Alan Wake Reeview
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Make Dating Wholesome Again
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Velma is a Crime Against Art
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Responding to Your Comments
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The Worst Thing About Invincible
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@Pedro-jy6ev 5 сағат бұрын
This is all because a dumb sjw who couldn't leave it well enough alone tried to make changes to the original story and as usual ended up ruining everything. And if you want proof he's an sjw idiot just look at atom eve's symbol. In the comics it's the female symbol with an atom over it, on the show they just put a cross over it
@amaze2173 8 сағат бұрын
This video was perfect, it captured all of the issues I’ve brought up in friend groups with the film in a thorough way. Great stuff
@endershepard7117 10 сағат бұрын
Oh my God… I’m disgusted not only with your support of Mark Grayson supposedly “Standing on Business.” But even the way you said this, “He stands defiant…” You see I hate shows like Invincible because it’s just like Game of Thrones. It starts off really good. Giving us all the impression that no character is safe. Anything can happen. And the consequences of bad decisions will sometimes be swift and brutal. You say, “His spirit is what’s truly invincible.” Nah nigga… It’s his PLOT ARMOR that is invincible. I was really enjoying this show but for me the real stand out moments of Season 2 of Invincible was Rex Explode really coming thru in a clutch to save the day from the bad guys when he was the last man standing and how well they showed how difficult it could be for a superhero to date a civilian with Mark & Amber. But Invincible with its protagonist is falling into the same trap that turned me of My Hero Academia with its protagonist Izuku Midoriya constantly being praised and rewarded for his “heroics” instead of paying a high price for constantly being greedy for nobility and self-sacrifice. Mark was a fool for not bending the knee in that moment. It’s not like Anissa ordered him to delete a bunch of humans to prove his loyalty to the Viltrumite Empire. He missed out on a great opportunity to learn more about the galaxies greatest menace to free will and independence. He could’ve learned so much about Viltrumite Culture, Biology & Tactics. That could’ve been potentially beneficial to humanity. But instead he decided to let his bruised ego run his life. If Invincible was real. Anissa would’ve just crushed the half-breed Mark Grayson’s neck like a grape. And that would’ve been the end of the story of the teenage superhero Invincible. Plot Armor is the lamest and laziest of all writing. Right next to out of nowhere Deus ex Machina conflict resolution.
@shinobiholetsplaye9788 19 сағат бұрын
Did you know that the show was based on comic, because it looks like you didn’t know that
@LUMOSHROOM 18 сағат бұрын
You're not the first commenter to defend the season with "but it's accurate to the comics" but you could be the first to give a reason as to why that matters.
@spechurchill 19 сағат бұрын
*universe where someone can change atoms on a molecular scale* “the way they travel in space is so unrealistic!”
@diclair Күн бұрын
Over analyzing the season i actually enjoyed this season more than the first. We got to see more of the everyday life of the heroes and cool/funny moments of the show. It was wasn’t smeared to death w action scene here and action scene there. It was pretty cool tbh
@callmev3531 Күн бұрын
6:04, Her jealous attitude, or rather how her attitude was utilized, was another aspect of what made her character not work well, especially when compared to the various other characters that were written with far greater complexity and intentional flaws. Mark was indeed immature, irresponsible and arrogant in how he handled this relationship and being a superhero under his father’s tutelage (causing unnecessary collateral damage and picking fights just flex his own power up until Battle Beast beat the pride out of him through his stomach), stringing Amber along without revealing his secret or breaking it off earlier when it was clear he couldn’t commit to it just as Eve said, but Amber’s own self-important, jealous attitude despite the various activism and charity she was portrayed by in participating in didn’t make her position all that sympathetic, an issue that was only compounded as Mark’s struggles as a superhero increased with the various horrors he was subjected to, only to return to Amber to get berated even after she knew and witnessed first hand the kinds of trials he endures. They ignored these writing issues in Season 2 by having her instead acknowledge that Mark’s job is important and what he goes through is, yet feeling guilty over feeling neglected when he is forced to abandon her, which eventually ends their relationship (something that happens in the comics, but without the issues the show’s version of Amber had with Mark keeping secrets from her, with comic Amber and Mark acknowledging their diverging paths in a more mature and healthy way), but at that point, it’s not a relationship that will be missed in the long run, as both characters were never really compatible or had much chemistry from the start.
