Morally Grey Fantasy
21 күн бұрын
Was Churchill the Villain of WWII?
The Rivers of Civilisation
The Terminus of Civilisation
Dark Days Ahead
Ай бұрын
We, the Unheard
2 ай бұрын
Death as a Moral Necessity
2 ай бұрын
The Cargo Cult Industrial Complex
The Revolution Has Begun
3 ай бұрын
The Right Side of History™
We Are Still Alive
4 ай бұрын
The American Caesar
4 ай бұрын
4 ай бұрын
Human Resources
4 ай бұрын
4 ай бұрын
It's Not About Men or Bears
4 ай бұрын
Why the Left Loves Criminals
Openly a Knight
5 ай бұрын
The Purpose of Lore and Canon
Warhammer Finally Goes Woke
5 ай бұрын
5 ай бұрын
The Sacred Capitol
5 ай бұрын
The Wretched Old Lion
6 ай бұрын
I am Jack's Spiritual Void
6 ай бұрын
The Philosophy of Visibility
@Christine-l1b 37 минут бұрын
Corporate Church ran the world into pain understand. Stalin said religions are opium of the people. America and most people are ignorant ones. Remember the priest cast were educated not common folks kk. All leadership is compromised by reptilian leaders worldwide in government
@Christine-l1b 39 минут бұрын
I'm White and ashamed of the White thief understand.
@Christine-l1b 40 минут бұрын
UK had reptilian leaders ksame with most leaders
@Christine-l1b 41 минут бұрын
It's not moral to steal and kill and make people live in poverty Check out the real history of USA wars.
@thegrumpyguy1043 45 минут бұрын
You have a very specific and in my view narrow view of the word liberal. I am, to all intents a liberal but only so far as I believe in equality of opportunity which relies on specific abilities and characteristics. Even Ian Smith said that it was about education not colour so he didn’t decry liberalism. You’re conflating US liberalism with true liberalism
@WahPony 2 сағат бұрын
The point was not to make money. It's propaganda. But I think it achieves the opposite, becoming a parody of itself if you think about it. IMO some dumb rich hollywood people spent a jigillion dollars making propaganda for your side
@coreylapinas1000 3 сағат бұрын
The billion was spent on DEI consultation
@Chocolate_teapot420 3 сағат бұрын
The comment section really goes mask off 😂 I’d have more respect if you just called yourselves fascists. It’d be more honest.
@NRTHK-wv9sb 3 сағат бұрын
How about u try reading his book series before commenting and slandering the man on it
@Doctor_Buckets 5 сағат бұрын
13% gonna 13%
@santiagojohnson7093 7 сағат бұрын
Fun fact. Your praise of Smith as the only "realist" who defended the true "values" of civilization in a world entangled in materialistic ideologies -expressed both in capitalism and communism-, lies, in the end, on the supposed benefits the white rule had in black population living standards. Which is a blatantly materialistic argument itself. Nice try.
@kurukblackflame 8 сағат бұрын
While the idea of a certain quality being required to allow a person to vote is interesting to me (and one I've thought about myself when exasperated by the apparent stupidity of the general populace at times) it is quite a dangerous thing. Who gets to decide who votes? In the past it was based on owning a certain amount of land (as it was thought that land owners had the most stake in a nation and would inherently be of sound judgement) but all this meant was that all laws and the way society was structured was to the benefit of the rich (even more so than it is today). For want of some infallible arbiter of voting worthiness there is no better system than universal suffrage. This does not mean such a system is without flaws. Merely that the alternative would be worse.
@TheresaReichley 8 сағат бұрын
Any deity that wants McDonald’s as a telos of history is not worthy of worship. Deity isn’t about material goods, it’s about transcendence and morality and spirituality.
