我跟我老公就是异国恋呀,加拿大+中国,我们住加拿大。 我的感觉就是经常体验Culture Shock at home啊!我研究生是读Intercultural Communucation,所以当时就是抱着深入了解文化差异的心态去谈的这个恋爱,没想到都结婚了!我真的非常感同身受你们的经历,但谈异国恋确实是一定要open-minded,如果抱着批判的心态去谈是肯定没有好的结果的。 文化融合并不是说我要完全听你的或是你要完全听我的,而是双方在交流相处的过程中找到那个平衡点which works for both of you。 没有标准答案,就是体会和寻找!❤
我就是异国恋, 悲催了。和一个大男子主义的人。他最爱冷战。而我是一个很火热的人。真的很受折磨。所以我觉得你们很棒。不打冷战, 当天有事当天解决。Very impressed. You guys are awesome 👍
@luwang96726 жыл бұрын
男友澳洲人,我内蒙古的墨尔本上学,他朋友对他的评价就是egg,外表白人内心黄种人,哈哈哈,我的思想偏西方,也不计较鸡毛蒜皮的小事,我俩就相互包容理解互相尊重文化差异,不过感觉也没多大文化差异就是过的节日不同语言不同饮食不大一样但是他还挺喜欢中餐,很好的一点是我们有分歧只要我说的言之有理他就妥协,而且特别尊重我的想法,女生在他们眼里是平等的强大的不是你是女生就要柔弱,什么都跟我share,food and workload,快一年了今年年底跟我回内蒙过春节,三观一致,我从来都没想过要找个老外,但是却发生了,真的是两个人合得来能互补,恋爱无国界
I’m Chinese married to an Italian. We’re 14 year married and still very happy with each other, exactly like the love story in the fairytale. 💕 I have a tip for everyone that is to focus on doing what you guys are happy with. Something you both agree to do together. Therefore you will have no chance to get into arguments and conflicts. For example if he likes to watch action and you like to watch horror movies, in this situation if you force him to watch horror film he might feel lame and show you his long face. Therefore, choose comedy Jonny English instead, which nobody hates. You will enjoy an argument and conflicts free quality time sharing with each other. ❤️👍 Good luck to your foreign relationship!
My parents are ordinary Chinese and they never said love you or had any intimate actions in front of us. But I do enjoy saying I love you everyday and hug or kiss in public. And I think it is important to be patience if dating foreigners.
@lingyanpeng40876 жыл бұрын
首先不得不说你们的中文真的讲得好好呀! 我在上大学,去年参加学校一个赴美带薪的项目,谈了一段异国恋,他人是罗马尼亚的。一年过去了,我们现在也还有联系。对于我们来说,最大的烦恼就是距离,因为我们都还是学生,没有很多收入来源,见一面非常不容易。我们也有你们视频中说过那个l love you的问题。虽然他是欧洲的,但是他不会每天都说一句l love you,而且有时候我想让他说他都会拒绝,因为他觉得要等到那种感觉真正来了说得才有意义,有的时候我会觉得他太固执死板了,但是可能也是一些文化和个性的差异。
@shanshanchen32705 жыл бұрын
@lannylambert13346 жыл бұрын
@leannelee34976 жыл бұрын
Lanny Lambert 穿西装的男生是Gay吗?好伤心😭
@lannylambert13346 жыл бұрын
有啥好伤心的啊 他是不是都不影响我喜欢他啊~
@veraliu3446 жыл бұрын
I met my boyfriend when I came to the US for graduate school, and we have been together for almost a year and a half. But sometimes I feel like it’s hard for us to have some more in-depth conversation. My English is kind of at a business proficiency level, so it’s totally fine when we are talking about work or other more general things,but that’s just not enough sometimes. I don’t get a lot of jokes, I’m not a big fan of sports, when we hang out with his friends I feel like I’m totally a outsider because I just can’t get a lot of thing... we are thinking about coming back to China this fall but he can’t speak any Chinese at all, I don’t know how he is gonna communicate with my parents. And also the US media talks about a lot of negative things about China so I feel like he always looks at China and Chinese people in a critical way, which makes me uncomfortable sometimes... Different country love is so hard...
@lil_loaf0056 жыл бұрын
Vera Liu 乐观一点 中国人要更有自信
@yd46615 жыл бұрын
@haleygu57115 жыл бұрын
Just say out what you worry about to him! (Not mean to have a fight.) When he really loves you, he will do some changes for you. If he won't, just let yourself think about whether it worths or not to maintain this relationship further.
@bennyton25605 жыл бұрын
If you're not ok with what he thinks of China, tell him, debunk the myth. Otherwise you'll feel bitter and the imbalance starts there
@yuouyang42075 жыл бұрын
Even you have a Chinese boyfriend, you might not have common topics with his friends, you might still an outsider somehow.
zhiyue Ou 即将去英国的我瑟瑟发抖。 不是什么时候你都friendly就万事大吉了的。 所以在国外靠自己学好了回到国内找外国男女朋友吧
@Zhangkeer65 жыл бұрын
Alice with English Tea hhhh 脸皮厚点啊, 不要怕出错, 你如果真想找一开始讲得不好也没事。
@karad.24735 жыл бұрын
@jacobwang7115 жыл бұрын
@kateclory48036 жыл бұрын
so real, I married a Finnish guy for 8 years already, we never had that kind of problem, but I want to advance you guys, language is really really very important 😃
@valtym-ns25815 жыл бұрын
omg this is so true... when i speak my mother tongue, i have diff personality that only local people would understand, great content btw :)
想说我好热 我说:im so hot 对方:(知道我说的意思)hhhhh so confidence
@mcy29905 жыл бұрын
@maftyc97186 жыл бұрын
@selachao6 жыл бұрын
哇, 你們成精了. 也該感謝那些和你們在一起過的人們.
