@WarDogMadness 26 минут бұрын
Play lunacid
@EspyGee Сағат бұрын
A few weeks ago I was thinking about this remake, and it reinforced an opinion I've had for a while now; that the videogame medium is still way more immature than most people are willing to accept. Part of it is because of those within the industry, sure, but the audience really does deserve a lot of the blame as well, for buying into this stuff so readily. Since the late-90s there's been such a push for videogames to be more accepted as art, with so much of the gaming audience losing their minds when someone like Roger Ebert would state that games didn't qualify. And yet, while it's always been obvious that videogames _can_ be art (the original SH2 is proof enough), I feel like that notion is constantly undermined by the ever-present demand for remakes. You can barely find a single video on youtube about an old game that _doesn't_ have a multitude of comments from the audience shouting that "They should remake this," as if the original is outdated and unplayable by virtue of having been made at a lower resolution. I feel like the communities surrounding older mediums like film or literature tend to have a more overarching respect for art, and the voice of the artist. For all its current issues, at least Hollywood tends to understand that you can't remake Scorsese or Lynch; their works are classics exactly _because_ of the unique perspectives and choices of the artists behind them. Meanwhile videogames are almost never afforded that kind of reverence. Even when it comes to something as expressively rich as Silent Hill 2, the industry and the majority of the audience pays it little more legitimate respect than they would give to a Transformers or Fast and the Furious movie. Just nice to see someone else with a similar perspective.👌
@millenial_in_the_middle 8 сағат бұрын
*singing the end lines from RATM "Killing in the name"*
@Enbynails 9 сағат бұрын
7:37 Anderson still living rent-free in the minds of SH2 fans. It's been like 7 years, let it go bro
@Enbynails 9 сағат бұрын
No shade onto the video itself, though. Pretty good stuff.
@umbranoctis4348 10 сағат бұрын
What I can't understand is how you can direct voice actors so badly. LITERALLY just show them a 1.5 hour long youtube video like "Silent Hill All Cutscenes" (BUT NOT THE HD COLLECTION) and they'll know what the characters are supposed to sound like.
@Zagadka06 11 сағат бұрын
Finally, a voice of reason! I don't make videos, but this remake has made me so mad, so consistently that I thought about starting. Every Bloober interview and explanation of changes has been galling. While you didn't cover every point in my seething brain, you did a great job. Thank you.
@MisterNoah 13 сағат бұрын
It's gonna be trash. Same with the MGS3 Delta clown show - I was thinking, "why the hell haven't they shown any images of Eva, yet?" Then, it came to me...because, they gave her the 'Angela Orosco makeover' (or a treatment which is even worse), and they don't want anyone to shit on it, just yet...gotta let a few hundred thousand pre-orders come through first.
@thy_based_garcia 16 сағат бұрын
me looking at the silent hill movies "maybe i judged you a little too harshly"
@BleedForTheWorld 17 сағат бұрын
Agreed with Lisa's removal of the skirt since it held important symbolic meaning but I'm still getting this game. That's not a deal breaker for me.
@HipnikDragomir 19 сағат бұрын
Stfu and wait to play it first before you pass judgement. Gamers are some of the most irritable, pea-brained people on earth.
@twisteddevotio2456 Күн бұрын
Great points and had me laughing like a hyena when it comes to the sexualize bit along with tourists and/or casuals complaints of that; especially an idea pop in my head that regardless if they do good or bad in terms of sales there will be a remake for the remake. Hope to be alive long enough to see how that will turn out. I will get it when it's dirt cheap eventually. Anyway good up load and to the point.
@BigJcan07 Күн бұрын
It insults Silent Hills 2 fans in every single way. Angela was a Sandra Bullock look alike from the early 2000s, now she's humpy dumpty (why?) Maria was James counterweight and his own demented mind shaming him for lusting after his wife (while she's ill, not thinking about her wellbeing) (she doesn't even LOOK like Maria anymore) The story is being butchered right now by American studios that are all about the agenda. And you expect Metal Gear 3 to be the same?
