Hi-Res 定義上係要lossless,所以MQA 唔係Hi-Res。不過唔代表MQA 唔好聽,只係Hi-Res 真過MQA。(distortion 細啲) 定義: The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), in cooperation with the Consumer Electronics Association, DEG: The Digital Entertainment Group, and The Recording Academy Producers & Engineers Wing, formulated the following definition of high-resolution audio in 2014: "lossless audio capable of reproducing the full spectrum of sound from recordings which have been mastered from better than CD quality (48 kHz/20-bit or higher) music sources which represent what the artists, producers and engineers originally intended."
@ckt.kunugi4 жыл бұрын
呢個世界根本無咩野真 lossless 所有野都係相對既 同意有人講 CD 本身就係 lossy , 因為相對原裝既 master 而原裝既 master 相對原裝既 mixdown 又係 lossy 而 mixdown 本身又相對 multitrack 黎講係 lossy .. 最後就係... 耳仔收貨啦.. MQA 個 version 你覺得好聲咪聽囉 如果你搵到個 version 好過佢既, 咪聽個一個 version 囉..
耳機hi-res (analog hi-res)同hi-res 檔案(digital hi-res)唔同,hi-res 檔案係要無損嘅… The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), in cooperation with the Consumer Electronics Association, DEG: The Digital Entertainment Group, and The Recording Academy Producers & Engineers Wing, formulated the following definition of high-resolution audio in 2014: "lossless audio capable of reproducing the full spectrum of sound from recordings which have been mastered from better than CD quality (48 kHz/20-bit or higher) music sources which represent what the artists, producers and engineers originally intended."