英文翻譯/english lyrics(個人翻譯/personal translation) 今は亡き、令嬢ロクサーヌ ~To the Late Lady Roxanne~ [前奏(Intro)] [主歌 (Verse)] 零時の鐘が夜に解けたら When the midnight bell dissolves into the night, 死の女王統べる 森の深くへ The queen of death reigns, deep in the forest. 見世物道化師にも成れない Unable to even play as a mere jester, 不完全 空虚 彷徨う Incomplete, empty, I wander uncertainly. [導歌(Pre-chorus)] 跪いて暴く棺 Kneel, and uncover the coffin, 干乾びた手を取りくちづけ Grasp that dried-up hand and kiss it. 背徳だと人は言うだろう People would call it immoral, 瞳、開けて声、聞かせて But, open your eyes, let your voice reach me, 恋の呪縛の中で In the curse of love. [副歌 (Chorus)] 今宵、魔に魅せられ、夢を見よう (抗えない甘い夢) Tonight, enchanted by the demon, let us dream (an irresistible, sweet dream); 追いつきたい (奪いたい) I long to reach you (and take you away), 香り立つ思い出 As fragrant memories rises. 窪んだ瞳、枯れた肌も(煉る想いと腐臭) Even your sunken eyes, your withered skin (burning desires and the stench of decay), 未だ可憐愛しい Are still lovely and dear, 名前を呼んで Roxanne As I call out your name, Roxanne. [間奏 (Breakdown)] [主歌 (Verse)] 蠱惑 残虐 誘惑の蛇 Temptation, cruelty, the serpent of seduction, 棘に身を包み惑わせ奪う Wrapped in thorns, it deceives and steals. 己を弁えぬ【白き信仰者】 The [White Believers], unaware of themselves, 断罪叫び課す毒 Scream for judgment, administering poison. [導歌(Pre-chorus)] 僕だけには見えていたよ Only I could see it, 全てを愛し過ぎただけだ You simply loved everything too much. 「持たぬもの」 は許せぬだろう Those who do not possess, would not tolerate it- 視線一つ言葉一つで With just a glance, just a word, 奪いつくすのだから You could take everything away. [副歌 (Chorus)] 怒り憎しみで得られるなら (この悲しみさえ愛おしい) If anger and hatred can bring you what you seek (even this sorrow is dear to me), 害を成した (虫どもを) Those who brought harm (those worms), 滅ぼして見せよう I can crush them before your eyes. 空虚な明日はもういらない (眩しい朝日 背にして) The empty tomorrows are no longer needed (turning away from the dazzling sunlight), 月影の舞踏会 君とワルツを踏む At our ball under the moon's shadow, let us waltz together! [橋段 (Bridge)] 狂気と殺意で (儀式のようにそう 供物のように) In the midst of madness and your murderous intent (like a ritual,yes, like an offering), 僕は壊れてしまった人形 (奪って悲しみごと) I have become a broken doll (taking everything, even the sorrow) 返して…赦して… (戻れはしないなら時を止めたい) Return it… forgive me… (even if we can't go back, I wish time could stand still) 響く森の中闇が小さく笑った (今、悪意が笑った) In the echoing forest, darkness giggled softly (now, malice has chuckled) [副歌 (Chorus)] 二人を Let us two- 涙凍らせ 夢を見よう Freeze our tears, and dream, 追いつきたい (地の底で) As I long to reach you (deep underground), 戻る場所など無い And there's nowhere to return to. 窪んだ瞳、枯れた肌も (煉る想いと腐臭) Even your sunken eyes, your withered skin (burning desires and the stench of decay), 未だ可憐愛しい Are still lovely and dear. 僕を奪って ロクサーヌ Take me away, Roxanne. [結尾(Ending)]
Do not translate the video's title 💀 It says: Hatsuki Yura passed away but that's actually the name of the song :troll: , not that she has actually passed away