The Acolyte: A Lesson in Elitism
The Slow Death of Star Wars
Joker 2: The Show Must Go On
Madam Web: A Complete Trainwreck
Madame Web: What is going on?
The Destruction of Nick Fury
Disney+ Nonsense: Echo
5 ай бұрын
A NerdWord Recommendation: Klaus
Captain Marvel: A Failed Superhero
@karenkayemurillo8333 15 сағат бұрын
Is Theo the king of rohan in the future?
@pkamil-tu9bz Күн бұрын
and it's all kathleen fucking kennedy's fault that idiot thought she was also the maestro of indiana jones I mock and taunt her after destroying indiana jones
@AdemolaOladipo Күн бұрын
Don't the actions of the girl bosses reflect how women typically are in real life? Especially feminists?
@raiman944 3 күн бұрын
the acting is painfully bad, especially the twins
@sohinis9416 3 күн бұрын
Then she said "because you didn't have me" in end game 🤡
@jonathandawson3091 3 күн бұрын
I'm not a big Star Wars lorist either. But, man. The way they burned it down, both the stone castle and the lore. Jesus. And the witch chant. Haven't seen such low quality stuff in a long while. And the stupid witches with no technology and lazy explanation as magic thread. And the cringeworthy acting. Less spoken about it the better. I thank you for not doing a review, because I really don't like any review of this either. I will look forward to the character analysis very much though! I have a morbid curiosity in a guided dissection of how the hell this happened.
@MichaelJAWoerz 3 күн бұрын
The fan base is broken It’s NOT Right!
@peternorthrup6274 4 күн бұрын
Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Get used to it. Nobody cares. Or haven't you figured that out yet? Redirect all your energy towards something constructive. Such as going into bad neighborhoods and handing out free birth control. To men and women. Do something that matters. If you chould prevent 20 unwanted pregnancy's kids that have no fathers. Kids that will end up committing crimes and end up in prison or dead. Your smart. Let people take advantage of that. You can make a difference. Nobody wants these kids. They just grow up to repeat the same mistakes. The taxpayers are so done feeding kids that are not there's. Have fun.
@davidnierzwick2775 4 күн бұрын
Stone 🔥 fire 🔥 😅😂
@vexvega5225 4 күн бұрын
They should just set money on fire as it would be a better use of their money and they can learn how fire works. Pathetic writing to sad storytelling to badly written characters. It was dead the moment they hired people with no idea about star wars.
@mphoramathe1801 4 күн бұрын
The ego and insecurities of Lesley Headland, ladies and gentlemen, for only 23 million dollars per episode. "I'm an evil lesbian who helped Harvey Weinstein, so I'll crap all over a franchise that's suffered enough, villainize it's heroes and heroines and claim there is no good and evil." I'm with you NerdWord, burn it all...
@jpm9590 4 күн бұрын
The ending of your video says it all about her. If she were to recognize good from evil publicly and on her stories, she would ultimately be recognizing that she closed her eyes and accepted all of what was happening during the Harvey Weinstein era.
@Mangolorian-je3eo 4 күн бұрын
The prequels were bad because George surrounded himself with yes men and there was no-one to tell him “this part sucks”. Disney’s toxic culture is far worse
@dsadik666 4 күн бұрын
It's dead. It's been dead since the last jedi.
@Buford_T_Justice1 4 күн бұрын
How dare you call it “Lesbian space witches”?!! That’s offensive. It’s COMMUNIST lesbian space witches thank you very much.
@thephoenix215-po2it 4 күн бұрын
Gotta wonder which is worse Velma or this star wars shit?
@huntarius1172 5 күн бұрын
Don't forget that over 3 movies and billions of dollars later they didn't have a single scene with Luke, Leia, and Han all together in the same room
@eternalhalloween1 5 күн бұрын
Whatever this is, it is NOT STAR WARS.
@michaelgreen776 5 күн бұрын
The entire concept of lesbian space witches is a "slap in the face" of the existing fan-base. The "gross misuse" of the money and resources of the Disney company maybe an "indirect shot" at the white male patriarchy"
@geraintthatcher3076 5 күн бұрын
To be fair, it wasn't just Headland. Dave Filoni also pushed to put these witches in it
@starledge 5 күн бұрын
Hollywood sci-fi is where it was in the early 1950's era, those laughable B grade black & white flicks. In the 1950's the Acolyte would have been titled - Space Lesbians From Mars!
