You Don't HAVE To Practice, You GET To Practice (Warrior -vs- Explorer Motivation)

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Texas Blues Alley

Texas Blues Alley

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Some of you (like me) will never be motivated to do anything by being told you "have" to do it. Not everyone is wired like a warrior, some you are explorers, and what's going to motivate you is the opportunity to do something great, not pressure to be more disciplined. In this video I'll talk about some of the ways that you can reframe how you think about guitar practice, turning it into something you "get" to do, rather than something you "have" to do.
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Пікірлер: 62
@truegritcycles Жыл бұрын
16:43 Superb video! It’s an amazing thing to be able to study and play guitar… I’m 47 years old and have been playing guitar since I was 14. In 2018 I had brain surgery and lost the use of my voice and my right hand. I started crying as soon as I saw my guitar when I was well enough to come home. It took me a year to get back to playing somewhat normal and now I’m better than I was before! I’m fully aware of the gift that has been given to me and I will never ever take that for granted ever again. I love playing guitar every single day….WE GET TO PLAY, it’s definitely a privilege!!!
@Ostin3232 Жыл бұрын
Hi Anthony! I was somewhere from 12 to 17 years old, I played the guitar, in those days there was no Internet and there was no teacher who could direct me in the right direction! So I stopped playing and started doing electronic music! But in 2014, I had a conversation with my grandfather, who is a big fan of accordions, he has 4 beautiful instruments in his collection, but he doesn't know how to play them at all, and he said that he would do anything to go back to the 50s to learn how to play! This conversation struck me and I realized that I will find myself in the same situation when I am 70 years old! That's why I started playing the guitar again and I don't care what my family or my friends think, I get the most pleasure from it in my life!
@BuddyBlues Жыл бұрын
Man oh man did this hit home. Really didn't think I needed to hear this, but I did. Thanks so much dude.
@confuxio2 Жыл бұрын
This video is valid for life itself, not only for guitarists, I am 61 years old, in 2009 I had surgery on a cyst on the index finger of my left hand (cyst inside the bone in the marrow) after months of rehabilitation I started to play with pain, it was no longer the same as before but I could play 98%, now the cyst came out again on the same finger in the same place, I'm waiting for them to call me to operate again on the finger that was already operated on in 2009 and also another on the middle finger on my left hand... I don't know how I will be after the operation, I hope to be able to lead a normal life and be able to play,I really liked the parallelism with MMA, when I was young I practiced Shotokan Karate at the same time that I learned to play my acoustic guitar, I am NOT a warrior, I am a explorer, just like you I'm still watching MMA fights today, thank you very much for such good reflections ✊ 🎸
@1bluesmanj Жыл бұрын
Absolutly true Anthony. The topic of technology really resonates with me. I have been playing for a gazillion years. When I started playing I had to lift the needle off of a record and put it back on, over and over again. I remember wanting to learn the intro to Last Time by the Rolling Stons and my dad, manning the record player, putting the needle down over and over for me. I've played in working bands forever. Started playing college frat parties at the age of 15. People have asked me many times, "how do you play like that?" My thought always is that I know that I can do better! I recently retired and have time now to actually figure out what it is I'm doing! :) I continue because I believe we should always be learning. The technology and availablity of learning materials is not wasted on me and I always tell people that now there is no reason that you can't find loads of information, spoon fed to you, that wasn't available years ago. In fact, there is so much available that I think you can get "paralysis by analysis" if your not careful.
@genewagenseller4412 Жыл бұрын
Great video. We forget how fortunate we are these days. Advice applies to more than just playing guitar. Live today like you might not have tomorrow.
@bobbybower9405 Жыл бұрын
I'm gonna be 16 next month and am struggling with anxiety about the future and this was something I think I needed to watch
@scottbailey7605 Жыл бұрын
Great advice and I might add, if life gets in your way, let it!
@darkroomxvii Жыл бұрын
I feel like this video is even more profound than just about guitar. The internet - especially the “male” internet - is filled with content that is all about self punishment as motivation. This is a good push back against that
@michaeldavidrobinson9644 Жыл бұрын
Brother, your message was just what I needed. Getting up off my a**, dusting off the strat, and joining TXBA locals today.
