Zuco's DPS & Healer Main for the War Within Season 1!!

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@ismount Ай бұрын
Going mage this time around. Since mage is getting so much attention, I figure if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. I've also never mained a caster so that's a nice little bonus.
@SololaneMvlog Ай бұрын
HUUUUGE SURPRISE… no one suspected this at all!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♂️
@ZucoWoW Ай бұрын
I'm as shocked as the rest of you :)
@Yonn818 Ай бұрын
Haha Frost Shocked
@SummerAdventures Ай бұрын
I have had a tough time deciding what to main. Paladins are legit, but they are everywhere. Not a huge fan of DPS only classes as a main. Ele / Resto seems like a great pick.
@Bigalwarrior Ай бұрын
Well said, I like the way you break things down
@BeowulfGaming Ай бұрын
Same here Zuco, i mained resto druid and holy pala for 3 expansions. This time around i am going rsham, prevoker and mw monk! to spice things up, cant wait!
@Crayzyy Ай бұрын
I think ill be switching ovver from Havoc and VDH to Frost and Blood DK. Frost is very satisfying to play
@mattmay1020 Ай бұрын
Usually main resto.....but ele is just so much fun right now.....loving it!
@fugazi8115 Ай бұрын
Warlock main with Shaman and DK alts
@SimonCoulton Ай бұрын
Great choice! Your vids are the reason I decided to play resto for the first time in s3. I’m probably going to go holy pally as I like the ability to do all 3 roles, but if I don’t it’ll be warr for prot/arms (has been my main since I came back in legion after quitting since TBC)
@perkulant4629 Ай бұрын
When you popped off, look at the resto druid also :O
@19omegawolf Ай бұрын
I really hope lightning build gets some love
@stephenryan8492 Ай бұрын
Ele rework is so awesome. Love elemental blast being a chunky spender.
@WarrickRanger Ай бұрын
I’m doing Priest this expansion. Shadow or Holy in raid, depending on what my guild’s comp ends up needing, and then Disc and Shadow in M+. Goal is to keep the same character the whole expansion, and switch between healing and DPS when I’m feeling bored instead of switching classes each major patch 😅
@nick-ww8pk Ай бұрын
Picked a rough time to main SP. I think they are going to be kept down this expansion. they've had it too good for too long.
@armidevil Ай бұрын
After 20 years, I know how it will end for the shaman. You will be shocked again how much you can nerf a shaman before the expansion starts. Good luck.🤣🤣🤣
@andalc8758 Ай бұрын
Glad to see ele doing good but i have a feeling blizzard will nerf it hopefully not too much
@petersimon2619 Ай бұрын
I really wish they would give an earth ele choice node that would make it useable against trash packs. Let me become an earth ele and get the health and DR without having to worry about it taunting off the tank and killing melee with frontals.
@FrostyBrostorm Ай бұрын
Welcome to the ele club
@perkulant4629 Ай бұрын
My main is gonna be resto shaman, alt presvoker.
@Ripdric Ай бұрын
You son of a bitch, i'm in! Have been torn between mistweaver and resto shaman, slightly prefer fisting over sploosh but enhance and ele are more my jam than windwalker. I guess its time to heed the call of my ancestors!
@kalejarmar3187 Ай бұрын
I think i'm going with Evoker deva/aug this season, with enh and survival/BM as serious contenders !
@dv5290 Ай бұрын
Deva. Is so much fun! Feels really good
@kalejarmar3187 Ай бұрын
@@dv5290 yeah the small change to firestom is really making me having a blast with the " red build " . Can t wait to try Flameshaper , and scalecommander in Aug
@kalejarmar3187 Ай бұрын
( Aug meaning both Augmention and August ahahaha )
@Eridian757 Ай бұрын
Very wholesome to see grandpappy zuco help his grandson
@a.a.6464 Ай бұрын
Same here resto / ele good pick. Fun fun fun
@passman36 Ай бұрын
I think resto shaman will be flavor of the month among healers for season one easily.
@MichaBlogtUndZockt Ай бұрын
yep for Pugs definitly ...for """Meta""" it will decide between resto dru oder hpaly seems
@perkulant4629 Ай бұрын
@@MichaBlogtUndZockt yeah probs resto Druid for the insane dps.
@AlwaysHungry. Ай бұрын
i bet they will get nerfed to the ground b4 s1 or TWW release
@InfamousMaximus Ай бұрын
I noticed this just now also, the ancestors do not cast ele blast for me when they expire...
@ZucoWoW Ай бұрын
@@InfamousMaximus yeah sometimes they do sometimes they don't... I submitted a bug report.
