OtomeJam 2024 Week 1
Ай бұрын
Review Quest 6: Lost Balance
Review Quest 6: Epsilon Indi
Review Quest 6: The Forest
2 ай бұрын
New Arcane Dice Wars 2024 Trailer
@efai 3 сағат бұрын
Hi Jen, if it's really difficult to make a seductive male character, you can try to make a seductive female character and give it masculine features.. like slowly transforming a female character into a male one.. anyway during the drawing process you may come up with something unique that will work or you can add more and more masculine features.. it can also help if you think about the character while drawing, what it should represent, how and why.. if you come up with a story for the character, it can help a lot with the vision of the character and its features..
@Aizera 7 күн бұрын
The games that get it right make me feel like I'm falling in love with somebody rather than doing a math problem to optimize the maximum possible bond with the designated NPC of my choice. lol Also I always like replaying the game to bond with each different character, even if I already have a favorite/personal bias. And I still want it to be an immersive experience each time
@coffeedripstudios 5 күн бұрын
Hi Aizera, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I agree that having to do math problems to figure out how to get a good ending is pretty immersion breaking. We didn't show much information at the start of development (ex. early screen shots all you see is the bond level tracker) but we decided to make more information available for the player who wants to strategize around point mechanics. However, everything is designed to be very lenient so you should be able to go through and as long as you interact consistently with 1 LI, you should be able to explore their full route and choose your actions in whichever way feels most natural/in character for you. This is, in essence, a fluff simulator XD
@gokcetunc1476 7 күн бұрын
Helloo thank you for the video! ı waiting for the game with great excitement and once ı saw the video ı immediately jumped in ^^ well this will be a long comment since ı finally got lots of free time ^^ wow thats alot of words! thanks for the hard work! As a player ı usually dont like when a choice ı randomly pick literally decides ıf ı will get a good or bad ending especially ıf ı also cant make any sense of it so being able build my own character or my own path always excites me alot more than normal type of visual novels since ıt gives me a feeling of being able play the game as ''myself'' which is actually important to for someone who has weird anxiety like me. by calling it weird ı mean when ı play games ı ALWAYS do my best to get ''right choices '' and sometimes ı sometimes imagine my own self as a main character with a question like ''would ı survive ıf I WOULD GO THOURGH THİS?'' or for otome/ dating games ''would character love ıf ıt were ME?'' and ıf game doesnt give me much of a choice then answer would be usually ''no'' and that makes me feel kind of disconnected to game world especially ıf the game doesnt really introduce the ''main character'' much in the name of ''giving to players the feeling of creating their own story path '' or things like that (ım totally fine with well introduced characters tho since ı can see that story is about someone else not me clearly) but in games that gives me so many choices and/or variety of endings ıt makes me feel like ı dont have to reach a ''true ending'' since there no such thing and what ı should reach is the path ı want to have and the being able to decorate room to catch the interest is amazing idea! ıt both gives so many choices to player to decorate to room with their preferences and be able catch the interest of game characters :3 thats amazing freedom that we can have our own preferences instead of being have to find right choices but ı guess ıt seems difficult to ''program'' them all? then perhaps the game can come out as an demo or uncompleted to be able to not miss the jam and then can get updates? rushing can be pretty tiring afterall point system is so cool! well ı hope there is no negative points XD 0 points are fine but no negative plss and also different responses in different bonds are pretty good too ıt makes things lots more realistic the fact that you can do speedrun whole moth to 10 days is cool but ı guess ı will keep playing for all days ıdk ıt actually changes anything but ım fine with slow process :3.... oh well ı am curious about how they will spend their time with me in their full bond level too x3 so ı guess ı will go both... chancing opinionnss haha ıts actually relaxing to know that having only ''Im good by myself'' ending which well perfectly fine with me :D (ı cant just like sad/bad endings although they can make story deeper) overall the process of the game is amazing and ı am sooo excited for this ı hope things will go well for you and ekkoberry for this project (well of course for everything too) thanks for the all hardwork again and also thanks for the video ^^ ıf ım correct game will be out on end of the 8th week right? which means there is technically 2 weeks to go... ı dont wanna sound impatient since taking things slowly ıf possible is best choice for health but ı will keep following updates so ı can at least have small peeks >w< Have a very nice day!