@japellan6648 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this. As a recent discoverer of these philosophies taught by men like David Goggins, it is easy to apply it so heavily to the guitar as i do with other areas of my life. While this warrior mindset works in areas regarding nutrition and physical health, it has recently prohibited me from enjoying the instrument to the fullest possible extent. My practice routines will be much more enjoyable now as an explorer, rather than a warrior who has to get up and repeat the same exercises, no matter the obligations of the day, every day.
@boomerdell Жыл бұрын
Great messages, Anthony, thanks so much. Resonates deeply with me. I am an early-stage guitarist and musician, having just begun my own music-learning journey a little over three years ago in my early 50s. Lately, I've found my intention and focus shifting as I continue to take lessons and courses: I'm embracing the idea that any time I make music, even drills and warm-ups, I'm making art. I love art, and I am always so inspired when I see other people's creative efforts on any front, in any medium, especially when they are people I know personally. I don't criticize and I don't judge: they are making and sharing art, which in and of itself is something I celebrate. I'm giving myself over to the process of learning and creating, worrying less about the result or outcome. It's all helping so much.
@imluckyman10 Жыл бұрын
I just typed in “Stevie Snacks” and went back to the basics. Thanks 👊‼️
@AnthonyJarrah Жыл бұрын
Great perspective not just for guitar but for life in general. Thanks for this.
@blacknessfallsmusic969 Жыл бұрын
This is one of the best video I ever saw in my entire life. Great stuff!
@robertattard7203 Жыл бұрын
This is fantastic advice. I particularly appreciate the part where you discuss "gratitude," emphasizing the importance of taking time to mentally appreciate what we have. I also utilize the aspect of creating a habit out of it and introduce other habits that piggyback on the aspects I enjoy about playing the guitar. For example, I really love making transcriptions because it offers a sense of exploration and discovery as I figure out the pieces of music at hand. Making a habit out of it comes naturally to me. I then use this aspect as a springboard to practice improvisation, scales, chords, and so on. Your advice was so uplifting. Thanks alot!
@Czeskauskas Жыл бұрын
Anthony, it was so damn awesome to listen to you. You had me at hello Because I used to be a massive Goggins fand but I found after some time that I will not behave like him. I admire him but.... Too much. AND AS A GUITAR PLAYER.... You cleared so much stuff in my head. Thank you Anthony. I am so Grateful that I will have 45 minutes to practice 🙏
@misterknightowlandco Жыл бұрын
I completely agree. My first natural response to being told what to do is “go f yourself”. if you tell me I can work towards some grandiose goal that will be really cool and creative and I’ll jump on it…
@manyvibes1540 10 ай бұрын
@SiddharthKarunakaran Жыл бұрын
As someone who suffers from depression and schizophrenia, which leads to high levels of procrastination, this came at just the right time. I'm on medication. I totally agree with you Anthony. When I am old and going to die, I will definitely regret not mastering the guitar. I should be so happy I've still been given a chance. I should embrace the mindset of an explorer rather than one of a warrior because I hate exercising and seldom pick up my guitar if I feel I am forced to. Although I have got 5 guitars and 3 amps in addition to my focusrite interface, I barely know how to make the most of any of them. I'm a spoilt brat and have always been that way right from birth. I don't want to die without mastering the guitar. It is the number one thing on my bucket-list. It's just that I have a fixed mindset and various psychological issues that prevent me from reaching my potential. What people do to me brings me down. It's a psychological issue and not one I expect you'll understand. But thanks for trying to help me with your video. I get to do this. It should be enough to excite me and bring me the motivation. Thanks so much for motivation monday. I love you. Thank you so much.
@dustyroadsrider Жыл бұрын
Great video! You really hit the nail on the head. It can be applied to so many things in life. Actually a brother had a motorcycle accident last May because of cell phone addict in a car. He’s played bass since high school early 70s. He can’t bend his wrist or elbow. Several surgeries and limited on almost everything. What he would give to be able to pick it up and play would mean the world. We take the way too much for granted. Thank you for the inspiration, common sense and outlook.
