The Mermaid of Zennor on Coast FM
Black Swan on Coast FM
3 жыл бұрын
No Sale on Coast FM
3 жыл бұрын
Don't need a saviour on Coast FM
Esho funi (Lockdown Dub)
4 жыл бұрын
The Black Swan
4 жыл бұрын
Castles for fun (Lynne's song)
4 жыл бұрын
The Mermaid of Zennor
4 жыл бұрын
No Sale
5 жыл бұрын
@richwatts 7 күн бұрын
I always enjoy your delivery. You are a great presenter. Good flow and nice to listen to.
@Lutonbodyhome 7 күн бұрын
Thank you. Cos that one comes from a song it has a rhythm to it even if you speak it. I emphasised it a bit of course.
@nand3kudasai 26 күн бұрын
Something about the title: Afaik ptsd is actually an illness. Not a defect, not your identity, nothing to be ashamed of. But an illness, like a flu or a broken bone. And there are ways to recover from it. And its worth it.
@Lutonbodyhome 25 күн бұрын
Thanks, I agree entirely it is an illness or a condition that can be healed with love, time, space, understanding and letting go...amongst other things. It's definitely nothing to be ashamed of, if anything it's vindication that you are a caring and loving individual! When I wrote the title the emphasis was on mental in my thoughts process. I was aiming to highlight that far from being something that is just in the mind stress 'disorders' are holistic and involve every bit of us. With your thoughts on board I can see that the title can be read differently to that so I'll give it a little edit and add speech quotes around "mental" to drive the emphasis home. Thanks for the input ❤️🙏
@Lutonbodyhome 25 күн бұрын
Done 👍
@meemaflowers9446 27 күн бұрын
Trauma is biological. It is not psychological.
@Lutonbodyhome 27 күн бұрын
I agree, it's not just something that happens in the "mind", a "mental health" issue, it affects all of our systems and can form a very rigid feedback loop. Thanks for giving your view on it, it's much appreciated ❤️🙏
@amberv4223 29 күн бұрын
Hugs. I have it too.
@Lutonbodyhome 29 күн бұрын
And hugs to you too. I hope that you are finding a way through ❤️🤞
@kaoutar6921 Ай бұрын
Your kitchen is so calming
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
Thanks, it is a very nice place to be. Green does It for me! It will change somewhen because I don't have an oven at the moment. The oven will go where the sink is and the sink will go where the hob is. Then it will be more practical for me as well.
@iahelcathartesaura3887 Ай бұрын
GLAD TO FIND YOU & YOUR CHANNEL! You're describing me and some of my loved ones. You & your story greatly resemble me. And the body gets so used to the stress hormones and everything in us is saying if you relax you will be in danger and you will or could be killed! We're holding up keeping our stress level going because it on some level makes us feel safe like we're strong and can fight or stand tough. It has taken me decades to work through that, even a bit. Yes a mind to calculate the probabilities etc. I have that kind of mind too. LOVE TO YOU TOO, MAN! Yeah trauma puts us in a bad existential place and separates us from any connection with Creator and soul and connection
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
It's strange isn't it that we all experience different lives, different traumas and yet there is so much commonality with the way we react in order to survive and get by. We recognise these things in each other and in ourselves. Being open with each other in this way and sharing these things really does help show us that we aren't alone, that we aren't some isolated freak of nature and that we are in fact experiencing something that many others do and which actually seems to be written into the human 'operating system'. So many of us describe similar things... I'm really glad you reached out and commented, I'm sorry you recognise stuff that I said but it makes me feel better that you do if you get what I mean. Great to virtually meet you and my heart is with you and your loved ones ❤️🙏
@antoniorubio5126 Ай бұрын
He left a print in this world that will never be forgotten, I’m going to pass it on to the next generation.
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
He did indeed and good on you for spreading the word 👍
@scotttillman01 Ай бұрын
Very cool video. RIP Joe
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
Thanks and yup, RIP Joe ❤️🙏
@jackmitton2534 Ай бұрын
Wait a minute, Joe's Dad was a foreign diplomat...
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
@PsychoBuddyMA Ай бұрын
Thanks so much for sharing your experience and the fascinating neurology!! Here's my perspective on complex PTSD and a useful coping mechanism for emotional flashbacks
@redroselace9545 Ай бұрын
Just clicked for that cosy dreamy kitchen
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
Lol 😎👍
@Rebecca0010 Ай бұрын
Right on, about your goals and intentions. I also live with this condition, am wondering how to go forward and be good to myself in my career, and also believe I’m somewhere undiagnosed on the spectrum (at 40). Good luck to you!