@coffeedripstudios 5 күн бұрын
Hi gokcetunc1476, thank you for sharing your experiences and enthusiasm. There is no negative points for any choices. The biggest penalty you get is a grumpy/confused reply at worst LOL. You won't have to worry about about bad endings either, as all the LIs kinda grow enough by the end to even take rejection in a fairly non-toxic way, (dating them up to day 30 and not ending up with them). This game is mostly just pure fluffiness as the art/aesthetic would suggest. I'm really glad to know you are looking forward to the release of this game and I hope it won't disappoint. I always put my full passion into these projects even when its a gamejam so it's a little nerve wracking the closer we get to release. We started the 1st week of development at the end of April into May, so technically we have 9 weeks. We hope to be finishing early but it will be released by June 30th at the latest.
@efai 7 күн бұрын
Hi Jen, I also don't like it when the game locks you on a certain path or if you don't do everything 100% right you ruin your chances with that character.. I faced the same dilemma with choices.. so I created a class for decisions and save almost every single player decision.. I also save behaviors, if they are nice/rude to someone, if they flirt or if they were flattered when the character flirted with them, etc.. so I can decide which things are important for which character and also the most important choices from the list.. it has a lot of options and freedom, but on the other hand, I have to know about all the options they can do and keep a list of them.. btw: I would like to try this game, when will it be available to play ?
@coffeedripstudios 5 күн бұрын
Hi Efai, it sounds like your choice tracking is very detailed and customized for the player. I started doing that with one of my games but it got a bit overwhelming for me. Creating class just for decisions sounds like it would help with that. I'm hoping to finish before the deadline but it will be out by June 30th at the latest. Thanks for showing interest!
@efai 5 күн бұрын
@@coffeedripstudios that's right, I have a dedicated class for all decisions and I just need to track all possible decisions in the game or at least the important ones.. it's not so bad, because with a good memory you can easily go back to your project and check what the decision was or just make a list of decisions and look at it.. and you can really do meaningful things with it and almost completely customize the story for the player, but it's a lot of work to do all the branches, so it's better to have important decisions and then only those that add/change a few sentences.. you can check the decision class in my project.. it's very easy, just save and get the decision and check if the decision exists, so it won't cause any errors.. In the comment I also have how the data will look when I save the decision so that I can work with it and not forget the pattern.. and to understand it (or basically any other of my classes) you just need to learn how to work with lists, dictionaries and list of dictionaries in python, so it's just the basics, nothing advanced.. and I'll definitely wait until you release it, I'm curious about this game :)
@efai 8 күн бұрын
Hi Jen, 1:04 - it's the same for me.. I don't remember a lot of things, so I mostly just copy previous things I've already done, because honestly, there's no point in reinventing the wheel every time you do something you've already done before.. 5:42 - I never declare any variables for any image unless it's an animation or a movie.. if you name your images appropriately it makes no sense and is even pointless to declare them as variables.. you're basically just taking up memory for no good reason.. the naming of your images is fine, so you can delete all the variables you created in the video and the project will still behave the same, try it and see.. 14:10 - you can right-click in the left panel (on an empty space or on a folder, if you want to create a file in a folder) and select "New File..." and then just name it.. another method is to click on File (in the top menu) and select "New File..." (it also showing a shortcut next to "New File..." option and you can change this shortcut as well) 20:54 - this literally made me laugh :D "we don't want that there", probably because of the voice :D and a great name for this kind of thing would be "transparent" or "invisible" also some quality of life tips.. you can skip words with ctrl + left/right arrow (it also works with shift like ctrl + shift + left/right arrow to select whole words and also with backspace or delete like ctrl + backspace/delete deletes whole word).. when you select a word with the mouse (or shift + left/right arrow) and then click ctrl + D, multiple pointers to the same word you selected will be created in the file, and you can rename/delete that word in the whole file just by typing it once.. when creating/renaming a file, if you click the right/down arrow your pointer jumps to the end instead of the beginning of the file, so you don't have to go through so many letters.. and if you want to rename a file/folder, just click on it and press F2, it will automatically select the full file name except the extension (.rpy), so you can type and rename it right away.. I hope this helps and makes your process more enjoyable : )
@coffeedripstudios 5 күн бұрын
Hi Efai, Thank you again for all your useful advice!