@kungfufundamental1202 Күн бұрын
One way to explain how old captain hand over the shield. In the main MCU Earth-616 or Earth-199999, our captain went to alt-universe to return infinite stones, he stayed there and never came back home. The twist is, the old captain hand over the shield are not our earth captain, he is from another earth... identical but different. Captain plot aromor ensure no two or more Captain went to the same earth lmao, same goes for Avenger, they all traveled to same place, unique time and space that untouched by other copy of themselves. Thats really lucky consider infinite number of themselves travel at that stage of their life (end game).
@kungfufundamental1202 Күн бұрын
The passage of time is not an illusion, it's a fundamental aspect of reality, something that existed before even The Big Bang. But in MCU, The Big Bang exist first. The Infinity Stones are powerful artifacts that each represent a different aspect of existence: Space, Mind, Reality, Power, Soul, and Time. Which can not be destroyed forever like x-men phoenix power. However can be removed from their own dimension/universe/timeline according to MCU, also copys of them at each different reality/dimension... Cause and effect wise, if and big if, Space, Mind, Reality, Power, Soul, and Time can be destroyed. Imagine destory all organic being in all universes, then maybe mind and soul stone will be despair/unusable due to that aspects of representation no longer needed. Not other way around. If stones get destroyed, it just regenerate slowly randomly in that universe. Experience is the key word, we experience flow of time. Also realtionship of creator and creations, once created, have uts own existence. Destory one does not necessarily mean destroy the other.
@TheAzulmagia Күн бұрын
I liked this film in spite of its flaws, but I will admit that there were two moments that really ruined my immersion: Penguin causing that whole freeway pile-up with no commentary about the myriad bodies that chase left in its wake and Riddler blowing up Batman only to later act as though they were supposed to be collaborators later on.
@reffa2858 Күн бұрын
Season 1 was the climax. Everything after that is just falling action.
@Alex-rj9ie Күн бұрын
Not gonna lie I was watching this n as soon as she got mad at mark for lying I turned it off😂
@callmev3531 Күн бұрын
7:16, These initial instances of questionable behavior on Amber’s part, followed by Mark’s immaturity, kind of set the tone for how their relationship was going to be, superficial and ultimately strained, 8:51, and one that Mark or Amber should have broken off earlier instead of allowing their issues to fester or Mark just trying to flimsily excuse his actions by hiding his secret. Having her be heavily into charity and activism, nor her having to suffer Mark’s neglect didn’t change the fact that she as a character was uninteresting at best and frustrating at worst, although Season 2 gives her more to work with by establishing her being torn between understanding Mark’s job and its dangers and feeling guilty for wanting him to be present more, characterization that honestly could have been established right when she learned Mark’s secret, as a person who is all about charity having to grapple with time with someone she loves being sacrificed to protect others would have been a fascinating place to put her character.
@BakingRyBread Күн бұрын
All i'm saying is, if I found out my GF was secretly a super hero and was off saving people during their disappearances. Best believe when they get back i'm cracking out all the comfort foods and favorite shows to welcome them back home. How do you get upset with someone because they are out being a fucking superhero saving people from imminent doom??? "OH WHAT ABOUT MY NEEDS, YOU NEVER GIVE ME ATTENTION, WHAT ABOUT ME! ME! ME!" I'd dump anyone like that in a heartbeat.
@wisemage0 Күн бұрын
Saying that they"fixed" Amber is putting it lightly, they basically body-swapped her brain for someone else's. At this point they could reveal that she's another robot clone and it wouldn't even be out of place.
@MarvinPowell1 Күн бұрын
This is a minor nitpick, all things considered, but they show Viltriumites can travel through deep space merely by flying. I'm sorry, but WTF? Even if they could somehow fly at the speed of light, it would still take them YEARS to get from one planet to another. To put how relatively slow lightspeed is, it takes the sun _eight minutes_ for its light to reach us. Eight whole minutes! Traveling at lightspeed! It would take six hours just to reach Pluto, at lightspeed. And Viltriumites can't even fly at lightspeed, let alone hold their breath for weeks or months at a time or go without sleep. I'm sorry, but am I the only one annoyed by that?