@kalebsithnerd119 Күн бұрын
Personally, I enjoy some of the Remakes that came out these past couple of years Like Resident Evil 4. I played so much of the original and I think that both the Remake and Original are good in their own way. A remake or remaster can work but this feels like they're pissing on Silent Hill 2's legacy by modernizing everything. I don't like the way some of the characters look and how it uses a 3rd person view. But I guess we'll just have to see when the remake comes out.
@FaithCannon7 Күн бұрын
Need to get a life. People are piggy backing off of backlash. Motoi told updates that were added and people are still talking shit.
@notjimpickens7928 Күн бұрын
i aint gonna lie, you have some good points in this, but god damn do you come off as rude as when talking about who got brought back, theres no reason to throw shade at the artist who came up with the designs in the first place coming back lmao we should be lucky he has any interest in coming back after being mistreated by konami for so long.
@yunarukami5427 Күн бұрын
Everyone have the choice to either support or ignore this .. just because Bloober Team or whoever the hell worked on it that doesn't mean its not something to look up and judge if its faithful work or not , if its a faithful to the source material and BETTER than what Capcom did with their half-baked stupid re-imagined remakes you have my full support , the DEI stuff did piss me off but that's not enough reason for me to give my final thoughts about the game , this smear campaign against Konami is getting ridiculous and i notice the same idiots saying the same exact buzz words about the faithful MGS Delta remake and for that all i can say you can suck my D for all that i care , embrace good works and stop acting like a brainless hatewatcher
@igodreamer7096 Күн бұрын
My brother in Christ, this is like a second death for all the true, real fans of Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill series as a whole. "There was passion in here. Its gone now." ⭐
@kylecronin3379 Күн бұрын
Okay so I can def see your point I think they should have done an in house instead of bloober team but I'd say your sample size is to small bloober team or that you are mobbing together with lowest common denominator fans. it has good games but again. They should in house if it was supposed to go against re remakes. Also silent hill 4 is garbage sh ended after 3
@ManLikeKitch Күн бұрын
My condolences for being born in Mexico and not Brasil.
@ElVnugo Күн бұрын
Interesting interpretation. Deep down, we are all from South America. You should check out the prequel to this video.
@ManLikeKitch Күн бұрын
@@ElVnugo Do not worry, brother. One day, you will go on a banishment journey to the land of the culos and festivities.
@Danielss250 Күн бұрын
For me the AAA is pretty much dead in the water and I just accept that creativity is dead and I just take my blessings when a decent game releases every blue moon. I mostly agree with your points, just not with the part that remakes shouldn't exist on principle. Yes most of them are not just shit but disrespect the origianl, I get your reasoning is protecting and ecouraging art but at the core this is still "censoring what you don't agree with". You're simply disagreeing on what should be censored. The real problem is that the gamming industry is already infested with normies who'll buy anything based on brand recognition alone. For everything shown about this remake, I'm sure it will be another case of pure disrepect from ppl who don't understand what made the original so great but still think they can do better. If someone is stupid enough to waste money on this then they are the reason the AAA gaming industry is dead right now. You clowned on the guy saying "the original is still out there", but playing older games is the strat, I mean I'm sure as hell not gonna waste my time with these rmks or even most original AAA with their DEI shit fests.
@ElVnugo Күн бұрын
I think you misunderstood a bit. I tried to elaborate on that part as much as I could (without extending the video too much), and I do think that some remakes are "okay." You forget one part:" Remakes shouldn't be made on principle unless they're done by the people who made the original" (my perspective, as I said in the video). An old subscriber brought up the Nier remake in the comments, and it's interesting because I don't actually like what they did with the remake, but Yoko Taro made it. It's his game. It's his choice. It's his vision. I don't like it out of personal preference, but again, it's his game. So that's the real choice: not having a remake or having a remake made by subpar 3rd party "artists." who have nothing to do with the original. Same with MGS1. Kojima left me with a choice. The guy who made it asked me what I preferred. I really hate Twin Snakes, but that's saying more about Kojima than his audience. Remakes are not inherently bad, but I think that we, as an audience, should hold on to principles because, just like you said, the industry is dead and it's the only thing we have left. We lose nothing by not having this remake. People will find something else. However, by supporting it... well, I would just be restating what I already said in the video. Also, you should wonder what the 5th reason is.
