The problem is that a majority of people are not educated about nutrition. That’s why there is an obesity epidemic all around the world. Metabolic diseases are becoming more common. Children are becoming obese and it’s so sad. The standard American diet is making us all sick because it’s convenient and many people don’t know better or they are addicted to these foods. I’ve changed my diet along with my family’s diet to a mainly Whole Foods diet. We eat Whole Foods about 90% of the time. There are times when we’ll have a treat like chocolate or some ice cream. I’ve cut out all cereals a long time ago because I consider it fake food that has really no nutritional value and it will spike your blood sugar because it’s nothing but refined carbs and sugars. In my opinion, many people just don’t care about their health so they will eat what tastes good to them and the nutritional value won’t matter. Kudos for trying to make people more aware of what they put in their bodies.
@theeholistichunny Жыл бұрын
💯 and thank you for this comment! I am definitely also moving into a Whole Foods diet and encouraging my family to do this as well. We have so many of these diseases and illnesses in my family and I’m saying enough is enough! I’m currently working on a documentary about this very topic, and comments like this encourages me to keep going 💛