係,有不同的看法,以上觀點是 改革宗福音派神學 希望以上幫助到大家了解! 再次多謝 蕭生對我的教導!祝 身體健康!
I totally agree with Mr Siu. I wished I had his courage to be able to speak on subjects he has no authority on. But it's a good attempt because at least the laymen can have access to some opinion quite easily.
Sometimes things change because as we probe deeper into it, we begin to unravel new dimensions to the same thing. When I was ten, I saw the front of A; when I was twenty, I saw the back, and then the left, the right and up and bottom. So at the end, these changes or new discovery are just different aspects of the same thing.
The books of Acts and Galatians are telling you why you shouldn’t follow the Moses Law in the time of New Testament. Christians must know what is Jesus commands instead.
(用心看完我以下的每一词,希望对你们有所帮助!)。。。不要刻意单纯把自光投在一个人的身上,找出其思想,这会失误的!1953,陕西,生于北京,先观察陕西与北京那年代人的性格如何索造!然后,把目光投在其爸爸妈妈身上去,我本人是观察其爸爸,其长大过程,教育水平,当过什么官职,去过哪里出巡,出巡时发表过什么言论!关键是,每当其父在哪一年,干过什么?去过哪里?当时什么职位?对外公开发表过什么言论?重点是,当时,每一个过程!习近平是处于什么年龄!他的吸收程度在什么阶段?比方,其父,在深圳时,发表过一句言论,应是有感而发。。。如果要停止中国人外逃香港,唯有搞好中国经济现状!你得懂的去思考,其父母到底是如何教育儿子!如何索造其性格!第二个重点是,台湾人!为什么非要有当兵的制度!为什么非要把台湾人打造其爱国情怀,比任何华人所在国家都来的根深蒂固?为什么上一代非要如此不可?当代人,决策人,又是一个什么教育程度的人?我不想写太多,还有好多是要注意的!就我!在社会上,我明明很讨厌一个人,为了大局,我必须爱他!明明我是很爱一个人,为了保护他,我必须踢他出局!宁可他讨厌我!话说一个对我害有冲突不断的人,我三番四次助他度过危难,没让他知道!只因,他留着,他能干好多我或许还辈子也干不到的事!。。。注。。。一个决策者 CEO ,不要把目光全投在他一人身上去找出他的思想,一定是错的!
U2 用陰謀論很好回答這幾個國家。 1,日本當然是美國逼簽廣場協議啦。 2,搞英國這件事,一戰後華爾街積極扶植德國經濟復蘇,二戰後美國積極支持殖民地民族獨立運動;華爾街取代倫敦國際金融地位等等 3,打歐盟則是破壞歐元,挑撥歐盟各國關係,坐看歐洲年內戰(前南斯拉夫內戰)等等。 反正普通民眾又不是專家學者,表面看起來是也就信了。
@chwong41965 жыл бұрын
萬變不離其中, 就是權力集中!!! 層層效忠!!!
@babyjoe64695 жыл бұрын
@良心.流氓5 жыл бұрын
@davidhuang20465 жыл бұрын
@bonitaszeto41725 жыл бұрын
To reply to Mr. Siu's comment about chtistianity. The New testament is actually above the old testament. The old testament talks about an eye for eye, fair punishment of every sin, but the new testament talks about a higher standard: "anyone who hates a brother or a sister is a murderer" "If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also." However, God knows humans cannot fulfill them (resulting in unrighteousness), so he sent Jesus to die for us to save us. Now whoever believes in Jesus (no matter what we have done), God considers us righteous. In the old testament days, it's about obeying laws, in the new testament days, laws have a different function. Romans 3:20 says "For no one can ever be made right with God by doing what the law commands. The law simply shows us how sinful we are." Our salvation in the new testament time comes from " 'Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, along with everyone in your household.'" acts16:31