@benranson8424 9 сағат бұрын
I read the article at the time through X and it was a real eye opener. I wrote this piece to challenge us further on the subject of "what is best" vs. "what is right": Imagine aliens invaded tomorrow and took over the Earth. With their superior technology, they crushed our armed forces easily, and many in the services died, but they avoided mass civilian casualties with precision strikes. In the ensuing period of their rule, we learned they were a lot more civilised and enlightened than us. Public order increased as criminality was dealt with, technology leapt forward, massive infrastructure improvements were made, educational standards improved, wars and terrorism ceased. BUT we Earth natives weren't allowed into their government structures, and whilst we were consulted on many ways that things could be done, they were in charge and made the decisions. Despite the takeover, things actually improved for the average person considerably. As a citizen of the "developed world" currently, would you be happy with this fictional arrangement? You can choose to rule yourselves (or think you do with the current "democracy" that we have), or be ruled by others who it turns out are much better at it than us. The reason I'm asking this question, and the answer isn't clear even for me, is that this is exactly what a native of a country would be thinking when the British moved into parts of Africa and India as a colonial power. Yes, they ruled without the locals having a say, but they leap-frogged the development of those countries with all the advances that came with a more developed power. The same was also true when Rome moved into more "savage" areas like Gaul, Britain and Dacia (today's Romania). The reverse happened in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe after the whites were ejected from power in 1980. The reverse is also happening in slow-motion in South Africa right now. And the lot of the average person in those countries has actually declined as a result, even though they have their "freedom". This is both a moral and pragmatic question. You're economically and work-wise better off when a foreign entity is ruling you, but you'd rather be poorer, as long as you're "free"? Was everything about colonialism and Empire bad?
@TriarchVisgroup 9 сағат бұрын
6:06 Gen X Abandoned God. Gen X decreed "everything sucks!" as their cynical slogan to describe society. That is the epitaph of Generation X. Gen X could buy houses and cars and have it all and want for nothing. Gen X CHOSE NOT TO HAVE A SPIRITUAL IDENTITY. They thought religion was dumb, church was stupid, and The Bible was just a dusty old book full of fairytales and backwards thinking from the distant past. Generation X was its own worst enemy, and they want to blame the Boomers before them and the Millennials after them, instead of blaming themselves. Nobody was stopping anyone at the turn of the century from having an identity. That was a SOCIAL DECISION. Once the Soviet's were defeated, all of those kids could have continued going to church and building their lives around the pursuit of their noblest selves. Instead they chose sex, drugs, drink, music, comics, and video games. They chose to burn out.
@RyanDarr-dk9bl 9 сағат бұрын
Look Americas major cities…. All rundown trash heaps run by local tribes
@Hegemol900 9 сағат бұрын
I find it somewhat reasuring that Elon didnt end up becoming a Doctor Cockto (or at least an early equivalent) but instead is now actively opposing such a development throw his stride into right-wing politics. Maybe we can prevent all of this after all.
@Mal0Imperzia 9 сағат бұрын
Termanid posting
@ruin1619 11 сағат бұрын
You should make a video about Birmingham and London…
@fritzdeuces 11 сағат бұрын
The liberals were right. This narrative is condescending... let the Africans live how they want to.
@easutube 12 сағат бұрын
He clearly was. You should look for a 6 hour long documentary called "The Greatest Story Never Told" ... you'll connect a lot of dots after that.
@yusivishnu 12 сағат бұрын
6:27 Toxic Brood ? Full name Hate-Mongering Verbal Terrorists of the Toxic Brood
@easutube 12 сағат бұрын
The exact same betrayal and capitulation that happened to us in SA, no difference. The west gave Nelson Mandela a freaking peace prize and he was a disgusting murderer , along with his wife Winni ... pathetic. Put a criminal on pedestal and call them a saint ... where have we seen that before? George Floyd? ...
@EternalRhodie 13 сағат бұрын
marxism is negrolatry in disguise
@emperorarasaka 14 сағат бұрын
"Getting swatted is part and parcel of a bug living in a human household"
@AnthonyTobyEllenor-pi4jq 15 сағат бұрын
The plan to destroy Rhodesia was formulated during meetings of committees in the recently named country of Israel. The same folk who organized the Windrush bringing West Indians to the UK in 1947 wanted to dismantle the Commonwealth, they sent activists like Joe Slovo to South Africa to raise dissent amongst the natives and they also worked with the Soviets to recruit and train Africans at the Frunze academy near Moscow then infiltrate them back into Africa. (Patrice Lumumba was a graduate of the Frunze academy)
@seandeangelis7849 17 сағат бұрын
The Prestige
@seandeangelis7849 17 сағат бұрын
Just realized that Sargon is back!! Awesome 😅
@seandeangelis7849 18 сағат бұрын
Good on them for peacefully protesting
@seandeangelis7849 18 сағат бұрын
The English I mean obviously
@Sacramento-mv8nr 20 сағат бұрын
Betrayed by the British
@neanderthalslayer 22 сағат бұрын
Fuck European colonialism 💯
@EternalRhodie 13 сағат бұрын
I take it you posted this before your electricity quota for the day ran out?
