我認為文森說的"永保青春"和"活得越久越好"應該分開來討論,永保青春若是用分子生物學逆轉老化的話那高品質的生活應該是許多人會想要的。"活得越久越好"一說感覺是用生活品質來換生命長度,這應該會是許多人不想要的。我們做醫學研究的初衷就是要讓人有更好的生活品質啊!因此我認為,直到老化可以被治癒之前,"進行逆轉老化的研究"和"學會放下"應該要同時進行。 而"永保青春"和"活得越久越好"這件事的區別正可點出現代生物科技和醫療產業的區別,現代醫療其實就是"打地鼠醫療",治標不治本,甚麼病出現就治甚麼,但生物科技則不同了,現在有許多研究中心都在研究逆轉老化的方法,而一旦老化被治癒,所有它下游的所有疾病都會消失,人們就不再會因為退化的器官及各種慢性病而痛苦,這應該才是延長壽命的意義所在。 希望文森能介紹David Sinclair的Why We Age and Why We Don't Have To,我們非常需要大眾對這件事的認知以及討論,因為大眾如果一直認為老化是無可避免的,所有經費都會用在研究下游的各個單一疾病,形成您影片中提到的狀況:老年人會被各種冷血的病症侵蝕,一個治好了另一個會接踵而至,直到離世前都會帶給病患和家人極大的痛苦。我上面提到的觀點部分也是來自書中,你若能做真的是感激不盡! 最後再強調一下:老化是個疾病,一個該被治癒的疾病。
My daughter in law just passed away on 6/27/23 at age 31, she was diagnosed with kidney sarcoma, a rare type of cancer 3 years ago,went thru 3 major surgeries, then 7 rounds of chemo, she was a bright, kind person, her radiant smiles touched so many people, she had raised $200,000. for the cancer reserch, she diligently worked till the end to try to improved the health care system, based on her own experience as a patient. My son arranged time for some of her best friends to see her because her friends were important in her life, soon after she went back to the hospital again because of ? sepsis, she asked her mom to face time me 1 day before her passing, as I look back now, I know she was saying good-bye to me. My son signed DNR, she passed away soon after. She left us when she was capable of managing herself mentally with her own pride and dignity instead of lingering on with fear or losing her own control. She left with love and peace in her own way.
@Jin-8882 жыл бұрын
@yukkeungau Жыл бұрын
Peace? Repents to Holy Bible ( Rev. 19:4-22:21) Amen. Hallelujah........Peace?