Conrado del Campo - Granada (1913)
Jeno Hubay - Petőfi Symphony (1922)
Egon Wellesz - Heldensang (1905)
@walterdennisclark 6 күн бұрын
Thank you for finding this. It says No. 1 Doesn't that imply others? Lessee... Yup.
@donaldauguston9740 9 күн бұрын
Well, that was wonderful. Thank you for posting. I'm entirely unfamiliar with this composer. It's nice to hear "new" things instead of the same old 18th & 19th centuries German composers that are played ALL THE TIME. Thank you for posting. DA
@ThinkHEAVEN-YouTube 13 күн бұрын
WHO ARE these FABULOUS composers? Aren't they GRAND, ay?😊❤🎉!
@michaelgcomposer 13 күн бұрын
Would you happen to know the year of this performance?
@thomasrollig6002 13 күн бұрын
Schlechter klang
@bomcabedal 13 күн бұрын
@АннаДобрица-я2ш 15 күн бұрын
Where can I find the sheet music of "Russian Rhapsody" for orchestra and piano?
@bomcabedal 15 күн бұрын
The 2-piano score is on IMSLP, the full score is probably at the Netherlands Music Institute (NMI . nl)
@iianneill6013 17 күн бұрын
Very catchy from the start ...
@brandtbecker1810 21 күн бұрын
The horn solo in the second movement stays with me long after the work has ended. Prout's music is worth a hearing, uneven though he may be at times. His Third Symphony in F - and this one too - would certainly be worthy vehicles for a good youth symphony. He is, after all, a large part of our musical heritage with his theoretical works especially.
@thomasrollig6002 22 күн бұрын
Schlechter Sound
@thomasrollig6002 22 күн бұрын
Krasse Ungleichheiten beider Stereokanäle
@10Vercingetorix 29 күн бұрын
Based on Henrik Wergeland's poeng Skabelsen og Messias. He has written 4 symphonies. None of this music is recorded, unfortunately
@10Vercingetorix 29 күн бұрын
@bomcabedal 28 күн бұрын
I'd call this a recording, though. But I assume you're referring to commercially available releases, and even there we have some: the organ symphonies, the overture to Væringene i Miklagard and some songs. Admittedly, not a lot.
@knownfact4905 Ай бұрын
The photos you select are fascinating, wish you would ID them
@dankerlee6262 Ай бұрын
Are there stories or folk tales that inspire this wonderful and colorful composition?
@dankerlee6262 Ай бұрын
Enjoyed this very much, thank you for putting up this fine and much-needed performance.
@FilipSandecomposer Ай бұрын
Very happy for this! I had Trygve Madsen as a teacher in composition!
@knownfact4905 Ай бұрын
Really enjoy the architecture as well as the music from people I've never heard before
@johnstag1391 Ай бұрын
@donaldauguston9740 Ай бұрын
I really enjoyed this work. Thank you for posting. I don't quite agree with the music sounding dark and gloomy - though I can understand why that was said. I wonder if the strength or force of the music was due to his upbringing in Norway during WWII and the deprivation that followed for years and years after. I don't really know his life well, I could find very little about him. Thanks again. DA
@asgeirsoe Ай бұрын
It could certainly be his upbringing, but I think it has to do just as well with Madsen’s sources of inspiration, for example russian composers like Prokofiev, and also French composers. I can hear influences of both these styles in this work, for sure. I am a horn player myself and have performed several of his solo and chamber works for horn, I’ve also spoken to him on occasion, he’s still alive and thriving. :) It is also interesting to hear familiar themes and chord progressions, as most composers of course will have - borrowing themes from themselves, so to speak.
@donaldauguston9740 Ай бұрын
​@@asgeirsoe​If you speak with him again, tell him to flesh-out his bio on Wikipedia. We would all appreciate that. Take care, DA
@bomcabedal Ай бұрын
@@asgeirsoe The most obvious source of inspiration is obviously Mahler's 1st symphony, quoted verbatim at the beginning of the 2nd movement.
@worldpoetry3161 Ай бұрын
@Stepnoyvolk15 Ай бұрын
Как то, всё дюже сумрачно и тёмно. Но очень понравилось!
@andromede087 Ай бұрын
Compositeur et pianiste né à Verviers en 1865 et décédé à Nice en 1918. Professeur au conservatoire de Genève. A fréquemment accompagné son frère Eugène.
