Young Winnipeg woman fights to escape her family’s horrifying history with landfills

  Рет қаралды 5,825

CBC Manitoba

CBC Manitoba

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For months Cambria Harris, 22, has been fighting for a search of Prairie Green landfill, just outside Winnipeg, where it's believed her mother's remains were dumped last year. CBC News spent time with Harris as she discovered a painful family history with landfills - and pushed governments to approve a search for her mother’s remains.

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@marjo7492 Жыл бұрын
Cambria- Keep pushing for justice, but also for reconciliation and forgiveness from all involved. Every person is given the gift of life and when it is stolen from us, our loved ones require compassion and love in their search for justice. ALL WOMEN ARE PEIPLE! We do not have to beg for our humanity. Silencing women is not the answer.
@LincolnJamesHeathrowIII 6 ай бұрын
I wish you the best young lady.
@jpcooler 3 ай бұрын
She mentions her mom being forced off the reserve, but does not mention who did this? Lots of general statement's with very few details?
@canuckfan1745 3 ай бұрын
probably by the government. Who else u weentdugguy! lol
@marykay8587 8 күн бұрын
you mean who forced her off the reserve? It would most likely be the band counsel
@yvonnejohnson4325 7 күн бұрын
Why don t you ask her your self, if you are asking from that view point. Why is it you can not do your own research of known and proven facts.
@peterbird3932 3 күн бұрын
I'm surprised CBC didn't turn off comments like they usually do.
@Laceylove-w6k Ай бұрын
I'd like to see this land owned by the natives and them taking care of this themselves since the government don't wanna get involved
@yvonnejohnson7557 3 ай бұрын
They should never dump such stuff in a land fill to begin with. this is used as a dumping place for things that should be turned into composted, the very agencies who dumped such stuff in the dump should pay for clean up of what they say is there> Get them to come and take their waste and get rid of it in a healthy environmentaly acceptabel way. If they can not distinguse between human bones and of animals, animals should be recycealed via compost not dumped here, nor all the other invirmental waste as aspesstise, who dumped it there should also be charged for removeal and getting rid of it in a proper way. Get all of them involved and part of the clean up as you seek to find? But it is the old adidge oh is is just indans who cares we ll we all do as all us natives know this. Just tired of the race hate that comes into play when dealing with native persons.
@yvonnejohnson4325 7 күн бұрын
I just stated that victim's of crime controlled by Conserve Party and the justice system has 500 million in surplus's, they can take that in representing the victim's and go in and do a clean up and find the bodies of the victim's they know are there. The current Consertive Party knows of this funds and want to divert it to places in which they suggest and yet not towards the case of these women and their families and the community at large, they want to cover it up promote hate and separation instead of representing the victim's in this case, as even the toxic mess they allowed, and saying they can do nothing because of it, well is not all victim's for them allowing such posins deposited there instead of disposing of it in a way that would not effect the environments as a heath hazards, yet they still allow dumping and other to go in there and be espouse as the dump workers and other that go in and out of there not o mention it shall still be there after the dump stops being its self it just sits their as a eternal grave for the victim's of this crime, go after the millions in surplus in victim's of crime and clean it up and find the victims, and the victim's still alive and suffering because of their neglect.
@lindaestrada7047 5 ай бұрын
This young lady is a beautiful soul as were her mom, grandmother and all families. Why are the Police allowing people to treat these women like that we are in 2024. No one should ever take there children help , teach them parenting, assist with stable shealter, food. No one should ever take there children so they are raped. What kind of world allows women not free to walk without fear. Security cameras need to be placed all people should be looking out for one another. This young lady wants her mom back to properly buried, etc . Why is Winnipeg so behind in times, Thur all these stories I have yet to see anyone held accountable for the women’s bodies found. These people were here long before the white people, so why are they so under value. I’m so sick to my stomach. All women should be pissed and want to help by posting day one on social media, sending pepper spray, teach self defense, issue phones to all women with tracking device it doesn’t matter if they do drugs, poor, teach help them. This young lady should be applauded and God help them all.