@BobMcBobJr Күн бұрын
Space is small in this universe? Or lightspeed is really fast? Pretty much 90% of stories involving space get this wrong. I don't really blame them.
@bdemar2k12 Күн бұрын
Everyone villainizes Amber which is odd bc she's just a portrayal of a normal woman. Anyone whos been maried or dated knows that being a man means youre always wrong, even when you're right.
@MarvinPowell1 Күн бұрын
She's a Mary Sue written to have no flaws and was way worse in season one. And this is extra annoying cause she was blackwashed and her personality in the comics wasn't as selfish and obnoxious as she is here. I get giving a character flaws, but what I hate is how the writers try to make you sympathize with her, rather than Mark. We're supposed to want to see Mark and Atom Eve get together, but instead, they try to make Mark out to be the a-hole because he saves people (mainly in season one, but they write it that way in season two, as well.) She wouldn't be a badly written character if the writers didn't intentionally try to make you like her, merely for the ESG credit.
@megamillion5852 Күн бұрын
Yikes, dude.
@jnmartin1992 Күн бұрын
With angstrom and the multiverse scenes I feel your argument is invalid because this is straight from the comics
If the comics have the same issue then it's still a problem. I don't know what exactly you're talking about but the source material isn't infallible, no matter how many commenters seem to think it is.
@loluntilmypie Күн бұрын
They made Amber a much better character in S2. S1 Amber was badly written for no reason.
@Bthingfr_pv Күн бұрын
Convenient Anissa had just left from beating Mark she got Alan because he was around I feel like u just wanna hate on some bro 🤦🏽‍♂️
Yes it's convenient that three significant characters passed each other by in the infinite ocean of space and got one of them closer to his goal.
@Bthingfr_pv Күн бұрын
@@LUMOSHROOM a lot of stuff happened In a story just because something happens that benefits, the character doesn’t make it bad it happened in the comic 🤷🏽‍♂️ now people get mad when stuff is accurate
@torquemada2 2 күн бұрын
Tbh I appreciate the summary of the season because as soon as I saw that it was all about the multiverse I stopped watching. I know invincible did it so long before it became trendy, but I just dislike it as a trope.
@jackmumberson1793 2 күн бұрын
😅La, oook
@prico3358 2 күн бұрын
Why would people be in an orgy mascarade party? Why tho, why would that be fun?
@AngelSaintCloud 2 күн бұрын
now that im watching close to the end it seems like you never read the comics and are nitpicking at things that were already decided because its based on the comic of the same name lmao even the spiderman cameo lmao. this video could have been a one paragraph email
If the show accurately adapted the comic then it accurately adapted its writing flaws as well. The source material is not above criticism by virtue of being source material.
@edgewiseCL 2 күн бұрын
Not since "Sucker Punch" was I so hyoed for a movie based on the trailers only to be so fucking disappointed after watching
@edgewiseCL 2 күн бұрын
One of my favorite action films in the past 20 years
@nolz_rogue7437 2 күн бұрын
So many things wrong with these nit picks. Half of it is explained later on, building up to later story arcs. The fact that you like eve’s dad is insane too. Shapesmith is different because he’s an alien that doesn’t understand human civilization? If you don’t find the humor funny that’s fine, most of. Wasn’t funny to me either but he’s a fish out of water trying to act like he knows what he’s doing. Immortal listens to mark because he realized mark is right, mark is faster and stronger so him taking the device makes sense. Also brother, you’re watching a superhero show… villains escape… how many times has Batman fought the joker, bane, penguin, etc. how many times has Spider-Man fought sandman, green goblin, Doc ock. Nitpicking every convenience is so annoying. So many great shows have conveniences. So many stories wouldn’t see a page if you had to explain why two characters were at the same place at the same time. Breaking bad, oh so Walt just conveniently sits in on a drug bust on his former student? Oh no guess it’s a horrible show.