@tiborelias9432 Ай бұрын
ERKEL FERENC a magyar zenei történelem talán legkiválóbb alkotója - zeneszerző, karmester, az első magyar Operaház igazgatója 9 operát írt, amiből a BÁNK BÁN és a HUNYADI LÁSZLÓ lett igazán favorizálva - prthető okokból -, de a többi operája is megérdemelné a nagyobb nyilvánosságot. Magam, a MUSICA HUNGARICA Művészeti Kiadó, 1999-ben megjelentettem a csodaszép ISTVÁN KIRÁLY című operáját, amelyet manapság szinte CSAK a Kolozsvári Állami Magyar Színház játsza időnként. Az általam kiadott második "ismeretlen" operája a BÁTORI MÁRIA, amely az első megírt opera volt, 2000-ben adtam ki, a harmadikat, a BRANKOVICS GYÖRGYÖT 2001-ben került kiadásra. Sajnos, a kiadáshoz szükséges sok millió forinthoz SENKI nem adott hozzá egy forintot sem, így családi összefogással, kölcsönökből jelentettem meg őket - remélve, hogy csak-xsak akad valaki, aki ad hozzá támogatást... de NEM! A 3 operát 7 nyelvű teljes szövegkönyvvel adtam ki - magyar, angol, német, olasz, spanyol, orosz, japán nyelven... számos színes fotóval. A felvétel Kolozsváron történt kitzűnő énekesekkel és zenekarral. NAGYON SZERETTEM VOLNA KIADNI A DÓZSA GYÖRGYÖT IS, de sajnos a lemez eladásokból annyi pénz sem jött össze, mint egy lemez ára... Magam is operaénekes vagyok és énekeltem Bánkot, Hunyadit, Ruszalkát, Gyöngyhalászokat, stb., de az általam kiadott lemezeken NEM ÉNEKELEK, - mondván, "nehogy azt higgyék az emberek, hogy magam mutogatom..." Ma már tudom, hogy ez butaság... de ha a DÓZSA GYÖRGYÖT még kiadhatnám, abban nekem is volna énekelni valóm... :) Köszönöm, ha eddig elolvasta írásomat - ma is szerelmese vagyok Erkelnek, így ne csodálkozzon senki, hogy egyik kedvenc zenéjére, a PALOTÁS-ra írtam hozzá illő zenét... aminek címe ÜNNEPI PALOTÁS - duetben énekeljük KALOCSAI ZSUZSÁ-val, aki az egyik legkitűnőbb énekesünk, a zenét MÁGA ZOLTÁN hegedűvirtuóz és zenekara adja alánk. A filmet rendezte, felvette és vágta BORI TAMÁS a Budapesti OPERETTSZÍNHÁZ igazán kitűnő rendezője.... Ha már ennyit olvasott, fogadja "felüdülésül" ezt a zeneművet - dallal elénekelve: ÜNNEPI PALOTÁS, mely 180 év után kapott megérdemelt szöveget, - s bár az operába nem szabad beállítani (ha akarta volna Erkel, maga iratott volna szöveget hozzá) - de így kiragadva a nagy műből sokkal nagyobb ismertséget adhat a zeneköltő műveinek, hogy talán közelébb hoztuk a mai kor emberéhez... stílusváltás nélkül... Elvégre a zenekökteményeket azért írták a szerzők, hogy a zenekedvelők minél gyakrabban hallhasság műveiket --- s nem ez az első vagy utolsó zenemű, amely mai értelmezést kapott - de megmaradt eredeti stílusában. Javaslom, hallgassa, nézze meg az ÜNNEPI PALOTÁST - Erkel Ferenc és Éliás Tibor alkozása milyen érzést ad együtt a mai korban - a zene születése tán 180 évvel... (ARTISJUS engedéllyel). De itt állhat - mert Erkel egyik legnépszerűbb szerzeménye: BÁNK BÁN áriája szintén az én előadásomban: Szeretettel küldöm:
@viniciodecheco3433 Ай бұрын
Increíble la magnitud musical de esta fascinante sinfonía de un genio casi desconocido de nuestra lengua...
@norwalltino Ай бұрын
@georggeiersdorf1077 2 ай бұрын
I was shocked by this wonderful music, especially by 2, 3, 4 pats. And excellent performance. Ready listen it more and more. Thank you for such a good music.
@AscendedFromSilence 2 ай бұрын
Das Orchester hieß erst ab Januar 1975 Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart (zuvor "Südfunk-Sinfonieorchester", ab 1998 " Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart des SWR"). Die Lebensdaten von Wilhelm Barth sind 1914 bis 2004.
@valerieheinderyckx4506 2 ай бұрын
Je ne connaissais pas...sacré symphonie, j'adore. Merci infiniment. ❤
@RechtsstaatBRD 2 ай бұрын
@NickFrostMT 2 ай бұрын
I love this. Where on earth did you find it?? The only reference to it I can find is... this video.
@Leonid1969-e8d 2 ай бұрын
Hello! Thank you very much for publishing this rare sound recording! Unfortunately, your time code is incorrect (the start time of the second and third parts of the Concert).
@bomcabedal 2 ай бұрын
This is the form in which I received the recording (ages ago). I haven't seen a score. If you have the correct time stamps, I'd be grateful for them.
@Leonid1969-e8d 2 ай бұрын
According to my observations, it turns out like this: part 2 - 15:25, part 3 - 28:08 (here you have it almost right).