3 ай бұрын
Keep blaming it on the White Man,what else is new,never ends,always someone elses fault.
@d102y 2 ай бұрын
I wonder if she will assist in the digging?
@Peterhenders 2 ай бұрын
She has gone through enough trauma.
@marykay8587 8 күн бұрын
She wouldnt be allowed due to the asbestos
@yvonnejohnson4325 7 күн бұрын
What a dense stupid thing to suggest, what is wrong with you, but sadly you are one of many, who do not help, but instead promote hate and indiffence, I can suggest as they had suggested let and assist the natives give them the tools and I beat they would find them. But you know the goverment dose not do this, as they denie native peopels the access and ability to find their dead.
@traylong 5 ай бұрын
While I sympathize with this family, I do not support the "search the landfill" movement. 84+ million of dollars could be better spent to support 100s of living Indigenous families who are desperate and struggling to survive. I am an Indigenous woman.
@Poppagee69 3 ай бұрын
Sadly I am a white person who knew Morgans family and I know if one white woman was in that landfill site Canadian government would either spend billions to recover the body ar make it commemorative memorial site with great grandeur in the persons memory to never be forgotten.
@traylong 3 ай бұрын
@@Poppagee69 regardlesss I stand by my statement, too many struggling Indigenous families vs three families. They are likely never going to recover these bodies regardless of expense, but this funding could help living Indigenous women and children.
@yvonnejohnson7557 3 ай бұрын
There is a point in law that states you need a body for a death offence here in Canada. Let's talk about the cost of the courts towards the man arrested for their murders. This leaves it up to the crown to gather evidence that is acceptable in a court of law, to prove there was a death with out a body? Like in every court it seems against men who kill native women either walk or get released, because the police do not do their full and complete investigations, and usually all reconstructed it to suit their prepose, to lead to a conviction, mean while they negate all other evidence, front line police should only arrest not investigate or pick and choose who gets charged and who dose not even before they do a cheap job of investigating. Just the unfair justice system. It is just us and f the rest it seems. So are you willing to let these killers of native woman walk, so they can go on doing what they do, creating more victims.
@traylong 2 ай бұрын
@@yvonnejohnson7557 Why would I want any killers of our communities women walk, just because I oppose spending millions on finding 4 dead bodies when that money could help 1000s of living people. The only way he's getting off is if he is deemed mentally ill, which we all know is BS. There is enough evidence, witness statements, and his own confession, without a bodies, for him to be locked up for a long time if he is found sane The final verdict will be delivered, with or without finding any of the deseased. Yes I agree the justice system is flawed, but that has nothing to do with my oritinal post of opposing spending millions on a search that is only going to benefit 3-4 families.
@traylong 2 ай бұрын
@@yvonnejohnson7557 he was convicted, and is likely never getting out of jail. And there is no death sentence in Canada. Likely he will be k!ll2d in MB prision since there are many Indigenous gangs who have a target on his head.
@jeffspicolli593 7 ай бұрын
I'm not sure why authourities won't let the Natives sign an agreement to absolve the City of liability and let them search the landfill if that will make them happy.
@malamute11 4 ай бұрын
Let them pay for their own asbestos and trash protection.
@jpcooler 3 ай бұрын
City of winnipeg has nothing to do with that landfill, it outside the city and owned by private company,
@yvonnejohnson4325 7 күн бұрын
