Zachary Marshall: The Lord Knows Why

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Ensign College

Ensign College

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An address given by Zachary Marshall, Ensign College Interior Design Faculty delivered February 7, 2023, in the Assembly Hall on Temple Square in Salt Lake City

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@deeannaprice 8 ай бұрын
That was absolutely powerful! Thank you for the reminder of why we need to listen to and heed our prophets and apostles.
@danite620 Жыл бұрын
This is one of the most timely talks I have ever heard. Definitely a keeper .
@tonyharding2554 Жыл бұрын
Hi Zack, Your talk has and will continue to have a profound influence for good, the Lord knows why.
@e_8074 Жыл бұрын
Timely and powerful.
@cherinelson3436 Жыл бұрын
I very much appreciate this talk from Zachary Marshall. His personal story is important for us to hear. We can turn our lives to The Son. The Son of God, even Jesus Christ. His light can change us. He can and does forgive us. There is a God. He does have prophets. He does know the beginning to the end. “ all things are present before me,” he says. Thank you Zachary for an inspiring talk. I will hear it again.
@shandrews Жыл бұрын
Beautiful. ❤
@elizabethkasanwidjojo9104 Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@michael.wiederhold Жыл бұрын
Zach's message is personal. The invitation from Jesus is to "Follow Him." Zach argues that growth and happiness come from following the Lord's invitation, especially when that invitation is expressed through the voice of modern prophets. Zach offers at least half a dozen examples to expand the point. I'll add another: On the banks of the Galilee, Jesus asked Simon Peter to "Follow Him." Peter couldn't possibly have known the full implication of what Jesus was asking or understand why the invitation was made. Jesus knew why. Peter followed. Peter then came to know Jesus personally. Peter asked others to follow Jesus. So should we.
@Finish-It Ай бұрын
@richtricky6832 Жыл бұрын
Great words of inspiration.
@borntobeamom81 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely brilliant message
@paulslake5719 Жыл бұрын
@paulslake5719 Жыл бұрын
I’m a Mormon. We should believe the Scriptures, not man. And the Scriptures testify the Mormon Church is the only true Church of Jesus Christ on earth. But if something is taught that can't be verified by Scripture, think twice about believing it. I understand why so many people are leaving the church. Many false doctrines exist causing countless KZbin videos mocking Mormonism. False doctrines like grandpa gods, (God the Father has a father), Mormons becoming gods of their own planets, Adam helped create the earth, Christ and Satan are brothers, God the Father has rarely spoken in Scripture, the African Americans were bad in the pre-existence; all of which no Scripture verifies. And God said the Teachers are not to administer the Sacrament but they do each Sunday and like the scribes and Pharisees of old the Church leaders making the Word of God of none effect and the Sacrament tainted. (D&C 20:58) (Mark 7:13) And we wonder why there is so much mental illness, anxiety, gender issues, divorce, rapes, murders and injustice? And many are leaving the church because if you don't fit the mold the church leaders sculpture you're not a part of the click. Mormons believe the church leaders over Scripture. The zealous believers have the church leaders in mind with everything thing they think say and feel testifying to impress others how much they believe the current church leaders are God-inspired. But the Scriptures reveal the church leaders are the problem with the entire planet. For example, In 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 we are informed of a person revealed as the son of perdition. This son of perdition sits in the temple of God making himself God or above all that is called God. Therefore, if the Mormon Church is the only true church, and I believe it is and will back that belief using the Scriptures, then the only person 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 could be talking about is the current Mormon prophet. For what other church is the one and only true church with temples? And Joseph Smith taught a son of perdition can only be a church member holding all the rites of God's priesthood and using the priesthood against God as did Judas. Therefore, who else other than the current Mormon prophet could the apostle Paul be speaking of? It's as plain as the nose on a face. And even God in the Doctrine and Covenants tells us about the current church leaders and how displeased He is saying the end of this world will begin among them. (D&C 112:23-26) Joseph Smith taught the false doctrine of grandpa gods (God the Father has a father) not over the pulpit as a prophet but as a sermon at a funeral, which should not be taken as Scripture fulfilling God’s sayings to Paul, And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: (2 Thessalonians 2:11) That they might be damned who believed not the truth….(2Thessalonians 2:12) And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. (Revelation 13:7) (D&C 112:23-26) And the current Mormon prophet is the son of perdition because he has all the saints believing God our Heavenly Father was created by a being greater than Himself but Scripture says there is no greater than our God. (Hebrews 6:13) Therefore, the son of perdition has all the saints breaking the first commandment God gave Moses, Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Does it make sense to reasonable thinking that God would command we have no other gods before Him but really there are? Does He not want us to know this? Why is it a secret? There’s a reason He commanded to have no other gods before Him. Because by believing in false grandpa gods the saints believe our God is an infinitely lesser God putting Lucifer before God. And the moment we put a god before our God, our God becomes an infinitely lesser God. Not only that, our God also becomes a liar. He and the Scriptures says He is the greatest of all. He and the Scriptures says He is the Most High God. He and the Scriptures say He created all things. And in the Scriptures He says over and over there are no gods beside Him. (Isaiah 44:6) (Isaiah 44:8) (Isaiah 45:22) (Hebrews 6:13) Therefore, the saints believing there are gods before Him is the saints believing the son of perdition or the current Mormon prophet over the Scriptures and calling God and the Scriptures a lie. And Isaiah warns, Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (Isaiah 5:20) The saints call the son