Young Korean boys riding a Japanese Shinkansen for the first time were surprised...

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Alive Korea Japan IKITERU TV

Alive Korea Japan IKITERU TV

Күн бұрын

#korea #japan #Travel
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Would you like to enjoy Korea and Japan together?🌈
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Пікірлер: 973
@john_kun Жыл бұрын
韓国人として思う新幹線の凄さは 1. 1960年代に作られたことにびっくり 2. 早すぎる 3. にもかかわらず静かで揺れない 4. 日本どこにも行けるほど便利  本当ににほんの技術を尊敬します!!
@なおこ-u9r Жыл бұрын
@biwaho_si9938 Жыл бұрын
開通は 1964年(昭和39年)ですね。 西暦とごっちゃになっちゃいましたね😅 私もたまにありますw
@なおこ-u9r Жыл бұрын
そうゆうことですね⤴️わかります 今って令和何年?ってわからなくなるしね
@松井つね子 Жыл бұрын
お弁当を見てたら、私まで一緒に、ワクワクしちゃう!イキテルさん、 ありがとうございます。 韓国の青年、好印象!
@biwaho_si9938 Жыл бұрын
@@示右代 自分と同じだけ歳を重ねた何かがあるって、時間が経過して初めてその感慨深さを知るのでしょうね😌✨
@keast5321 Жыл бұрын
@ersk8k Жыл бұрын
@チビまる-k5m Жыл бұрын
@ShiotaniKouji Жыл бұрын
@minami8885 Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,... the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro
@空野星-z9i Жыл бұрын
@空野星-z9i Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,... the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro
@空野星-z9i 4 ай бұрын
@@erimaiami3255 青年たちですが、はしゃいで喜んででいる姿が60代の私から見たら少年のように感じたという意味です。表現が間違えてたらごめんなさい🙏
@ysdyk07 Жыл бұрын
@swan59661 Жыл бұрын
本当にそれです! ありがとうございます❤
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,... the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro
@AssassinZero00 Жыл бұрын
@こにたん-j9q Жыл бұрын
二人がキラキラした目で感動を伝えてくれるので、日本人の自分には当たり前すぎて忘れてた、日本の良さに気付かせて貰ってます。 イキテルさん、そして二人にはもっと日本を楽しんでもらいたいと思います😊
@ゆきやこんこん-v3s Жыл бұрын
@巣山明美 Жыл бұрын
そりゃーただで遊ばせもらっているんだから楽しいでしょ!おいしい物食べて 私だってただで韓国遊ばせもらえるんならこのくらい言えますよ!ワ~おいしいワ~キレイ! イキテル氏はこのチャンネルであなたみたいな純粋な日本人を取り込んで収入をえているんです!このチャンネル韓国でも出しているのかな?
@minami8885 Жыл бұрын
@@巣山明美 なんでそんな嫌味なこと言うんだろう??
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,... the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro
@no.8773 Жыл бұрын
@konakona2004 Жыл бұрын
北陸新幹線みたいですね 目的地は何処なんでしょう? ワクワクします😄
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,... the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro
@柴わんこ-i7r Жыл бұрын
新幹線を見て子供の様に喜んでいるのが可愛いです♡ 素敵な旅を!