@Danielss250 Күн бұрын
@@ElVnugo The only rmk I think is good is the Resident Evil one. Even some remasters screw the original game, SH2 in fact has this problem. Or the remaster of majora's mask for the 3ds, it was made by the original creator but changed to be like "what he actually wanted the game to be like" and I think that every change he makes there made the game worse, besides the changes that are only quality of life and nothing else. Not to mention that some basic game mechanics were broken (like the deku transformation that was so fun to use to hop around, but in the 3ds it barelly works, feels like you're heavier than the goron form). To be fair, I would prefer rmks not to exist at all since that would be a net positive for me. In my head if a game is bad it should not be supported (vote with you wallet and such) and that should make them not repeat the mistake, but I understand that in a world where normies are now the majority of gamers, this really doesn't work, but that's why I could care less for the AAA industry right now. There will be a new SH in a more japanese setting made by the same guy who made Higurashi and Umineko (which are very good psychological horror and mysterie stories in general), so that's the only SH thing that I have any hope for, but even so not that much because even if I trust the author, I don't trust Konami to not trample on his vision. Not to mention that he only makes stories so we have no ideia on how the gameplay department will fare, as it could very well be awful.
@ManLikeKitch 2 күн бұрын
"They hated him because he told them the truth"
@reaperiwk7555 2 күн бұрын
I disagree with the aspect of overshadowing the original, look at re4 and re4 remake. The remake brought attention to the original and introduced that game to newer players
@mechakingkong8205 2 күн бұрын
95 consoomers are going to be disappointed.
@ElVnugo 2 күн бұрын
It's outdated on your end.
@damariuswingfield2144 2 күн бұрын
Dude i like your take and flare. Ill definitely SUBSCRIBE!
@fattiger6957 2 күн бұрын
The bigger issue with this remake is the fans who seem so desperate for it that they have deluded themselves into thinking it will be amazing. I've been telling people ever since this was announced to keep their expectations in check. Be reasonable and logical, and don't get their hopes up. I reminded them that Bloober and modern Konami are not companies you can put your trust in. I was met with a disturbing level of anger. This is one of those upcoming games that people have become emotionally invested in, to a unhealthy degree. The real question is, how will these people react when the game comes out and it is just as disappointing and bad as people should expect? Will they gaslight themselves into thinking it is good and thus attack anyone who criticizes it? Will they feel betrayed by Konami and Bloober? Either way, allowing their hopes to overinflate will not be helpful in the end.
@VoidBalareth 2 күн бұрын
People taking videogames too seriously, people doesnt even know what they want at this point, they just nitpick every single aspect of the game without even play it, things is and always been: dont like it dont play it
@fattiger6957 2 күн бұрын
When it comes to remakes, we can't fully blame the studios and publishers. Many gamers themselves are asking, begging for remakes. They also don't support new, original games and just stick with established franchises. Or they reject new takes on existing franchises and just want the same old, same old. Publishers wouldn't make a new soulless, copy-and-paste CoD or AC game every single year if they didn't sell. Yes, AAA publishers are greedy and lazy. Yes, they would rather just remake something that's already popular rather than taking a chance on something new. But gamers have made it easy for them to mine and exploit nostalgia, as well as stick to overused formulaic games.
@catmando268 2 күн бұрын
Interesting take.
@KenKaneki-zj7qo 3 күн бұрын
I dont believe my original comment hit the mark, so im writing a new one. The developer of the SH2 remake is Japanese, and the Japanese don't give a single fu*k about woke American culture. I don't believe there is any reason to believe that the original story is going to be watered down to accommodate people who hold the themes as taboo. A silent hill remake is 100% necessary at this point given that the original never had a remaster, and the HD collection (2 and 3) came out 2 console generations ago, making it difficult for new fans to get into the series. The originals of the first 4 games cost a fortune and also require a ps1 and ps2 to play. Your argument about remakes makes no sense when Konami has already announced the development of several new Silent Hill titles. What better way is there to hype those games than release a remake of their best game of the series to introduce it to people who haven't/can't play the original? Your only real argument is the change of Maria's outfit... like, fu*king cry about it, it's not a big deal. Bet you were pissed that Ashley wore a jacket in the first part of the RE4 remake too and that game was still amazing. Your entire video sounds like hipster gatekeeping of the golden age of Silent Hill. New fans and new life to the series is a good thing.
