美国研究发现社会层次越高情商越低。比尔盖茨就是个例子。他可以对社会关心,但不懂照顾自己周围的人。巴菲特也是,与自己下属和家人没有话说。刘邦,朱元璋,成吉思汗,都有同样问题,不懂得照顾朋友和亲人的情绪。 A series of studies published in Social Psychological and Personality Science found that people of higher socioeconomic status (SES) score consistently lower on tests of emotional intelligence, especially when they perceive high levels of inequality in their community. The researchers suggest that high SES and high subjective inequality promotes increased self-focus and less motivation to attend to others’ emotions.
That’s the most rewarding part of being host. To be able to really listen what other people are input are in a respectful kind of way. Of course, a high quality social ability can sometimes put you into a great position where you can easily be the center of everybody’s attention. But, one thing we should all remember carefully is that Don’t dancing around with people too much, Just be yourself, do whatever you think that would feel comfortable with! Everyone who’ll always work hard and fight for better life should all be well-treated. That’s more important than anything else.