@meecoo9239 Жыл бұрын
@みえ-j8c Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,... the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro
@パンのトラ Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,,,
@アイスマン-s6h Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,,,
@moco88bearspeel84 Жыл бұрын
新幹線の内部の設備に感動してウルウルしてるのを見て 私たちが日常的に見慣れていることにまで心を寄せてくださるところが本当にピュアだなぁと思いました。 細かいところまで日本を誉めてくださってありがとうございます!良い新幹線の旅になりますように❤️
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,... the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro
@黄色いS14 Жыл бұрын
途中インソ君が点字案内をみて涙ぐんでる姿に感動した。 君たちが韓国で日本の事どんな報道され、日本についてどんな教育を受けたか我々日本人はしらないけど、いたるところにハングルで説明書いてあったのは君たち韓国人が困らない様に快適に旅ができるようになんだよ。日本人は君たちに日本を知ってもらいたいと思っているんだよ。 あなたたち韓国人に恨みや憎しみなど一切ないんだよ。 あるのはただ一つ。遠いところ来てくれてありがとう。世界中どこでも行けるのに日本を選んでくれてありがとう という「感謝」だけなんだよ。 2度も来てくれて、親友まで連れて来てくれてありがとう。
@緑ちゃん-z7h Жыл бұрын
@non5675 Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,... the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro
@wisky446 Жыл бұрын
当たり前、普通だと思っていた事にこれほど感動してくれる二人に改めて日本の良さを感じさせてもらいました。 日本に来てくれてありがとう 感謝します。
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,,,
@youichikato5684 Жыл бұрын
二人の感想が、「新幹線カッコいい」「速い!」 じゃなくて、内装設備に興味深く語って「見習うべきだ」とおっしゃっていたのが印象的ですね👍
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,... the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro
@ama-kawa-4353 Жыл бұрын
日本も韓国も男の子は電車、新幹線で大はしゃぎですね😊 新幹線の点字やキレイさに感動しているのを見て、ちょっと日本人として誇らしくもあり、これが当たり前では無い感謝すべき事なんだって学ばせてもらいました。 新幹線の旅楽しんでくださいね😊
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,,,
@おと-u3e Жыл бұрын
インソくんはとても天真爛漫に見えるけど、実はヒョンチャンくんやイキテルさんのことを細かく気遣ってるのがよく分かります。前回のパンの動でもそう感じました。優しい人だと思いました。 ヒョンチャンくんも、とても奥ゆかしい感性の持ち主だなと思いました。感受性が強くて、きっと多くは語らないけど心のなかでいろんなことを感じて考えてるんだろうなと思いました。2人とも素敵ですね✨
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,......
@user-dq5nw1sb6k Жыл бұрын
清掃員の方達がホームに立って待っているのは「新幹線が到着したら1秒でも早く列車に乗り込んで次の出発までに清掃を完璧に終わらせるため」です(あまりにも完璧で早い清掃が世界的に有名で何度も海外メディアで取り上げられています)。 それからホームで立っている状態はイキテルさんが仰るように「休憩している」訳では決してなく、「待機」と言って「準備を整えて機会がくるのを待っている(いつでも仕事に取りかかれるよう気を張っている)」=「立派な仕事中」の状態なんです。 皆さんが感動していた「新幹線の中がどこも綺麗」なのはこの清掃員の方達の努力の賜物なんです😊
@ersk8k Жыл бұрын
何処も清潔さが保たれているのは その様な方々のお陰ですね😊 イキテルさんにも気づいて、知って欲しいですね。
@missanine9543 Жыл бұрын
めちゃくちゃはしゃいでるのあまりに可愛すぎる…👼🧡 そして思慮深くなんて良い子達…
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,,,
@みつこ-b2l Жыл бұрын
@るこ-y8i Жыл бұрын
@mafuku5313 Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,... the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro
@user-we5tm Жыл бұрын
新幹線の鼻先が長いのは、トンネルを抜ける時の風圧を軽減する為に考案されたと聞きました。 大変な試行錯誤の末だそうです。 JRの方々の苦労の賜物ですね🙏 旅を楽しんでくださいね🎵
@ersk8k Жыл бұрын
新幹線を今日まで技術向上に向けて来た 日本人に脱帽です。 また、駅周辺、車内を掃除なさる方々にも感謝です🙏
@かおるん-m2q Жыл бұрын
日本人が、忘れかけてた 日本の良さを、再認識しました それも、純粋な2人の若者のおかげです
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,,,
@naoraru Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,,,
@nic6327 Жыл бұрын
仕事で月に何度か新幹線を利用しているけど、当たり前と思っていることが他国の人からすると驚きなんだということに驚きます。 若い彼等の素直な感想が、日本の色々を再発見させてくれます。
@ersk8k Жыл бұрын
海外の方々が日本の新幹線と共に各駅の駅員さん、 添乗員さんの礼儀正しさ、細やかな親切と思いやりに 驚かれて感激されてるコメントを見ると 私の方が驚きます。へぇ~~!日本に住んで当然と 思っている事が当たり前ではないのねと感じて 感謝の気持ちが深くなりました😍 世界に類を見ない技術、おもてなしは、 その様な日本の方々で成り立っているのですね😊
@megu6343 Жыл бұрын
子供みたいにはしゃいでる3人が可愛いです😊 日本に来てくれて、こんなに喜んでくれて嬉しく思います😊
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,,,
@hugshiomi3940 Жыл бұрын
感じがいい青年で気分が良いです😊 ゆっくり日本を楽しんでくださいね✨
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,,,
@lovelylovely888 Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,......
