解题与提出架构是有本质区别的。好比研究整数的问题(number theory/数论),一些人用algebraic number theory的架构来研究。另外一些人用analytic number theory的架构。这两者差异之大使得两个领域的博士都没法进行深入的沟通。但他们解的题(简单的那些)却可以非常相似,只是方向不一样。
What the government needs to do is to proactively identify the rare math talents and potential geniuses, and provide support/opportunities to cultivate their interests, focuses in mathematics. Just encourage hard work is useless. There are only so many Euler, Newton, Gauss, or Dr. Chu for every generation. Don't leave them to die in poverty, like Mozart.
Mathematicians unravel a thread of string theory Date: August 18, 2020 Source: Utah State University Summary: Mathematicians are exploring a string duality between F-theory and heterotic string theory in eight dimensions. 数学是一切科学的基础。国外有许多读数学的华人。中国应请华人专家在大陆讲学。
誠然,誇大宣傳以提高民族自信的心態有問題,但是過分強調群體分界的心理(in-group vs out-group mentality)同樣有問題,某一個文化某一個民族在某一個時期於某一個領域有突出成就,有超過你的地方,是更為廣泛的客觀存在的事實,如果現代人重視數學,需要數學,只有一條路,當世去努力去作為,比而不周去糾結那些作什麼,但凡不是古希臘人的後裔,在數學這件事上豈不都應該自卑了,而且就數學史而言,也遠不是某一個地方公理體系的有無,那麼簡單。
@余明新 Жыл бұрын
Because 支那人種基因差,大腦前額葉萎縮,形成扁平臉,智慧差,不會抽象思考,當然無法思考數學logic理論