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
Thank you, that you are thinking on those lines is a very good thing innit. I don't know about you but I've lost count of how many times I heard, 'you're your own worst enemy'. I've been very self destructive at times. Trying to stay on a path of being good to ourselves is massive in my view. I may not always be able to do it but I want to and that's the main thing. I'm very glad you have your best interest at the forefront of your thinking. Good luck to you too :)
@montereyspike Ай бұрын
Thank you so much, for sharing so openly, and for reminding me that I'm not the only one struggling - ONWARD - with these kinds of things. I am so able to relate to your share and to some of what I've seen in the comments section too. Am looking forward to your future endeavors. Best wishes to you and yours.
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
Thank you ❤️🙏 the further down the spectrum of trauma related experience the more isolated you get it seems. I know at times I have felt and do feel like there is no-one who could relate to where I am. Remembering that there are in fact lots and lots of us who know exactly what it feels like can provide great solace. We may be isolated but we are isolated together. And ultimately that isolation is an illusion. We are NEVER on our own, it just feels like it. And boy does it feel like it. We are all a vital part of creation and even when we feel totally worthless we are helping creation do what has to be done in ways we will probably never understand. Even on our darkest days the world is a much better place for us being in it ❤️🙏
@montereyspike Ай бұрын
@@Lutonbodyhome Thank you. I agree. By the way, I lived/survived/healed in a restored 1955 Benroy teardrop trailer. My dog and I lived in that tiny 8 foot long camper for almost a decade. My current pup and I have been indoors in an apartment for just over four years now, but lately the road has been calling me back. If I didn't have to deal with the police hassles of living in a box truck, I'd probably rather be doing that. I've been wanting to buy a tiny box truck (small enough to still fix in a normal parking spot, so like a 10 foot box) for a while now. As long as I can stand up, I'll be fine. That's the only thing that sometimes was not great about the teardrop, not being able to stand up. Anyhow, thanks again for getting back to me, and for reminding me that, as much as it feels as if we are alone in our struggles, there are many people who share similar challenges. Have a great day.
@rincandrepeat.999 Ай бұрын
Thanks very much for sharing the positive vibes, and honest information. We are in this together:3
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
Thank you, it's lovely to get your positive feedback. Big hug! ❤️🙏
@fightswithspirits915 Ай бұрын
Stay strong, my friend. We have something in common. I’m converting a camper trailer into a Cosmic Hookah Lounge. Decor is similar to yours. It brings comfort but heals nothing. As someone recently diagnosed with BPD, who has shouted and cursed my Protective Forces, still not understanding why things are as they are. I ignored trauma as a young adult. Mocked others who were experiencing it with me, but who were consumed by it. Decades later, it seems all of the stress that built up is now being released. It’s unbearable. To the extent your plight brings me to tearful sobbing. Now…. I mock myself. Still understand nothing.
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
Thank you, for your kind words of support and also for sharing. I think burying or ignoring childhood trauma is very common. Adult trauma too. You are very much not alone in that and the process you describe of the stress coming out sounds like very much like my own. I picked up a maxim from a yt chap called the Spartan life coach which helps me. There is no way out but through. It seems stark at first but it's the truth and once we really accept that we will have to go through this process of locked in trauma releasing, I won't say it gets easier but it helps. That you sob when you hear of others' pain is a wonderful thing. It shows you have empathy, it shows you care, are capable of love, are a feeling person, that you are allowing yourself to experience these emotions. I understand that mockers lives inside of us. They always seem to try and knock us back but never forget that experiencing what you are is a vital part of your path and only the mocker would mock it. I've found that making friends with the mocker/inner critic has been very helpful. Initially I saw them as an inner enemy, berating me all the time. As I made friends with the mocker I realised it just a part of me trying to do it's job and protect me, albeit in a messed up way! Making friends with the inner critic has helped it be a bit quieter, I think it trusts me a bit more now to make reasonable decisions. Your sobs prove your humanity and that is something you can build on. Your path is opening up for you, it's a hard one that's for sure but it's a worthy one and I'm proud of you for what you've already done and are doing. Keep at it! Love you x
@fightswithspirits915 Ай бұрын
@@Lutonbodyhome not at a point to receive positive affirmations. You are light years beyond. Thanks for the reply.