Do you actually hear what you your self just stated????? Why should the government be absolved of their responsibilities to the public will, as this is why native are side aside and always have been as person as you and your inept power of thought and emotions, why do you ask natives once again to be absolved of any reasonability's to peoples in the free world and specifically as you said the native peoples. Victim's of crime state they have a 500 million surplus in funds and want to use it to prop up the mentoring of peoples, instead of giving the 500 million to go towards victim' to find the very bodies of victim's they know are there, but no victim's of crime shall not do it, they just pocket all this cash and divert it via the Conserve Party. They state it is a health hazards, and dumping fields for toxic waste, they should take that millions of surplus and go and do a clean up and as they do so also search for the bodies, as they say it is to toxic and yet persons still being espoused to this and they still dumping, are not all of society and the very future in jepertey of this toxic mess, be the true representations of victim's of crime and choose to do the right thing and spend this funds sitting in victums of crime and put it to work towards cleaning up a governmental toxic mess for the future health of persons, victums of crime need to step up here and do the right thing, use the funds they got stocked piled and placed it two fold, one to clean up this toxic mess and two find the bodies of the victums you know are there.
@kristin830 Жыл бұрын
@canuckfan1745 3 ай бұрын
im 1st nations. sad that our MMIWG r still missing or even murdered. but lets get real here, most these cases r committed by our own native ppl, and theres more white women that are missing also.
@yvonnejohnson7557 3 ай бұрын
Your not first nations, as what you say, is not true, and secondly you say what none natives say about natives. The things that you state have already been proven as in correct. Why would victim's have to prove who assaults them and yet even when we do nothing get's done. States arrests with convictions say other words, but also include in this that many who do go to court as victim's the perp usually and most often times walk. As well their is more family violence and deaths regarding none natives who try to live bad homes and relationships. Why do you throw in the fact of making comparisons????? I knew of a case where a police officer was reported by his wife that he abused his wife and children, he used his connection's to intimidate the ex, forced visits with the children who were afraid of him. He had a women he was messing around with while still doing all this to his kids and child. He got the ability to have the child, soon after the police was arrested and the woman with him for tying the boy child to the bed and take turns as each abused the boy child sexually and in all other ways and means. This was the same officer who was dealing with crimes against victim's as he him self was found to be one. Both him and the woman did get a sentence of less than two years. But what of the child, what of the ex wife. The cop had it made he went into PC and was out in less than 10 months, maybe even less since point of arrest, but he got bail and still they took into consideratio point of arrest as time served, look at the cost of all that. But they were not murdered or missing and they were not native.
@canuckfan1745 3 ай бұрын
u dont even know me so how do u know if im not 1st nations? huh weentdugguy, tanteh ohci-kiya? ​@@yvonnejohnson7557
@d102y 2 ай бұрын
@@canuckfan1745 you are totally correct. Nice to see the truth from an indigenous person.
@marykay8587 8 күн бұрын
Unfortunatly, out of 1 in 10 Indigenous women go missing yet out 1 out of 20 non Indigenous go missing, putting them side by side, yes it appears more white women go missing but if you look a bit deeper you see theres quite a difference
@yvonnejohnson4325 7 күн бұрын
@@marykay8587 I think there is a ig difference if you also consider how death occurs, look at the man who killed this women mother and others, than claim he had mental illness, as all raciest suffer from mental illness in its self but this fact was not considered. look at the dereference in how they are found murdered and the complete violence that went into her death, you can not just compere body count as you stated. Look at the few cases of men who are native woman serial killers, you mention none native, well break that down further if you are comparing that to a national average, that in its self is scary as those women most likely were suffered only because of their woman's not because they were a easy minority. You can not compeer the two as this. Why would you even do so you are not doing any women any favor's in stating this to me it seems?
@ngafsince1995 11 ай бұрын
What a bias story, tell the whole story.
@cambriaharris7251 9 ай бұрын
Please tell us the whole story then since you seem to know it all 🙄
@cambriaharris7251 9 ай бұрын
Buddy must be obsessed with me he's under every video of me 🤣
@azalearose1917 7 ай бұрын
​@@cambriaharris7251 you are a complete bada ss and thank you and the group who exposed that demonic Marlboro hotel!
@d102y 7 ай бұрын
CBC never tells the whole story.
@yvonnejohnson7557 3 ай бұрын
WHAT, she did your a idiot. The other half of the story as you say, is there is a man arrested for their deaths, but with out bodies he ll walk.
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