How To Not Burn Out Your Fan Base
Let's Talk About Spotify Growth
The 1 Reason Artists Don't Grow
A 2024 State of Web3 and Music
How To Turn Fans Into Customers
Artist Branding and How To Use It
@stangreene6663 4 сағат бұрын
You had me until, “You’re better off getting a bank loan”. Hey artists, if you are reading this, no, a bank loan (if you can get even get one for $150k) is not better than a record deal for $150k
@dariankeeling 16 сағат бұрын
Really enjoyed the video
@rexchiquine6049 Күн бұрын
This is the second comment,,,
@alibbeats Күн бұрын
Valuable information underrated podcast
@rexchiquine6049 2 күн бұрын
You know what you are talking about dude,,,
@sabus1265 3 күн бұрын
But the labels have connections to put your music in the mainstream. Adding it to radios, playlists, putting you on tours, connecting you to industry professionals. Collaborating with other artists in the same label. Putting you on their page. It is IMPOSSIBLE to do this alone. Yes you could get a loan but that's not all a record label does. You are leaving a lot of this out
@musicmarketing 2 күн бұрын
@@sabus1265 doggie... how many signed artists do you know? Do you really think labels do that for even 1% of the artists they sign?
@sabus1265 2 күн бұрын
@@musicmarketing 0. I just saw Fantano interview Logic and he said that a record label makes it much easier. And then I googled what a record label does. They give you an A&R to help you grow. I believe there is a sweet spot and not all deals are bad.
@JoeCattt 3 күн бұрын
bro said creating music is a sub process and that made me realize how music education should actually be taught.
@hellraizer322 5 күн бұрын
This is exactly why understanding contracts is crucial for artists! Excited to learn how record labels operate from Circa's perspective.
@suyanaluz9328 5 күн бұрын
Guys.. i'm looking desperately for a link to your website/services/... 😂... please dont forget to add it, you're making it hard for us to find out more ;-)
@MrBratkenSolov 6 күн бұрын
Imagine trying to earn money making music in 2020s. It was impossilbe in late 2000s-early 2010...
@musicmarketing 6 күн бұрын
@@MrBratkenSolov I agree that it is very difficult (less than 1% success rate) to earn money from the monetization of created music. However, using music as a marketing vehicle for other monetization efforts has a much higher success rate.
@BTMushrooms 8 күн бұрын
Love you work guys. Question - the concept "Breakout material" Keep making content until you strike this Breakout Material. Prove organic traction on two channels before spending money on content ads etc.Question being - What metric defines something as breakout? How many views / likes / comments / shares etc etc warrants something as breakout material? So helpful!
@sunnohh 9 күн бұрын
Least accurate use of the word arbitrage I have ever encountered, an arbitrage is an risk free realization of a mispricing among two or more markets. The word you are looking for was “exploitative”
@musicmarketing 8 күн бұрын
@sunnohh pricing is determined by a free market of participants Pricing in one domain is skewed from the pricing in another domain - in this case subdomains of business to business lending Is arbitrage. Eat it doggie.
@coastercook 9 күн бұрын
I can write you a script and slap it in a web page to do that email nonsense that you are spending 8 hours on.
@KenTeel 10 күн бұрын
If you do the work of inventing an intellectual entity (song, book, etc.) it IS your property. Yes, the Government should protect it from punks who have no respect for the work, and I do mean work, that people have to do, to create an interllectual work. Just because you can steal, doesn't mean you should. His opinions are those of a spoiled entitled young man. Do you ever use your real name ?
@musicmarketing 10 күн бұрын
@KenTeel It's Kyle Lemaire, and yes I use it all the time. Also, this is a "laws of physics" thing, not a "bad feelings" kind of thing. You design a system irrespective of feelings. Sure, it feels great to call your ideas your property. Maybe the intention was to make everybody feel good. But in only 34 years of life (can you imagine?) I have learned that intentions are bad criteria for decision making - outcomes should be the only criteria. What is the outcome of having pretended that ideas are property? 1. Less than 1% of the capital generated by artistic works has ever made it into the hands of artists 2. Global corporations that are not led by artists hold all the negotiating power, control a crushing majority of the productive effort, and virtually control almost all of the ideas (sorry, property) that have ever been produced. Sick dude, you wanted to believe songs were like Snuggies and now we're all irreparably fucked. Great job.
