12:49 في الجبل تكون أقوى بكثير ،طبعا بصل الجبل صغير ورائحته اكثر قوة ،هو الجبل اصل كل البشر على الارض، التبت ORIGIN 在山上它要强得多,当然山葱小,气味更浓,山是地球上所有人类的起源,西藏 (UK TRANSLATE)
Yes my brother .. after i see the Eye of moses horus .. in Tibet china there is very old status of big baba Noah after big TOFAN on earth ... The Eye on Dollar is true, she like SUN but she very big and power full .... my brother we start to know the real way to next life .. no fear i love you and all china , 6our brother from fes city morocco, about yallow hair i talk , all ways yallow hair in humanity attach our black hair from Noah CHAN ,,, YOU SEE yallow hair in Russe attack ukriane ,, two have yallow hair, all peace to my home china i put some music ti china to know the way ,, oh my...... ❤ 💙 🧡 💚 💛 💜 💗 💓 💔 💟 💕 💖 ❣ 💘 💝 💞我的爸爸清朝 سلالة ابي تشينغ