@ぷりん-u3d Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,......
@tanu2264 Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,......
@あんみん-h8s Жыл бұрын
@市川とき恵 Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,,,
@グッチ-b3e Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,... the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro
@nishi0325 Жыл бұрын
@鳥類 Жыл бұрын
@鴨田幸子-f5g 11 ай бұрын
@渡邉利幸 11 ай бұрын
@くっくる-t3r Жыл бұрын
@hieko9763 Жыл бұрын
後輩達のワクワク ドキドキが止まらない 姿がとってもかわいい〜。 旅はこうでなくっちゃね〜😊
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,,,
@tarinchan7744 Жыл бұрын
若いお二人の驚く笑顔がとっても素敵ですね。日本の良い所を再確認させていただいてる気分です。 どうか道中お気をつけてこれからも楽しんでください。 あ~新幹線で旅がしたくなりました(^^)/
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,,,
@もこ-z1m Жыл бұрын
いつも楽しく拝見しています。田舎者なので、私も日本の色々な事を教えて頂いてます。 このお2人は、笑顔がとても素敵ですね。
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,......
@josh.matthew Жыл бұрын
観ているとなんだか感動します。 私たちも毎日を彼らのように感動し感謝しながら過ごさなければと思わされました。 ありがとうございます。
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,......
@1112-v4o Жыл бұрын
2人とも本当に素直で可愛くて、見てるこちらも幸せな気持ちになれますね🥰 インソくん話せる日本語がどんどん増えてるし、ヒョンチャンくんも日を追うごとに色んな感想を話してくれてとても嬉しいです😂 ずっと日本にいて欲しい2人ですね😁
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,......
@楯秀子-t9k Жыл бұрын
どうしたら、こんなに好奇心旺盛の健やかな青年が育てられるの? 行動力あって良いですね。 ただただ、可愛い好青年。
@takumamiki8883 Жыл бұрын
🚅『駅弁』って開けた瞬間に何故かワクワクするんだよね🚅 お世辞半分としても、二人にこれだけ喜んで貰えると嬉しいですm(_ _)m👍 旅先案内人のIKITERUさんに感謝だね😂 安全に良い旅を続けてください🧳
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,......
@taetaetae3 Жыл бұрын
おふたりの反応が可愛いすぎで何度も観てしまいます😆 私たち日本人にとってはごく当たり前のことが、彼らのおかげで、日本の技術やサービスがいかに素晴らしいものなのかを改めて知ることが出来ました。日本の旅を楽しんでくれてありがとうございます✨
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,,,
@ersk8k Жыл бұрын
わ~~😄昨日、お2人が新幹線に乗ったら喜ぶだろうなぁ・・・と 漠然と思っていたら・・・😄😄😄 嬉しすぎてはしゃぐ姿がとっても微笑ましいです。 この数年の間、新幹線の技術の向上の早さに 驚きます。今や世界中の注目の的!新幹線! ワクワク♪ドキドキ♪ですね😆
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,....
