1750 6年用家🙌 佢個轉波提示係少少低能既,聽佢講跟住轉可能會去左唔適合波段(但又唔代表慳左油),個人會睇dashboard 個 current mpg 黎判斷用緊既波段同油門深淺係咪最有效率,實際點用上motorway試一試就會明。 So far 我架11年車/42k miles 都唔算有咩機件問題,係d電子野開始有d古怪(岩岩換左條ground cable睇下會唔會有改善),同埋尾門tailgate個電線組開始壞(known issue)要搵日搞搞佢。
@LokCheungHK Жыл бұрын
我架 Fiat 500 都係冇試,仲要車都未見過就 online shopping 咁買😆 我係香港考車肥咗過黎再學再考,所以買車果時當然係冇車揸去睇車,我又一定要 Fiat 500,又要自動波(同一定要白色)所以網上就算睇哂全國都唔係好多選擇,更加冇可能搭以小時計既火車(同十幾二十鎊車錢)四圍去睇車,除咗網上買都冇辦法。我最後係想穩陣啲買咗架 approved used,佢有 send service log book 我睇,上手好乖年年去番 dealer 做 service(除咗 lock down),我將啲相驗屍咁驗,MOT 算乾淨,於是搏一搏就決定買,佢係由 Manchester 送過黎 Surrey;宜家揸咗年半,只係 MOT 時換過 suspension 個 ball joint,同車房講避震有油漬,出年應該過唔倒 MOT,暫時都好好地!
Really detailed video and glad you brought an Alfa. Personally I would definitely test drive and ask for service history. But as you said, considering the price, you can't ask for too much. Please keep posting videos of this car-will be interesting to see how my MiTo compared to yours.
@kimmywong9995 Жыл бұрын
講甘多hot hatch 竟然無雷諾 megane rs😅
@cya4679 Жыл бұрын
@poonmartin1520 Жыл бұрын
finally 出片講alfa
@leofong6590 Жыл бұрын
Yeah 終於出片😂
@X3owl Жыл бұрын
Alfa Romeo Guilia 2.0T owner!! Sad to hear you switch out. Like others mentioned. Many tiny issues are related to the battery. Heathy battery can prevent many problems and avoid check engine light.
@@LubyChow Yeah, totally missed that. I'm re-watching your old videos.
@michael77555 Жыл бұрын
@Kennith_Tong Жыл бұрын
@LubyChow Жыл бұрын
@ipsam1558 Жыл бұрын
@peterwu4747 Жыл бұрын
@cocoshuai Жыл бұрын
@kelvinwong7227 Жыл бұрын
朱仔車主表示 如果唔係好鍾情呢個牌子 都真係唔好買 要有心理準備經常出入車房
@LubyChow Жыл бұрын
@m1100gremlin Жыл бұрын
下集快啲上, 要睇埋狗狗鐘唔鐘意坐哩部車... 哈哈
@LubyChow Жыл бұрын
@m1100gremlin Жыл бұрын
@852a Жыл бұрын
似乎你個頭枕應該set低啲, 完全support唔到你個後枕😜
@shing7778 Жыл бұрын
You might need to look in the timing belt replacement history and gearbox oil service,those will create problems if they’re not done by the manufacturer specifications, this car is not problematic if you take good care for it
Thanks Luby for the Alfa video, nice explanation of the whole process. In 2009, i considered to buy a golf or MiTo . MiTo was rare in HK which i like but golf launched a new generation in that year; and most importantly the price was very good like around HKD180k which was cheaper than a corolla (!) and the size was more practical vs MiTo. So ended up with a black golf for 13 years before i left HK. When the Giulietta came out I liked it so much and fancy one but the golf was running so well and kind of wasting money to change it.