@animeida3099 9 күн бұрын
I wonder if it's a problem with my pngs, but the second line of code for making a mask won't work for me.. it gives me a -22 error code and I don't know what it meansssssss! thank you for the tutorial though, ffmpeg is going to help me a lot!!
@animeida3099 9 күн бұрын
i figured this out, it was a very silly error xD <3
@coffeedripstudios 8 күн бұрын
Hi there, animeida3099, I'm sorry I'm not sure what the problem might be. I never personally ran into this issue. -22 apparently means it's an invalid argument so try double checking that all your file names extensions, directories, codex, ect all match up and are accessible.
@animeida3099 8 күн бұрын
@@coffeedripstudios thank you!!!
@TSPIN 11 күн бұрын
Just started my game and this video has been super helpful. Thank you very much !!
@coffeedripstudios 8 күн бұрын
Hi TSPIN, awesome! Best wishes for you and your game going forward!
@TSPIN 7 күн бұрын
@@coffeedripstudios Thank you very much !!
@efai 11 күн бұрын
Hi Jen, this is very cool and has a lot of potential in text driven games where there's a lot of generic text.. I've been thinking about how to make a good dialogue structure myself and I still haven't found a solution..honestly, I can get lost very easily even in a very simple choice menu in Ren'Py.. so I was researching some old RPGs where there's a lot of text and their approach and some of the "line pointing" options in a large files of texts were really nice, but it wasn't really something you could easily implement into Ren'Py.. this "Defined Statements" look very simple and already have 3 nice features that could reduce the struggle.. so, I'm glad to know about this option, thanks ! : )
@coffeedripstudios 8 күн бұрын
I was surprised that I never heard of it before. I'm definitely going to be using it in every project going forward. Time to spread the good news because it's super helpful to at least know about!
@Pawlo370 12 күн бұрын
myślałem że to będzie po Polsku bo pisało renpy tutoriale
@efai 12 күн бұрын
Hi Jen, 7:12 - probably the only way to do this with a regular jump is to add the keyword expression after the word jump, eg. jump expression f '{summoned}_chat' or jump expression summoned + '_chat' 10:58 - I didn't know about this option, so I immediately switched to it, thanks ! : )
@coffeedripstudios 8 күн бұрын
Ooh! I'll have to try that next time! Thanks!!
@d.5600 13 күн бұрын
omg this channel is a gem. i'm gonna binge watch your content now haha, bless my youtube algorithm
@coffeedripstudios 8 күн бұрын
Hi d.5600, Glad you found my video and liked it. Even if I'm just mostly talking random stuff vaguely related to making games LOL. Best wishes!
@aalaarehman8283 14 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for this tutorial!! I'm so excited to play your game, and this has been a huge help for me :-) Once again, thank you!!
@coffeedripstudios 8 күн бұрын
Thanks for the suggestion! Glad you found it helpful. best wishes
@analonto6474 14 күн бұрын
It's been a long time, but I want to say Thank You so much for this video! ♥Very important words for a newbie like me!
@coffeedripstudios 8 күн бұрын
Hi analonto6474, Glad you found this helpful at all. I'm still doing this stuff and going strong!
@gokcetunc1476 14 күн бұрын
Aaa the art is amazing and ı see that game is really detailed with all those clinking choices ^^ character's art are so cute too!! Im really excited to play the game :3
@coffeedripstudios 8 күн бұрын
Hi gokcetunc1476, Thank you so much! I hope that it ends up being fun for you. please let me know if you do happen to give it a try.
