How To Avoid Spiritual Theft
How God Leads You To The Truth
The Problem With Religious People
How God Lifts You Out of Despair
Innocence Has Power Over Evil
The Main Reason Churches Die
God Doesn't Want To Be Worshipped
Curtis Out Of Context
4 ай бұрын
Two Defenses Against Evil
5 ай бұрын
How Spirit Communication Works
You Already Know Angel Language
How Angels Talk and Listen
6 ай бұрын
@thomasgontarz3372 3 сағат бұрын
Psycho enslavement is a deep-diving course, lots to learn and hear here. Knowledge is like food that gives nourishment to the masses to allow them to live. Every jot, comma, horn, or title in the Word has a divine purpose to teach people about symbols. Self-love is the devil. Great job keep up the good work.
@camilleespinas2898 6 сағат бұрын
…Genesis15:20.. “ as for you , you meant evil against me , but God meant it for good.”
@WilliamCarroll-bz8tq 10 сағат бұрын
White washed tombs
@Chinonye-sj5it1mt5w 12 сағат бұрын
So our inner selves should rule over our lower selves , when its in this order then God rules in us through our inner selves.l love this order, I love this video thank you❤🙏
@Simsane 13 сағат бұрын
So our outer self needs to be a slave to our inner self that is controlled by God. Like your example of a house. The evil in us needs to be kept locked in the basement and the top floor is where God resides. We can go up or down but we need to make sure God stays on the top.
@jonchilds1116 14 сағат бұрын
It's in there! (justice, that is)😊
@pamelacain2541 15 сағат бұрын
Wow....great show . Hmmm....will be thinking of this subject again and again. Thank you Curtis and Jonathan, and the staff! Will be watching the full episode now.
@PhillipLWilcher 15 сағат бұрын
I could well be out of my depth here, but I think this speaks to the truth within a contradiction; of simultaneously being while becoming! I have long held, that we are the sum total of our contradictions - as is Life itself, and as is Love - for Love to be true - True Love - it must be unconditional and so, by that reckoning, embrace a contradiction. That True Love is unconditional is the condition of it, in the exact same way the idea of detachment is attached to an ideal. It is in fact those perceived contradictions within the Bible that verify the existence of God, where is even the Bible itself the sum total of its contradictions. Where some might say the amount of contradictions in the Bible makes its claims unlikely to be true, I think more that it substantiates a Truth, that of Who We Are is something far greater than what we think, save our imagination that carries us beyond the threshold of the immediate, to place us within the relative unknown we will come to realize we have always known!
@BowenUSA 11 сағат бұрын
Always proving contraries. 😊
@PhillipLWilcher 9 сағат бұрын
@@BowenUSA Blessings!
@offTheLeftEye 2 сағат бұрын
Another paradox is that the more angels believe that they have life of their own, the more they understand that they belong to the Lord, Bowen.
@offTheLeftEye 2 сағат бұрын
Yes there are blessings in this conversation, Phillip.
@Valhalla369 15 сағат бұрын
Romans 6 does talk about being enslaved to sin when you keep giving in to it. So you become enslaved by your lower self. So the New Testament sheds light on the Old and Swedenborg definitely helps make it crystal clear.
@mikeskel45 12 сағат бұрын
Wow that’s good stuff
@offTheLeftEye 2 сағат бұрын
We too appreciate the clarity that Swedenborg brings, Valhalla.
@offTheLeftEye 2 сағат бұрын
Thanks for being in the conversation Mike.
@jessicashaw2094 15 сағат бұрын
Thank you. It should not be used to manipulate either.
@sheilam1130 15 сағат бұрын
Do we have live chat with this episode?
@alexsettino9197 15 сағат бұрын
As always, great video. It was great seeing you and your mom yesterday in Toronto. 😊
@offTheLeftEye 15 сағат бұрын
It was so great seeing you in person! -Curtis
@offTheLeftEye 2 сағат бұрын
I loved seeing you, too, Alex! -- Karin
@aaronoliver9086 16 сағат бұрын
The thing I struggle with is I know about how if you don’t find a soul mate in this life, you can in the next. Which is beautiful but I still feel it is unfair. In that I wanted to have children. And I won’t by no fault of my own. I also feel it is a great injustice that, I work in an ICU, and I have seen parents who neglect children and beat them. Even kill them. And it feels like they are rewarded kids time and time again and I am left alone and told to just wait (I have grown so much by letting God lead me and I am thankful for my life) . But how is that equally watching out for us both? Does he want the angelic nature he has formed in me over a life time fade away? And to continue their spiritual lineage? It seems wrong. And the darkness is trying to get in through that opening. Like I need to take matters into my own hands. Can this question be answered?