@PaletteWIngs 5 күн бұрын
Episode 3 was boring. It leans too much on the inexperienced young actors playing the twins. The writing was the usual contradictory. I heard criticism from another youtuber that suggested this episode would've been better broken up and sprinkled throughout the other episodes and I agree. The only thing this episode did convince me more of is that Mae and Osha are the same person, but I'm less inclined to believe this, or any twist reveal, will be done well.
@PaletteWIngs 5 күн бұрын
Episode 1: *Campfire in space.* Episode 3: Hold my white wine, babes.
@fmc291 5 күн бұрын
I just want to let you all know. Not everyone in the 🏳️‍🌈 community are not this insane.
@RaikenXion 5 күн бұрын
I just really want wokeness to go the same way metoo went, the woke virus is destroying everything in it's path.
@jimalexander687 5 күн бұрын
An even earlier strong, female character was Emma Peel in "The Avengers" (the British TV show from the 1960's), who audiences accepted and embraced. To say there were no strong female characters in fiction prior to a few years ago requires a willfully closed mind or an absolute lie.
@jimalexander687 5 күн бұрын
Eight years ago I wrote the following about "Hamilton" -- which has much in common with your criticisms of the culture's bastardization of reality... Regarding the recent squabbling over Hamilton, that by which I am most annoyed is the propensity of our overly-pampered, perpetually-whining and politically-correct culture to completely ignore and capriciously abandon concepts like *historical accuracy* and (even more egregiously) *truth* in an effort to achieve and promulgate the imbecilic fallacy of "diversity" by which such hope to coddle the inane perception of their imagined, laughably and ever-fragile "group identities" through which the same are ever claiming perpetual victimization. Sadly, Hamilton isn't the only contemporary example of producers taking liberty with intentionally-distorted, historically-inaccurate casting for the sake of adherence to politically-correct inclusivity at the expense of actual facts, making a mockery both of the presentation itself, and the historicity of the characters and events about which the productions are based. A few years ago, "The Bible" mini-series also took egregious liberties with such, as did the BBC's "Hollow Crown" series based upon Shakespeare's "King Henry IV" (parts 1 & 2) and "King Henry V" -- all with which I took issue at the time. If the integrity of the plays and/or historical accuracy mean so little to the producers of said productions, why don't they cast women in the roles of male, historical figures, or men in the roles of female, historical figures? (I would be surprised if this actually hasn't already happened.) Why bother with historically-accurate casting for persons like Samson, the Duke of York, James Madison, Aaron Burr, or whomever? Why not make Joan d'Arc an elderly Chinese man, or Napoleon a transsexual Klingon? In all seriousness, where will the historical liberties end? Is there a limit to which insane Progressives will not go, where (as they hallucinate) facts are relative and everyone is free to interpret (and/or imagine) anything and everything as they like, without adherence to the constraints of antiquated concepts like historical accuracy and objective truth? If I am the only one bothered by such shamelessly-obtrusive, perverse corruptions of historical accuracy and truth, the world is in far worse shape than even I have imagined, and we've already descended into Orwellian madness. "Everything faded into mist. The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth." -- George Orwell (1984) P.S. I am wondering how artsy and open-minded Progressives would react to a remaking of Roots with Domhnall Gleeson playing Kunta Kinte?
@rastifan7863 5 күн бұрын
What can save Star Wars and Disney at this juncture? The shareholders remove Iger, Headland and Kennedy. Fire the board and get people who would rather tell a good story instead of using the franchise as a platform for agenda. Yeah it's not happening😞
@jimalexander687 5 күн бұрын
When "The Force Awakens" came out, I actually liked it. Rey's abilities (seemingly out of nowhere) didn't bother me. Even the way they killed off Han and didn't show Luke until the last minute of the film, while annoying, didn't detract from my enjoying the film. I assumed it would all be rectified in the next installment. Well, as we all know, it wasn't. Seeing "The Last Jedi" (the last Star Wars project I saw in a theater), I hated what they'd done, went home and tossed both the soundtrack and DVD of TFA into the garbage. I was perfectly content to accept Rey's staggering powers, but not at the expense of what they did to Luke Skywalker. If they used both Luke and Rey to their fullest, that would have been fine with me. But elevating Rey at the expense of the complete destruction of, and defecation on the character of Luke Skywalker was definitely *not* fine with me. While I do believe in men and women having differing strengths and roles (for which, granted, there are always exceptions), such should compliment and benefit the other, not denigrate, overpower and destroy them.