@ElVnugo 2 күн бұрын
First of all, I appreciate your passion, the time you took to write that. I assumed you had to watch the vid twice in order to gather your thoughts. That being said, you are misconstruing, misinterpreting, and twisting the crux of my arguments to be about the culture war, DEI, or whatever, carefully cherry-picking around everything I said to support that narrative (you are not the only one, though). All while it's specifically stated in this video that it's not about censorship or "le woke" but about changing the original vision and not respecting it. Hurting the story in the process. You can disagree with my perspective about the artistic value (or the competency of the devs), but you shouldn't argue in bad faith. It should be very obvious that the video is not about gatekeeping but about respecting the medium, the legacy of the game, and the artistic minds behind these games. What do you think that Gene Wolfe part was about? Again, please don't strawman. I want everyone to play these games, but that's not my problem; that is something Konami should address and solve. I could add more because I pretty much disagree with everything you wrote, but I strongly believe that a creator of anything (even something as silly as a KZbin video) should address criticism through their work, not social media (comments). If there's enough interest, I might do a video addressing some other stuff you said or that was brought up in these comments.
@KenKaneki-zj7qo 2 күн бұрын
@ElVnugo calling my arguments "strawman" even though I went into depth explaining them is in itself a strawman argument and contributes nothing as a rebuttal. The originals will always exist in all of their glory. I myself have the first 4 games framed and hanging on my wall and will not at all argue regarding the preservation of the art that they are and continue to be to this day. However, my point still stands that you do appear to be hipster gatekeeping the series with that you don't believe a remake should be released, and the sheer idea of it seems to rub you the wrong way. Again, I argue that breathing new life into the franchise is a good thing and that I personally would enjoy remakes of 1 and 3 because it would be awesome to experience those games with the graphics and acting talent of today's technology. With new upcoming Silent Hill projects in the works, rather than throwing new players head first into a world overflowing with lore that they don't know, it is absolutely necessary to give them an idea of what this series is all about and why. Making judgments and criticisms on a game that hasn't even come out yet based on a trailer that doesn't suggest anything has changed other than character designs is nothing short of shallow thinking. Again, boohoo, no sexy Maria outfit. Are you just not going to play the game to find out for yourself? I'll be on 48 hours before official release, making those kinds of judgments when I'm actually experiencing it. I'm excited about this game, and I can see its potential to bring new and great life back into a series that has been let down after 3... the room was good, but not at all my favorite. Just sit back and hope for the best.
@favoriteprick1995 2 күн бұрын
@@KenKaneki-zj7qo Jesus Christ lmao. I sure hope you are paid for this and yes he was right you are absolutely arguing in bad faith and twisting his words. He is wrong, I don't think you even watched the video. Seek help. (or a better job)
@spyrochrisgaming Күн бұрын
I don't think he was necessarily gatekeeping, but I can see why it came off that way. Some remakes are bad, some are good. You can argue all day long about which ones are "needed", but at the end of the day, most people won't care about an old-ass 2001 game they cannot even legally purchase anymore through an official platform. "Port it to new systems then!", I can hear him say. Sure, I agree they should do that alongside this remake. But that's still not enough for the majority of new players under the age of 25, and he knows it. I guess this entire video is more of a rant if anything else.
@favoriteprick1995 Күн бұрын
@@spyrochrisgaming Why wouldn't it be enough for the majority of the new players under the age of 25? It was enough for me when I was a teen 20 years ago. If you are filtered by an old game, perhaps you shouldn't play it ? There are plenty of modern games that are filtering me but I don't go around and sperg cause I feel left out. Way to miss the point.
