2:24 Здравствуйте, Роман! Рада знакомству. Я с удовольствием смотрю видео. Я думаю, что маленькая, но стильная машина, на которую вы обратили внимание, - это Lotus Elise. Я японец и не понимаю русский, но я получил перевод от ChatGPT.
The big hammer monument is for bicchu Kagra. Bicchu Kagura is a Kagura that is transmitted to the Bicchu region. It was also called Kojin Kagura because Kojin Kagura was performed in front of Kojin. Kojin is a god of folk beliefs, and although it is a scary god, it has been enshrined as a guardian deity of cattle and horses used for homes, villages, and agriculture. Today's kagura is a version transformed into a form suitable for tourism.
Man, as someone who love riding but live in unfortunate place (those pesky Jakarta's traffict jam and country full of narazumonos), i'd kill for riding in place like yours. Even Okayama's narazumonos are nothing compared to here lol