@verme0001 14 күн бұрын
Thank you very much for this magnificent tutorial! ❤
@coffeedripstudios 8 күн бұрын
thanks verme0001 thats a very generous compliment LOL but I hope you found it helpful
@sadbo1hours102 14 күн бұрын
little tip: if you didnt want to position the image in-script you can save the full image (as in the image sprite which is positioned on a canvas which uses the full game resolution, not cropped down just to the sprite's size) and then use 'focus_mask True' when putting it in an imagebutton block to make the image only be intractable etc. in the filled pixels (i.e. where there is no transparency) i do this because i am very lazy lol and i hate wasting time pixel perfecting positions cus it can get very annoying if you draw all the elements in one file and want them to be in very specific positions in relation to one another x( you don't need to put focus_mask True for every hover and idle, it can be used for 1 block and it covers that whole block's interactivity btw! so each block would have a focus_mask True statement at the end of its block or before the action statement for the button
@EchoBlossom123 12 күн бұрын
Ohhh I'd be careful when it comes to focus_mask True 's-- enough of them can tank performance >< -- it really is worth cropping everything as it also helps a game's file size out !(better for people with slower internet/computers) There's also scripts for getting a layer's positioning on a canvas too! For Jen's game, I didn't position anything in the (room) screen(s) by manually working out the co-ordinates, I just used a PS script to work it all out for me (specifically bronzehedwick's export layer coordinates photoshop script)
@coffeedripstudios 8 күн бұрын
Hi sadbo1hours102, Thanks for adding your tips! Appreciate it!
@ascendingfates5783 14 күн бұрын
Thanks for the video! It’s really nice to see updates on your game ~ and seeing the process behind it is really awsome!
@coffeedripstudios 8 күн бұрын
hi ascendingfates5783, thanks for following my progress. I'm excited to share the finished game at the end of the month
@aalaarehman8283 20 күн бұрын
Hello there!! I just found your channel and I'm in love. I've just started with RenPy and I was wondering if you knew any way to make background elements interactable/trigger text depending on selecting an item in the background (eg a painting in a room)?
@coffeedripstudios 19 күн бұрын
hello aalaarehman8283, thanks for watching my vids. It sounds like you want to either hotspots or imagebuttons, (personally find imagebuttons easier to use for my purposes.) i'll go over a bit of what we used in our project in my next video. Thanks for the suggestion! Best wishes
@aalaarehman8283 19 күн бұрын
@@coffeedripstudios Thank you so much!! I truly appreciate you taking the time to read this comment :-) I look forward to your next video!!
@Aizera 21 күн бұрын
I love the options and the small snippets of dialogue based on minor player action; it's one of those things where I feel like I am bonding with the character without like a wall of 1000 lines of text to read through. I'm also a sucker for the trope where an NPC will get pretend angry at the player for their pranks/shenanigans, but they'll follow up with a smile and go along with it anyways because they like you :)
@coffeedripstudios 19 күн бұрын
Hi Aizera, hopefully this game will be right up your alley! There are some instances where dialogue can seem a bit more awkwardly transitioned due to all the smae variable snippets than let's say with a more straight forward novel style dialogue presentation (1000 word dumps) but I think this is one of the strengths / opportunities of writing that you can uniquely explore in VNs/games. Hopefully I will get better at smoothing these transitions with practice~ ty for sharing your thoughts.
@duduken20 21 күн бұрын
And another lesson learned. Thanks!
@coffeedripstudios 19 күн бұрын
Glad you found this useful! I'm so thankful that Ekkoberry showed me this!
@NeonKix 22 күн бұрын
Thank-you, can you please show the desired effect at the start of the video? Would really be appreciated.
@coffeedripstudios 21 күн бұрын
Hi there NeonKix, I would like to keep your request in mind, but I'm not sure what you mean. Could you be a bit more specific or give me an example? Thanks! best wishes
@Aizera 26 күн бұрын
high effort pet option so i can simp for pixels better. yay 👍 still boggles my mind that all of this you're doing inside renpy :o
@coffeedripstudios 23 күн бұрын
Glad to know someone will appreciate/use the optional pet function XD there's actually so much to do in renpy as a 2D artist. I keep meaning to move on but find new stuff to explore~
@duduken20 28 күн бұрын
That's nice to know. I'm a beginner at game dev and these tips help me a lot!
@coffeedripstudios 23 күн бұрын
glad to know these things help. If not for your current project, maybe in the future. I'll try to point out something potentially useful every update if I can.
@duduken20 23 күн бұрын
@@coffeedripstudios nice to know. Thanks!
@duduken20 Ай бұрын
Amazing as always! Love the content.