@WeeG-bwc77 3 күн бұрын
I feel no David Lynch in SH2remake. That is a big problem.
@necrosadotor Күн бұрын
but you haven't played it
@ryszakowy 3 күн бұрын
everything shown about remake says it's terrible if someone is stupid enough to waste money on this they are the reason gaming industry is dead right now
@guitargangster66 3 күн бұрын
As s great man once said everything woke tirns to shit
@nickblack2006 3 күн бұрын
Great video, i know its not the point but why is her head that big she looks like one of the old football figures with giant bobblehead.
@nivekogilvie3368 3 күн бұрын
I don't see what the big deal is, nor will I ever understand the foaming-at-mouth seething hatred so many people seem to have for the idea of remakes. So long as the original version is available (admittedly, in this case, it isn't), who cares if a remake of a game gets released and is titled "Silent Hill 2 Definitive Remake You're Stupid and Ugly If You Play the Original Version"? Does the existence of a remake make the original classics implode into non-existence? If a younger person, for instance, gets nothing out of the original Mona Lisa or Vitruvian Man paintings but gets deep, emotional impact is genuinely moved by some other artists zany reinterpretation of them (Mona Lisa is now blonde with clown nose flipping the bird, Vitruvian Man's arms are now spider legs and he's wearing diapers), who are we to condemn or judge otherwise when we're free to enjoy our originals as we see fit? You know, the way all art is intended to appreciated: individually and personally moving, not as some bestial collective hive mind that dictates all works of art, music, literature, etc. ARE TO BE ENJOYED IN ITS ORIGINAL FORM ONLY. NO REMAKES/REMASTERS/REIMAGINGS/REMIXES/FAN-MODS/REINTERPRETATIONS ALLOWED UNDER PENALTY OF ELITIST GATEKEEPING FANBOYS GETTING, LIKE, REALLY ANGRY But seriously, I know the franchise has suffered immensely over the years, so I get the pessimism, and in case anyone says, yes, I'm aware theres also the greater impact about SH2 Remakes responsibility as a potential revitalizing of the series, and in doing so, and as a lover of the original myself, is likely gonna set the tone for future projects. Its an immense burden. But what I always say to that is in the event it fails to surpass, match, or even come close to the quality of the original, maybe it'll be a stellar work in its own right, an "alternate universe" head-canon that don't have to battle for supremacy in your brain when (dare I say!) theres plenty of room for both. Here's hoping.
@ilovenuddlesandballs 3 күн бұрын
You are literally rationalizing in order to justify this to your subconscious. Foaming mouth seething? What you are saying is that you know it's wrong, you know the impact, you know the history, you know that the original is going to get overshadowed and remain an obscure item in the possession of a few. You know they are going to milk this even more instead of making something new. You are aware of the fallout and how bad this practice is. Everything you said is exactly what he said but for you hey .... hey MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYBE it's great on its own right? Even though it doesn't have it's own right. It's an artistic work of someone else. it's not INSPIRED by it. It's not even reimagining. Shattered Memories was SH 1 and 2 reimagined. This is just retracing steps so you can earn money. It's like repainting the Mona Lisa but with mustaches cause zoomers find that funny. There's a reason why people are so pissed off by this. He named a few. Here is mine: How about the fact that the entire 9th generation of gaming consists of remakes and remasters? Inferior remakes and remasters btw. Out of hundreds of them, you can name 5 that are actually faithful or better than the original work, and almost none of them were made by the original devs. "ELITIST GATEKEEPING FANBOYS blabla" How about you watch the video before commenting? Nowhere in this video or in the comments was this stated and it's not gatekeeping, it's preserving. He explained in length why some remakes are acceptable and possible and why SH2 isn't specifically. He is 100% right. It doesn't matter if the remake is great or not. The fact that it's being made by people who have nothing to do with the original work is offensive. George Lucas remade SW and people were mad. He was wrong for doing so but he had every right to do that cause it's HIS CREATION. You are the one who sets the bar low, people like you are the reason why 3 years from now we are going to have the great PS6 exclusive called SH2 Remake Remastered. You seriously have to be on some other plane of existence to actually feel optimistic about this. It's like a mouse getting shocked by electricity while trying to get cheese but he still persists in getting the cheese. For almost 20 years now.
