Exactly How Do Banks Create Money?
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@chrislagos4614 8 күн бұрын
Why do banks issue bonds if u say the money is created 😂
@ibravn1 6 күн бұрын
Banks issue bonds to acquire capital for their equity, typically. Banks cannot create money for their own use. They create it for borrowers, in the process of lending. When banks expand their equity (capital), say, by issuing bonds, they are enabled to lend more, as capital requirements is one of the multiple factors that limit banks' lending (credit creation, money creation, same-same).
@hoots187 11 күн бұрын
Thx for this sort of content it is much appreciated
@hoots187 11 күн бұрын
TLDR: you cant create assets out of existing liabilities, and deposits are liabilities
@markpalmer8083 15 күн бұрын
No man should ever have the right to create money for free that another man has to work for. Every man should refuse to work for and hold a money that another man can create for free, thereby diluting them and stealing from them. All roads lead to Bitcoin. That is now inevitable. This corrupt and evil fiat monetary system, whereby some can create money out of thin air, for free, to the cost and detriment of others, will be destroyed. That is why Bitcoin was born. Bitcoin is gunpowder. Adopt it and record your wealth on its immutable and incorruptible ledger; or become its victim.
@markpalmer8083 15 күн бұрын
No man should ever have the right to create money for free that another man has to work for. Every man should refuse to work for and hold a money that another man can create for free, thereby diluting them and stealing from them. All roads lead to Bitcoin. That is now inevitable. This corrupt and evil fiat monetary system, whereby some can create money out of thin air, for free, to the cost and detriment of others, will be destroyed. That is why Bitcoin was born. Bitcoin is gunpowder. Adopt it and record your wealth on its immutable and incorruptible ledger; or become its victim.
@Rob-fx2dw 13 күн бұрын
The offcially designated money today is all credit based fiat money. That is not problem itself since loaning anyone money or giving them credit of any kind is no problem. The problem is essentially when the money or credit is not paid back.
@markpalmer8083 13 күн бұрын
@@Rob-fx2dw No man should ever have the right to create money for free that another man has to work for. Doing so dilutes the value of the money that man has worked for and steals the value of his life's work, skill, time and effort from him, thereby impoverishing him. And you say it's not a problem? Outrageous! This is the biggest and most evil theft and scam in the World. Bitcoin fixes this. It's what it was born for. And now that is inevitable. It is like gunpowder. Adopt it, or you will become its victim.
@tomastsiatsios3399 15 күн бұрын
Hello! Great presentation! I have two questions though. First of all, when we draw money with our debit card from our bank account, where does this cash come from? Form the capital of the bank, from the central bank reserves the commercial banks have or from their settlements accounts, the ones you mentioned in your other video "Exactly how do banks create money"? Secondly, if I got it right, the western banks in the past used a combination of all three theories of lending/banking systems but relied primarily in the third type? And all these mean that every time a customer opens a bank account, the bank actually owes them the money that they deposit or not? Because you said in a previous comment that people's money in the bank are in fact money owed them by the bank. Thank you!
@ibravn1 13 күн бұрын
Very good questions! Before I answer, remember this very important distinction: CASH (notes and coin) is one thing, ACCOUNT MONEY is another. They are interchangeable (the bank will give you one for the other), but they are not the same. Your first question: "...when we draw money with our debit card from our bank account, where does this cash come from? Form the capital of the bank, from the central bank reserves the commercial banks have or from their settlements accounts..." Answer: Neither. All those three that you mention are account money, but you are asking about cash. When you get a $100 bill from an ATM or from a bank teller, it comes from the bank vault. It is cash they have "lying around" (well accounted for, of course). However, to track that they gave the bill to you, they deduct a corresponding amount ($100) from your bank account. Okay? If you really meant to ask how you can transfer money from your account to other people's accounts, in payment, ask again. Your second question: "..western banks in the past used a combination of all three theories of lending/banking systems but relied primarily in the third type?" My answer: Well, that 's sort of a scientific question. The bankers at the time generally had no idea how the money and banking system could be understood whole cloth. Everyone just sat in their corner and tried to score a buck. The three theories Werner identifies are helicopter abstractions ("scientific" theories) that I consider more or less relevant to different time periods, as I detail in this paper: www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07360932.2019.1668286 . Since most money today is account money, the credit creation theory works best today. Third question: "...all these mean that every time a customer opens a bank account, the bank actually owes them the money that they deposit or not?" My answer: When you open an account and deposit $500 in cash, the bank takes that cash, puts it in vault (or rather, in the register at the till) and you never see that particular $500 bill again. However, to track that you actually gave the bank that large bill, the bank clerk records the amount in your account by adding it to zero. Now there is $500 in your account. This is money the bank owes you. It's called a liability, the bank's liability to you. Consider it an exchange: You gave the bank your bill, it gives you a promise to pay you the same amount when you ask for it (withdraw it). When you want the $500 in cash, the bank has to give it to you, and they will. If they can. Your bank may have gone bust five minutes before you entered the front door to withdraw your cash, and you won't get it. This is what happened in the US during the 1929-33 crisis. I hope this is all clear. If not, let me know.
@tomastsiatsios3399 13 күн бұрын
@@ibravn1 Thank you for your very helpful answers! Just one more thing I have to ask about your answer to my first question. In another economics video which describes how central banks "control" the total money supply and price (interest rate) it is said that every commercial bank has a certain type of "money", the central bank reserves. These reserves are needed from commecial banks for two things: 1) To make transactions with other banks 2) To exchange them with cash that is printed from the central bank. If these are true, then there is also another way for commercial banks to get coins and notes, except from the deposits of their customers that end up in the banks' vaults, right? And lastly, the video described that commercial banks get these reserves through borrowing from the central banks, borrowing other commercial ones' reserves or creating more loans, hence money. Because banks always borrow reserves from central banks and they lend them with a particular interest rate each time, this is ultimately the mechanism that controls the supply and price of money in the economy, from the perspective of the central ones. As the interest rate of the latter influences the interest rates of loans of commercial banks that give to clients. Are these all true or the video wasn't right? Thank you again!
@ibravn1 6 күн бұрын
@@tomastsiatsios3399 Your first point, summarized by you: "there is also another way for commercial banks to get coins and notes..". Correct. Above, I omitted that for brevity. If a bank is short on cash it buys a couple hundred thousand more in small bills/notes from the central bank (the CB). The bank pays the CB by letting the CB subtract that amount from the bank's reserve account with the CB. So, you are right. The amount of cash (notes and coins) in circulation in most countries has probably increased 100-fold over the past hundred years, and it has all been by purchased by the banks by that method. The CB prints this paper money and stamps the coins. As to your second question, you really should watch my other video, "Exactly how do banks create money?": kzbin.info/www/bejne/m36UhGmInq59n9U. The account you give is the standard one, and it is half-way correct, only banks do not lend reserves. Google this short paper from Standard and Poor's: "Repeat after me: Banks cannot (and do not) lend out reserves." It clears up the rampant confusion here. Some CB's want to maintain the fiction that they control the money supply (they don't, banks create money as they please). So, they support the erroneous story you reproduce; that the interest rate on reserves dictate/influence the interest rate banks charge on their customer loans, hence spurs/slows economic activity. Richard A. Werner has shown in published research that this link barely exists. If anything, the causality between CB interest rates and economic activity is backwards and the association is positive, not negative. In any case, banks lend (and thus create money and thus stimulate economic activity) largely as they see fit, and CB's follow suit. A disgrace, but that's pretty much the picture.