@coffeedripstudios Ай бұрын
thank you so much for watching~ I'm excited for the progress this week even though the alot of the most noticible parts (such as the main art) is mostly done. Behind the scenes the pieces are in place for REAL work to get started haha!
@efai Ай бұрын
Hi Jen, as for webp, you always lose some quality with webp, which is something that a lot of artists can't really compromise on.. 3:33 - wouldn't it be easier with layeredimages ? 7:23 - I switch between movies (close up character animations when talking to them) and even use them as hover and it works great with no lag.. 9:17 - you slowly become a better programmer and you don't even realize it :D and you can automate those condition switches, because they all seem to be the same.. whenever you use the same piece of code in different places and only one thing changes in that code , you can make a loop where you change this one thing with variable and you don't have to keep copying the same piece of code.. btw: what's up with the video quality ? it is the second video in a row that has a max. 480p
@coffeedripstudios Ай бұрын
Hi Efai, In some cases it would be easier with layered images but some of the layering of accessories is not sitting ontop of the entire base sprite and I didn't want to build and program all the individual pieces of each character for small jam project so this way is simply way faster on a small scale. Sorry for the low quality video. I realized now that you pointed it out that my default video export setting got changed somehow T_T. I'll try to correct that next week!
@edgar_allan_hoe Ай бұрын
My webm doesn't show, my code is basically the same as the one in the video :( Any ideas?
@coffeedripstudios Ай бұрын
Hi there, I'm sorry you are having trouble with the webms but it's not possible for me to know where it might have gone wrong. when you say your webm doesn't show, does it play normally outside of your renpy game but just doesn't display properly with the moviesprite script?
@efai Ай бұрын
Hi Jen, I like different costumes, it looks really good : ) and I like the animations, but the eyebrows on Jeth showing through the hair are a bit weird, probably shouldn't be visible ?! btw: good luck with the Jam! : )
@HereticSacrifice Ай бұрын
5 FULL COSTUME CHANGES??? that is compatible with each animation??? That's terrifying, lmao
@coffeedripstudios Ай бұрын
Hehehe ty~ Ekkoberry and I both come from visual art backgrounds, so the art workload of these kind of games is pretty small tbh.
@magicbuns4868 Ай бұрын
I left my 50-60 hour job, to get a 16 hour (2 days) job cleaning, so I can pursue my endeavours. Also came from a snootish family who placed huge value on material wealth and status, and because I wasn't cut out for what they considered important, they bullied me. Was miserable for years by trying to meet their standards, but I was never going to meet them, because I'm weird. Stopped caring about what they thought about me, and started caring what I wanted. You only live once, and I never cared about status, I cared about wanting to fit in with my family. Moment I left them, I started becoming happier, I was living more by my standards. If you can get over what a (rubbish) family thinks of you, you can get over what a rubbish stranger thinks of you. From my own experience, I think you are so right about your point about us being more than the sum of what we can 'produce'.
@coffeedripstudios Ай бұрын
Ah, thank you for sharing your experience and I'm glad to hear that you are in a happier place~ please continue to take good care of yourself and keep living your best life! <3
@magicbuns4868 Ай бұрын
Oooh, I love those emotes!!! I'm curious, how do you go about your UI design? Do you find free assets, or do you make them yourself. If the latter, what programme do you use, and do you have any tips? There's so much to game development, it kind of feels like a small business.
@coffeedripstudios Ай бұрын
Hi Magicbuns4868, to be honest, I make the assets myself using photoshop (which is probably not ideal given). I will make up a "fake" screen shot to figure out where and what I need to fit on the screen as far as information goes. Then I find a bunch of free fonts and picking out a couple that I think suit the project. I usually play it pretty safe and don't do anything too stylized or anything that drastically departs from the RenPY default. Honestly, I think it's one of my weakest spots visually so I don't really have any tips, other than try to keep it easy to read as a a top priority.
@magicbuns4868 Ай бұрын
@@coffeedripstudios In all fairness, I consider how you framed your character "side images" in Villians heart to be part of the UI, and really good way of showing them. The rest of it is definitely serviceable too!