@KenTeel 10 күн бұрын
@@musicmarketing Well yes, I can imagine 34 years old. I was, as usual, making music at 34 years old (as I still am.) The intellectual property thing has to do with work. That word work is conviently left out of your comments. If you work at something, that you create, it's your's regardless of whether or not it's a physical object. Just because a bunch of entitled punks want something for free, doesn't negate the work, nor the property rights, of those who labored to create an intellectual work. Your issue is with the business side of things, and who is in control. Business and property rights (intellectual) are two different things. One has to do with ownership of a work, the other has to do with gate keeping to the media and making money. You are confusing these two things. If I do the labor of creating a song, that IS my property, and is recognized by all rational people. Children who have been told that they are entitled to everything don't like this. Technology has enabled them to steal, so they rationalize, as they steal. That is what you're suggesting. Intellectual property is an advanced concept. Apes don't have it. Everything is physical in their world. They don't have money either. Money is a concept at its root also. We, as humans, recognize concepts. Intellectual property is a concept, and it is base on the work ethic. Now, I don't like the music biz, either. And, I think that shady businessmen in the music biz have abused artists. But, that doesn't negate the concept and the fairness of intellectual property rights. If making money is your only criteria, then Al Capone could be one of your heroes. Afterall, he was about making money regardless of ethics. Yes, the music business has been a crooked business without a doubt. It goes way back, even further than the payola scandals, in radio. You're right. It's a mafia. And they have had way too much control over media. Fortunately, the internet is changing all of that. Regardless of my criticisms, I do enjoy your words and your videos. Thanks for making them.
@musicmarketing 10 күн бұрын
@KenTeel You have an insane, self-aggrandizing, and decidedly unacademic definition of intellectual property and property in general. Literally nobody, in the history of discussion on this subject, has ever seriously tried to propose that property is tied to work ethic. There is absolutely zero hope of this discussion benefiting either you or me, so I'm going to end it here.
@KenTeel 10 күн бұрын
@@musicmarketing Not the ethic... it's the ACTUAL WORK that generates intellectual property. Because it's a concept doesn't' negate the work, nor that it's property. Show a piece of sheet music, where you actually wrote the song that is written on it.
@KenTeel 10 күн бұрын
This video should be required viewing for all artists. There are several truths in this video. Well done.
@KenTeel 10 күн бұрын
This is a compelling video. Before I get into opinion on it however, I'll say that the background, synthesized "music" in the background (crap created on an electronic keyboard), detracts from his message. About intellectual property, anyone who has labored to write music, write a book, design a circuit, will understand that labor is at the heart of this issue. For some of you who confuse the entertainment quality of music, to indicate that artists are "just having fun" , you're mistaken. Work is involved. And, work should be compensated. (Do you work for free?) Intellectual property rights (copyright, patent) make complete sense. Just because technology has enabled listeners to steal another persons' work, doesn't invalidate that the artists' work should belong to them, AKA, property. The reason that he's saying this is that he's from the generation that confused being able to get something for free, with the moral right to do such a thing. AKA: Grown up, spoiled child, entitled. The problem doesn't lie with intellectual works being regarded as property. The problem lies with the entitlement and associated rationalizations that people use to steal other people's intellectual creations: I can do it, therefore it's right. Its a moral problem, not a legal problem. The technical description that he presents may actually work to get people to pay for intellectual works. The concepts, economically, about inflation and the worth of Bob Dylan's catalog are interesting, and worth pondering (I've never bought a Dylan album and wonder why other people would want to listen to that.) Anyway, it's an interesting video, and worth a fact check.
@musicmarketing 10 күн бұрын
@KenTeel I aint reading all that I'm happy for u tho Or sorry that happened
@KenTeel 10 күн бұрын
@@musicmarketing That seems to be a modern mantra. You ask for opinions and when someone actually gives you a complete one..... well I'm only interested if it's an ADD style comment.
@KenTeel 10 күн бұрын
@@musicmarketing Then let me condense if for you: You're full of crap on somethings, and right on, on others. You're spoiled and entitled generation.
@musicmarketing 10 күн бұрын
@@KenTeel I don't remember asking for your opinion I think you hallucinated that
@CatrinaDaimonLee 10 күн бұрын
@ezaiah23 11 күн бұрын
Go make some music!!!!!
@randommusic1067 11 күн бұрын
learn how to make macros in xl
@musicmarketing 11 күн бұрын
@randommusic1067 macros in excel? you think an excel macro solves what I described?