@tomastsiatsios3399 6 күн бұрын
@@ibravn1 Hello again! I've already seen your other video and it was very thorough! I understand what you say that the CB's story is pure fiction. I've thought it myself too. Still, why do central banks support this myth? And not only these but also various economists and academics? I get that, as you argue in your videos, many economists do not know how commercial banks really work and produce money out of nothing but how can they not understand that the interest rates of CBs don't matter in the real economy? Why many financial newspapers inform and foresee how the economy will proceed every time the CB announces an increase or decrease of its interest rates? Is it plain ignorance? Or just a theory without proof just to support a view of how the banking system functions? All in all, if what you say about CB's interest rates is true, then they are just like the interest rates the commercial banks impose on their customers and they serve the same purpose. The only difference is that these interest rates come from the CB and and are imposed only on commercial ones. Thank you!
@jabulanijakes 23 күн бұрын
#Bitcoin brought me here🙏🏼🙌🏼💥🔥🚀🌟
@bestguy9318 Ай бұрын
But you didn't mention the money creation is a gift by the Rothschilds...😊
@shouryasharma4150 Ай бұрын
Question: so essentially, Bank acts as a worm hole which takes money from the future you and gives that money to the past you. Also it charges premium(interest) to move money backwards in time. Am i getting something wrong?
@ibravn1 Ай бұрын
Well, if the bank deems you creditworthy it agrees to create digits in your account that you can use as money NOW, against your promise to repay that (many years) LATER with digits from your account (that is, money), plus interest. So, the interest is what you pay the bank for this service.
@shouryasharma4150 25 күн бұрын
Question: if banks create money out of thin air, what impact do Tools of monetary policy(reserve ratio, discount rate) make on the supply of money in the economy? [also Can you suggest some books regarding these topics]
@ibravn1 25 күн бұрын
@@shouryasharma4150 Well, let's drop the "out of thin air"-phrase, because banks need the whole infrastructure of accounts, payment systems, computerized bookkeeping, etc. But money IS being created in the process of lending. However, this does not mean that a bank can create infinite amounts of money. There are many constraints, such as the tools you mention. Reserve ratios exist, I believe, in some countries, but not all, and after the past 15 years of QE banks have so many reserves that no minimum is required anymore; so, this does not limit money creation. Whether the discount rate does is a moot question. It is accepted as faith, but Richard Werner has found no direct link empirically. In fact, the link is reversed in time and of the opposite correlation (economic growth leads to rates being raised). Books to read, on banks' money creation: Ivo Mosley: Bank Robbery. Triarchy Press Josh Ryan-Collins et al.: Where Does Money Come From? New Economics Foundation. Andrew Jackson and Ben Dyson: Modernizing Money (I believe a free pdf at positivemoney.org) Joseph Huber: Sovereign Money. Springer Richard A. Werner: New Paradigm in Macroeconomics. All excellent books, listed in order of accessibility.
@shouryasharma4150 Ай бұрын
Question: do we destruct more money than created in the first place when we make repayment of the loan + interest. BTW great presentation !
@ibravn1 Ай бұрын
What's destroyed (or, rather, retired or extinguished) is only the money that was created as a loan, that is, your repayment. Interest is money that goes from you to the bank, which spends it on salaries, computers, bonuses and dividends to its shareholders. So, interest stays in circulation; the money involved is not retired.
@shouryasharma4150 Ай бұрын
History question: Everything you pointed out in the presentation makes me wonder, was all this legitimised by the kings (during the early days of banking) to fund the wars and conquests.
@ibravn1 Ай бұрын
@@shouryasharma4150 Absolutely. Kings were in control of coin (cf The Royal Mint), but bank notes and other forms of amply supplied paper money were invented by merchants (and goldsmiths) who, in that process, turned into bankers. So, courts turned to bankers to fund wars and stuff, not really knowing where bankers got all that paper (or account) money from.
@nigelcarter7740 3 ай бұрын
I tried telling people this over 12 yrs ago I was laughed at 🤷‍♀️
@Rob-fx2dw 4 ай бұрын
Fascinating picture of the clearing clerks going through their process of depositing cheques.
@Rob-fx2dw 4 ай бұрын
It is important to stress when people argue against the fact that banks don't lend out their customers deposits that they can't because the deposit is a debt they owe the customer and nobody could argue that anyone could lend out their debts.
@ibravn1 4 ай бұрын
That is a good point. I should include it. Of course, one has to explain in the first place that people's money in the bank are really debts owed them by the bank. In this presentation I don't dwell on that, but that is important. And the corollary, as you put it, that debts can't be lent - so true.
@xrprophet3523 4 ай бұрын
There is money..All.banks do is give out notes..Notes are promissory notes. They are IOUs they are debt. They break our collective promise up into smaller parts and convert that to their own promises. Banks can't make promises. They don't lend money they borrow it.
@djangogeek 5 ай бұрын
4:20 - Payment Via Book Transfer 16:50 - Reserve requirements and Capital Requirements
@nyamutota 6 ай бұрын
Nothing wrong with the system, as long as it is transparent and owned by the community. That applies to the central banks and big banks.
@markvoelker6620 7 ай бұрын
Banks don’t create money. Banks only create currency. Money is gold and silver coins, which are produced by mints.
@ibravn1 7 ай бұрын
A standard criterion for what constitutes money is what you can use for paying taxes. Most treasuries accept account money (digital money), none requires you to pay in silver and gold.
@markvoelker6620 7 ай бұрын
@@ibravn1 So?
@ibravn1 7 ай бұрын
@@markvoelker6620 So banks create money: account money
@markvoelker6620 7 ай бұрын
@@ibravn1 Entries in a ledger are not money, they are evidence of debt, as are banknotes (which are liabilities of the issuing bank). All are IOUs subject to default. People may accept changes in ledger entries, or even written IOUs, as “payment”, but as long as they hold such records, they can lose the value they think they have if the institution holding the records or issuing the IOUs goes bankrupt. When someone pays you with a check, you have not been paid until you cash it. The check can bounce or the bank it’s drawn on can go bankrupt, in which case you do not get paid. You have not been paid until you take possession of an asset that is not itself someone else’s liability (someone else’s promise to pay). That is the essential characteristic of money: It cannot default, because its value does not depend on someone else’s making good on a promise.
