有人發現影片中39分46秒開始講到的 台電歷年裝置容量 圖卡上的單位是不是有點問題呢? 縱軸單位似乎是萬千瓦 (萬瓩) 才對,所以太陽能光電裝置容量目標 20GW (20 000 000 瓩 = 2000 萬瓩) 應該佔2020年4245萬瓩的四成七左右,應該沒有影片中圖卡上畫的那麼高吧? it is still a huge scale as a single source:)
the competition for 2 types of farming (traditional vz solar) is a result super low b in the use of public finance & technology under the current tw govt...the decrease in traditional horizontal farmland must be compensated by increase in vertical ones, just like the environmental protection over sea reclamation of one place must be pre-built with shelter to the native species in nearby spot.