我舊年到步英國,第一部車就係買咗Alfa, 揸返屋企一個禮拜之後就已經出engine 燈,攞返去間車房check,佢又話冇問題。然後幫我reset左個fault。跟住隔幾日又再出engine 燈,我又再攞返去車房,又話冇問題。最終都係上網自己搵資料。原來係個車頭蓋個sensor有問題,開完車頭蓋閂得唔好就會着engine 燈. 結論係買得alfa就要跟住間好車房,同埋自己join多啲alfa owners club forum
哈哈哈, 我係香港時兩次拖車經驗, 兩次都係 Giulietta, 壞電池拖完整返再壞再拖😂 依家揸 Giulia, 暫時 ok
@neocentro Жыл бұрын
Omg that Series 105 2000 Berlina at the Alfa garage! I've had one since 2014 but the car's a stalled project and in bits and put into storage since 2016. Not sure when it's going to get done as the arrangement with my classic Alfa specialist fell through after 2020. I've discussed with quite a few other fellow petrolheads and Alfistis and it appears that my best bet is to have a go at it myself; however, I've not had any experience on welding and fabrication etc. so it's going to be a tall order. God I do miss blasting down the B/C roads in that car, one of Alfa's finest for sure.
Mechanic always try to find the cheapest and quickest way ..I remembered my VW Polo was in the garage for whole week and they changed a new thing every day!!!£££. Hope my MiTo will be more reliable!
Im from canada, its same all over the world. mech. guy normally wont really to figure what is the root cause of the issue. like you said, its better for ourselves to do some research.