5 ай бұрын
Doctor Who And The Anniversaries
Did Season 7 SAVE Doctor Who?????
Doctor Who: The Nightmare Fair
@dallasisgood Күн бұрын
The 7th doctor is absolutely awful but the 6th doctor was amazing in every way.
@charlesscottkelly Күн бұрын
Anything better than the woke pish now
@matthewche 5 күн бұрын
Full agreement. City of Death is an all time classic. Destiny is the biggest disappointment and the rest of the season is poor.
@Colinmck16 8 күн бұрын
After watching Peter Capaldi Jodie Whittaker The poor poor 60th and the current Doctor, Ncuti Gatwa Colin Baker's seasons were brilliant
@seanmitchell1975 10 күн бұрын
Peter Davison is my favorite Dr
@iamtheecho 10 күн бұрын
It wasn’t great but there are some good stories in it and during a time where you had everything working against it it’s a medical it was as good as it is. Colin is wonderful as The Doctor especially with his Big Finish redemption and being able to complete his character arch. As for worst era / worst Doctor. That crown is being fought for now by 13 and 15 who should be 14 but we needed 10 again to bring people back as a buffer.
@papalaz4444244 10 күн бұрын
It wasnt. But if there was any drop is story quality it was JNT's refusal to let Saward go to established writers
@alistairgeorgewardward3677 12 күн бұрын
Great video but think Kronos would be annoyed you forgot about her. 😂😂
@TheWatcherOnWho 12 күн бұрын
When I see her I'll apologise. 😆
@rabeyarafique7527 12 күн бұрын
@mr_reborn 16 күн бұрын
Worst doctor ever - Whitaker-Gatwa - roll em into one.
@ethanmanson3129 17 күн бұрын
Imo Colin always gave his all in every episode/Story he was in during his tenure, Baker loved playing the role, Twin dilemma was written like a dilemma, however I fell as season 22 is massively underrated imo ppl didn't take to his doctor because of his costume design and persona that was written but that's how the doctor was supposed to be written
@johngilmore697 18 күн бұрын
6:32 Nice shirt potatoes
@notabannedaccount8362 19 күн бұрын
Series 1 is so much worse.
@saltwell 19 күн бұрын
No, he didn't deserve to be sacked and, in my opinion, was nowhere near as badly miscast as number 7.
@lucasoheyze4597 21 күн бұрын
I think the final nail in the coffin was casting a way too old Sophie Aldred as Ace, it was embarrassing to watch.
@calderarecords 21 күн бұрын
I know this isn't a popular opinion, but I think it was cancelled at the correct time; going out on a high. When I saw Star Trek TNG & how much better it looked with Industrial Light And Magic, I knew then that the BBC had been really taking the piss & draining resources away from DW in favour of putting out miserably written soaps, cheap dramas, & game shows that gained them viewing figures without the headache of Sci-Fi. People always defend the BBC by saying "they couldn't compete with the Americans", & yet they had the entire country in their pocket, literally. The show looked cheaper than it ever had. Take Remembrance of the Daleks - it was meant to be 1963 yet it felt like 1988, & sounded AWFUL! Keff's ruddy conga drums, midi-flute and oboes with timpani etc. are like vomit on a canvas. And have aged terribly. If you're going to use synths.. let them sound like synthesizers. Delia Derbyshire detested his rendition of the theme more than any on record except the Delaware version! I realise fans welcome the complexity of later stories, but audiences really had the memory of a goldfish and wouldn't have appreciated the complexity of continuity like today. This is why Pertwee and Bakers stories worked so much better. Short, easy to understand, convivial dialogue, well directed action, & authentic. I for one am glad they stopped foot of over exposing the Doctor's (and Ace's) "secrets" - for then they cease to be mysterious! The show had hit it's stride years ago. It's hard to follow actors of Hartnell, Troughton, Pertwee & Tom Baker. The last 3 were just no where near as charismatic enough. A decent last 4 stories though, at last!
@KrzysiuNet 21 күн бұрын
Short answer: ye. Long answer: yes, it was.