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
Everything in its place and time my friend 🫂
@tyllrt Ай бұрын
You are an inspiration to me thank you for putting yourself out there and sharing. Your music and your daughters art touched my soul. very well done friend!
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
Thank you so much, it was a tough video to do obviously, there are some more of those to come I think....but I'm incredibly glad that you got something from it. I know that we really do need to encourage a much more open way of being with each other. We all love, want to love and be loved. Unfortunately heartbreak, pain and other traumatic experience can lead us to building barriers between us and the lived experience of loving life and all that creation offers us. As a result we are easily herded by psychopaths who pit one bunch of us against another for their own ends. Don't get me started on that :D That's more for the don't need a saviour and Run away songs on the EP ;)
@Othique Ай бұрын
I was diagnosed with CPTSD a few years back from childhood neglect and abuse. My flashbacks aren't as visual, they're emotional flashbacks which I think are more confusing because you have no idea why you're feeling what you're feeling. It doesn't make sense in the moment... the constant thought of why am I so scared? often accompanied by "what did I do wrong?", "what's wrong with me?", "why am I so awful?"while also thinking you deserve it all for some unknown reason. Whatever it was you deserved it and you deserve to feel this way. Since being diagnosed I've realized that a lot of my "likes" and "dislikes" were shaped around what I believed would get me in my mother's good graces the most. I had NO idea who I was underneath all the scars. I'm still sorting it out, and there's so much to sort that I'm not sure I'll get through it all. I've also had these thought about being part of this cruel "god". Part of this humanity that continues to inflict the worst horrors imaginable on everything they can get their hands on. Created this awful society and dictated its disgusting rules on what is deserving of love or hate, deserving of bliss or deserving of suffering, deserving to thrive or deserving to die. It's a beautiful, cruel, planet and I often think we're the biggest stain on it. My grandfather died this morning. He was an abusive alcoholic that traumatized my mother who in turn traumatized me. You're right... PTSD isn't a mental illness, it's bigger than that. It shapes our world and even our DNA like they're discovering through epigenetics. Our traumas are shaping us as a species... And despite how awful we still are, it does seem like we might have made sort of progress over the last few hundred years? We (at least those of us with English ancestry) have progressed from the witch hunting murderers with unfathomable torture devices of the medieval eras to most of us being appalled at the heartless destruction our government puts on the poorest people and often the youngest and most defenseless. Seems like rich people and the politicians they buy off could definitely use a lot more trauma. They're too used to causing it and not enough used to experiencing it.
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
That's a very powerful post and thank you for taking the time to write it 🙏 My heart goes out to you with what you've been through and I'm incredibly glad that you have a framework of understanding that at least gives you some reference points when the surf is up. This is invaluable in my experience too. I used to think PTSD and CPTSD were basically the same thing but learned that whilst being very close family they have distinct differences. I haven't had a CPTSD diagnosis but the effort I put into gaining understanding of PTSD showed me very clearly that I also exhibit classic symptoms of CPTSD, I'm another that experienced pretty full on trauma at a delicate age. Facing PTSD showed me just how many layers of self defence I'd built into what I thought was me. And there seems to always be more to realise. At the moment I'm learning about the interplay of CPTSD and autism, which I'm on the path to assessment for. Again, another spectrum. I reckon you'd agree with me that you don't have to be symptomatic or have a label or three to have your life and your enjoyment and fulfilment of it shaped by trauma. We are all on that spectrum somewhere. And we're not encouraged to talk about it. It sits out of sight mostly. I'm hoping that the more light we can bring in the less pull the darkness will have over us. Thanks again for making such an eloquent and insightful post ❤️🙏
@Othique Ай бұрын
@@Lutonbodyhome Interesting thing about autism - if you are on the spectrum you're much much more likely to have C/PTSD, I think I heard that it's around ten times more likely. Same with ADHD, apparently too. Also, they have a lot of overlapping symptoms... to the point that some people theorize that ADHD might come from childhood trauma although others argue there are some distinct differences. I have all of the above and it's been confusing trying to figure out what comes from what. I want you to know this so you don't gaslight yourself like I did - if you think they all fit, then the chances you have them all are highly likely. Labels are definitely not necessary, but getting one sure does help you navigate it and untie the knots it binds you up in. Makes you more aware of the subtleties that get lost in the chaos. Once you have a label and some research to go with it, it leads to a lot of epiphanies, that's for sure. Here's to wishing for your continued growth and evolution. 💗 We're all in this together. Some of us just realize it faster than others... and some never at all.
