Goal = Skinless | 7 Weeks Out
@harleybfilms Күн бұрын
Noticed the middle ground answer tends to always be the right one in all areas of life!!!
@emmang2010 Күн бұрын
who agrees this is exactly what RP and Dr Mike preaches and how he communicates the science. No one ever says "read the paper and do exactly as the paper has participants do". Strawman.
@JoshuaKevinPerry Күн бұрын
Mike makes up stuff like slow reps ,soreness means growth, and forgets to mention its opinion.
@devil5hlygrim972 Күн бұрын
Partly RP’s silly change from being serious to bending over to the youtube algorithm…
@madmarian7961 Күн бұрын
Bf watching the vid: We hate them because they're not science-based lifters, they're just trying to become celebraties, using "science" as a marketing tool to keep making content and "PhD" as a backup for all the nonsense they say
@JoshuaKevinPerry Күн бұрын
You mean Doctor.
@azulsimmons1040 Күн бұрын
Since GVS lives in China, does he eat a lot of dumplings when bulking. Chinese dumplings are the best and they have so many different kinds with tasty sauces.
@slee2695 23 сағат бұрын
Like bat soup
@jbcolson1027 Күн бұрын
Using practical experience... is literally... using science
@thomasruckstuhl9980 Күн бұрын
You guys have no idea of the catastrophy to come.
@dr.christle Күн бұрын
This was a great chat!
@AlmostlessThanHuman Күн бұрын
I don't think GVS has any room to be calling anybody weak lol his triceps are really small as well
@archaeobard1 Күн бұрын
I find I'm more satisfied if I have a decent amount of fat with my protein. For instance, if I have 150g of chicken breast, I'm not as satisfied as when I have 150g of pork shoulder steak or a rib eye steak.
@thunderkat5282 Күн бұрын
On the lengthened partials, I wonder if it’s really just more important that the exercise in general places the muscle in a lengthened position compared to other exercises and not so much the range of motion? I know what Milo says etc. but, maybe that’s more-so the beneficial aspect. Because, as much as I try to wrap my head around it, I don’t see how mechanically disadvantageous ranges of motion work well. Not that I’m pro full range of motion either.
@slee2695 23 сағат бұрын
Yes that's it
@thomasruckstuhl9980 Күн бұрын
You guys have nerves. You’re busy with the role of evidence based in lifting while the whole world is going nuts and an orange monster destroys your country from the inside.
@ProphetFear Күн бұрын
Neither one of them are from the US. You live in a bubble and politicize everything.
@JoshuaKevinPerry Күн бұрын
TIL removing people the elites want to enslave is destroying the country.
@johnbiggs3912 Күн бұрын
Why do we hate science-based lifters? Cause literally no science based lifter in the world has a decent physique, they all look like ultra marathon runners
@kapoioBCS Күн бұрын
@thunderkat5282 Күн бұрын
Lifting kinda reminds me of martial arts. MMA came out and kinda just used what works and blew the traditional systems out of the water.
@johntrains1317 Күн бұрын
There must be some agreement to not mention Israetel here. He's the biggest reason for this science based backlash and no one mentions him smh
@JoshuaKevinPerry Күн бұрын
GVS stopped listening to Istareal 5 years ago.
@slee2695 23 сағат бұрын
​@JoshuaKevinPerry yet he makes videos about him weekly?
@negativefx83 Күн бұрын
One of the best shows and an even more awesome guest. Even better with the D&D reference :)
@JoshuaKevinPerry Күн бұрын
The problem is the people selling themselves as "science-based" are often cherry-picking bad data AND some compound it by recommending bro stuff-like Cyborg slow reps and wrapping that into "muh science-based." And the "exercise scientists" using the term "doctor" which is meant to deceive, not inform.
@StephenMarkTurner Күн бұрын
Still puny, but still lifting (and jogging and walking long distances) at 68.
@thunderkat5282 Күн бұрын
I think science influencers can get a little “I know the truth cuz science” and then the scientific models don’t always pan out. The inverse is often true too. So, we all have to be so careful when communicating, on either side. We are all just trying to figure it out.
@thunderkat5282 Күн бұрын
Great content!!!