@matobi91 Ай бұрын
I think I’m going shaman (all specs are amazing) and Evoker (yes even aug, but less than the others)
@CybreSmee Ай бұрын
Nice, Im considering the same. Just wait to try SVhunter first. Btw Z, can you turn on Streamer mode in Details so we can follow your rotation?
@ZucoWoW Ай бұрын
@@CybreSmee I've tried turning on streamer mode on details on the beta several times now and it just doesn't seem to want to work... Had chat help me with it too and we couldn't get it to go. I'll try to get another program running so you can see what I'm doing.
@CybreSmee Ай бұрын
@@ZucoWoW Awesome, thanks man.
@madhudson1 Ай бұрын
Resto shaman has two good hero trees for m+, which have different builds and playstyles
@yazan80 Ай бұрын
@zucowow what race are you planning for your shaman. Also regarding race have you plans on doing pvp in which it might affect your race decision. Love your content.
@ZucoWoW Ай бұрын
@@yazan80 I don't do PvP, so the race decision doesn't matter there... Right now I'm Vulpera, which, was mostly because chat made me do it like 8, months ago. I'd prob switch to Dwarf now. I'm going to push some pretty hard content in the War Within, so the Dwarf defensive racial seems like the best choice.
@Kristinjaimie Ай бұрын
I agree with you about resto, it looks strong. But you're smoking something with the ele take. I know the numbers are high on the beta atm, because Blizz buffed it to high hell. But let's face it, the spec is a mess. Ele shamans asked for primordial wave to be removed and it didn't happen. We asked to not be spamming lava burst all the time, and it didn't happen. We don't want liquid magma totem as a capstone. We asked for a better spender than earthquake cos it's shit and mobs get moved out of it all the time, and all they did was make it drop on target, which could be done with a macro. Stormbringer is totally unplayable for elemental. The numbers are god awful and it feels terrible to play. You are a 1 button spam build, either LB on ST or CL on AoE & Tempest taking over LB feels terrible and breaks your rotation when casting CL's. Both fire build and lightning build are just 1 button spam specs with a terrible AoE spender. We also asked for updated visuals cos we're running around with 2010 cataclysm visuals and didn't get that either. There's no excuse. We were left till last again and got shafted. We should have a more interesting rotation than spamming one button and should have more lightning themed abilities as the only lightning user in the game. The rework was half assed and lazy and the only reason people will play it, is because blizz tuned the numbers so high, cos we were just flat out the worst spec in the game. Numbers wise, we may not be anymore, but visually and rotationally we remain the worst spec in the game.
@ZucoWoW Ай бұрын
@@Kristinjaimie I'm gonna hard disagree with you here. Rotationally, Ele Shaman operates on a priority spell basis... So it's always going to be a bit chaotic depending on procs. The skill is in knowing when to spend those procs. In my mind that doesn't make the rotation frustration or awful to play, it's actually more engaging and fun for me. The spec also isn't a mess at all... Defensively we've never been in a better position with multiple buffs to talents on the class tree. I agree the Stormbringer nerfs didn't make any sense for Ele and I hope Blizzard sees that and reverts them, but on the whole, Ele is in a fantastic spot heading into the expansion.
@Kristinjaimie Ай бұрын
@@ZucoWoW That's ok, I kinda hard disagree right back lol. I don't disagree entirely about there being a priority, however for years now the top spell of the priority list has been lava burst, and it was basically up all the time. So much so, that it was more beneficial to actually overcap maelstrom and ignore your spenders and continue to spam lava burst. That doesn't appear to have changed. Farseer is an incredibly boring, more of the same, passive hero talent tree. We've been spamming lava bursts for years with prim wave and we wanted something different yet we just got more of the same. The hope was that Stormbringer would offer an alternative where we could play a lightning build. However, the priority in ST is only LB & in AoE is CL. The priority spell list doesn't change because the stormbringer talent tree doesn't synergise with anything in our spec tree and so there's no point casting LvB as Stormbringer. So once again you spam one spell. Tempest is also just terrible, and we continue to use earthquake as our AoE spender which remains the worst AoE in the game. There's just no denying that Stormbringer is a dead tree for ele. Every ele shaman will play Farseer. And we're all pissed about it because we wanted a change from spamming LvB. Fundamentally I think the problem with ele is that they're trying to make two builds, two different rotations and two different gameplay loops in one spec. Look at mage, you wanna play fire? Cool here's a fire spec with a rotation and gameplay loop. Wanna play frost, cool here's a frost spec. As shaman it's like wanna play elemental ok, but now which subspec of elemental? Fire or lightning. They're trying to split one spec tree into two sub specs and it doesn't work. It basically means each play style uses like max 3 buttons and ends up just feeling like you spam the same ability the whole time and have no real rotation. Anyway, my point is, as things stand we're still spamming LvB and this will only get worse with more haste. Still have prim wave, still using earthquake, still have shit visuals. Yea sure we've been given a new defensive totem. Fine, whatever. Not the best, but it helps I guess.