@rsbah Ай бұрын
Really cool stuff, love it! Hope you do well in the game jam
@coffeedripstudios Ай бұрын
Hi Rsbah, I'm having a lot of fun so far~ And staying mostly on track. I'll have another update this weekend.
@rsbah Ай бұрын
thats awesome
@coffeedripstudios Ай бұрын
Hi Rsbah, Thanks for checking our my video! Best wishes~
@Aizera Ай бұрын
@coffeedripstudios Ай бұрын
Hi Aizera, thank you for checking out this project! I hope you are doing well~
@Aizera Ай бұрын
@@coffeedripstudios I'm still being my unproductive self like usual but I love watching you work :D
@efai Ай бұрын
Hi Jen, honestly, I've been doing all 5 points for a very long time, but I can't say that it's enough for me.. something still bothers me that I can't really name, so I probably still need to add some extra points to the list..
@coffeedripstudios Ай бұрын
Hi Efai, I'm sorry to hear that you are still struggling with something. It's definitely an on going process to figure out what works best for you. I hope are still able to enjoy things here and there. Best wishes!
@magicbuns4868 Ай бұрын
I'm happy you're still on YT! You got yourself a new subscriber :D :D
@coffeedripstudios Ай бұрын
Thank you for checking out my videos :)
@efai Ай бұрын
Hi Jen, I like your encouraging videos, I usually come across them when I'm close to burnout.. something that I thought would take 1 month took almost a year.. you're absolutely right that when you feel like you need a break, it's probably too late.. I know some people deal with this by doing multiple projects and switching between them, or have a schedule including taking a few days off from working on a project.. I haven't figured out the best course of action for me yet, but I have a feeling I'll have to figure it out or I'll never get anywhere.. btw: yes, the first word that comes to mind is really "tired" or "exhausted".. I feel it is because people are too focused on one thing or few things and it becomes routine and routine is boring and tiring.. but it's really hard to constantly experience something new, so I don't have any optimal solution for this situation..
@efai Ай бұрын
Hi Jen, 10:26 reminds me of how often I look at my own scripts and wonder what I was thinking when I wrote them :D nowadays I use parameter names almost everywhere (name = 'Asher', hp = 14, etc.) so I don't get confused when I look at something months later. 12:14 - you can do one screen and then just call it and feed it data.. just like you use classes, a screen can also take parameters, and you can use those parameters in the body of the screen.. check the Ren'Py project "Tutorial", Screen basics -> Passing Parameters to Screen for more info : )
@emilyweston460 Ай бұрын
It is not at all pretentious to talk about your passion and how you want to channel it to flavor your game in a way that is uniquely you. It's so interesting to hear you talk about your thought process and motivation. I'm learning programming (art background) specifically because I want a more interactive experience (playground) for it and wanted to make a VN but kind of lamented missing out on RPG elements. I don't know why I thought that should be an issue..... as you clearly demonstrate it's totally doable to blend the things you like best. "Go hard" moment is the perfect way to describe those extra special animations in games XD
@coffeedripstudios Ай бұрын
Hi emilyweston460, thank you! I think coming from an art background, there is often a struggle with process. For me, it's always been impossible to balance life and live in a sustainable way, as I tend to get obsessed and burn out. I talk about this a lot on my channel because I think we're encouraged to focus on how to maximize productivity without really doing it in a sustainable way. And at least for me, this led to cycles of depression for decades. I'm finally starting to figure out that I can change this pattern and still make art and I want to encourage people to take an approach that maximizes their own personal wellness.
@emilyweston460 Ай бұрын
This is... amazing. I'm off to binge watch your entire channel now.😍
@coffeedripstudios Ай бұрын
Hi emilyweston460, Thanks for checking our my videos and I'm glad you liked it! I like to "binge" a person's channel when I'm working on art so I totally relate to this comment lol
@lukeanatr Ай бұрын
very helpful tutorial thanks, was going around in circles before i found this
@coffeedripstudios Ай бұрын
Hi lukeanatr, Glad you found this useful! To be honest it took me awhile to find myself, which is why I made this video!
@Krisz01777 Ай бұрын
Ive made everything but my game crashes each time the animation would show
@coffeedripstudios Ай бұрын
Hi Krisz01777, I just recently used this method on the most recent update of RenPy and it's still working for me so I'm afraid I don't know what happened with your project ):
@duduken20 Ай бұрын
I'm doing the same with my studies, never skip a day, and now it's easier to keep going even when I'm mentally tired. Awesome tips!