@somerandomnoob100 Күн бұрын
Ive thought a lot on the topic of people not thinking lifting is worth it unless they get really great results because I was one of those people. I was doing some deep introspection one day and i realised that within me was the idea that its okay to be unsatisfied with my body if im not putting effort into it but it would be depressing to put effort into it and still be unsatisfied with my body. And my first reaction to saying to myself consciously was isnt that a kinda dumb reason to sabotage my own health? It was a big catalyst for me taking exercise more seriously and eventually ive gotten pretty regular at working out, although im pretty casual about it and dont follow a program or anything. Since then ive realised that part of the problem was that I was miscalculating the cost in effort of pursuing fitness: once youve spent enough time exercising, the difficulty of the average exercise session is not so far off to the effort expended in like showering everyday or doing laundry or something. And nowadays after exercising regularly for like a year ive figured out things i like about it and i even look forward to it. I hated any and all physical activities since childhood so I never ever expected it could turn out that way and my reluctance to do exercise stemmed from that
@andrewbellinger6120 Күн бұрын
Im a physics based lifter. I am on a logarithmic progression where I track my progress in dB
@johnbiggs3912 Күн бұрын
and I bet youre 70kg with zero muscle
@jasoncuculo7035 Күн бұрын
This research goes back and forth over the years. Go to failure, don't go to failure, back and forth. I find going to failure on squats or deadlifts is less effective and stupid, CNS overtraining. On bench presses I leave a few reps in reserve too. I bench press only 330 pounds raw. but recently loss 18 pounds due to illness suddenly lost it, and I am 55 years old and do not use and have never used gear. I have trained 40 years. As a powerlifter my bench was 500 pounds 13 years ago, and my deadlift was astronomical. I weighted 283 then with cloths, I am 231 with cloths right now. When I went to failure, my results were less and plateaued. I became much stronger periodizing by percentages, modified over the weeks based on RPE. My asthma is now where near as bad when I have more power as the muscles involved in breathing are so strong the Respiratory therapist rates them 170 % which is 70% stronger than the normal maximum for a healthy man in his 20s. This mean without being about to pass out but getting the full amount of oxygen, I get asthma attacks that I did not feel so no stress, no stress response or increase in stress hormones so the growths n my lungs stop growing and start again when I lose too ,much weight due to muscle loss, then stop when I gain back the muscle. I never smoked.
@Ruba... Күн бұрын
"I don't follow science, I'm more into biomechanics". Speechless.
@adamsloane1748 Күн бұрын
My forehead still hurts from the involuntary slap I gave it when I heard that.
@johnmadden6065 Күн бұрын
I dont think people hate science based lifters i think wat they hate is people saying don't do it this way do it this way. Its people saying u can't instead of just saying maybe try this instead
@beegest_yoshi Күн бұрын
Yes that's the most annoying thing ever.
@adamsloane1748 Күн бұрын
@@beegest_yoshi Exactly. Recommending that people try a diagonal pull (or pull around) is fine. What's annoying is being told that a pull down or pull up is a waste because your lats aren't active at above 120 degrees of shoulder flexion. Or being told that you shouldn't do bent over laterals because they don't really work rear delts. Or that straight arm pull downs are a pec and long head of the triceps exercise, so don't do them because they don't isolate the lats. Or that you MUST do long-length partials. The "go optimal or go home" thing is what annoys me. That and the people who insist that because they got a PhD, they are "doctors." If I had called any of my professors at college or Grad school "doctor," they'd have laughed me out of the classroom.
@DerMeister821 Күн бұрын
None of them are science based. They just read a study that allows confirmation bias and ignore all p values and any other pertinent factors.
@Damian_Materowski Күн бұрын
GVS is valuable part of each and every podcast 😊
@richardtrass Күн бұрын
G 😂. His name is pronounced Gee Off Free. I know this cos Steve and Pascal told me so. Despite his crazy name he’s a terrific bloke😂
@snowiblind Күн бұрын
I love Jeffrey! 😍
@Damian_Materowski Күн бұрын
@@richardtrass LOL , of course, what a fuck up of mine
@Detvanliga Күн бұрын
I do not trust nasal people. Milo Wolf is nasal. And science based. Go figure!! .
@weakest_serb Күн бұрын
Also, GVS mentioned that you don't really need high meal frequency to maximise gains, and you only really need about 4 protein servings per day. That is also not necessary. There was a study that proved that protein is still being digested 20+ hours after a meal. Meaning that as long as you are eating once a day, you are fine in terms of muscle gain.
@johnmadden6065 Күн бұрын
I'm sorry but I can't agree that getting your daily amount of protein b it 100 go 200g of protein or watever it is in one meal is the same or a gud idea as spreading out in 4 or 5 meals that's one huge meal.
@RESNone208 Күн бұрын
​@@johnmadden6065 I agree that it's not ideal, but A) they didn't say ONE feeding, they said less than 4 is okay. 3 is less than 4, and B) 100g of protein isn't really a huge meal. That's less than 1lb of chicken breast. Totally doable. I just ate a 14oz chicken breast sando and I'm not even remotely overfull.
@weakest_serb Күн бұрын
@johnmadden6065 For practicality, sure. But for gains it will be the same.
@gamerchristina1079 Күн бұрын
😂😂 yeah you may be fine but not optimal
@johnmadden6065 Күн бұрын
@weakest_serb where is that proven tho show me someone who has gained muscle and gotten big on one meal a day
@yourbrain8700 Күн бұрын
Geoffrey strikes me as a very homoerotic man, that's an important quality for a content creator in this space to have, no?
@stephensimon7621 Күн бұрын
this guy is dishonest, no one thinks 50 sets was the point of the study. he doesn't even understand what science was trying to accomplish. he creates straw men arguments he is truely a moron.