@nolz_rogue7437 2 күн бұрын
Kate, a shape shifter, had a backup just in case? Damn that’s mind blowing. You’d probably complain if she did die for real saying that you would’ve had a backup just in case if it were you
@DanielOrtega-mz2tw 2 күн бұрын
I think the writers are just speeding through to cooler stuff cause nothing was gonna top season 1 anytime soon
@jawbarry 2 күн бұрын
This video is like when I watch the Super Bowl and say, “I totally would of caught that”
@nickkk420 2 күн бұрын
I love shape Smith
@trinstonmichaels7062 2 күн бұрын
I do feel like the ending of the first half should have been the ending of season 2.
@zipblockarchives900 2 күн бұрын
Most of this video was ok but still reaching. Only real disappointing this was the lack of improved animation.
@teletubbie-chan9061 2 күн бұрын
kind of stupid hes getting mad about things from the comic like how kate is just alive like its isnt a show adapting THE COMIC
@LUMOSHROOM 2 күн бұрын
The Kate thing could turn out good or bad, depending on where they take it. But the idea that bad writing can be excused just because it's a faithful adaptation is ridiculous. If it's a problem in the show then it's probably a problem in the comic as well. Source material is not sacred.
@teletubbie-chan9061 2 күн бұрын
@@LUMOSHROOM its not going anywhere if youve reead the comics after this point she has little to no apperences so even then does it really matter?
@avidastronaut8384 2 күн бұрын
This video aged like milk
@user-zk4yh7re4g 2 күн бұрын
I think they saving that budget for season 3
@LUMOSHROOM 2 күн бұрын
I certainly hope so. I had the same thought while watching season 2 but I don't think that's how budgets work.
@bobboby2400 3 күн бұрын
I want you fired
@Xenoblade47 23 сағат бұрын
@Xenoblade47 23 сағат бұрын
@bobboby2400 3 күн бұрын
There was nothing bad about it it was perfect
@kys90210 2 күн бұрын
@thekrakensdaughter 3 күн бұрын
eve can only tap into her full power in moments of extreme emotional distress like an almost death situation
@thekrakensdaughter 3 күн бұрын
the real plot hole about the thraxans is how noulzot knew he should look for mark in college since in the comic he just goes straight for mark and debbie home which is a location nolan would include in his instructions
@dragonemperor5308 3 күн бұрын
You're lazy not the season 2
@blakeoarmboy 3 күн бұрын
Lazy is the wrong word I think the better way of putting it is mismanaged it spends a lot of time trying to address the problems with season 1 while foreshadowing future episodes so much that the main story suffers I still really loved this season yes there are more contrivances but overall it’s still a good season the writers weren’t lazy the just got over ambitious and introduced too many things at once I would’ve personally cut out the martian and lizard league stuff so that they could better focus on it later. Still have shapesmith just have him brought on by Cesil with bulletproof and make it clear they had suspicions something had happened with the mars mission and knew who he was from day 1
@hence2nd 3 күн бұрын
this IS WHAT I LOVE 13:01 OHHHHH BOI i can tell why ur wrong but that just evil JUST KEEPIN WATCHING THE SHOW alot your question will be answer with TIME
@0kdevv_ 3 күн бұрын
Really glad I’m able to suspend my disbelief so I can enjoy a show without nitpicking this hard lol
@LUMOSHROOM 3 күн бұрын
How is criticizing Cecil and Immortal for acting totally out of character a nitpick? They wouldn't have let the Guardians go into space on such a lack of intel. That's a blatant error.
@damianwilson7526 3 күн бұрын
I really don't like how much of a backseat the Guardians took this season. The first season had a nice arc of them learning to stop fighting and come together as a team. However the culmination of that arc was them helping save survivors in the wake of the chaos in Chicago; they very clearly hadn't found their footing as a true fighting force capable of replacing the OG Guardians. I was hoping to see them grow even closer this season but outside of Rex, the characters barely do anything. Immortal and Kate have an incredibly rushed romantic subplot, which was ruined by her fake-out death (why did she wait so long to tell him she was alive? Why does she want people to think she is dead at all?). We get a bit of Rudy learning to fight in the field and embrace the inherent danger of actually living in the world, but its resolved really quickly. Combine that with his Monster Girl subplot, which was just her bitching him out until she finally forgives him, and it just sucks that they reduced a top S1 character so much (also for anyone that reads this that has seen Jujutsu Kaisen, Mechamaru is such a carbon copy of Rudy that it's distracting, not a criticism of Invincible of course but Gege has to have read the comics). Shapesmith sucks as you said; he isn't funny and he gets off way too easily for what he did. Bulletproof gets absolutely zero characterisation outside of that one rant he has, a rant I didn't even like because it just emphasised how little growth we were getting for the team. Shrinking Rae's "death" was a horrific and very interesting scene but undoing was such a slap in the face; maybe the character is important later in the comics and can't die, but either way this gave me such a sour feeling. Black Samson also did absolutely nothing, his only relevance was as a secondary leader with the charisma to assist Rudy but this role is usurped by Immortal. Overall the entire team, again bar Rex, just feels like they were treading water the entire season.