@user-kf6kf8zm2c 7 ай бұрын
@zedeyejoe 7 ай бұрын
Fractional reserve banking is a system in which only a fraction of bank deposits are required to be available for withdrawal. Banks only need to keep a specific amount of cash on hand and can create loans from the money you deposit. Fractional reserves work to expand the economy by freeing capital for lending. Today, most economies' financial systems use fractional reserve banking.
@ibravn1 7 ай бұрын
Well, in this video I claim that this is not so and argue for an alternative theory of how banking works, Werner's Creation Creation Theory. Have you seen the video?
@zedeyejoe 7 ай бұрын
@@ibravn1 I appreciate that you think it is wrong. Thats why I posted the truth so you can see how it works. That is how it works and has worked for hundreds of years. It also explains how runs on banks works, when banks don't have enough funds to meet depositors demands. Explained beautifully in the film, Its a Wonderful Life. I am afraid you are going to have to go back and come up with a new theory.
@ibravn1 7 ай бұрын
@@zedeyejoe I yield to your Hollywood-derived evidence
@xrprophet3523 7 ай бұрын
Banks don't create money the signature on the promissory notes do.Banks don't give credit. They extend it.They borrow it they don't lend it.
@stevenmeek9756 8 ай бұрын
So you application for a loan becomes an asset on the BANKS books means you are the lender.. this is criminal behaviour.
@greogewestmann4913 9 ай бұрын
This is how Modern Money Theory ( MMT ) starts out. Pointing out how exactly how the system works is the first step in fixing it. As of now, 622 thumbs up, 🥴Are folks truly not interested ?
@ibravn1 9 ай бұрын
Appreciated. Though this is strictly not an intro to MMT. The MMT folks would agree with my presentation, but they have no beef with the banks, as I understand MMT. Banks can go on printing money as long as we realize that the government does the same, as it spends. This realization is MMT's major point, not reform of system that lets banks create money. Correct me if I'm wrong.
@clarestucki5151 9 ай бұрын
Total nonsense, Private banks do NOT "create money", only the Fed Res bank "creates (new) money". If private banks could create money, all bankers would be gazillionaires, and fiat money would quickly become worthless!! Any textbook that claims otherwise is simply wrong.
@veronicasanacion 9 ай бұрын
Isn´t it only the Central Banks that create mone?. Private Banks get the money from the Central Banks.
@ibravn1 9 ай бұрын
That's what "everyone knows", but it's largely wrong. Only cash, which is 4-10% of the money supply in modern economies, is created by central banks. The rest, as I explain in the video, is bank money, account money, digits in bank accounts, and that money is created by banks in the process of lending. Big scam, ongoing for centuries, normalized and hidden from view by everyone except insiders. See also my other video, more detailed: Exactly How Do Banks Create Money? kzbin.info/www/bejne/m36UhGmInq59n9U
@user-nd1qs9zt2g 9 ай бұрын
Excellent explanation … finally .. thank you!
@XuanNguyen-nf3bi 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for such an amazing content, it is easy to understand including beginers
@dwaindibley4137 9 ай бұрын
Actually no, banks do not create money. They create deposit liabilities (bank debt), denominated in dollars, that people sign a contract agreeing to pay. Because the deposit liability is denominated in dollars, people mistakenly refer to it as dollars or money. There is nothing in fact or law that makes bank deposit liabilities money, that notion is just an ingrained figment of the imagination born from a perception based theoritical fiction.
@ibravn1 9 ай бұрын
Well, that may be so in your received dogma, but reality shows that bank deposits are being counted as money everywhere in modern economies, even as taxes, which I suppose is the ultimate test of moneyness. In my native Denmark you cannot pay your taxes in cash anymore; it has to be done by bank transfer. That transforms bank credits into money. "When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, Sir?"
@dwaindibley4137 9 ай бұрын
Oh nice, "received dogma" because insults are always an affective argument, right? What I've stated is a product of logical analsys, critical thinking and facts in law, a process that you appear to be totally unfamilliar with. You want to talk about "received dogma"? How about you basing your entire argument on a 170 year old perception based theoritical fiction. Now that's "received dogma".
@dwaindibley4137 9 ай бұрын
In spite of your "received dogma" and the ongoing gaslighting to the contrary, money is still cash by US law 31 USC 5103, which designates 4 paper notes a US legal tender money. 3 of those notes are no longer produced or in circulation leaving 1, Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs). FRNs, along with US minted coin, constitutes the official legal tender currency of the United States. If it's not FRNs and US coin, it is not US money. There is no other money in use within the US that is designated or recognized as such in US law. Federal Reserve notes are a debt free US legal tender money/currency produced and initially owned by the US government. It is issued through the Federal Reserve banking system for the express purpose of supplying depositor demand for the monetary medium wereupon, it becomes the property of the people in legal possession of the notes. It is against the law (12 USC 411) for the Federal Reserve to use US legal tender notes in any of its market operations or for any other purpose whatsoever. Federal Reserve notes represent a first lien on all the assets of the Federal Reserve banks and on the collateral specifically held against them. As I stated eariler, Bank deposit accounts are liabilities of the bank because they represent the account holder's legal claim to legal tender cash money from the bank, and the banks are required by law to render that cash money to the account holder upon their demand. They (deposit accounts) are bank debt, and there is nothing in fact or law that alters that status. People do not spend their account balances, they assume to spend the cash money the account balence represents. This assumption/perception is reinforced with a constant barrage of visual propaganda in all aspects of media in the form of cash notes being used in verious stages of economic activities to include the activities of the US government, Federal Reserve, the banks and even Wall Street. Now, if you wish to continue to insist that bank debt to account holders is the account holder's money, even though it is not a medium of exchange or a unit of account, does not circulate in the economy, has no denominations of its own, or recognized as money in any US law so it is not a product of sovereign authority, then you're obliged to inform people of who this "money" belongs to and were they derive the authority to create it. *The problem is that your presentation is the product of a fictional abstract rendition of how the system actually works.
@dwaindibley4137 9 ай бұрын
Any government that refuses to accept it own currency in payment of taxes, is up to something very shady that's not going to benefit the citizens so, just be aware.
@ibravn1 9 ай бұрын
@@dwaindibley4137 Oh, I agree, the government and banks are up to something very shady here, and I wish someone would hold them accountable. However, as the system works now, you can actually pay your taxes with your credit balances. I give you that your account may be more stringent and legally correct, and logival, too, but that's not how the system works. If everybody agreed with you, we wouldn't have had the 2007-08 crisis, because no one would have accepted credit balances in payment of anything. But the banks' current ability to create money through lending is exactly what blows up fixed assets bubbles, like in 2007-08. So in empirical fact, bank credit IS accepted as money all over the place, even though is it wrong ("received dogma"). The new reality is that bank credits function as money and is accepted as such by everybody. Why would that be if everybody agreed with your definitions?
