@tony Z 谢谢你的解答,我最近看了很多的和日本相关的书籍,和你说的几乎差不多。突然想到一个人对二战的评价,日本确实像一个罪犯,即残忍可恨,同时理解后又真的可怜同情。日本的地理位置导致了国家的体制和方向,日本的选择很少。就像对待中国的发展上,从瞧不起到认识中国,到又怕中国报复,性格很矛盾。希望两国互相了解,互相学习。我感觉的中国20-30年后也会遇到同样的问题。
this episode is most interesting. With references to writers, big time reporters w real life experiences, great show. However, sometimes all the ceremonial preparations shown to our famous media experts might also be a show reserved for "outsiders" as well? I have my doubts as to the real inner workings. But one person i know told me after 4 years staying in Japan to work in designer field that, in fact, people try to grab onto foreigners because its so hard to make friends within their own milieu, they feel a lot more freedom to make friends w outsiders, this is an important cultural habit. I love this episode, its got the right mix of content w lightness.