Good topic, thought provoking discussion. I definitely can relate to this as a hker permanently living in the US.
@ssb73733 жыл бұрын
having been in U.S. for 40 years, physically and 85% psychologically, I am an U.S. citizen. Yet I still have 15% related to the old and golden HKG which is no longer existing.
@02b6a43 жыл бұрын
@@ssb7373 the "no longer existing" part is quite sad.
責任 vs 情緒勒索 能否於海外傳承香港人嘅文化,可能取決於香港人於某處外地嘅數量多寡,如果達到一定數量,呢班海外香港人又生生性性,冇做啲破壞社會嘅事,或者輸出香港西客態度,能夠融入當地社會文化,一般嚟講,當地人都唔會對香港人點嘅,參考吓印度人點融入到英國,又,英國國食除咗fish and chips 外,印度咖喱係一絕,印度人點樣喺英國保存印度文化、宗教及語言,可以係海外香港人嘅一個借鏡。 香港人身份認同問題唔係呢幾年先有,對於香港土生土長第二、三、四代生於英殖時候嘅人,應該面對過呢個問題好多次,攞住本BNO 唔會認為自己係英國人,攞住本回鄉證又唔會覺得自己係大陸人,未回歸前只可歸類香港人,回歸後,人心未回歸,瀨過大陸人文化修養差異,令香港人更加要同佢哋劃清界線,反而未必因為覺得香港有錢先要認自己係香港人。 海外香港人可以參考吓以色列人/猶太人咁就算啲人點四散都好,佢哋都入骨入血地記住自己嘅真實歷史、文化、語言、價值觀,並傳承落去下一代,繼續為所犧牲嘅人平反,我覺得責任可以延續,呢個係共業
When you have kids you constantly make decisions on their behalf anyway. You make a decision for them whether you stay or go so I think this point is the same either way
Very elegant discussion on a difficult topic. I would point out though even if you form your own community in a new place it doesn't mean it will damage that community. In fact areas like Chinatown for example beings a lot of benefits to teh surrounding community and also to immigrants