He can certainly say that all Hamas members are terrorists, but he won't say that Israel has killed more than 30,000 people in Gaza, including more than 10,000 women and children. How many Hamas members are there? Israel still uses bulldozers to flatten Palestinian homes in the West Bank every day to make way for Israelis to settle there. He definitely won't say that.
States around Israel are incompetent in governing the country but good at oppressing the people, which has caused social conflicts to become increasingly serious. So they can only transfer the conflicts to Israel. Hamas is the terrorist organization supported by those countries and its task is provocating Israel to please those countries
Too young 、Too simple and sometimes naive ! 你不能靠看新闻联播里的画面来判断谁是真正被大家支持的呀。 现在的联合国🇺🇳早就被🇨🇳、🇷🇺和一批嘴头政治正确横行的国家所把控了(这里面用💰搞定的也不少),而且以美国为首的西方发达国家又为了表达不满直接就拒交了联合国的会费,使得🇺🇳早已成了被 🇨🇳牵着鼻子走的高薪官僚主义的集团公司了……那些小弟们做做表面功夫,暗地里拿钱了事儿 ,其实就是不起作用的演戏而已🇺🇳哈哈哈