@grantrisinger8446 Жыл бұрын
This video is amazing. I'll share it with everyone that I can. Thank you so much. 🤘
@donaldfisher8556 Жыл бұрын
Anthony, what a great presentation. Fantastic, thank you
@mollylemonk Жыл бұрын
Keep rambling, thats why you hooked me. I got to say I have never even tried to play along to your lessons... I can't focus on anything but playing whats in my head. But here I am, every episode...
@diegooland1261 Жыл бұрын
True that! Even if I have the lamest guitar, a chord that has so many sorts half the signal never makes it to that pile of junk I call an amp, I am incredibly lucky. I have a opportunity many only dream of.
@rossshields1619 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely correct! Phenomenal!
@michaeldennisguitarlessons Жыл бұрын
Anthony, if you are so inclined, it might be helpful for your listeners for you to share some "specific examples" of new things you are discovering when you put on your "Explorer" hat. Thank you for the Great Insights and Perspective presented in this video. Rock On! Blues On!~Michael
@surf247365 Жыл бұрын
Awesome reframe!!! Love it! I feel very fortunate to have what I have in my life with family & monetarily. Time to practice now isn’t a luxury because of family, but I thoroughly enjoy the time to play & practice when I do. Even with that said it is a great reminder to keep that perspective! 🤘🏽🤘🏽🤙🏽🤙🏽🙏🙏
@cjang Жыл бұрын
Related to the explorer mindset and motivation for these types of people isn't just restricted to thinking about how it would feel if everything was taken away and getting a second chance. One thing that really made my practice bloom is learning theory bit by bit, and exploring ideas about what makes music tick, its construction, and musical idioms across different genres. Seeing this all come together was a game-changer and reframed my relationship with practice because it gave me an understanding of what I was doing, hearing, and how the instrument works. Picking up the guitar every day is now so much fun, and being familiar with these more theoretical ideas really gave me the freedom to explore and create things that I think sound awesome. Another thing to note and keep in mind is that just because you have an explorer mindset with guitar, doesn't mean you aren't a warrior in other aspects of your life.
@mikedavidson9578 Жыл бұрын
Exactly what I needed to here Anthony, been super tired this afternoon and couldn’t really dive into practice like I wanted. I got really disappointed I didn’t have the energy because I’m already 26 and feel like I’m way behind on skill and technique. I guess I have the wrong mindset and maybe I need to be happy to even have my craft at all! I need to enjoy practicing more!
@matejkosovic2910 Жыл бұрын
Thank you man, needed to hear this!❤
@conorbuescher5755 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this video Anthony. Absolutely right on so many points. Thanks.
@deeparoyal7349 Жыл бұрын
So Zen 😊 Thank God you exist.
@calebgh Жыл бұрын
Man really a great video to make me think. I am the typical guy that wanted to learn guitar as a teen but then life happened and i put the guitar down. I am now in my 40's and picked it back up a couple years ago. I can say it has been more difficult the second time around because my hands and mind just dont seem as good as they were 25 years ago. I have struggled on and off with my progress but I have really enjoyed the journey because I see it as a journey these days.
@stevehenry9826 Жыл бұрын
As a guitar player I've learn more now from teachers like yourself (thank you!) on KZbin by far then any private teacher I've ever had! Yes I was one of those kids who grew up in the 70s having to rewind the cassette tape over and over again to get certain riff on the guitar or figure out a song in one of the cover bands I played in. Yes I know alot of riffs already that are taught on guitar on KZbin but there has been a good amount of things I didn't know in the certain way something is played on guitar until I saw KZbin. Thanks for the excellent video and channel Anthony!
@jadm110 Жыл бұрын
Anthony , thank your the motivational talk. I have been on my second chance for a while.Retired and have toe plan to be as active as I can for as long as I can. and getting a second chance to try my hand at playing is one of my goals. I am presently at the stage of delousing the tools to play the music I want. balancing practice can be problematic but it is well worth the effort
@uberjam-sam8512 Жыл бұрын
Cool perspective. One I hadn't thought of but is decidedly true. The Warrior archetype is the dominant paradigm in our culture and it's clearly permeated the guitar education world. The Explorer archetype is liberating for me as I think it fits my disposition well too. Seeing the guitar as an adversary to be overcome or seeing music as a world worthy of endless exploration. That is the question. Seeing practice as a choice, one that I'm lucky to have. Nice, very much appreciate this non-guitar, guitar lesson.