@randommusic1067 9 күн бұрын
@@musicmarketing sure. grab some info from the spreadsheet generate a code and create a certificate? record the action in word or excel and edit in visual basic. might take some time initially but youll save time in the long run like if you gotta do it again.
@musicmarketing 9 күн бұрын
@randommusic1067 oh I thought you meant auto addition of the codes into the cart software. No, I did use a Google Sheet for what you described
@zerberk 13 күн бұрын
I love you. I needed to watch this.
@JUANS3F 14 күн бұрын
very thankful for your work...
@stevelanemusic4463 14 күн бұрын
Good, I've been waiting for this one
@OfficialMjZoo 14 күн бұрын
great video
@5thdigit 14 күн бұрын
We all know it only takes one song, you discovered this yesterday?
@musicmarketing 14 күн бұрын
I discovered you yesterday, and now I want a big wet kiss you handsome fella
@FuturisticAgent 14 күн бұрын
This is a fantastic episode, highlighting the ever changing landscape of today's creator world. 👍
@LeenasMuse 15 күн бұрын
Idk why I’m watching this since I’m just trying not to sound like crap at this point, but this is actually really helpful.
@rkk578 15 күн бұрын
Just a bit of correction: McDonald's doesn't sell properties, they lease them for the franchisees. Also, regarding the borrowing rate. 75 bps seems way too low. With corporate bonds usually there are other costs involved too, so buying bonds wouldn't necessarily make them money (plus facility documentation usually outlines a lot of T&Cs which often includes what the funs can be used for). Besides, while the percentage the record company is taking is definitely way too much, they are a business, not a charity. Ultimately they provide funding and carry the risk when they sign a band, so it's natural that they want to hedge against the risk and want return of their investment. Of course they will try to transfer this risk, and again the way and the level they do it can be argued. However, this is not something the music business does only, but basically every business. And let's not forget other costs involved to "run" a band which are not coming out of the advance. It's also normal that the money comes out of the artist's 50% as the artist is in €150k in debt to the label. They made an agreement that income split 50-50% and the artists starts with a €150k debt thas what needs to be paid back, and that's only the return of the capital for the label, their 50% share is the profit. However that's still not 100%, because their initial €150k costs more than 75bps, as issuance has costs and running a business also has costs.
@musicmarketing 15 күн бұрын
@rkk578 You seem to have a good fundamental knowledge in what I would consider standard business practice. So I can say confidently that if I sat here and explained to you the full story from Roulette Records to today you would be abjectly horrified by what has been allowed to occur in the Music industry. And, it would make all the sense in the world that it has remained a boutique industry, having traded the spoils of ubiquitous consumption and worldwide popularity for the centralized, unshakeable power and hegemony of 3 firms and the wealth of a petty theif.
@rkk578 15 күн бұрын
@@musicmarketing Oh, I am not trying to justify it, because the rate they are working at is horrid and they exploit the naive youngsters. I think people will need to learn that they need to hire a lawyer before they sign anything, even if this costs their last dimes. And another important thing is not to spend the advance on random c**p. Btw which year was this corporate bond issued? I only found a 400 bps one, but rates went up so rapidly in the recent years that this difference wouldn't be surprising.
@musicmarketing 15 күн бұрын
@rkk578 There are only so many entertainment lawyers. The hegemony of publishers and majors virtually limits the space of legal action that sufficiently experienced entertainment attorneys are willing to take. Even the space of negotiating tactics has kiddie gloves on it. I've quite literally had nearly a dozen friends who have retained legal counsel for contract negotiations during which the legal counsel failed to catch obvious language in the contract that would have indentured their client to a decade of non-primary obligations or would have massively expanded the scope of their consideration arbitrarily or at the sole discretion of their counterparts. I've experienced counterparties SELECTING attorneys for their naive would-be signees. It's literally a tank of snakes.
@Kentavious444 15 күн бұрын
The music industry on the whole exploits the egos of wannabe music stars. Musical instrument retail sales rival the music industry itself these days. Everyone convinced if they just have that right sound that they'll be a hit. I woke up to the music business back when the clubs in Hollywood adopted "Pay to Play" in the 70's. But now in the days of the internet the industry is overflowing with talented artists playing for peanuts. Only a select few with tons of backing from the start make it in any significant way.