@coffeedripstudios Ай бұрын
Hi duduken20, Hope you found this video to be affirming! Best of luck with your studies and don't forget to have fun!
@duduken20 Ай бұрын
@@coffeedripstudios thanks! Yes, this and your other videos about this theme always remind me to take a break sometimes.
@dio_hoestar_4204 Ай бұрын
Thank you. You're a life saver. I'm doing a game for my thesis and I know very little about codding. Also, the errors you were getting made me feel seen. Often times it's not the code itself that doesn't work, but those pesky : or typos. Specially after some long hours of work. I can't see the mistakes in front of me anymore ahaha.
@coffeedripstudios Ай бұрын
Hi dio_hoestar, I'm glad you found this helpful! (also even though it's a bit embarrassing how silly my mistakes are, I like to leave them in there for that very reason!) Hope it makes everything I do seem more accessible and relatable! Good luck with your thesis!
@logofon6372 Ай бұрын
Thank you <3
@camillelescop3238 2 ай бұрын
Good Luck ! Take care of yourself and have fun making this Jam 🥰
@coffeedripstudios Ай бұрын
thank you so much! I'm excited to be collaborating!
@duduken20 2 ай бұрын
ALWAYS take your time! And good luck!
@coffeedripstudios Ай бұрын
Yes, thank you! It's always good to be reminded. It's too easy to fall back into old patterns/habits! Best wishes to you~
@vinxus2248 2 ай бұрын
your words of wisdom are appreciated 🙏 has burnout from your other responsibilities ever affected your projects? if so how do you deal with that?
@coffeedripstudios Ай бұрын
I had a long burnout that took me 5 years (artwise) to recover from and I focused on raising my child, working and improving myself. I'd like to say it was all self motivated but I think it was also pure survival and wanting to do my best for my child. I had a lot of 'things' I had put off doing for most of my life because I had been so singularly focused on my 'art' career. I started making art again when I had the ability to make space for it, so to be honest, the other aspects of my life don't interfere with it. I protect my time very passionately. The only thing that interfered with it since I restarted in this way, is when i'd start to get burnt out from art itself. And this is from falling back into all mindsets and treating it like a 'job' again. I think I'm happiest when I make time for art in the same way some people probably make time for playing games, watching movies or reading books. Everyone needs to make time away from work and responsibilities to decompress. I want art to be my happy, decompression place so I purposely keep it completely separate from a "job" or "obligation".
@rokishi 2 ай бұрын
I am a bloody beginner. This looks super neat! Is it possible to somehow download the code you were playing with?
@coffeedripstudios 2 ай бұрын
Hi Rokishi, Thanks for checking out my video. unfortunately I ended up deleting this example otherwise I would've been happy to share it with you. I know documentation can be kind of a slog to parse through, but I highly reccomend checking out the lemmasoft forums, cookbooks and dischord. lemmasoft.renai.us/forums/ best wishes on your journey!
@hernanfoster2204 2 ай бұрын
Wow, that's a lot of code, 😅,animation tips are always appreciated
@coffeedripstudios 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching! I hope you found something useful in all my ramblings lol
@efai 2 ай бұрын
Hi Jen, very nice art as always : ) I feel like this Jeth's skill trigger animation is too fast, but that might be on purpose.. the topics you talk about in the video reflect your progress and I like how you mention "effortless".. many people don't really realize that when someone does something difficult and it seems effortless, it takes years of practice, ups and downs, sweat and tears to get to that point.. even at that point it's still a lot of work, only the person doesn't consider it work anymore, it's more like a standard routine and fun..
@coffeedripstudios 2 ай бұрын
Hi Efai. Thank you again for your input as always! Yes sometimes the pursuit of art can be difficult and frustrating, especially when you are not at a level your comfortable with, but I still look back to a lot of those times fondly. I just love doing art I guess ^^
@efai 2 ай бұрын
@@coffeedripstudios I think it's absolutely amazing to look back on those times and reminisce, but it's absolute hell to go through them right now :D