@joem0088 9 ай бұрын
Banks also destroys the money they created.
@ibravn1 9 ай бұрын
Correct. When a loan is repaid, that money is retired (or withdrawn) from the money supply. Money (that is, account money, bank money) is "destroyed." An amount borrowed gets repaid as the borrower subtracts it from his checking account (his deposits) and transfers it to his loan account. It thus disappears from the money supply, the money supply being the sum of deposits in all banks (plus cash in circulation).
@joem0088 9 ай бұрын
@@ibravn1 Except for the interest. You can destroy the principal but not the interest paid.
@ibravn1 9 ай бұрын
@@joem0088 Correct. Interest is ("old") money transferred from borrower to bank.
@zedeyejoe 9 ай бұрын
Well it is simple. People put money into the bank. It is unlikely that all the money on deposit (held in the bank) will be needed at any time, so they can loan out more money than they actually have. That is typically 10 times the money it holds.
@ibravn1 9 ай бұрын
Wrong. That's the obsolete fractional-reserve theory of banking. It may have been true a couple of hundred years ago, but it no longer is (in modern economies, at least). A bank doesn't lend money deposited. It creates new money (that is, bank money, account credits) in the process of lending. No cash is involved. You cannot borrow cash in a Western bank today. It's all account credits, and they are simply added to your account during lending. They are subtracted from no one else's account. They are created. See the video!
@zedeyejoe 9 ай бұрын
@@ibravn1 Wrong. Banks have to have money to lend. They get that money from deposits (or indeed profits). But can lend more than they have. Electronic or pound notes, makes no difference. Money is more than banknotes and coins. If you have a bank account, you can use what’s in it to buy things, typically with a debit card. Because you can buy things with your bank account, we think of this as money even though it’s not cash. Therefore, if you borrow £100 from the bank, and it credits your account with the amount, ‘new money’ has been created. It didn’t exist until it was credited to your account. This also means as you pay off the loan, the electronic money your bank created is ‘deleted’ - it no longer exists. You haven’t got richer or poorer. You might have less money in your bank account but your debts have gone down too. So essentially, banks create money, not wealth. Banks create around 80% of money in the economy as electronic deposits in this way. In comparison, banknotes and coins only make up 3%. Finally, most banks have accounts with us at the Bank of England, allowing them to transfer money back and forth. This is called electronic central bank money, or reserves.
@Rob-fx2dw 4 ай бұрын
Nobody can lend out money that they don't have as they are not the owner. Your bank deposit is a debt that the bank owes you. So can you lend out your debts? Of course not. If you could then you would. It is the same for anyone including banks.
@zedeyejoe 4 ай бұрын
@@Rob-fx2dw Certainly can. Thats the great advantage of banking. Savers put in the money, banks then lend out more than was deposited. Its called fractional reserve banking, look it up. You believing fantasies, will not make them real.
@dwaindibley4137 9 ай бұрын
Your explination is flawed as it is based upon a poorly rationalized theoritical fiction (not yours, you're just repeating it) in that, bank deposit accounts are money. There is nothing based in fact or logic that makes bank deposit liabilities representing the account holder's claim to physical cash and coin from the bank to, bank deposit liabilities are the money. This is an instilled belief. Banks debiting and crediting user accounts in the amounts is not a form of money, it's accounting. Ludwig von Mises refferred to this bank accounting process as offsetting, where account balances are maintained without the use of, or need for, money. When banks generate "loans", thet do so as a bank deposit liability that the "borrower" signs a contract agreeing to pay. Basically, the borrower is agreeing to pay off the bank's deposit liability it created on its balance sheet. If the desire is to continue to allow banks to commit fraud against their account holders and borrowers, then a more appropriate term to use would be 'deposit credit', not 'deposit money'. Bank created and managed deposit credit serves the same functions and causes the same problems as money but with the key difference being, unlike money, deposit credit is totally dependant upon the bank's solvency for its continued function and existence.
@ibravn1 9 ай бұрын
Well, this is von Mises' position, as of a very long time ago: Money is cash. Monetary technology has evolved since then, though, and bank liabilities are now the primary form of money in many advanced economies. For example, in my native Denmark you cannot pay your taxes in cash; only bank transfers. Since this is the ultimate test of money (the state accepts taxes in this form), your position is fast becoming obsolete: Money IS, in fact, mostly bank liabilities, whether we like it or not.
@dwaindibley4137 9 ай бұрын
In spite of the instilled beliefs and ongoing gaslighting to the contrary, money is still cash by US law 31 USC 5103, which designates 4 paper notes a US legal tender money. 3 of those notes are no longer produced or in circulation leaving 1, Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs). FRNs, along with US minted coin, constitutes the official legal tender currency of the United States. If it's not FRNs and US coin, it is not US money. There is no other money in use within the US that is designated or recognized as such in US law. Federal Reserve notes are a debt free US legal tender money/currency produced and initially owned by the US government. It is issued through the Federal Reserve banking system for the express purpose of supplying depositor demand for the monetary medium wereupon, it becomes the property of the people in legal possession of the notes. It is against the law (12 USC 411) for the Federal Reserve to use US legal tender notes in any of its market operations or for any other purpose whatsoever. Federal Reserve notes represent a first lien on all the assets of the Federal Reserve banks and on the collateral specifically held against them. As I stated eariler, Bank deposit accounts are liabilities of the bank because they represent the account holder's legal claim to legal tender cash money from the bank, and the banks are required by law to render that cash money to the account holder upon their demand. They (deposit accounts) are bank debt, and there is nothing in fact or law that alters that status. People do not spend their account balances, they assume to spend the cash money the account balence represents. This assumption/perception is reinforced with a constant barrage of visual propaganda in all aspects of media in the form of cash notes being used in verious stages of economic activities to include the activities of the US government, Federal Reserve, the banks and even Wall Street. Now, if you wish to continue to insist that bank debt to account holders is the account holder's money, even though it is not a medium of exchange or a unit of account, does not circulate in the economy, has no denominations of its own, or recognized as money in any US law so it is not a product of sovereign authority, then you're obliged to inform people of who this "money" belongs to and were they derive the authority to create it. *The problem is that your presentation is the product of a fictional abstract rendition of how the system actually works.
@jonswanson7766 9 ай бұрын
The Intermediary Theory was developed because in 1933 Glass Steagal was enacted which separated commercial bank money creation from finance establishments. It was recognized that bank credit creation pumped up the stock market.
@ibravn1 9 ай бұрын
Interesting. But I'm pretty sure that the intermediation (intermediary? Never heard that term before) theory is older than that. Do you have a reference? Also, I've never heard commercial bank money creation mentioned as motivating the Glass-Stegall Act. I rather think that what motivated Glass-Steagall was the erroneous intermediation theory. They believed (or argued) that large banks should not be able to invest or speculate with ordinary customers' money, a notion taken straight out of the intermediation theory. In reality, when banks buy securities, etc. (that is, invest/speculate), they create money, and if they need liquidity (digits in their reserve accounts with the central bank), they borrow it from other banks, the so-called overnight loans, at very low interest.
