人哋pager/walkie bomb with actual fatality,睇吓泰吾士報/BBC/CNBC,甚至經濟人/彭博有幾多真係有full coverage 唔好話頭條,花邊都係上咗兩日,仲想射歪俾台灣食死貓。 到睇返呢堆media,綑綁Palestinian做HAMAS,再燒埋黎巴嫩,仍然可以拉出一堆新仇舊恨嘅Full history analysis而為以色列正名; 但之前full force講俄羅斯克里米亞、烏克蘭特別軍事行動,佢哋就唔會講返蘇聯分裂舊史,而係赤裸入侵 甚至連華為嘅POTENTIAL data leak/sent bk to CCP,然後再全程直擊孟晚舟談判同審判,都緊要過pager bomb炸死炸傷嘅人。 正如報導2019嘅Hong Kong Riot 同 2021 Capitol Hill Riot 2022 Canadian Blockade 太平洋呢邊,就唱爆CCP唔報失業率係瞞報 太平洋另一邊,就業數據連FED都Lost track嘅疑似manipulation手影 但media嘅double standard, 兩種力度同措詞,心裡有數 呢啲唔怪得郭生 They feed and he took
@rebeccali2513 ай бұрын
because Russia is invading Ukraine, if you help Russia, you are helping Russia to invade Ukraine! The U.S. is providing weapons to Israel to defend Israel from the attack of Hamas & Hezbollah. You idiots.
@dnnmon993 ай бұрын
@rebeccali251 I can't help wonder if you actually read the news: Last year Israel claimed to rescue hostages only until months ago those hostages were found dead. So now what Israel doing now is merely retaliation acts. As a friendly reminder, IMI is fully capable to manufacture their own weapons for the massacre. So I doubt your statement of US selling weapons to them, and if so, its just another US hypocrisy proof with scene that while they claimed they had pushed truce and been selling guns.😅