Taiwan is the same cases with Israel. The country had faces enemies very crossly.and All mens serve for their country to be soldiers.
@jrhh42193 жыл бұрын
Yang membuat Israel.kuat itu krn.sistem pendidikan dan sistem.wajib militer yg.paling.unggul.di.dunia. Warga negaranya,setelah berusia.18 tahun laki.dan perempuan.wajib.dinas militer. Semua.bisa.dimobilisasi.utk.berperang.
@zhengmingfan26354 жыл бұрын
unfortunately in western countries most people are not eligible for military inscriptions. Either because of health issues like obesity and myopia and criminal background or don’t have a high school diploma. Even majority those few percentages of eligible populations are unwilling to be inscribed. For their soldiers, armies considering of protecting their ‘human rights’. Most times army have to comply with every soldier’s religious belief, cultural backgrounds and any treatment that makes military service comfortable. As a result, many necessary hard training and military rules that leads to higher army’s integration and combat capabilities are phased out. Many western countries army are filled with disqualified soldiers who are unwilling to put their lives at risk during combat let alone making sacrifices for their countries.
Rick Zhu,你說的是真的假的?!好扯,中國人口是臺灣的五十六倍耶!結果中國改革開放了三十年,竟然經濟力只有臺灣的十八倍!? 不是早有香港回歸和大量台商、外資進入中國嗎?怎麼搞了三十年,經濟沒有臺灣的五十六倍,而只有十八倍? 我看這樣不行,臺灣應該還要設法把一些台積電、聯發科的技術及文化創意的人才免費送給中國才行,否則改革開放了三十年,人口五十六倍於臺灣的中國經濟力竟然只有臺灣的十八倍,中華民族整個被全世界看扁了。