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
Thank you again ❤️🙏 I have recently started looking into the relationship between CPTSD and autism. I found it incredible to find there's a whole body of thought that places no distinction between them. There are many things we are doing as a species today that seem like backwards steps but in areas like this I think we are making progress. Probably out of necessity because modern life seems to create the perfect conditions for 'disorders'. I agree about the labels, not necessary at all but being able to say to myself, ah that's PTSD in me and that bit is more CPTSD is indeed helpful. Our minds crave order and structure it seems and those labels can offer us some of that. However the flip side of the labels is that the inner critic can latch on to them and try to whip you with them and there is still some societal stigma. The inner critic we can help by making friends and accepting it's a part of us trying to do it's job. The more conversations like this one that are had in public, hopefully the less of a stigma society will have too. Because society will realise that trauma is everywhere and everyone is shaped by it to some degree.
@kimgraves2419 Ай бұрын
Lovely song.
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
Ta very much, means a lot to me this one. It really does. Reminds me of being 'mated' to a new Zealand Black Swan....and yup that did happen :D
@kimgraves2419 Ай бұрын
Amazing experience and video. Luce knew you were a deserving and respectful person.
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
It was truly wonderful, I was very lucky and am to this day very grateful ❤️🙏
@kimgraves2419 Ай бұрын
Hello and sending love from the US. Enjoying your music and content.
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
Hello from across the pond 👋 thanks so much and I'm glad you're enjoying it ❤️🙏
@bernicegoldham1509 Ай бұрын
The topic is extremely relevant to me at the moment.... But this box truck cottage is a sister vision to what Ive had in my mind's eye for years and have been trying to talk myself out of for the last few months. Fk cold feet. Thank you. 🖖
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
Are you on the nomads and travellers group on FB? There are lots of folks saying a very similar thing to you in there. It's a great place to meet folks who are either already out here or wanting to be and thinking about it. There's no way I could go back into settled life. Not because of the conditions, just because I love nomadic life. I can't put into words why.
@cody3504 Ай бұрын
I literally had a panic attack yesterday reliving traumatic parts of my life. Im pretty sure i have CPTSD it’s like PTSD on steroids. Im not diagnosed yet but i literally was reliving those menories for hours and had to let my psychologist through the VA know about it and got an appointment set up. Crazy you made this video right when i needed it. Thank you for your service 🫡🇺🇸
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
My heart and thoughts are with you, any time you want to, drop a message in here and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I'd love for the comments section to give us all a space to vent or whatever we need to do on the day and get some feedback. Feeling totally isolated is a big part of all this isn't it. I'm very glad that you got some solace from watching, I'm sure you can appreciate being this open isn't an easy thing for me to do. But I think it's exactly what we need to do. I took have CPTSD, it's a very close bedfellow to PTSD but has differences doesn't it. Apparently most folks that develop full PTSD symptoms do so because the event(s) lands on top of previous trauma and kind of unlocks it. I don't know about that side of things too much beyond my own experience but it resonates with me. Hang in there my friend, we got through yesterday, we can get through today and I reckon we can make our tomorrow's a bit better. Love you
@cody3504 Ай бұрын
@@Lutonbodyhome I appreciate you brother and I love you as well. Just one foot after the other. I know we can do this!
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
We will bro, we will. We are! Every day ❤️🙏
@richwatts Ай бұрын
Great video, I love the EP cover. Good to see you are setting things up and I hope it all goes well.
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
Thanks, yeah slowly the pieces are getting put into place, that cover is perfect isn't it 🙏
@bearwynn Ай бұрын
if you feel like this project is a bit much for you in 3 months, remember that it doesn't carry with it the weight of the world! anything you can do will be better than nothing done :)
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
Thanks, yeah I'm mindful that pressuring myself with a deadline may be too much so for now am just going with July 1st as a 'motivator', something to give me focus you know. The weight of the world is an interesting one isn't it, I do feel it. Maybe part of the condition or maybe summat else but it's there. I think most of us are horrified at some of the things that are happening in the World and I reckon we'd all change them if we could and the inner and outer are the same thing right ;)
@bearwynn Ай бұрын
always good to see another video :)
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
Thank you 🙏❤️
@JonnyScab Ай бұрын
Brilliant, John would of loved you.