@CandiceJCarrico 22 сағат бұрын
This man is deceived 💔
@azrilali7492 Күн бұрын
This reminds me of the posthumously disgraced Ravi Zacharias. Interesting how God works through him.
@offTheLeftEye Күн бұрын
Not familar with him, azrilali. Can you tell us a bit about him?
@dawnbridget65 Күн бұрын
Fantastic boys!!!!
@offTheLeftEye Күн бұрын
Thanks, Dawn! Glad it appealed to you!
@zander7283 Күн бұрын
I lost my soulmate to cancer after nearly 3 years of fighting 6 days ago. We both are young and never got to start a family or checked off everything on our list we had. Life just seems colorless without her. I really hope she’s there for me after I die. I miss her so much
@offTheLeftEye Күн бұрын
Oh Zander -- Our hearts go out to you! Such a heartbreaking loss! We believe that true "soulmates" will be reunited in the afterlife -- because love is real, and love lasts, and love draws people together like a spiritual magnet. Sending prayers as you get through these early, darkest days of grief. May you feel your beloved's spirit still close to your heart. If you are interested, here's a video about loss and grief. It's not about losing a soulmate, but rather an adult child, but I think it's a beautiful and tender look at the process of grief. Perhaps this isn't the right time for you, but I offer it just in case. Feel free to ignore it. Angels After Terrorism - Peace and love and blessings to you and your beloved as you each travel your spiritual paths separately for a time.
@Chinonye-sj5it1mt5w Күн бұрын
The both of you are so adorable!! I was actually nodding my head to the song, thank you for this precious gem.❤️🙏😄
@offTheLeftEye Күн бұрын
Haha, Chinonye! The little song at the end of this video has been a huge hit! So glad you found this one and have shared in the delight of it.
@Chinonye-sj5it1mt5w 23 сағат бұрын
@@offTheLeftEye I really love those Two!!
@offTheLeftEye 2 сағат бұрын
@@Chinonye-sj5it1mt5w They are a great team aren't they?
@goat8477 Күн бұрын
Chelsea MUST be a mom. No one else could cook AND talk stuff about Swedenborg. Multitasking at its best...
@offTheLeftEye Күн бұрын
Haha, goat!!! Yep, she's mom -- and very good at balancing the physical work and the spiritual musing!
@pamelyncaldwell4060 Күн бұрын
Miss you all here. Love and blessings🤍🕊️🪽
@offTheLeftEye Күн бұрын
Hello Pamelyn! Nice to hear from you again. Love and blessings to you, too, and hope all is well!
@goat8477 Күн бұрын
I like that a lot! I am reminded of Jacob's wrestling with 'a man' at the Jabbok. There is no 'winner' in the traditional sense. In the end Jacob's name gets changed to 'Israel' because he struggled 'with God and with man' and has overcome.' That means in my understanding that an Israelite is no longer a civic category, but a spiritual category. Every man and every woman, every child who ever wrestled with god and did not let go is (to me) an Israelite.
@offTheLeftEye Күн бұрын
Yes, goat -- a SPIRITUAL category! Let's keep wrestling!
@drstrange5gon Күн бұрын
Swedenborg helps me to rationalize and actualize unconditional love and helps clarify the psychology of evil. Swedenborg is the lense through which I feel comfortable and empowered understanding the Bible.
@offTheLeftEye Күн бұрын
So happy to hear that, drstrange5gon! Thanks for putting it into words. It's quite a powerful statement!
@audiance3956 Күн бұрын
i got to rethink and relearn the angel's teaching
@offTheLeftEye Күн бұрын
Hope that felt helpful, audiance!
@paddyb9930 Күн бұрын
I can't access the video you referenced. It says it's private
@offTheLeftEye Күн бұрын
Which video was that, paddyb? Do you remember the title? When I watched this video just now, the recommended video at the end was this one: How the Bible Describes the Inner Workings of Your Mind -- Was that the one you wanted?