@rolfhauf4266 Жыл бұрын
Philosophy in the sun is always good medicine
@thecowsaysmoo42 Жыл бұрын
this really hit home for me at a moment where i really needed it. Thank you Anthony!
@Texasbluesalley Жыл бұрын
Glad it found a receptive ear.
@shanfaulkner5607 Жыл бұрын
I really appreciate you and respect you as a teacher
@Stratsrule Жыл бұрын
I love practicing every day!! I look so forward to it. I’m just a slight bit more than a basic beginner but when I put that axe in my hand I feel like Stevie lmao!! Ty so much for the awesome content!!
@JohnnyBargeldBoom Ай бұрын
Awesome Video! My favorite Videos of yours. Love it!
@PedroRAulLopezMacedo76 Жыл бұрын
Thank You Maestro for sharing your thoughts!!!
@michaelgreer4790 Жыл бұрын
Needed this. Thank you so much.
@TaxPayingContributor Жыл бұрын
Simple philosophy gleaned or reinforced from YT thumbnail alone. Worth the view. .
@anttiarokoski6255 Жыл бұрын
Thx for the great view!
@BradRocker Жыл бұрын
Excellent advice and experience.
@darklight4815 8 ай бұрын
Yeah there's a few lessons available online these days as opposed to learning from a cassette tape with a guy audibly telling you the tabs to the song with no booklet of any kind included.😂 ordered from guitar for the practicing musician magazine advertisement...and of course learning songs by ear from a tape or CD or straight from tabs in the magazine...I have the luxury of knowing life before the Internet and all it's struggles,and it's many advantages 🙏 ... anyway, practice your guitar!! And I need to do the same! Badly 😂😂
@CleanNOTSerene Жыл бұрын
The best thing I ever did was stop listening to Goggins and people like him. Started to practice self compassion, kindness love. The impact of it was profound.
@Texasbluesalley Жыл бұрын
I don't have anything against David, I think there are some people who NEED to be challenged like that because that's exactly what triggers them towards self-improvement. But I think it's important to realize that some people do not respond to that kind of motivation, and require something different in order to move in the same direction.
@CleanNOTSerene Жыл бұрын
@@Texasbluesalley I completely agree Anthony. For me he represents what I was raised with and giving that up was and is a long road. I like the expression of knowing when to give the carrot and the stick. Both have a place I just respond better to the carrot.
@dsvet Жыл бұрын
The explorer IS a warrior. Their warrior side is expressed in exploration. Elon Musk...explorer but a warrior. Impeccable work ethic and never gives up. Neil Armstrong.....explorer but also a warrior. Albert Einstein....explorer/warrior. Bruce Lee...explorer/warrior. Eddie Van Halen....explorer/warrior. Lewis and Clark...explorer/warrior. The list goes on and on..
@coketoke Жыл бұрын
Pois é meu velho, tocar guitarra não é apenas decorar licks, aprender músicas. Uma das partes mais fundamentais é essa, a mentalidade, tocar guitarra não é apenas apertar um pedaço de pau com cordas, é aprender como viver a vida....
@coketoke Жыл бұрын
Exactly my friend, playing the guitar is not just memorizing licks, learning songs. One of the most fundamental parts is this, the mindset, playing the guitar is not just squeezing a stick with strings, it is learning to live life.... Não sei se está correta está tradução feita pelo Google tradutor kkkkkkk mas imagino que você vai me entender... Um abraço aqui do Brasil e meu sincero respeito pelo seu trabalho, você me ajudou a entender bastante sobre como a guitarra funciona
@manyvibes1540 10 ай бұрын
@andyhuckleberrywilliamsoni3873 Жыл бұрын
Subtitle please :)
@Texasbluesalley Жыл бұрын
Working on it.
@Texasbluesalley Жыл бұрын
Should be ready now.
@andyhuckleberrywilliamsoni3873 Жыл бұрын
@@Texasbluesalley Grazie :)
@andyhuckleberrywilliamsoni3873 Жыл бұрын
@@Texasbluesalley Ottimo video, sono d'accordo su tutto
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