@jonswanson7766 9 ай бұрын
@@ibravn1 yes, reality versus the general view. Henry Ford said if the public knew how banks operate there would be a revolution. Credit creation. That is the key to so many things! The eight hundred and fifty percent margin lending pumping up the stock market in the Twenties did not come from savings. Just look at how the cat was let out of the bag regarding SVB! Customer deposits were parked in long term instruments, not "lent" out!
@jonswanson7766 9 ай бұрын
@@ibravn1 I have read the hearing records from the Pecora investigation and it is true credit creation is not mentioned but again, reality counts, it is credit creation that is dangerous and the entire scenario caused a tremendous upheaval called the "New Deal" Far more profound than the Japanese crisis of the Nineties that Professor Werner speaks of in the "Princes of the Yen"
@jonswanson7766 9 ай бұрын
@@ibravn1 also I must add that your video is excellent, thank you!
@ibravn1 9 ай бұрын
@@jonswanson7766 I'm with you!
@jensscheel3473 9 ай бұрын
And now emagine all central banks are in private hands.That is why the goverments are not creating money for their country.Staates got to borrow money from the moneylenders......find out what is wrong.
@armendibishi7985 10 ай бұрын
Great video, islamic banks currently with a 7% presenc in global banking industry, also create new bookmoney into exsistence but in a diferent form, so regardless conventional bank or islamic they all create money but this money is acepted as money mostly only by banks in the same geographic region becuase most likely its costumers will transact with eachother, but in a more fair world and free market institutions like FIDC shoulld not exsist if a bank fails it fails and depositors must share the loss also. Some may argue that banks shoulld be banned and not allowed to create money , but by doing that it would be somehow same as if I would owe Sam 20$ and he wants to buy now a 20$ tshirt from John but John also owes me 20$, so all us 3 agree to cancel our debt without reserve currency freewillingly and the transaction is made, so if we would stop banks from creating money it would be same as if goverment would come betwen us and not allow us to freewillingly make such agreements. And also if moneycreation was all in central bank hands, it would not go well for many reasons.
@ibravn1 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for your thoughts. My preferred reaction to banks creating money is not to ban banks, but to separate money creation from bank lending. Banks would then lend money that they have acquired first and stop lending when they run out of funds (instead of creating new money as the see fit (within constraints)). The central bank (or some other agency mandated by the elected representatives of a country) would be in charge of money creation. It would create money for the democratically elected parliament/government to spend into the economy as they see fit. This reformed system would be pretty much the way everyone thinks the system is now. But it's not: It's a system that favors banks and the people that banks choose to favor (today, mostly holders of real estate, and rich folks generally, and their friends in the financial sector). So, this needs to change. See www.positivemoney.org for more.
@armendibishi7985 10 ай бұрын
@@ibravn1 The money private banks create functions as money mostly only within that state or geographic site becuase its costumer buy more from eachother becuase of there distance, in uk there are somewhere 350 banks i think, so its better moneycreation to be let in hands of 350 institutions than to only 1 institution, chances of corruption are higher that way, also banks know better how much and when to loan, they would know even better if institutions that guarantee deposits would not exsist at all, islamic banks conventional banks all create money, every bank even in gold standart created money thats not a problem its even ok, but if we dont guarantee deposits and cb currency would be gold backed then banks would be alot more carefull also depositors would be carefull to, also on top of those if we ban private bank money to be created it would be the same as the story with me sam and john so it would be somekind of a comunist law, i know positivemoney proposition long time ago but i dont agree completly with them but i agree deposit guarantee institutions shoulld not exsist.
@jimmym2486 10 ай бұрын
Banks DO NOT CREATE MONEY!!!! What they do is monetize the promissory note because once you sign that promissory note it becomes a negotiable instrument that the bank turns into money ( Exactly how I do not know ) In other words the bank lends you YOUR OWN money or credit ( whatever you want to call it) and then charges you interest for lending you your own money!!!
@ibravn1 10 ай бұрын
Well, yes, only when you sign the loan document will the bank lend you money, that's true. But that loan document is precisely NOT money, nor is your promise, stated or written, to pay. You can take neither to a bike shop and purchase a bike (unless you entered a different loan agreement with the shop, but that doesn't involve money creation, only deferred payment). Specifically, a loan document is NOT a negotiable instrument: Negotiable means transferable, in the sense that bearer (the next holder) can use it to pay. Money is a generally accepted means of payment (ultimately: one you can pay your taxes with), and this is exactly what a bank will produce or create for you: Money, nowadays in the form of digits in your bank account. Incidentally, "monetizing" means creating money out of that which may be valuable (or deemed so, maybe foolishly), but is not yet money. Also, if you actually want to know how banks turn your promise to pay into money, go to my KZbin video, "Exactly How Do Banks Create Money?" kzbin.info/www/bejne/m36UhGmInq59n9U
@jimmym2486 10 ай бұрын
@@ibravn1 Yes of course you cannot take a promissory note to a bike shop as per your example. But isn't a promissory note a negotiable instrument like a stock is for example which you also cannot take to a bike shop? If I am misraken then I do have 2 questions.What exactly is a negotiable instrument. 2, When Banks "create" money please do not tell me that they create it out of thin air something has to back it. As we all know in the past that backing value was gold and silver. So what is that backing value today? Oil? for example. Also let's play Devil's advocate. Let's say Banks do create money out of nothing with no backing value. Isn't that fraudulent in some way?
@ibravn1 10 ай бұрын
@@jimmym2486 Well, stocks are securities, not negotiable instruments. So a stock is as "not-very-negotiable" as your old car: Somebody has to buy it with money first. A dollar bill is negotiable, the next guy can use it pronto, no questions asked. Check Wiki. As to the backing: The whole banking system, including filled-up reserve accounts at the central bank, is what underlies or "backs" your loan. Go see my KZbin video referenced above. But there is no "backing" per se for every loan granted, that's the whole point. This is what banks do: Create money where there was none (or very little) before. This was the function of credit in the olden days: Extend credit to a producer, so he can purchase raw materials, pay his workers, sell the goods, repay the credit and score a profit. Today, credit in the form of digits in bank accounts are no longer airy stuff; it is real money, what you pay your taxes with. This is the power of the banking system: It has solidified flimsy account digits so that now they are the coin of the realm, real money. Cash is residual money, what you buy a cup of coffee with or give to a homeless person. Your car and your home? You buy them with real money, the numbers in your bank account. Courtesy of the commercial banking system. Banks created 97% of the money in circulation today. Fraudulent? For sure. The whole system stinks to high heaven. But try to take it to the courts, what can they do? Some of us are working hard to change it. But don't wait up nights.
