Thank you Dr. Staney for leaving us all with amazing teachings of the bible ! We should all know it. My Children are grown and doing well 😊. I feel my perpuse in life (assignment from God the father ❤) I think I did a good job being I did it alone (daddy their father/my husband died in 1997) so I was only 26yrs old, thank God I was able too raise them they were only 8, 3 & 2yrs. Apologies don't know why I got into all that ! I've been wanting to send thank you to Dr Stanley in heaven as well as, is son, wife, employee's for saving and posting his beautiful sermons ! I wish I'd experienced enuf too meet & see Dr. Stanley ! He'd be great too see live I do totally appreciate the saved sermons and posts on You Tube, watch daily ! Thank you . I appreciate you all ❤