@thekrakensdaughter 3 күн бұрын
shrinking rae not dying was a show only thing, in the comics she dies in that fight
@TheAzulmagia Күн бұрын
@@thekrakensdaughter I've seen theorizing that Rae was kept around in order to have her take the place of certain other cameo characters like Spawn that probably won't appear in the television show due to rights issues or Kirkman not wanting all of his properties to be licensed under Amazon.
@Holyluckdan 3 күн бұрын
You complaining about the mauler twins and amgstrum..... Omg... this video is pain on not going to lie. I enjoyed this season. I complain about LOTS of stuff in plenty of shows. But i feel like bro was watching this season literally writing down his disappointments and the details in them as they were happening to get this sweet sweet video out. Edit: just looked at your channel, makes sense. Common hate tuber activitys. Not subbing but have a good day
@xenon8117 3 күн бұрын
The season was poor on a lot of points including the Angstrom setup, there is plenty to complain about not working.
@Holyluckdan 3 күн бұрын
I NEVER thought of Amber as a bad person y'all reaching. She is the most human person in the show fr. Their relationship is real life bro. You can tell someone your deepest darkest secrets and that doesn't mean they're going to stick around for life. Just bc mj knows peter parker is spider-man doesn't mean that she is trapped with him 😂 same shit here. Y'all just not used to seeing superheroes break up bc y'all be thinking "IDC about that bs, Id stay w a super hero" until you're lonely all the time like amber was. And bro... Imagine if marks homie said "fuck that planet, they have a problem, let them deal w it" 😂
@denishrg9843 2 күн бұрын
>yall yall yall
@thrrax 2 күн бұрын
This is why I hate most normal+superhero relationships. The vast majority of them are written poorly, with the normal human being some sort of accessory, only used to create more depth for the hero, with some occasional deeper story of their own. Lois Lane, Mary Jane... I mean, the countless times LL has been used to screw up Kal-El's story in some way... In real life, no sane human would choose a super-hero as a life partner. And Amber, as much as I hated the fact that they did a black-washing on her, is quite sane and believable as a human partner for a super-hero. And the same was with the rest of the supers that had normal partners.
@monkcheese6218 2 күн бұрын
Wtf it still doesnt justify season 1 amber this makes sense if season 2 was the same amber from season 1
@mrstrangeworld5977 2 күн бұрын
​@@thrraxThat's not true
@sdaspo4909 Күн бұрын
No one cares about her man no one cares that she broke up with him everyone’s glad we’re finally done with her and can dedicate her screen time to something actually interesting it’s not about whether it’s realistic or not it’s about wether it’s boring or not and unfortunately ambers screen time is the worst of the show
@supersonicsandshrew9742 3 күн бұрын
Robert Kirkman wrote a pretty ambitious series as a good but not really great writer, and that created problems in the comics, some of which also ended up appearing in the show. (Like atom eve’s ass pulled underpowering) 32:35 The comics do give greater weight to the lizard league deaths because shrinking ray does die in the comics. But keeping a bonus double does make logical sense for a character that makes doubles of herself, even if both characters staying alive doesn’t help the overall weight of death in the series.
@Harrizist 3 күн бұрын
I wish there were more episodes … Just hope they don’t take longer like they did to release another season
@jeffreywieczorek5414 3 күн бұрын
Buddy Forsure hasn’t read the comics
@p.r.i.e.s.t5883 3 күн бұрын
Finally someone said it