@TAL20013 Күн бұрын
Yeah, but he's probably bigger than you so..
@FiremanSimon Күн бұрын
My two favourites…. Well Saturday is sorted !! 🙌🙌
@stephensimon7621 Күн бұрын
You guys can't even agree what failure is. much less what is science based. This is just gym bros not understanding science and bashing what they don't understand.
@TAL20013 Күн бұрын
So the newb lifters they use in the studies know what failure is? Because that's science.
@beegest_yoshi Күн бұрын
They do. There are different levels of it, and many people don't go to actual muscular failure. That's what makes studies on new lifters flawed, cause they actually don't even know what it feels like.
@TheMasterblah Күн бұрын
Not even the science guys can agree on what failure is lmao
@Ash-os7fc Күн бұрын
Lifetime novice detected
@thegoldfish123 Күн бұрын
I just don't wanna train like a delicate pencil neck daffodil. Hoist heavy ass loads, eat a fuck ton of protein, sleep enough and repeat.
@nonattylimits Күн бұрын
Great strategy
@slee2695 23 сағат бұрын
But Milo is way stronger than GVS...so strength isnt the end all be all
@CABerlitz Күн бұрын
9:37 GVS's point on anyone being an outlier in some regard is akin to the joke that most Physics knowledge only apply to circular points on a vacuum, and I kinda like it. When considering real world individuals/situations one would have a ton of interfering variables, as he points out
@weakest_serb Күн бұрын
damn 3 GVS podcasts in 2 days, this is insane
@arturus4750 Күн бұрын
which other podcasts did he do??
@weakest_serb Күн бұрын
@arturus4750 2 others on Jonathat Warrens channel, with one of them being a debate with Scientific snitch.
@georgesarreas5509 Күн бұрын
damn.​I am not going to watch scientific snitch even if GVS is there​@@weakest_serb
@ac91dir24 Күн бұрын
Come ooon brooo, no self-deprecation if that's even a word lool. Science is really cool. Like lengthened tension, shortned tensions, synergy, compensation, the stuff that you can't really "bro" yourself through.
@TAL20013 Күн бұрын
You can bro yourself through it though. People have been bro-ing themselves through it for decades.
@eug4684 Күн бұрын
Loved the first pod with GVS, excited to dig into this one!
@richardtrass Күн бұрын
First pod? I thought he’d been on with Steve once before. Maybe it was the other one with Pascal. Not sure. Agree great he’s on 👍
@eug4684 Күн бұрын
@@richardtrass I see how my wording could be confusing. Referred to how I enjoyed their first podcast together (the previous one) with this one being their second
@richardtrass Күн бұрын
@ ahhhhh. Got it. And agree
@DomliftsDLC Күн бұрын
2 of my favourite Nattys ❤
@pablohyde4255 Күн бұрын
AJ is so humble! He’s the man
@nicowins 2 күн бұрын
Mike is so angry 😂
@devil5hlygrim972 3 күн бұрын
5yrs hence, what are the findings?
@personlikeu 4 күн бұрын
I still appreciate Mikes content but his ego is so out of control that he is unable to take criticism or walk back his objectively wrong takes.
@coletrickle6437 4 күн бұрын
Pascals humour cracks me up…. The comment about getting a nose ring. I nearly came off the road laughing 😂😂
@ReviveStronger 3 күн бұрын
@@coletrickle6437 hehe, and even then I'm holding back most of the time. Haha 😅
@richardtrass 4 күн бұрын
Interesting chat Lads. I think I’m able to determine good advice from bad or just have my own opinions. I don’t follow everything Mike says. I take some of his content with a grain of salt in particular his volume based progression which I just don’t think works for a natty. I don’t agree with the whole Milo LP thing. I feel there’s benefit to the contracted position. He’s clearly a very smart guy with great insights.
@gourmetpaul 5 күн бұрын
@Steve, as a full time nomad and bodybuilder, I highly recommend looking into SE Asia if you haven't, for your holiday. Thailand, Bali, and even the Philippines offer much of the same experience as the Maldives for a fraction of the cost, with much warmer and more authentic people. For the prices you're talking about (even on the lower range) you can get a white glove experience that you and surely the misses would enjoy.
@ReviveStronger 4 күн бұрын
Thanks for the tips man!
@puga4608 5 күн бұрын
If your surname is Coleman, I’m gonna listen 😂
@ReviveStronger 4 күн бұрын
@understandinglife.4541 5 күн бұрын
Ninja Creami De Luxe 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
@ReviveStronger 4 күн бұрын
Can't get enough!
@AN-uf5vg 5 күн бұрын
Mike comes across as a giant know-it-all with a huge ego
@Watch_Derek 5 күн бұрын
BALD I'm bald too, but still BALD!
@matthew6406 5 күн бұрын
Commenting for algorithm. Really like this channel
@ReviveStronger 4 күн бұрын
Thanks man!