@PeterandJuralove 15 күн бұрын
Hi guys, highest respect. 20:40 Circ- do you need an audience prior to brand attributes? Hmmm. I’d offer that having clarity on your vision, and from that beginning your brand attributes prior to audience testing is wiser. If you don’t know your target audience (an essential component of branding), and you’re just fishing to see who likes your music, well, ok. But if your clarity of vision has done the proper branding work of identifying the target customer, better to prepare those brand qualities in advance of creating content for that audience. Current common practice in most product launches - if you’re approaching your music as a business (which you guys advocate!), probably want to study this flow: 1. Branding 2. Content 3. Advertising 4. Optimization
@RandyBadour 15 күн бұрын
Great content sir, thank you for speaking the truth to those who actually want to hear the HONEST truth lol.
@_wallyw 15 күн бұрын
Excelente consejo y Pura Vida desde Costa Rica 🇨🇷
@stianmartypodcast9559 15 күн бұрын
Great Vid bro, thanks for sharing!
@almac8840 15 күн бұрын
Worse thing to happen is people calling creative output "Content"
@musicmarketing 15 күн бұрын
yeah I mean, I kinda agree I wish we had a different word. I think in this context I just mean 'short form vertical videos' and should probably just say that instead. Hate the word content so much.
@kojoefante 15 күн бұрын
You guys are pretending to help go get views and make contents lol … Focus on music ..
@kojoefante 15 күн бұрын
Naa you guys are trying to turn musicians into content creators. Don’t do it ..
@kojoefante 15 күн бұрын
Sir music marketing is hard . I don’t know how to do it. It’s always robot etc etc .
@kaysuave94 15 күн бұрын
This was right on time thank you! 🙏🏾
@eyewas9245 16 күн бұрын
BRO!!! Fuck yeah dude! Preach!!! You are awesome and I wish we knew each other so we could go grab a drink and talk man. You seem like a super coold dude. Really appreciate this message. Humor was spot on too. Liked & Subscribed!
@Alyag 16 күн бұрын
22:49 is the ultimate tantalizing nugget of know-how by Circ pertaining to the theme of this episode. Love it.
@StevenNetsch 16 күн бұрын
My man... what is your time worth? Make smart decisions. For $8 an hour or less you can have a very sharp Filipino virtual assistant do this work for you extremely well and cheap. Google Filipino virtual assistant or just go to Upwork. Do screen capture of how to do it and training is done. Good luck!
@LowerLoveday 16 күн бұрын
Who is the band you referenced that is getting great results with short form content? Intrigued to check out their content for ideas
@nastied 13 күн бұрын
@ZonymaUnltd. 16 күн бұрын
80/20 … less is more.
@damarezcurtis 16 күн бұрын
Great info!!
@TheMattSwifts 17 күн бұрын
Hey man, Weaver beats' saracastic commentary sent me. Subbed cause youre taking no prisoners, do American politics next pls
@musicmarketing 16 күн бұрын
@@TheMattSwifts wot
@gsharpenmydjencil 17 күн бұрын
Great content, thoroughly enjoyed listening, but for the love of god cut your hair 😂
@WaliG 17 күн бұрын
Let's go!
@iknikblackstone9082 17 күн бұрын
what if you can't produce your tracks on the cheap (If your genre doesn't really allow this) ? then how do you put all those track out to test them ? because you never now which song is gonna click right ? so do you release demos ? an idea to solve this catch 22 situation ?
@gsharpenmydjencil 17 күн бұрын
What I did for a LONG time was go onto twitch, search feedback, and go to the channels doing feedback on songs, I’ve done that for years and it’s helped me narrow in on what is good and what isn’t.
@gsharpenmydjencil 17 күн бұрын
I don’t even second guess myself if I have gold anymore, because I’ve been through the trenches enough to know what people are honestly thinking when listening to a song
@ricgl84 17 күн бұрын
You should invite Rick Beato or he should invite you to his channel
@lyndellwilliams5890 6 күн бұрын
That would be an awesome hookup. Ted Gioia would make it even better if all 3 could get together.
@iamhvrcrft 17 күн бұрын
The real issue is what you consider the “break out “ thing is just a bunch of views and followers… for musicians… this doesn’t mean the tour opening for your favorite artist or show offers in your home town. It’s just views and followers on the internet…
@myemodiaries901 17 күн бұрын
Nah. Those views and followers is why I was able to quit my job and now make a full time living as writer after blowing up on TikTok in my niche
@musicmarketing 16 күн бұрын
@iamhvrcrft damn this take is good now but I can't even imagine how well it will age
@KYLETISZAI 15 күн бұрын
​@@musicmarketingi can't tell if you're being serious or not 😂