@MGrey-qb5xz 3 күн бұрын
bro silent hill 2 remake is konami's resident evil, all the remake fans ARE BUYING IT , not me cause i find konami disgusting but i can see why the main demographic like your people would. Plus it seems to be trying to earn dei points so more customers and support from the woke bois edit: also look at delta, the boss looks like a dude in a wig and naked snake looks like they stopped mid way in making him look like snake from mgs 3 and mgs 2 even
@iSTEFIXi 3 күн бұрын
i think your just biitching for nothing
@alastor8091 3 күн бұрын
I'm your 535th subscriber.
@ElVnugo 3 күн бұрын
I will remember that.
@shiro.euphoria 3 күн бұрын
im furious about how they remaked an eerie outwordly dreamike foggy scene with all strange camera angles into something boring staged 180 camera move iM nOt lYiNg line sounds like a nail in the coffin to me, she just spats it with no edge in voice
@valder8423 3 күн бұрын
Good stuff.
@nifftbatuff676 3 күн бұрын
Remakes! Remakes! Remakes! REMAKES! Looooooooooooooollllll 😆 🤣 😂 😹
@Sad_Elf 3 күн бұрын
im playing the original again this time on actual ps2 hardware (it was very expensive i hate it) and my god does it hold up, it actually manages to scare me now more than when i originally played it, im just gonna pirate this dogshit remake, also i realized while watching this video that the puddles and stuff in the exterior dont actually reflect the fog properly and reflect an even cleaner image than what we should be seeing
@ElVnugo 3 күн бұрын
I regret not showing more of the original SH2 footage cause even I was taken aback how much it still holds up and how beautiful the visuals are.
@derekb4977 Күн бұрын
​@@ElVnugo only the first 4 games are the true silent hill games, remakes are theft devs making other people's work, I detest remakes for being a thing, where the originality gone.
@DavidSmith-bv8mv 4 сағат бұрын
Out of curiosty, did you play it on a CRT with high quality RGB output or decide to upscale it properly on a modern TV? Because the art holds up even more with the right setup to get the most out of the original resolution. Try SH3 next and see how well it holds up to you on og PS2. The lighting and materials in that game, especially when you point and move the flashlight around onto an downed enemy blew me away all over again. It looked like a early form of PBR on the enemy skin detail.
@Sad_Elf 3 сағат бұрын
@@DavidSmith-bv8mv i just used retrovision hd cables which look really good and a normal 1080p flatscreen, the cables are really good, im gonna get a retrotink next, currently playing silent hill 3, forced my ps2 to output in 1080i deinterlaced and it looks absolutely fantastic
@khalquasar6616 3 күн бұрын
Absolutely fantastic video. I've been firmly against the churning out of remakes in general for years. Also what a great quality video, I can't believe you don't have more subs.
@Clicklockstudios 4 күн бұрын
Well no! We will not be ignoring it 😊
@KittyKatt_Luna80s 4 күн бұрын
Slight error on Angela's age. She's not even in her 20's. She's 19.
@barbarbar3084 4 күн бұрын
You have such a way with words my friend. I love ur content.
@badluck747 4 күн бұрын
also... I don't really think that SH2 is outdated as SH1 for example with patches game looks great if you're not a dummy who thinks that good graphics is just about the better technologies.
@badluck747 4 күн бұрын
whole industry now is just a boring tourism, even when it's something hardcore.
@mdd4296 4 күн бұрын
Reimagine, not remake. Make Jame's bizzare adventure about his "break up" with an egirl or something. If that isnt peak, it would be hilariously bad without harming the original at least
@Andriej69 5 күн бұрын
Holy shit, based. How did I almost miss it?
@nivekogilvie3368 3 күн бұрын
Because you still say words like "based" unironically
@Andriej69 3 күн бұрын
@@nivekogilvie3368 Twitter is the other way