This movie is among the best of HK production. The entire crew is more than outstanding. The young tse yin, kar ling and lam hong are so attractive and charming. Ms wong mun lei is superb in her performance and so is Ms mui yee 👍👍👍 Just reminds me of my childhood days in HK 🤩🤩🤩 Back in those days, "Y fook zhi" is just like the blockbuster with one of the most powerful cast lineup💪💪💪
If a woman’s health is too weak, please do not risk to have a baby. You can always adopt. At times, adopted kids will treat their parents better than your own kids.
@chiyue391511 ай бұрын
@bing7711 Жыл бұрын
謝賢和南紅當年個樣真係 清澀 到呢…
@message5753 Жыл бұрын
1:07:14 1:07:15
@kwokfungli138 Жыл бұрын
@charlestjochsrlest6355 Жыл бұрын
@alien45pacman52 Жыл бұрын
2:45。點解片頭一開始姨婆就帶德偉小朋友去見韋栗思呢?因緣際會?😂 Ps. [10:04。今日社會我唔會同意/建議仔女長大成人之後去讀法科或者從事有關法律(又名髮栗~😂)嘅工作!或者警察之類。原因係呢啲工作可能要接觸呢個世界嘅黑暗面/人我是非,呢啲都係我對呢個世界最大嘅恐懼源!呢啲職業都容易患抑鬱症嘅高危人士。 喺呢個世界我只欣賞關於浪漫美好嘅事物,遠離黑暗/終結人我是非其實會係我對呢個世界嘅最終願望。]
1:49:43。 如意阿姨好激動咁鬧:(😂❤有我如意在生嘅一日,就唔准你咁!我要你好好哋做仁!❤😂) Ps. [10:04。今日社會我唔會同意/建議仔女長大成人之後去讀法科或者從事有關法律(又名髮栗~😂)嘅工作!或者警察之類。原因係呢啲工作可能要接觸呢個世界嘅黑暗面/人我是非,呢啲都係我對呢個世界最大嘅恐懼源!呢啲職業都容易患抑鬱症嘅高危人士。 喺呢個世界我只欣賞關於浪漫美好嘅事物,遠離黑暗/終結人我是非其實會係我對呢個世界嘅最終願望。]
@wongloyan63173 ай бұрын
@opheliaq9741 Жыл бұрын
David Copperfield
@ho6843 Жыл бұрын
Yes, this movie was based on the Story of David Copperfield by Charles Dickens.