@EssenceOfTrance Ай бұрын
Definitely saw this coming. There's so little footage of Ele online, Mage is just stealing the spotlight from everyone. I was decided on Mage myself but my friends might roll one too. I might just go Shaman!
@attinger117 Ай бұрын
I believe I am also going to main resto/enhance but I like ele too. I’ll play all three. I like the shaman changes so far but I really wish they would follow up with polish like they have done for some classes over the last two months. It doesn’t make sense that shaman get their changes crammed into basically one week with a few later on, but other classes get two or more months of constant iteration on their changes.
@perkulant4629 Ай бұрын
@@attinger117 shaman is always one of the “ah guess we have to” classes for Blizz.
@Titantaunt Ай бұрын
Now we need another passive healing build!
@somthingsomthing1 Ай бұрын
Ele shamans strong together
@3ssenti4L Ай бұрын
I'm torn between shaman and dk
@hedonismbot3274 Ай бұрын
Dk sound and visuals really need a rework imo. That's why i chose shaman i guess. The struggle is real. (Abomination limb looks nice tho).
@KJN311 Ай бұрын
Same boat
@sadza18 Ай бұрын
Recorder after or before 25% nerf on LB and EB and Earthquake, and ... And what not ?😢
@Manjgo Ай бұрын
I wouldn't be surprised if Elemental gets a big nerf xd
@madhudson1 Ай бұрын
Shamans been everywhere on the beta
@Qstorm88 Ай бұрын
@perer005 Ай бұрын
Leveling my Eli Shaman, aiming for RBGs with Resto
@dark9nine Ай бұрын
Told ya ;) Is all about Elemental
@GnarutaM Ай бұрын
can you post the talent build for you ele shaman?
@rafaellontra2189 Ай бұрын
18:31 how is the healer doing 830k dps?
@ZucoWoW Ай бұрын
@@rafaellontra2189 Because he's a legend
@perkulant4629 Ай бұрын
@@rafaellontra2189 Resto Druid is OP atm.
@Brainman234 Ай бұрын
Ofc now everyone plays meta pally heal ---...---- we getting nerfd to death again
@qx6789 Ай бұрын
you convinced me to main a shaman as well. can't wait. storm earth and fire, heed my call
@osmanrumeli Ай бұрын
its time to upload at least 2K videoes man :( its sucks to watch 1080p youtube video from a 4K monitor
@ourovermelho23 Ай бұрын
I’m in an abusive relationship with Blizzard so I’ll main MM/BM hunter dark ranger lol
@Lars_lml Ай бұрын
Noob question: Why do resto shaman get enhanced imbues ?
@ZucoWoW Ай бұрын
@@Lars_lml Because they have Earth living Weapon on their spec tree. If they take that, it gets buffed by 20%. :)
@Lars_lml Ай бұрын
@@ZucoWoW Thanks!
@riddermark1398 Ай бұрын
@angelabadzhiev9036 Ай бұрын
Blizzard dont like shaman for some reason too , all the dmg is nice but no personal survivability cd AGAIN is crap and will be overlooked and yet the Hunter class got it for this expansion
@Ashes22dust Ай бұрын
Because you chose ele over Enhance I've deemed you a traitor to our kind. You just lost a subscriber
@xAstarael Ай бұрын
I can't believe you didn't pick Rogue
@jennifurx6176 Ай бұрын
I just remember your main is always shaman haha😂
@petfish7385 Ай бұрын
Left the SV Hunters in dust.....sad
@ZucoWoW Ай бұрын
It's not a bad spec at all. Ele is just more fun to me :) Survival is top 3 best melee dps right now imo.
@00Fiddlesticks00 Ай бұрын
resto sham with survival hunter
@freddybadillasoto7762 Ай бұрын
It's hard to play?
@ZucoWoW Ай бұрын
Not really no... It has priority spells you need to cast and procs you need to respond to, so it's a bit more complicated than specs with a set-in-stone rotation, but once you play with it a bit you get the hang of it.
@_Zir Ай бұрын
ur picking too early.
@ZucoWoW Ай бұрын
@@_Zir Nah, Shaman is going to be strong
@_Zir Ай бұрын
@@ZucoWoW the correct way is to: Pick a main > see its mid after tuning> swap to OP > finally get to play the game.
@ZucoWoW Ай бұрын
@@_Zir That's the last way you should ever play this game my man... Play what you want to play. Don't be bullied by the meta. Enjoy the game rather than doing what a bunch of sims tells you to do :)
@maximobernard4743 Ай бұрын
1st 😂
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