Agree. Production or Productionalization or even Social Productionalization is the base. It including you mentioned Humanism, Liberty and last not least Social Institution establishment and revision. AI or any techniques putting into humanistic ergonomical environment that benefits human is the ultimate purpose. Otherwise .... 料依 [翻譯] 同意。產品或產品化甚至社會業產化是基礎。它包括你提到的人文主義、自由和最後同樣重要的社會制度的建立和修訂。人工智能或任何技術投入到人性化的人體工學環境中,造福於人類是最終目的。否則 ....
@wula98 Жыл бұрын
@lioicomestai3703 Жыл бұрын
@@wula98 I like 台湾人 but I am not. I am Australian.
@lioicomestai3703 Жыл бұрын
@@wula98 But if you meant the guest, so obviously he is.
@lioicomestai3703 Жыл бұрын
My curiocity is why you were so minded/focused or noticed speaker's nationality without any special purpose? Just because the guest didn't speak the way alined with CCP? Just my curiocity too. lol.
Wow I am sold. This guest is top notched and I wish voa has this kind of guests often. Appreciate the talk so very much and thank you !!
@lioicomestai3703 Жыл бұрын
Agree. Production or Productionalization or even Social Productionalization is the base. It include Humanism you mentioned, Liberty and last not least Social Institution establishment and revision. AI or any techniques putting into humanistic ergonomical environment that benefits human is the ultimate purpose. Otherwise ....
That is a very similar path as Japan, Taiwan, Korea, etc. in technology industries. They all started by following and marginally improving, mostly starting from execution area rather than theoretical area. Later, sometimes, some eventually are able to innovate and lead in some areas.
在电影《侏罗纪公园》的早期,在恐龙出人意料地开始自由奔跑之前,科学家伊恩·马尔科姆用一句话概括了作者迈克尔·克莱顿的智慧:“你们的科学家们全神贯注于他们是否可以,他们没有停下来思考如果他们应该的话。” Google 和 OpenAI 的高管们对他们的工具 ChatGPT 充满热情,就像侏罗纪公园的老板对他们的基因改造工具一样。~ by Gary Marcus, AI's Jurassic Park Moment
百度计划于3月16日14时在北京总部召开新闻发布会,主题围绕文心一言。 百度创始人、董事长兼首席执行官李彦宏,百度首席技术官王海峰将出席。 Baidu will hold a press conference on ERNIE Bot at the company’s headquarters in Beijing at 2pm March 16th, Beijing Time. Robin Li, Co-Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and Haifeng Wang, Chief Technology Officer, will attend the press conference.