@グッチ-b3e Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,....
@mistumichibata7873 Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,......
@fab4beatlesbk1 5 ай бұрын
@sasiko1257 Жыл бұрын
@ひろさん-d4e Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,......
@Short_Hope Жыл бұрын
日本にこれほど好意を示して貰えるのはうれしいです。見ているともっともっと 楽しんでほしい、たくさんの感動と、好意を持ち続けて欲しいと願います。👍
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,,,
@まなみ4529 Жыл бұрын
新幹線見てはしゃぐ2人は5歳の孫と一緒😂 動き出した瞬間大声出しそうなのをおさえるインソくん可愛い😊
@岩城安子 Жыл бұрын
@春の向日葵 Жыл бұрын
@アルヘンティーノドゴ Жыл бұрын
テグさんも夢の中にいるようだと仰っていましたね。最初の帰国の時は失恋でもしたかのように帰っていかれたのを思い出しました。 このお二人には楽しい夢でありますように😊
@nagasakiraimu Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,....
@剛吉蛭子 Ай бұрын
@戸井田恵二朗 Жыл бұрын
@nagasaki439 Жыл бұрын
東北新幹線を見た瞬間のリアクションが素晴らしい! 動画視てる方も思わず同じリアクションしてしまいました。
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,....
@よこちん-b8q Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,....
@雪-m8f Жыл бұрын
新幹線を見て無邪気に喜んでいるのがかわいいです😊 韓国の素直な後輩くん達日本を楽しんでくれてありがとう。
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,......
@Kココア-q1h Жыл бұрын
いつも拝見しています😊 日本を楽しんで頂けて嬉しいです❤
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,....
@vivianmansion Жыл бұрын
@High1957 Жыл бұрын
@ブン太のかぁちゃん Жыл бұрын
来たときは前回よりもすっかり大人っぽくなったと思っていましたが、新幹線にはしゃぐ姿がほんとに可愛らしいですね。 ほんとはもっと大声だして喜びたいのでしょうが、周りを気にして思わず声をひそめるところがなんとも 今回も笑わせていただきました😂
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,......
@マリリン1988 Жыл бұрын
新幹線🚄に乗る前からテンションMAXで ホームでもキラキラ笑顔満点🤭  新幹線を見てはしゃぐ様子は少年の様でホントに乗れてよかったですね😊
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,......
@yukari6393 Жыл бұрын
私は新幹線1度しか乗ったことがないのでまた乗って駅弁食べながら旅行したくなりました😊 子どもみたいに喜んでる2人可愛いです💕
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,....
@Nonta-z4i Жыл бұрын
点字の案内箇所を見て うるっときたなんて いい子なんだなーと思いました
@mayumitamura1839 10 ай бұрын
私たちが当たり前に感じていたことを、素直に表現してくれている。感受性の豊かさを彼らに感じてとても嬉しいです。 彼らのおかげで、また、自国の全てに感謝を感じています😊 감사합니다🙏
@user-hx6zx7mc1n Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,......
@ryu_yamayama Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,....
@ひろよん-m5z Жыл бұрын
@fromhome0606 Жыл бұрын
可愛いすぎます😂 こんなに純粋な20代の男の子がいるなんて、癒されます😊 日本で暮らしませんかぁ😊
@cocho4673 Жыл бұрын
@kumik.7783 Жыл бұрын
@ayuloverabbits Жыл бұрын
インソ君の素敵な語録が次々と。「うますぎてイライラする(眉間のシワw)」 「自然を眺めながらのお弁当、絵の中にいるよう」 「夢の中にまた夢を見てるよう」 …とても感性が豊かですね✨☺ ヒョチャン君も、目を輝かせてこぼれる笑顔✨👍新幹線体験のワクワクが伝わります🎵☺来日当初の緊張感もほぐれて来てますよね。東北に向かうとの事で…どこにたどり着くんでしょうか?見ているこちらもワクワクします❣😆
@rurutaro8541 Жыл бұрын
@Chie3462 Жыл бұрын
@アカネ-t1k Жыл бұрын
お二人を見るとほんとに楽しそうで少年みたい 感受性豊かで素敵なコメントばかり 駅弁を見てアパートみたいってかわいい😊楽しい旅続けてね
@SKR10-Tsukino_Mori.Pf. Жыл бұрын
@みつこ-b2l Жыл бұрын
@yo-yuyu Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,......