@jimmym2486 10 ай бұрын
Ok I will have to surrender my point at least for now. But I may or may not reopen this in the future. because I have a book somewhere in my basement ( I have no clue where) called Modern Money Mechanics and if and when I do find it I may have more questions . I am also going to do some research and look up US Codes pertaining to Negotiable Instruments. Securities and etc
@jimmym2486 10 ай бұрын
@@ibravn1 Hi, I have not had time to look for it. But this little video short 2 and a half minute video I came across not only shows the act part that I would have shown from Modern Momey Mechanics and also I am reminded about a court case that I forgot called the Credit River Decision (Now I have heard that this case was overtuned and I have also heard that also stands in Common Law Court this is also something I need to do research on) I do agree with you that you cannot take the banks to court. They are too big and of course they are not going to admit to their fraudulent ways, But that does not mean that there cannot be small victories. Years ago someone I watched who I can't remember said that financial institutions commit fraud every day and get away with it because of our General Ignorance but if we can learn some Common Law , they can be fined under the FDCPA, Also he said if you ever do take banks to court the goal is NOT to win but instead to settle. I think maybe one thing we can agree on whether you think the promissory note becomes valuable once it is signed by the borrower (aka the REAL original creditor) whether that be okay not a negotiable instrument or a security that is traded like a stock etc or what you say, The fact our banking system as you say is fraudulent and evil!! Here is the video kzbin.info/www/bejne/roTUmmSElLeli9Usi=PMg9lj5nPq2ad4Cq
@mjsmcd 10 ай бұрын
Is this more acurate than sayong out of nothing? From an economic viewpoint, commercial banks create private money by transforming an illiquid asset (the borrower’s future ability to repay) into a liquid one (bank deposits); they would quickly be insolvent otherwise. In addition to bank solvency representing a constraint on private money creation, banks require access to liquid reserves in order to be able to engage in money creation.
@ibravn1 10 ай бұрын
Well, that’s the traditional banker’s and economist’s circumlocution, the notion of maturity transformation: A bank transforms a customer’s promise to (re)pay a loan over the next twenty years (a long maturity) into money now (a short maturity). That’s one way of explaining (away) what banks do when they lend. But notice that people who give you this spiel never, never, EVER as much as intimate that banks creates money in this process. The maturity transformation explanation is a smoke screen that obscures the fact of money creation by banks. Bankers and their lackeys, neo-classical economists, will never let on that the real game is: banks have illegitimately and under the radar, over the past couple of centuries, captured the money-creation privilege that so obviously belongs to the community, to the population, or its representative, the central bank, which has been asleep at the wheel. Besides, who’s saying that money is created out of nothing? There needs to be banks, loan applications, bank officers accepting them, loan documents, computers systems running the accounts and the digits in them, etc., etc. The point is that in the bank lending process, money is created, new money, money that wasn’t there before but now has been brought into existence. When a baby is born, is that just a dead guy that has been “intermediated” into a new body? No, the baby was created afresh, it’s not recycled. But of course it was not created out of nothing. We need intercourse, conception, pregnancy, birth etc., etc.
@mjsmcd 10 ай бұрын
Borrower draws cash out of his loan account he takes out money From where if not deposited by bank?
@ibravn1 10 ай бұрын
A bank doesn't deposit cash into your account. Your account (your "deposits", as they are called, but they are nothing of the kind) is simply a list of numbers, and the last number (the balance) is the amount that the bank currently owes you. If you want some of that money out, in cash, the bank has to give it to you. As you can ascertain when you walk up to the till, the clerk takes that cash out of a drawer and gives it to you. It is not "cash taken from your account." None of those bills in the till is associated with or belongs to your account. But as the clerk hands you the money, she subtracts that amount from your account. The bank now owes you less than it did before. Every bank has cash in vault, that is, a suitable amount of dollar bills in a safe, enough to meet customer demand. If it needs cash, it buys some from the central bank, or waits for other customers to deposit it. A bank's cash amounts are peanuts compared to the huge sums of money transferred by book (digits in accounts) every day between accounts in and out of bank. These account digits are the primary tools of the trade, not cash. (In my native Denmark, banks transfer an amount corresponding to 6-7% of the annual GDP every DAY. This money is mainly used for "investments", that is, speculation in securities, stocks and bonds, currency, derivatives etc.) Getting a loan is allowing the bank to write the corresponding digits into your regular (checking) account (this is the money you can spend) and a corresponding amount, with a minus in front, into a new account, your loan account, which records your debt to the bank (and the interest accruing, as the years pass). Are you with me?
@mjsmcd 10 ай бұрын
@@ibravn1 You said " If it needs cash, it buys some from the central bank, or waits for other customers to deposit it." Which leads me to ask 2 questions 1)What does it buy the cash from the central bank with? 2)Or if its taking the cash from other customers to give you , how do they replace that cash when its demanded from that customer? ......Thankyou
@ibravn1 10 ай бұрын
1. Every (larger) bank has an account with the central bank called a reserve or settlement account. When a bank buys fifty thousand dollars in cash from the central bank and has it shipped over in an armored van, the central bank deducts US$15,000 from that account. 2. A bank doesn't "replace" cash that one customer has given to it, when it gives cash to another customer. Remember, deposited cash is not associated with any account, so there's no "replacing" it. Cash deposited by a customer does not go to a little box in the basement, from whence the clerk picks up the same dollar bill when the customer demands it back. Cash is fungible, as it's called - one ten-dollar bill is as good as any other. Cash deposited by any customer stays in the drawer at the counter or goes to the common safe in the basement overnight, and it does not have the customer's name on it. The bank acknowledges receipt of a hundred-dollar-bill from a customer by adding that amount, US$100, to the customer's (checking) account. "Thanks for the bill! We're putting it in our safe. Now we owe you a hundred dollars more! Come and cash it when you need it, or ask us to transfer that amount to another person's account in our bank or some other bank. We're at your service!" That's called a payments system, and banks have been at it for 800 years, perfecting it under the public and academic radars, so few people really understand it today. Check out my explanation of how payments work: kzbin.info/www/bejne/m36UhGmInq59n9U, and how banks create money when they lend.
@mjsmcd 10 ай бұрын
@@ibravn1 thankyou sir for taking time to respond I am new subscriber and look forward to your future content 🙂 i mighy add Artificial inteligence site gave me this if youd like to comment on "The source of the funds for loans can come from various places, including the bank's reserves, other customer deposits, and even funds borrowed from other institutions. It's important to note that banks are required to maintain a certain level of reserves to support their lending activities, based on regulations and monetary policies."
@mjsmcd 10 ай бұрын
​@@ibravn1when bank bus 50,000 from the central bank you say Buys it with what?
@mjsmcd 10 ай бұрын
Not nothing is it created from but from the promisory note asset Also where does the money thats withdrawn by customer come from?
@mjsmcd 10 ай бұрын
Your krona was deposited to your account from where?
