這提問者的問題其實一般大眾根本不會懂,前提是“if you have tasted the beyond",如果你體驗過超越的滋味,但一般大眾很少經歷過這種狀態。不過影片還是有一個很重要的訊息,就是在你的心智、感情之外,其實有更深一層的生命智慧存在每個人裡,只是你太沈浸於大腦的聲音、你太過於狹隘的身份認同,對於那些親身經歷過超越的滋味,又落入凡塵的學員,他點出若他曾有超越感受時,往往都是在無我的狀態,認同小我之外更大的身份,且一旦體驗過超越的滋味,應該窮極一生來追尋。他說話的對象是isha學員,法門是透過Kriya Yoga,因此他在說凡人應透過每日Sadhana(靈性練習)來精進提升。
不要笑, 不要哭, 不要恨, 要理解。 《政治論》巴魯赫·斯賓諾莎 Baruch de Spinoza
@lovebll Жыл бұрын
Thought process and emotional process is like local gossip, they shift and change frequently. Enjoy if its nice but don't believe it 😮 学到了
@rogerlin9602 Жыл бұрын
There is something behind what you think and feel. Love is a process, and possibilities, growing beyond yourself. Falling in love with something as limited as yourself or your personality is madness. Take away all divisions. Individual cannot be divided further. Be a realist, see everything as is. Growth is possible only in reality, in existential, in the present. Psychological extension is a small offshoot of life. Emotional process is local gossip. Thanks Sadhguru. 22 March 2023.🐓🐘🤪💖🍁🍍🍺🎈🌬⚽️🌬