@bomcabedal 2 ай бұрын
@@Leonid1969-e8d That is far more likely, of course, although I'd love to have confirmation in the score. No idea why the people that I got it from cut it this way. Anyhow, thanks for pointing this out.
@JAMESLEVEE 2 ай бұрын
The tempo of the 3rd movement Scherzo is Molto vivace, per the publisher.
@Summalogicae 2 ай бұрын
Fairly conservative piece for 1922, but it’s enjoyable.
@owengette8089 17 күн бұрын
Consider that he was born in 1858; he was a product of his youth, like many composers.
@Summalogicae 17 күн бұрын
@@owengette8089 This is a trivial fact about all persons.
@ThinkHEAVEN-YouTube 2 ай бұрын
Could be the best composer ever 🎉.
@JAMESLEVEE 2 ай бұрын
This is his Op. 44. The movements are: I. Allegro assai II. Andante sostenuto III. Scherzo: Vivace IV. Allegro con brio
@bomcabedal 2 ай бұрын
That's weird; I have slightly different ones (now in the video description; this video was uploaded at a time where I didn't put in movements yet).
@JAMESLEVEE 2 ай бұрын
@@bomcabedal There is an entry with the movement information on IMSLP. It provides the information I have given, but not the Andante sostenuto introduction to the finale. That said, listening to the finale indicates you're right. There is a slow introduction. And I'm just as certain that IMSLP is correct that the Scherzo is marked Vivace. I'll see if I can let them know on the IMSLP Forum.
@xavierbordes1373 2 ай бұрын
Un grand compositeur français qui n'est pas encore à sa place... Pourtant son style est caractéristique !!!
@CsrlWiener 2 ай бұрын
Very charming and with darker touches here and there
@eschiss1 3 ай бұрын
btw this recording is incomplete: since the exposition repeat in the first movement is skipped, we miss the first ending (about 5 min 20 in or so). Don’t know if any of the half-dozen other recordings mentioned in the Musikproduktion Höflich preface survive as tapes or if it will be ever recorded again so that may be it …
@eschiss1 3 ай бұрын
The opening seems a sort of cousin to that of the Parsifal prelude :)
@caIicomoon 3 ай бұрын
ok this BANGS rip robespierre you wouldve thrown it back to this tune
@francispanny5068 3 ай бұрын
The Belgian Liszt.
@marcsetmais7598 3 ай бұрын
Wauw! Wanneer weer eens op het programma in Nederland ?
@radovanlorkovic3562 3 ай бұрын
Schöne Musik!
@ВалераМедведев-м6в 4 ай бұрын
Лахнер-всегда и все прекрасно. Люблю..
@hyperaticism 4 ай бұрын
Where did you see the movement indications? Are you sure the second part is not the cadenza and coda of the first movement? the Exotic Dance may refer to the middle section of the slow movement, I guess......
@hyperaticism 4 ай бұрын
By googling "Hans Wolf Klavierwerke I und Op. 7", you can see photos of the disc contains the other performance, on the back the program list indicates that the second movement is called "Exotic Dance Scene (Exotische Tanzszene)", and the third bears the title "Finale. Burlesque (Burleske)"
@hyperaticism 4 ай бұрын
Is this an orchestration by himself?
@bomcabedal 4 ай бұрын
No idea, sorry. But I would assume so, as he produced quite a bit of orchestral output.
@shadmium3471 4 ай бұрын
it's really unfortunate how inaccessible the scores are for these obscure composers
@bomcabedal 4 ай бұрын
IMSLP has done great work, but particularly work by composers outside northwest Europe remains hard to access. In the case of Del Campo, the Spanish National Library can help you.
@sappclobyt1331 4 ай бұрын
Ehh, ear training goes crazyyy
@shadmium3471 4 ай бұрын
@@sappclobyt1331 well i know that but youre probably missing some of the texture sometimes if you were to transcribe it
@MrBrasmi 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing!
@dmitrysofronov8624 4 ай бұрын
And the early photos of Nuremberg are nice, too
@donaldauguston9740 4 ай бұрын
What a fascinating work; I like it quite a lot. Thank you for posting. DA
@donaldauguston9740 4 ай бұрын
This is what I found on Wikipedia about him: Karl Hugo Myrtelius , born 11 July 1892 in Nosaby , died 24 October 1977 in Slottsstaden , [ 1 ] was a Swedish military musician, composer and arranger. He graduated as a music director in 1921. As a military musician, he was the leader of Gotland's infantry regiment's band in Visby during the years 1924-1927 and of the band at Halland's infantry regiment in Halmstad 1927-1947. The march The Colonel is dedicated to the regimental commanders over the years. After his retirement, he settled in Malmö where he conducted some amateur music choirs. He was also for a time a teacher of counterpoint and instrumentation at the Academy of Music in Malmö .
@rogermusson4110 4 ай бұрын
Stirring stuff!