@tyroncline5978 11 ай бұрын
Buying and selling debt and money
@chadpreece970 11 ай бұрын
It's true but I think it's the signature of the borrower that creates the money, as a promissory note is just paper until signed, then it has vaulue.
@billsticker4080 8 ай бұрын
hahahahahaha ffs seriously?
@artimussantiago4779 4 ай бұрын
This is true
@TroyCook-vd6qu 4 ай бұрын
Chad is correct. Banks cannot loan their own money; (12 USC 83) They take the customer’s signed Promissory Note and stamp it with their Special Indorsement, thus claiming the Instrument as their own; (12 USC 412). They then submit the Promissory Note to the Federal Reserve Window for exchange for Federal Reserve Notes. They are literally “loaning” you your own money WITH interest! Now we all know why banks are all corrupt.
@Matissekussen Жыл бұрын
Hej Ib - tusind tak for denne video. Den var ganske oplysende. Jeg har på fornemmelsen at du vil gøre dine lyttere en tjeneste ved at have lidt længere ophold i talestrømmen, sådan så det bliver lettere at fordøje informationen. Med ønske om alt det bedste - Mathias
@dougbillman2333 Жыл бұрын
Banks steal our credit….banks have no money….
@byatoxgaming5846 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this information
@mjsmcd Жыл бұрын
Your deposit is a loan to the bank so their purchase of your promisory note to repay with interest is placed in your account but classified as a customer deposit and not an account payable on their balance sheet How so? And where does that money come from? Thankyou
@ibravn1 Жыл бұрын
Correctly restated! As Richard Werner explains, banks are firms that do not discharge their accounts payable (that is, they don't pay out cash); they simply pile up the amount as a liability and rename it "customer deposits". This liability can be used by the account holder, the borrower, in payment to account holders in the same bank, or through the interbank clearing system, to account holders in other banks. Where does that money come from, the amount lent to the borrower (say, $100,000)? It is simply entered into his checking account (or other deposit account), and it is matched by a corresponding amount, with a minus in front, in a loan account that the bank opens in the borrower's name. No other account in the bank or elsewhere in society is reduced by that amount. The bank has now "expanded its balance," as they call it, or extended its balance sheet. $100,000 was "deposited" (really: created out of nothing) in the borrower's checking account, and $100,000 recorded in his loan account as his debt t the bank, his promise to pay. This process of money creation through lending is the essence of banking. This is what banks do. Nothing overtly illegal about it, even though the whole process has never (that I know) been examined for its legality. Also, the pseudoNobel Prize in Economics was awarded last year to three fellows who know nothing about money creation and peddle a completely false concept of banking.
@mjsmcd 3 ай бұрын
The actual physical cash thats loaned from nothing taken from an atm by the borrower from his account comes from where ?
@heathermooney7013 Ай бұрын
@@ibravn1 So bankers are Magicians
@ibravn1 Ай бұрын
@@mjsmcd Well, keep it straight. Only *account money* is lent into existence, "from nothing". *Cash* is intermediated between banks and customers. Nothing weird about cash. When you withdraw a $100 bill from an ATM, that's cash the bank has fetched in its vault, and the amount is deducted from your account. However, originally some bank bought that cash from the central bank (like the FED), and the central bank created it out of nothing, by merely printing digits on fancy paper. Some of us think that the central bank should do the same thing with account money; that is, create the nation's money supply for the banks to LEND out, as in old-school intermediation::the way everyone thinks the system works.
@ibravn1 Ай бұрын
@@heathermooney7013 In this particular money-creation sense, yes. Over the centuries, bankers have cobbled together a system, the interbank clearing system employing money-on-account, account money, that allows THEM to be the creators of the nation's money supply. Central bankers (and the few politicians who understood this) have let them.
@adamjovicic9006 Жыл бұрын
Hey mate nice video! I don’t understand how recorded debts between the consumer and banks fit into a balance sheet or whatever ledger thing they use on their computers 😅 Eg. Record of debt between adam and liam Adam +100 liam -100 + 50. -50 -20. +20 ------------ Difference is 130 to be payed to adam How do banks write it down in their system
@ibravn1 10 ай бұрын
If I understand your question correctly: When you are granted a loan in a bank, the bank "pays" you by adding the relevant digits to your checking account. This account is a liability of the bank (it owes you this amount of money and must pay it out to you when you ask for it). It is recorded on one side of the bank's balance sheet. At the same time, the bank opens a loan account in your name, and the amount lent to you is recorded there, with a minus in front, so to speak: This is the money you own the bank. This is an asset of the bank: the money you owe it. It's recorded on the other side of the balance sheet. Both of these amounts are reflected in the bank's overall accounting system, the general ledger, that sums all the bank's accounts into two large numbers, one on of each side of the balance.) When you ay down your debt to the bank, you do it incrementally by subtracting your first installment from your checking account and "transferring" it to your loan account. Both accounts now decrease by the amount of the installment. You keep ding this, and the loan account goes to zero, you paid your debt, and that whole amount (plus interest!!) has left your checking account, over the years. The money that was created by the bank as the loan was paid to you has now been destroyed or retired, that is, taken out of the money supply, during the process of debt repayment. (Notice that I haven't addressed the payment of the good that you wanted the loan for.) Did I answer your question?
@adamjovicic9006 10 ай бұрын
@@ibravn1 yes 👍 where can I do some bank balance sheet exercises? Reason I’m asking is because I would like to make a way so people can do banking in their own communities and still pay things like tax etc so to keep the normal life continuing just without bad banking or centralised banking
@ibravn1 10 ай бұрын
@@adamjovicic9006 Sorry, this I don't know. Important initiative, though. Good luck with it!
@Rob-fx2dw 4 ай бұрын
​@@ibravn1another clear explanation. It also happens the same way in the central reserve banks with the only real difference being the fact that the revenue to pay off the debt that government has incurred by the borrowing ultimately comes from the taxpayer. No surprise there!