@jimchorley Ай бұрын
'Thank the stars that we're alive' ! Tears X
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
Every day brother ❣️🙏
@jimchorley Ай бұрын
Another magical, good humoured genuine video...Loved watching and hearing your EP journey take shape and about your community music ideas...I'm home recording too at present...Eating some beans on toast and a cup of teas while watching...Looking forward to the next one and seeing how it's all coming together...All the best
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
Thanks Jim, enjoy them beans! Is there anywhere I can hear your music that you could link me to?
@jimchorley Ай бұрын
Your video came up unexpectedly in my recommended list...I have to say that it was a magical watch and your warmth and genuine personality shone throughout...Both Roddy Frame and joe Strummer/The Clash were and still are a huge influence on myself and my music...I'm also going through some considerable changes and so to hear you talk about that and then how going on a mission to find Joe's house and the subsequent fortuitous meeting of his wife was an inspiration...I've subscribed to your channel and will be taking a look at more of your videos...Thanks for the share and all the best
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
Thank you so much Jim, glad to have you aboard! Music has been a genuine lifesaver for me and I get the impression you may feel the same. Hang in there with these changes, my heart and best wishes are with you on your journey ❤️ 🙏 I'm on a proper mission at the moment and if you do have a look at my other vids may I recommend the latest series which I'm doing? It's documenting me making an EP and setting up a CIC to give instruments and materials to people who need them. You may like it. If you watch it and don't like it, could you give me some feedback on why if you have a minute or two please? :D
@jimchorley Ай бұрын
@@Lutonbodyhome Thank you for the kind words and support...much appreciated ! I've watched the EP videos and have left comments, liked and subscribed...Your style of video making is a breath of fresh air...Can't wait for episode 3 !!
@Lutonbodyhome Ай бұрын
Thanks again, it's so lovely to get such positive feedback. I want them to be enjoyable and relatable so if you spot things you don't enjoy watching so much, please let me know where I go wrong!
@The.Last.Guitar.Hero. 2 ай бұрын
Vocals remind me of the geezer from New Model Army, Justin Sullivan is it?
@Lutonbodyhome 2 ай бұрын
I'll take that as a compliment dude! 🙏 Got to love a bit of New Model Army. I think it is Justin, or is it Julian? I have a terrible memory :D
@bearwynn 2 ай бұрын
I think I will actually have to visit knowlton actually, it looks fantastic
@Lutonbodyhome 2 ай бұрын
Do it, you won't regret it. You can park up right there and it's in a quiet lane. It has a particular feeling that I think you'll enjoy communing with.
@richwatts 2 ай бұрын
love this idea and i think loads of people who have guitars laying around might donate and be reconditioned and given out. You could set up some kind of just giving page for donations. Great idea and lovely way of helping people who need it.
@Lutonbodyhome 2 ай бұрын
Thank you and I'm sure you are right. There must be thousands of instruments buried in cupboards and lofts about the islands. I have to look into the options on how to structure things. At the minute I think a CIC is the strongest option. Once that's set up then yup, go for funding, look to set up some form of physical base and start uniting young people with their way of expressing themselves. Just giving would be a good option I reckon, again though I need to look into all this.
@timothypiper4859 2 ай бұрын
Loved watching that. You have talent. Really good 👍
@Lutonbodyhome 2 ай бұрын
Bless you Tim, thanks for that. You probably feel the same as me that, sometimes when you get out of your own way you can write a decent tune!
@EthanShanks-qz6il 2 ай бұрын
That sounds fantastic mate. Keep producing music 👍
@Lutonbodyhome 2 ай бұрын
Well thank you very much, when Mr Abominable has finished with them the songs will sound even better. Cheers for the encouraging words ❤️🙏
@WestKernowSounds 2 ай бұрын
Love it mate, keep the dream going!! X
@Lutonbodyhome 2 ай бұрын
Thanks Craig, I'll try! X
@dragonflyparade8143 2 ай бұрын
Salute, matey! Turning everything into an adventure and letting us share your progress. You are a Life Juggler and it's marvellous!
@Lutonbodyhome 2 ай бұрын
There's more to this than this project ;) you remember the guitar giveaways I do? The aim is to release the EP and then formalise the giveaways into an actual project. Most likely a CIC. This project will hopefully be a springboard, it's getting my mind focussed for a start if you know what I mean. Hope life is good with you and you're full of spring joy
@lehrgangswerk 2 ай бұрын
I had back in the 90s a ML and played over 4 x 12 Marshall split box. Wow.... If you open the amp there are little switches you can turn to tweak the amp. But I have forgotten what the tweak was about 😮 Maybe someone has a instruction for this. Bythe way - my ML is in the attic and not used for 30 years.