@whitetiana3022 5 күн бұрын
screw lucas for thinking he wasn't already rich enough. this is really all his fault. he had enough money to comfortably live till the end of his days. not to mention the steady income from the royalties. but no, that wasn't good enough for him
@vincenthoule5643 5 күн бұрын
This serie is even worsse than the race swap canadian robyn TV show and madame web(the worst movie of 2024).
@slayer201277 5 күн бұрын
So don’t watch …. But yet you will watch it, then go on about it being shit…..then watch the next episode and complain and complain. Get a life
@mikemichailidis1685 5 күн бұрын
The gayest Stars Wars tv show in the solar system 😂😂
@Bingshuina-yp7nm 5 күн бұрын
Why is her head literally like a lego man head
@jasonabc 5 күн бұрын
They succeeded with killing me as a star wars fan so part of their plan is working
@AquaticHelp22 5 күн бұрын
What a joke...just like this: How do you take a Billion Dollar Franchise and turn it into a Million Dollar Franchise? Give it to kathleen kennedy
@drizer4real 5 күн бұрын
Right. Just like surgery or repairing a Formula One car, you just have to pretend that you know what you are doing. We all should be very grateful that Lesley H. didn't decide to dabble into the medical profession. She would have killed by now.
@Jay_Perrotta 5 күн бұрын
Not just "Lesbian, space witches"... "Communist, lesbian, space witches" just sayin'
@anthonynosworthy3619 5 күн бұрын
Star Wars is not broken. Broken indicates it can be repaired back and working. Star Wars is just destroyed 😢
@jimalexander687 5 күн бұрын
Indeed, the new garbage (starting with the sequels, IMO) has tainted everything which came before it. It's difficult for me to appreciate the early material (in cinema, novels and the Dark Horse comic books -- not all of which was good, but more so than not) without the foul odor of what has happened since reeking into my nostrils. And while I've liked sparingly few, bits and pieces of the Disney + material over the past few years, they've even managed to taint that which I otherwise would have enjoyed, with stubbornly intrusive indications that it's all leading toward that dumpster fire of a sequel trilogy.
@playedit0ut290 5 күн бұрын
Star Wars is just a propaganda mouthpiece for woke dictators to project their fantasies.
@littlebilly8747 5 күн бұрын
The more shitty the shows get, the less actually bad scenes they will edit out. If all the scenes are bad to begin with, then you may as well put it all in
@VaanRavi 5 күн бұрын
The director looks exactly like what I'd imagine for someone writing this stupidly woke show
@tacky4237 5 күн бұрын
Eh. i don't care anymore.
@octaviovaladaoferreirinhad2689 5 күн бұрын
Much of the problema are on KK's account, she asked Leslie to do a Leslie show and gave her free reign and an immense budget to work with it. It has been a pattern: every new round of criticism from disgruntled fans makes Lucasfilm double down instead of correct the course. Now we know how a show promised to be targeted at a queer audience is like. Soon we will find out how an all-out actvist directing a movie will turn out.
@michaelcummings9033 5 күн бұрын
YES I have been waiting for longer videos.
@johnbox271 5 күн бұрын
Plot twist coming: "The destruction of the coven's fortress is perhaps the episode's weakest scene, as it feels rushed and also a bit non-sensical; it's never made clear why and how the witches die so quickly, with the fire causing a number of explosions that don't look especially deadly." The Jedi killed them all.
@n8_b_h 5 күн бұрын
I can’t stand Joaquin phoenix. At all ever. Screw him and Hollywood
@elck3 5 күн бұрын
I'm reminded of George RR Martin's latest thoughts on this. It definitely applies for this show: "Everywhere you look, there are more screenwriters and producers eager to take great stories and "make them their own." It does not seem to matter whether the source material was written by Stan Lee ... lan Fleming, Roald Dahl, Ursula K. Le Guin, J.R.R. Tolkien, Mark Twain ... Jane Austen, or... well, anyone. No matter how major a writer it is, no matter how great the book, there always seems to be someone on hand who thinks he can do better, eager to take the story and "improve" on it. "The book is the book, the film is the film," they will tell you, as if they were saying something profound. Then they make the story their own. They never make it better, though. Nine hundred ninety-nine times out of a thousand, they make it worse" -- George RR Martin, Blog post "The Adaptation Tango" 5/24/24
@n8_b_h 5 күн бұрын
Good work lady. 😂🎉❤
@n8_b_h 5 күн бұрын
TLJ was what woke me up.