@neanderthalslayer 12 сағат бұрын
@@EternalRhodie my Electricity never goes out maybe in a severe storm but even then the generator kicks in and the electricity is fine how’s your sunburn? Have you been seeing your doctor regularly… taking your meds? watch out for cancer DNA testing is helping you archaic people learn how to survive your mutations you still will eventually be extinct glad we had a chance to see y’all in the flesh that’s crazy we walked the Earth with Neanderthals
@Jamesbonk01 22 сағат бұрын
who could have thought that lilberals were destroying societies even decades ago? 🤣
@oppenheimer-wz6ix Күн бұрын
Macchu picchu, great zimbabwe, mohenjo daro
@WLBarton4466 Күн бұрын
William Buckley was considered a conservative for so long, he had fooled everyone. To call him liberal, while he castigated Ian Smith, was quite correct though humorous.
@kakhakheviashvili6365 Күн бұрын
Orcs are ok and redeemable? What about Nazis then? Or capitalists? Or rich? I love how the same progressives, who put people in very rigid boxes, are the same ones who talk about grey morals and everything being the matter of perspective the most.
@harrydavey9884 Күн бұрын
Sort of hilarious that they thought fatty foods were unhealthy back then.
@ALForb Күн бұрын
While there's a lot about A Song of Ice and Fire that annoys me, I don't think this is an accurate characterization of the story. First, you can't really compare it to LotR. Tolkien wasn't trying build a world that resembles ours in any way. It's pure fantasy. A Song of Ice and Fire is meant to be medieval history + dragons, and uses real history to inform his story. Second, there are indeed heroes in ASoIF. The Starks are heroes. Tyrian is a hero. There are others who are virtue, who have good alignment. And characters like Jaime go through a redemptive ark. What GRRM is getting at is that in his world, it's very very hard to be hero (as it would have been throughout the medieval ages). The writeup featured here seems to be bending backwards to make this about GRRM's politics, which I don't share, I just don't assume everything in his work is informed by these politics.
@seabertotter4325 Күн бұрын
Rhodesia is already dead. It's not coming back.
@laststand6420 Күн бұрын
Dear Sargon, The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The reason Christianity works so well in the world is because its adherents see the world through the lens of God's special revelations to the Prophets of old. It is so transformative to one's view of things that the one who accepts this truth is considered a fool by all who do not and likewise considers them as fools. It is no accident that the west has discovered science, modern government, an entire half of the globe, and the other forms that shape modernity into its marvelous and unique shape... Those who created these things were privy to secrets others considered foolishness. The event on which all of this hinges is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. To those who accept this fact an all illuminating "other side" of reality is opened. Those who reject it are doomed to search for meaning and direction and morality in deep darkness. Which will you choose?
@robertdlucas7418 Күн бұрын
The west betrayed Rhodesia? Are you mad? The land was never owned by white Rhodesians.
@ethereal1356 Күн бұрын
These same idiots hate immigration and demand mass deportation and then complain about this. It's about race not immigrants.
@kpimkpim349 Күн бұрын
They literally died
@teddyjackson1902 Күн бұрын
Been saying this about South Africa and Rhodesia forever. They got sick of upity colonials thinking they could obtain independence. It’s easier to prop up quasi-socialist tin pots in exchange for corporatist access to natural resources. See no evil, hear no evil.
@f1shze4lot Күн бұрын
10:41 same happened in nazi occupied territories. Not that strong of an argument
@chrisekstrom4614 Күн бұрын
WFB was a TOTAL PHONY! He defended Segregation in the USA. This absurd interview was intended to “redeem” him in the eyes of the NYC intelligentsia he served & craved the affirmation of in his post 1968 career.
@enocramirez884 Күн бұрын
It’s like Milton Friedman said, you can’t have both immigration and a welfare state
@greatguytv Күн бұрын
Nothing of value is free. 3.1414159. 24y10m
@rsavage-r2v Күн бұрын
Yes get that racism out in the open! No need to mince words! Are you anxious to go "slot some floppies"?
@greatguytv Күн бұрын
figuring out things for yourself is the only freedom that anyone really has use that freedom
@greatguytv Күн бұрын
Nothing of value is free. 3.1414159. 24y10m.figuring out thi gs for yourself is the only freedom you have , use it
@greatguytv Күн бұрын
3.1414159. 24y10m
@brycetomecek5065 Күн бұрын
@Nicki-q4m Күн бұрын
Yeah the Africans are very racist