@huiyeelim956 жыл бұрын
Good job! What you guys shared are so on point! To excel in a relationship for 2 people coming from totally different countries, cultures, languages, food, thinking are not easy. Tolerance is crucial here but most importantly, two people must be able to communicate well with each other. They must be able to tell each other what's on their mind and perhaps from there, they can find a solution to the problem. This is my third year studying in Australia, and I experienced different cultures here with an open heart. A concrete example is the study environment here, during lectures and tutorials, students will anticipate and answer questions being asked regardless of the accuracy of the answer. I found out that students from the Asian countries are mostly shy and barely participate in discussion.
@orangeflowerlove6 жыл бұрын
我和天天好像啊,我也是来欧洲之后才有的男朋友,所以完全没有same country love(哈哈哈哈)。现在的男朋友是法国人,在一起四年啦,刚认识的时候他英语超级差,因为他当时觉得不会离开法国所以为什么要学英语(“法国是最好的”)。我搬到巴黎后觉得有文化差异,因为法国人真的很一言难尽,但是在家和我男朋友没有文化差异,因为我们俩的笑点是一致的,爱好也一样(看电影打游戏),所以我觉得,相比起性格和三观的合适,文化差异算是一个appetizer吧。
@xiaogeliu79136 жыл бұрын
M Moonchie 完全赞同。我和我西班牙男友交往久了,会忘记他是哪个国籍,他就是他,一个独立的人格。刚开始觉得他和其他西班牙人不太一样,后来一想为什么一要贴标签下定论呢
@Dara-gf1xs6 жыл бұрын
我也是没有same country love。到英国读master的时候遇到现在这个男友,我第一次恋爱。我们的经历、背景差异悬殊,刚开始我对这段在我观念里破天荒的感情有无数次的内心纠结。即便如此,我们有相同的价值观、家庭观以及对对方愈加深刻的爱,各种差异的影响越来越小,我也没再把他当作“外国人”“差别很多的人”。每个人都是独立而有区别的个体,无法用种族、国籍、年龄或其他因素来笼统地定义。
Opening your heart and you mind, I totally agree! yet most people get in a relationship with a foreigner only expecting this person is going to become a place holder for the laowai category they have in their minds. It takes real time and effort to know each other as people (not just as natinalities) AND if you're not willing to negotiate your differences/personal views you should definitely steer away from an international relationship.
@bethelcuires80036 жыл бұрын
"最完美的戀愛是對方的父母早就不在了"? 我不是亞洲人, 也不喜歡去處理或見對方的父母; 但如果我的 potential 男/女朋友這麼隨意就可以講什麼 "最完美的... 父母早就不在了" 之類的話的話, 這種人也馬上就會 out of my book.
I'm Chinese and I've been living in Australia since 2013. In 2014, I met an exchange student (Caucasian) from France. We hit if off almost immediately. We didn't see each other too often despite living at the same accommodation but I was developing feelings for her and decided to tell her. She said it wouldn't work because she had to go back to France and I still had things to do in Australia. We never became a couple but we had a very romantic day together on her last day in Australia.
@陆晨-l6u6 жыл бұрын
Wiley这么可爱居然不愿意每天亲亲说love you!
@pillartvt59596 жыл бұрын
跟一个加拿大男孩 date 了两个星期,然后他觉得不合适我们太不一样了就分开了,但是跟他在一起的时候很快乐所以足够了,至少留下的回忆都是美好的。
@Rubberheart123456 жыл бұрын
喜欢这一集,加油!哈哈哈。我男朋友和天天是来自一个州😂😂 我觉得异国恋的好处就是you guys will never run out things to say. 当然肯定是要更多耐心去理解对方。不管跟谁谈恋爱不都应该要去理解对方不是吗? 我觉得男生都差不多吧,不管哪国人。男生就分爱做饭不爱做饭,爱做家务不爱做家务,对未来有没有计划,长得好不好看😂😂😂哈哈哈哈哈 而且哪国男生都爱打游戏不是吗?
roxy Yang 让他多看tvb 我一个从没去过粤语区的人 看了几年tvb 粤语听力也是业余四级了 哈哈哈哈
@tidusdodo51606 жыл бұрын
所以天天一共有多少位前任 ?
@user-hs3mi5ok9m6 жыл бұрын
@peisong11145 жыл бұрын
沒辦法 人家長得好看 特別吸引人
@jayl12425 жыл бұрын
他们 狗头
@yangmingchen81675 жыл бұрын
你们俩真有意思~看来交中国女朋友,把你们的中文练出来了。 我有时候很反感我的外国男友说,“ oh, this is a typical Chinese thing." 我就想说,what?! 感觉被歧视了。。我们明明是在讨论问题,怎么被带上帽子了。。难道所有不可理解的事情,都要冠上”文化差异“的帽子?其实也许他并没有那个意思,但是我就觉得很生气。文化差异,怎么说呢,我觉得即便是中国人,南北的差异也很大,有时候一些小事情能够毁掉很多东西,主要看人。所以,跨国恋的文化差异,相反,可能因为差异巨大,反而会比较有意思,也能让你包容更多。