I wonder what was your original motivation to dig into medieval literature and focus on such a specialized subject. I do not think you could have persisted had you not developed a deep personal interest in this field, good scholarship and nararrative though.
@maolu4830 Жыл бұрын
11:24“大写的The Fall”(这里的Fall是指伊甸园中人类始祖亚当夏娃的堕落) 有一部非常有名的美国电影,名字叫Legends of the Fall,中国人直译为《秋日传奇》。这是明显的误译,这里的Fall就是上面说的“人性的堕落”,而非什么“秋日”。 类似的电影小说名字的中文误译还有很多,在此不一一列举。