@Lutonbodyhome 2 ай бұрын
I seem to remember at least one of those switches involves gain and another maybe the chorus. May be wrong on that though. I think you're right, through a cab is the best for these amps. Gary used this one as his backstage warm up amp on tour, obvs with the inbuilt speakers. They do sound great like that but you want a bit more thump really don't you.
@timothypiper4859 2 ай бұрын
Very nice sound and playing is smooth. Like 👍
@Lutonbodyhome 2 ай бұрын
Cheers Tim. I've always loved the sound of these amps, especially through a cab, but heh I'm a hick from Dorset, playing through an amp that had such an intimate place in the life of a player like Gary Moore? That was a bit nuts.
@The.Last.Guitar.Hero. 2 ай бұрын
Gary was a legend and I;ve visited his grave in Rottingdean several times to pay my respects,
@Lutonbodyhome 2 ай бұрын
He was indeed. I still rate him as the best all round player there's ever been. Whatever he played, he played it so well. With such clarity in his phrasing and such emotion. An all time guitar great.
@bearwynn 2 ай бұрын
good luck!
@Lutonbodyhome 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! If I can keep my mind focused and remember to take breaks I reckon I can do it! Hopefully I'll get better at making little films in the process too.
@mikeburnitt2604 2 ай бұрын
Excellent. Many thanks.
@Lutonbodyhome 2 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it 👍
@timothypiper4859 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, really enjoyed . Nice one.
@Lutonbodyhome 2 ай бұрын
Cheers Tim, hopefully these will get better as they go. I'm enjoying the learning
@matthewcravitz8182 2 ай бұрын
Good stuff! Look forward to the next episode. Take Care of yourself. Maff
@Lutonbodyhome 2 ай бұрын
Thanks Maff, lovely to get your support and encouragement ❤️🙏 . You too, have a goodun
@WestKernowSounds 2 ай бұрын
Excellent! Good luck! Tom
@Lutonbodyhome 2 ай бұрын
Thanks Craig, you gave me a bit of belief to try this!
@pamelahaze3211 2 ай бұрын
Saw the Clash in 1981 I was 19... Kinsmen Field house Edmonton Alberta He stopped the show to call out some posier punks who were bullying people..and Mick Jones said yeah and stop f'n spitting on me. Was that a Buick "49" by any chance?
@Lutonbodyhome 2 ай бұрын
What a great story, and very typical! I'm not sure on the car, my memory isn't brilliant these days, sorry
@shawnclare-nb1up 2 ай бұрын
Well done mate...loved every minute!!
@Lutonbodyhome 2 ай бұрын
Thanks very much and I'm very glad you did ❤️🙏
@SoupA150 2 ай бұрын
Nice vid, I met Joe briefly after a gig. Top guy as you'd expect. Always so good to his fans.
@Lutonbodyhome 2 ай бұрын
Never lost sight of what's important, that's a big thing in my book!
@SoupA150 2 ай бұрын
@@Lutonbodyhome It looks as though you were getting some type of divine assistance the way that all worked out for you there. Serendipitous is right.
@Lutonbodyhome 2 ай бұрын
@SoupA150 you know those times when the path opens up for you? This was one of them for me and it couldn't have come at a better time. It gave me a real boost
@SoupA150 2 ай бұрын
@@Lutonbodyhome Yeah, I get it. It's great when that sort of thing happens. I've had those type of moments. It must have been a really amazing experience. What's more, we get to share in it by you uploading it here for us. Thanks for that.
@Lutonbodyhome 2 ай бұрын
Thank you, it was an utter pleasure to do from start to finish, I'm very glad you enjoyed it ❤️🙏
@davidgoodfellow2384 2 ай бұрын
I think it's great what read in the comments the ammont of young kids that are into the clash
@Lutonbodyhome 2 ай бұрын
I totally agree with you, it's fantastic that new people are discovering the man and the music all the time. 👍
@The.Last.Guitar.Hero. 2 ай бұрын
never knew that he lived in Somerset but it looks lovely there, sad this car is left to rot really
@Lutonbodyhome 2 ай бұрын
Yes indeed, he moved there with Luce towards the end of his life. I actually love that the car is left to rot. It seems fitting somehow. The stones on the other hand will be there a fair old while!