@calderarecords 22 күн бұрын
It's curious because DW is one of very few shows where an era of the show is largely misinterpreted as a result of "who played the Doctor" - instead of just admitting that the writing was bad. If it were Colin's doing, as in not being suited as the Doctor, then Revelation of the Daleks wouldn't be a classic, Mark of the Rani wouldn't be so much fun, & The Two Doctors would only work in half of the scenes. The real problem was JNT. Unlike Barry Letts who had a clear identity for what Dr Who was meant to be from the start, JNT just didn't have a clue. His attempts at creating new antagonists failed abismally, and then he just leaned on "bring old foes back" to cash in on previous triumphs. He was very impulsive, & allowed his ego to deny sound ideas by his betters. For instance, he didn't like Tom Bakers talent for humour and sex appeal - so killed the humour & dressed Tom in Burgundy. He didn't like the power Dudley had over the mood of the show, so sacked him. He wanted to make his stamp on the show, not for the good of the show but for his own importance. Forcing Colin Baker into that costume was a wicked thing to do considering that you must look the part to act the part, & it was all his idea. Letts slowly increased the budget of Doctor Who by his perspicacious demeanor; demonstrating its investment in action set pieces, stunts, & set design. JNT had the opposite effect. How could you treat someone who turned up to BBC meetings in a Hawaiian shirt, a Doctor Who necklace, and a sebaceous afro? He was not their first choice, that fell to George Gallaccio, who turned the offer down. The last resort. JNT wanted to try new ideas, of his own. Which meant that he wasn't going to try and compete with his predecessors or ever tread on old ground, which meant that DW would never feel like the same show ever again. As soon as he was appointed producer, the show declined. Peter, Colin & Sylvester were not happy with being caked in Question Marks, he never consulted anyone when casting daft light entertainment actors from soaps or people with pastiche accents to promote it abroad, Bonnie Langford couldn't act, Terrance Dicks said in an interview that JNT was not fit for purpose. I get why some people are defending Colin Baker, because he was not in charge of anything other than line delivery. Personally, I think Davison is the most dull - having only 1 or 2 classics. However, the show slowly died due to too many bad decisions never being questioned by other more self-aware people, who knew that JNT could never be reason with; only offended.
@obsoletebutneat 23 күн бұрын
JNT should have left after The Twin Dilemma. His skills as producer were in promotion, but he was not a writer's producer. If he'd left following Davison's departure, a new team could have come in with fresh ideas and a new direction (just as he had in Season 18) and a new course could have refreshed the program significantly.
@Whalewraith 23 күн бұрын
Colin was fine, he was just let down by the production decisions and budget of the time. Still better than the last few years of Who.
@Pokewho-6475 25 күн бұрын
In my opinion sure I have not watched classic who I’ve seen bits of but for me they should have continued it because when you think about it there was so much more stuff that they could have done with the 7th doctor and Ace because if you remember the heart to heart talk that they had In tails from the triads and we could have seen why ace and 7th grow apart and after 7 we could have Paul mcgann still play 8th and we could have seen 8 slow decent into the war doctor and see the time war began and let’s face it nu who would have happened regardless if classic got cancelled or not anyway And it was not fair what they did to Doctor who back then because McCoy Was cast to play 7th then only for him to get his era of the show cancelled I mean I am glad he’s not mad with Doctor who he still loves doctor who but I bet back then he would have been very very Mad at the BBC
@swamppifi6186 26 күн бұрын
Agreed......This is one villain I would like to see come back in the modern series...the scene withe the two mummy robot, one tells the truth while the other tells lies and you can only ask one question, is gold.....
@krisztianunpronounceable 23 күн бұрын
Funny you should say that...
@erikbrantner4295 26 күн бұрын
I would watch these episodes of the classic doctor who eras.. Now this show is ruined with what it has evolved into!
@alyciab7417 28 күн бұрын
It seems lucky for us that Colin Baker did not develop a dislike of Doctor Who as a whole. It enables us to have the many D.W. related works he has done since his official tenure as The Doctor.
@lucasoheyze4597 21 күн бұрын
If he does dislike Doctor Who, he certainly likes the money and minor celebrity it gets him
@rabeyarafique7527 29 күн бұрын
i hate the 13th doctor i think whitaker even if she did get a good writer she still would've done shes mid actor and she insulted the show and the fans multiple times not mention the timeless child that was the final blow whitaker the 13th doctor suck😊.
@WarGrowlmon18 Ай бұрын
And now we have a sequel!!!
@linkjourney422 Ай бұрын
We all know why we’re here after Legend of Ruby Sunday aired.
@lesigh1749 Ай бұрын
You have trawled every video on youtube about this story to bleat. Hardly anyone watched the sad fan film your on about.
@TheWatcherOnWho Ай бұрын
Ssssh spoilers lol
@trence5 Ай бұрын
Here, here.
@WarGrowlmon18 Ай бұрын
They apparently even got the original voice actor back for Sutekh.
@SKIP-yj3xp Ай бұрын
This was the first story to give the space coordinates to Gallifrey as 1001100x02 from galactic zero center in the constellation of Kasterborus.
@KingSidJames Ай бұрын
Tom is the Doctor and the Doctor is Tom.
@paulaburrows8660 Ай бұрын
Those 3 question marks need to be removed.
@TheToonMonkey Ай бұрын
Julian Glover says hello
@The-Cosmic-Hobo Ай бұрын
I have long said that Tom Baker was not so much the best actor to play the role of the Doctor - he, Tom Baker, simply WAS the Doctor. (I also say that Patrick and Peter2 were the best actors to act in the role...) Tom was handed a pretty bright burning flame when he took over the role thanks to his predecessors. Sadly the BBC were content to snuff it out during the 80's.
@stevenedwards8353 Ай бұрын
Worst Doctor - no, not by far. Worst show management - very close to being, only second to what's going on now with the show.