@spartanwarrior4736 Жыл бұрын
this person is telling you all LIES and is deceiving and misleading everyone, this is the plain simple truth... A BANK with a NAME upon a Brick or Stone wall... cannot lean nor loan or finance anything to you, its not a man or woman, its merely a NAME upon a BUILDING... that all it is... it is intangible thing another NAME can be made up in an instance and can changed upon this building... it cannot create anything, and we the people OWN every bank office's in all countrie in the world... and all within these public held offices are all Public Servant, whom are all acting as Trustee, doing fiduciary Duties. they are all bound to the BANKING constitutional laws the Bill Of Exchange 1881 and 1882. and the Trust law of 1882 and the contract law of 1872. and the stamp duty 1891 sec 34 a penny; 34Provisions for use of adhesive stamps on bills and notes; (1)The fixed duty of one penny on a bill of exchange payable on demand or at sight or on presentation may be denoted by an adhesive stamp, which, where the bill is drawn in the United Kingdom, is to b& cancelled by the person by whom the bill is signed before he delivers it out of his hands, custody, or power. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Only a man or woman can create all Cash that is Through a Promissory Note... also known as a Financial Instrument, also known as a Cheque... the Promissory Note Accesses your Private trust which is all Held with the Treasury, which is then Tells the Capital Bank with is our Head Offices to print out that sum of CASH in NOTES which we call ie MONEY. to which then we can use the CHEQUES to also discharge anything, ot we can merely use the PN to Discharge anything and pay the Represented to Pay direct into his or her account. it that simple... really!!!... nothing hard about it... The BANK the meaning of the Word ; What is a basic definition of ​bank? The word bank is used as a noun to refer to a place where people deposit money or to a long mound or slope, like a riverbank. like a River BANK, it hold the water with or BANKS it hold the water within. therefore all the BANK can do is hold all our assets our funds our cash... there are ways to defeat and defend oneself against any claims that the BANK Makes... lol... This is the simple truth Take it or leave it... the BANK can never ever lend, loan, Mortgages, financial loans, overdrafts and so on, everything you ever been taught learn is all lies and misleading of all kinds of entrapments... by these Corrupted Corporates of different Secret Societies... of men and women who are all very uneducated and are knowingly and willingly and willfully aiding and abetting in many levels of human trafficking and racketeering of informations as well...
@armendibishi7985 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for taking time and creating this video for us mate As I can understand fractional reserve theory and credit creation theory are both just ways that a bank creates credit money today, fractional theory assumes that bank A always needs reserves to cover there loans as if the borrower would use the loan to buy from someone at bank B farfar away (probaly at another state) and by this bank B would acept only centralbank money (becuase those bank costumers dont buy much from eachother), by this bank A creates credit noney wich the original bank A depositor could use as money as a type of compensation. And credit creation theory is the other way banks create credit money wich it assumes that borrowers will most likely use there money in the same geographical area and those credit money created by banks will be acepted by those banks in this area and only a small amount of central bank money will be transfered after neting , so is it correct to say that those 2 are just 2 ways a bank today operates and creates credit money? Of course on the creit creation theory it creates much more as I can see! And i saw yesterday 2 organisations one called ourmoney the other positivemoney they had a similar probaly the same idea for a new banking system, if you have knowledge about this do you know is that proposal of them similar to any of those 3 banking theories or it is a 4th and diferent system?
@ibravn1 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your question; though I'm not sure I quite follow you. May I clarify that the banking system works as it works, and it works in one way today and somewhat differently 400 years ago and in non-Western countries 100 years ago and so on. That's one thing. Then there are different understandings or interpretations or THEORIES about how the system works; how to explain and render comprehensible what is going on in the system? That's the other thing. You seem to mix up the two things. Banks operate as they do; what is at stake in my video is how we EXPLAIN what they do. Today, in modern economies, banks all do the same. But do we explain that as "Banks take one customer's deposits and lend them to someone else" (says the intermediation theory) or as "Banks retain 10% of all deposits as a fractional reserve and on-lend the 90% to other customers" (says the fractional reserve theory) or as "Banks create money during lending by writing the relevant digits into the borrower's deposit account and opening a loan account in the borrower's name and entering corresponding digits there, which record the borrower's debt to the bank" (says the credit creation theory). I hope that clears up something. If not, ask again, my friend.
@ibravn1 Жыл бұрын
I know Positive Money, great organization. I am very much inspired by their work. Champions of the credit creation theory (although they don't necessarily call it that; the term is due to Richard A. Werner). Highly recommended. Excellent web site. Our Money I didn't know; thanks for the tip. They are, however, based on a somewhat competing theory, as you suggest, called Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). It argues that the government creates money when it spends money, and taxes are a way of deleting that money again. MMT agrees that banks create money, but (unlike Positive Money, and myself) sees no major problem with that.
@armendibishi7985 Жыл бұрын
@@ibravn1 what i wanted to say is the moneymultiplier model that is used to describe fractional reserve of banking that explains how bank money is created is very simple one, and it always assumes that when a borrower takes a loan from bank A and buys something from someone at bank B , bank A always has to transfer reserves to bank B, and by this only a small amount of bank money is created for depositors of bank A to use to buy as a compensation, but banks rarely have to transfer reserves becuase most loans are used on same geographical area from banks of the same area or state and this is why banks accept eachothers bank money,and can create more bank money than on moneymultiplier model, so what i wanted to say both moneymultiplier explanation and credit creation theory are part of the same banking system it just depends how much money will be created, based on where will the borrower buy from, and the main diference of fractional reserve theory and credit creation theory explanation is that the first one asumes that a bank cant create bank money without having reserves first, and second one assumes that banks create money forst and then borrow reserves somewhere to netout with other banks, am i correct?
@armendibishi7985 Жыл бұрын
@@ibravn1 as i can understand PositiveMoney proposal is somehow like the financial intermidation theory, both theories say that banks could not create bank money and they must only have reserves to be able to lend, only that PositiveMoneys proposal is that banks cant even lend the demand deposits only locked deposits that are locked for a long time and cant create money so this is the diference. Both systems would be more fair and morally correct but as i can see the circulation of money would be alot more slower for example if a billionare dosent want to spend or buy anything that money will just stay there and banks cant keep that money circulating.
@frankcarlos6762 Жыл бұрын
Money are gold and silver what banks create is currency, everything else he said is true
@zedeyejoe 7 ай бұрын
No gold and silver are assets, just like a bale of hay. Money is a legal tender which is officially used for paying bills or transactions.
@TheKarantan Жыл бұрын
This is amazing. Thank you for this valuable information. This topic really interests me despite not having anything to do with my occupation. IMO everyone should know how money is created, but I understand that it might not be in the best interest of some groups.
@kendrabonds6901 8 ай бұрын
It would be in EVERYONES interest to know the truth!
@hoon_sol 7 ай бұрын
Anyone who works for money in today's world is a total and absolute slave; there's no easy way of telling people this.
@TheKarantan Жыл бұрын
Great talk. I only wished you would explain how are the banks limited to making new credits. IIUC they are limited by capital requirements, right?
@ibravn1 Жыл бұрын
Yes, that's one limitation. See more in another presentation of mine: "Exactly How Do Banks Create Money?", at 17:00 kzbin.info/www/bejne/m36UhGmInq59n9U Some of those limitations: 1. The customer's creditworthiness. Since banks have to pay up themselves when loans go bad, they are loath to lend to dubious customers. At least in normal times. When markets are red hot, all banks need to lend more and thus loosen their credit criteria. 2. National regulators may have imposed more rules on banks' lending, like: "Only 50% of your portfolio must be to your ten biggest customers" or "You can't expand your lending more than 30% per year". 3. Some countries may have reserve requirements (that is, a minimum amount in the reserve accounts with the central bank), but that's not so common any more.
@eleearts Жыл бұрын
Banks are criminals that we help them to be criminals