4哥係咪讀緊The Dawn of Everything, a new history of humanity? 如果唔係,highly recommend 依本書
@pvckenny Жыл бұрын
@nl3135 Жыл бұрын
家庭對於社會上既弱者係一個基礎既保護 弱既小朋友/老人家,身體、智力、行動力既弱,由家庭呢個 social construct 去比左一 D 既定既規則/壓力比「屋企人」去照顧佢地幫助佢地 如果你個世界係 bond by interest / hobby / character,第一就係小朋友好難造到個圈子比佢地,佢地需要一個受保護既空間去 develop 到佢地入到呢 D 圈子為止 二就係 d social outcast 同 D 健康唔好既人點算,一堆健康唔好既人好難去互相照顧 三就係你會不斷咁淘汰左一 D 被o個個時代同社會認為係弱既人,咁啱o個期係興用 credit card 既,就會淘汰左豬文,但係其實豬文有佢其他既價值同優點值得流傳
in some way Americans are practising this kind of 'lack of familial structure' in that people who are not related by blood can often become so close, just like a family, and more obviously presented in movies like Fast and Furious in that they emphasise the group of people being in the same family just because they have the same goal and not necessarily related by blood
A healthy family life is basic for reducing mental problems. Modern life with the breakdown of extended family and with only one child lead to more and more psychological stress and emotional problems. There is no wonder that youths nowdays are more fragile psychologically when compare with those twenty or thirty years ago.