@nancylindman9380 2 күн бұрын
I finally learned that when I witness the good expressed between people I'm seeing the Lord. It's wonderful to finally know how I can see God ❤ Thank you, OTLE, for this important reminder.
@offTheLeftEye Күн бұрын
I'm with you, Nancy! This way of looking at it brings the Lord into every day reality! ~Chara
@mochamarie9741 2 күн бұрын
We do need to teach and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But, in love and we show them Jesus Christ by our love. We pray on how to show the truth if the Gospel with crushing other people's spirits. Empathy goes a long way.
@offTheLeftEye Күн бұрын
"They'll know we are Christians by our love" -- right, marie?
@mochamarie9741 2 күн бұрын
Sounds like the evil establishment we all are under now. Justice is coming. Jesus Christ sees all.
@offTheLeftEye Күн бұрын
Praying for God's guidance in all things, marie!
@mochamarie9741 2 күн бұрын
That is another good explanation of if clouds. Exactly. But, also judgement on the wicked. Its both.
@offTheLeftEye Күн бұрын
Glad you liked this perspective of clouds, marie. May the wicked be kept from harming others!
@mochamarie9741 2 күн бұрын
Coming in clouds is Old Testament language for Judgement on a nation or people. It can happen again and I hope it does. This evil establishment behind the scenes needs to be gone. They are guilty of mass crumes against humanity. Its really hard to pray for killer psychopaths. But, we need to. They are all under Wrath of God. We myst guard our heart against hate for our enemies but it's so hard when you know what the crimes are fully. Soon, the entire Earth will know the details. Major major earthquake coming spiritually. I try to let Jesus Christ be rhe Judge. He sees every crime done in the name of Basl and Moloch. Prepare. Its pretty bad. Makes ne sick. Justice is Coming. Not our job. Jesus Christ is raising up the armies to take it down again. Its so hard not to be angry. If you ever watched criminal minds ir Law and Order SVU, this is soooo much worse. Pray!!!!
@offTheLeftEye 2 күн бұрын
Bless you for trying to look for the good even in people who make huge mistakes, Mochamarie. As you say God is in charge and will be the judge.
@mochamarie9741 2 күн бұрын
The sun darkened. The moon darkrned. The seas being no more. The stars falling. Earthquakes. Islands being moved. All if this now is figurative language. If you read the Old Testament, this describes empires falling!!! Plus, religious corruption being cleansed. Jesus Christ physically returned in AD70. Revelation is fulfilled with Revelation 22 Stipulations. People are getting badly hurt over misuse of Bible Prophecy. All the Old Testament is Fulfilled. We certainly can look back and learn lessons. The Bible is alive, two edged sword. But, it is all fulfilled. Everything is sbout the nature of the Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and the Spirit of God. We abuse the Spirit of God too. Be careful. Love is the New Covenant. People still need to receive the Work done on Calvary. Genesis 3. The Romans Road is best. That is the Meat of Salvation. Book of John. Jesus Christ has to be invited into a life to change the life. John 3:16. Believe in Him and on Him then obey Him.
@offTheLeftEye 2 күн бұрын
Love is the New Covenant yes Mochamarie. "A new commandment I give unto you that you love one another as I have loved you."
@mochamarie9741 2 күн бұрын
Love is the New Covenant because of Jesus Christ and all He did. The Empty Cross stands in the center if History. He is alive and on His Throne. He is the Judge. Not us. But, we are His representatives. Eschatology needs to totally be reigned in big time. Most if not all of Revelation is fulfilled already. Revelation 22 leaves things slightly open. Why? Jesus Christ is the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever. The War is won! Revelation 21 "It is Done!" That's very very clear.
@offTheLeftEye 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your strong faith Mochamarie.
@tylerdean3489 2 күн бұрын
As a Catholic, this is what we refer to as a sacramental! Sacramentals are physical things that are pointers to bigger, invisible realities. The seven sacraments all have physical aspects that we as humans interact with, but are also efficacious in grace, which is invisible but causes an inward change. Baptism’s sign is water, and we can really say that the water of baptism cleanses us from sin because it causes that inward washing and applies Jesus’ blood to our soul. Catholicism is super deep and appeals to all of the human person, body and soul since that’s how God made us and so that’s how God deals with His people. Physically and spiritually.
@offTheLeftEye 2 күн бұрын
Thankyou for this background Tyler, into Catholicism. It sounds like it has been a warm spiritual home for you.