@kayu2896 Жыл бұрын
神回っていえるくらい、ニコニコしながら拝見しました。 日々感謝しないと。。。
@ミヱ子樋口 5 ай бұрын
こんなに喜んでもらえて日本人としてとても嬉しいです😂 私も新幹線すきです❤
@YH-sb9se Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,,,
@sf80809 Жыл бұрын
@料理人むら Жыл бұрын
@mitue557 Жыл бұрын
@みっきー-x3j Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,......
@sbow3 Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,......
@くんちゃん-r7n Жыл бұрын
@みちちび-l9e Жыл бұрын
このお二人が本当に純粋で素直で感情をストレートに表してくれて、 それでいて言葉も丁寧で嬉しくなりました。 青年ですが、まるで少年の様な反応が可愛らしいです😊 韓国の人のイメージが少し変わりました!
@tachio308 Жыл бұрын
@hitomi5913 Жыл бұрын
インソくんがイキテルさんに「ドキドキですか」って言った表情が 可愛かった!改めて観て笑顔にさせてくれる動画です😊
@オテンバまる Жыл бұрын
新幹線に夢中になっているインソさんとヒョチャンさん 子供のように無邪気に喜んでくれていて日本人として本当に嬉しいです😂 余談ですが イキテルさんの動画を楽しみにしている私には常に20:30~21:00頃に更新されているのがとても律儀な方に思えます👍️
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,......
@みょんみょん-z2f Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,......
@limone3597 Жыл бұрын
インソ君、ヒョチャン君、日本いっぱい楽しんでね❤ ヒョチャン君の笑顔に癒される〜。インソ君も可愛い😊
@ponyo0202 Жыл бұрын
こんなに日本の新幹線そして当たり前と思っていた事一つ一つに感動してもらえて、こちらが改めて『なるほど』と、思わされてます。当たり前は当たり前ではないのですね。 イキテルさんの後輩は皆さん本当に素直で良い人たちばかり。 観ていて微笑ましいし、応援したくなります😊
@MKi-sp4kj Жыл бұрын
本当に素晴らしい!日本人なのに、まだまだ知らない素敵な日本をいっぱい見せていただいてありがとうございます❤ 一杯日本を楽しんでくださいね😊
@kanchanwa9sai Жыл бұрын
@pirika5494 Жыл бұрын
新幹線🚅であんなに、喜んでテンション爆発気味のインソ君ヒヨチャン君、嬉しいですね🤗🤗 お2人が、日本の細かな所を学ぶべきとおっしゃってくれて、とても嬉しくなりました☺️👍 沢山楽しんで思い出を作って下さいませ🚄🤗🤗
@さとこ-x5q Жыл бұрын
@ToriAkino Жыл бұрын
@kaede_no_ringoame Жыл бұрын
@ocshaljufrian6109 Жыл бұрын
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,,,, the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro,...Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,...the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, to lembang is Ciwidey ,thank you sis and bro,,......
@山下智吉 Жыл бұрын
@pirika5494 Жыл бұрын
何回見てもほんまに楽しい動画です🤔🤗インソ君のホームに上がった時のハヤブサを初めて見たリアクションが、楽しくて繰り返し見てます🤗🤗 楽しいですね🚄🚅☺️🤗 インソ君とヒョチャンさんが日本良いところ、細やかな配慮に感心するとちょっとうるっときたと、自分達こそ見習わないと〜っと教えられました イキテルさんやインソ君方に、感謝します🙇
@pirika5494 Жыл бұрын
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