Kudos to you for attempting to pronounce Crljenak kaštelanski. I initially wrote a comment ribbing you for not telling people where it really came from before Italy and the Austria-Hungarian empire got it from but I see you did try to pronounce it later. It helps to know the Croatian alphabet but here it is for an English speaker - Tserl-yee-ehnak Kashh-tell-ann-skee. Even more simply using real English words "Sir Lee in Nack, Cash, tell on ski". It's gibberish but fairly close. As you probably cover in another video Crljenak kaštelanski is one of the parents of Plavac Mali, (pla-vats, mal-lee) one of Croatia's most important grapes with Dobričić (Dough-brie-cheech, not 100% accurate but close) being the other parent. Cheers!