Dear Issac, it is well said. Yes, it is not a matter of secularism. In fact, it is due to an old narrative that still existing at this 21st century. We hope today's Tegaru generation will change this mind set-up irrespective of their religious views. ውድ ይስሃቅ፣ በሚገባ ገልጸሀዋል፤ ይህ ትምህርትን ከሀይማኖት ነጻ የማድረግ ጉዳይ ሳይሆን ሲወርድ ሲዋረድ እስከ ዛሬ፣ እስከ 21ኛው ክ/ዘመን፣ የዘለቀ የቆየ አመለካከት ነው። የዛሬው ተጋሩ ትውልድ ይህን የእምነት አመለካከት ይቀይራል ብለን ተስፋ እናደርጋለን።
It is really a shameful act to deprive Muslims of their basic rights to practice their religious duties in Tigray region. The school administration is expected to make institutions a welcoming environment for everyone .
I’m so sad. What they need I don’t understand.hijab our beauty North America anywhere any place we don’t have this problem just to hear always in Ethiopia our country governments. They pay them like that people money should stand everyone we have to fight this thing. جزاك الله خير ماي براذر الله يهديك