of perdition (President Nelson) good and good (Jesus Christ) evil. Because President Nelson says Christ and His Father are liars. President Nelson says Christ did not create all things. (John 1:1-3) Matter/energy cannot be created or destroyed the scientists say therefore the son of perdition or President Nelson says the grandpa gods created these calling Christ and the Scriptures a lie. Well did Abinadi warn the wicked king Noah and his priests, Have ye taught this people that they should observe to do all these things for to keep these commandments? (Mosiah 13:25) I say unto you, Nay; for if ye had, the Lord would not have caused me to come forth and to prophesy evil concerning this people. (Mosiah 13:26) And what is the commandment Abinadi taught that the people do not obey? Thou shalt have no other God before me. (Mosiah 12:35) Know ye not that I speak the truth? Yea, ye know that I speak the truth; and you ought to tremble before God. (Mosiah 12:30) And it is a false doctrine to say God our Heavenly Father has rarely spoke to us in Scripture. (3 Nephi 27:26), (3 Nephi 24:1). (2 Nephi 31:20), (2 Nephi 31:11) Beware of the doctrine of the scribes and Pharisees. (Matthew 16:6-12)
@borntobeamom81 Жыл бұрын
@@paulslake5719 that was quite an extensive way of getting to your point! And you may be right! That’s the beauty of being given a free agency. So that when we have the Spirit of the Lord guide us thru life and decision, we are aligned with the standards the Most High had established. We all work our way through life trying to reconnect with Diety in many various ways. Let people do what is best for them. Respect and accept! I think pushing along one’s idea as the only right answer is not why God intended for us to do. It creates negativity and pressure. It’s that simple, you doubt something in the words of the prophet, you go straight to God and seriously, ASK! God never lies! He wants us to become like him! He chooses people, simple people like those around you, imperfect people, to lead us through mortality safely back home. This life is a test of faith. If we were to have a constant connection with Heavenly Father every day, it wouldn’t be faith. It would be knowledge. I donno the answers to all deep stuff but I know prophets are chosen to lead the Savior’s church anciently and today the same way. Whoever wants to leave, let them leave, whoever thinks it’s hard, it is! That’s why there are three degrees of glory! Not just one! Have a great day!
@paulslake5719 Жыл бұрын
@@borntobeamom81 It’s not an easy point to make an impact and involves the Scriptures because everything I said is coming from the Scriptures and not me. But I appreciate you’re being kind. I’m always attacked and with the force coming at me I tend to send that force right back to make a point based in the truth. I understand your reasoning, Let people do what is best. Respect and accept. I would agree with you if you could find that doctrine in the Scriptures. And Isaiah said, All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. (Isaiah 53:6) He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter… for the transgression of my people was he stricken. because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth. Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin (Isaiah 53:7-9) Atheists and others will say, Isn’t that sickening God would be pleased to bruise His own Son? to have him beaten, spit upon and nailed to a tree? No. Because in so doing, we overcome evil in Him. All this wouldn’t needs be if the Adversary didn’t want us destroyed. But in His suffering, the Father has given His Son all power both in Heaven and earth. And all evil doers will stand before Him and be judged by their works. And all followers of righteousness will enter in the rest of the Lord. The path is narrow and straight. There can only be one way. And all He asks is that we keep His commandments. (John 14:15) (1 John 5:3) If you told your child you’d give them a car if they graduated High School and went to college but instead they got pregnant or dropped out of High School and hooked on drugs, would you still give them the reward? How would they learn? Let people do what is best. The problem with that is who knows what is best? To one person, sharing wives is best. To another, looking down on minorities is best. And to another, following the golden rule is best. So, who’s right? All we like sheep have gone astray… We have turned everyone to his own way… And how can the blessing of Heaven rest upon us if we don’t do what He asks? It’s a battle of good and evil we are in but, With his stripes we are healed… Many will say it is contention. But Paul defended the faith against the Jews. And Christ defended the faith against the scribes and Pharisees. And Alma against the Amalekites. If I am contentious, let God be the Judge.
@borntobeamom81 Жыл бұрын
@@paulslake5719 agree, firing and backfiring brings no good to anyone. Shooting fire opinions ain’t the Lord’s way in any case anyways. It’s great you have spent time and effort to get to know the scriptures very well. That definitely pays back in abundance when the time comes. I often reflect on the fact how easy people fire at each other either verbally or actual physical punches these days. And this leads me to always think “What would the Lord do in this situation?” Or would I be doing or saying or even thinking right now if I knew the Lord was right here by my side? It helps me regulate. Doesn’t make me perfect! This life wasn’t intended to be a life of perfection! Not just yet! So yeah, we are all different with all sorts of opinions and beliefs, but that’s the unity of it, only if we learn to respect and accept like you said! And I know it’s possible!😃👍
@CML95018 Жыл бұрын
@kimberlytousley3450 Жыл бұрын
@adiospobreza 11 ай бұрын
The Lord helps members know the Real Truth, same as Joseph Smith: James 1:5 We all remember President Hinckley. We all remember Elder Maxwell. We remember exactly the blessings of tithing and temples and families as depicted in Chapter 12. As a matter of fact, our leaders are mentioned in Chapter 18 and Chapter 20 also in: "The Sealed Portion, The FINAL Testament of Jesus Christ PDF"
@karyshort4994 Жыл бұрын
Hello 👋🤗 Zack! Of course it's not 🚭🚫 okay 🆗👍 to be wishing for the year to be turned backwards anymore either please 🥺! Wishing for the year to be turned backwards never works or solves anything or help 🆘 s or makes sense!
@josevasquez-ju8rb Жыл бұрын
@jaym5938 Жыл бұрын
No man is God. The panel looks like 1984.
@MightyChange22 2 ай бұрын
Forget about what you see, only what you heard.
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