How America got so Stupid
@luxor-uc2xs 20 сағат бұрын
Your heroic generation helped to free Europe from the Nazis but your youth today have no idea about the Holocaust? For me as an Austrian, that's shocking.
@Tony2438 Күн бұрын
Why did The US go so hard for Hawaii ?
@dinonuggies8699 Күн бұрын
Mass shootings and the left always hold hands sick monkeys your and your agenda
@captaincorky237 Күн бұрын
I think it has to do with Christianity. There is no fooling God Almighty.
@captaincorky237 Күн бұрын
Um... as an ex merchant seaman, I can tell you that sharks will always follow ships. Today. Do not go swimming in a port after dark...
@captaincorky237 Күн бұрын
There are women in certain very, very, secret units. If you put spooks into a place, and hide them as a couple, Yes. Their training is highly secret, but presumably is similar to the training that women spies receive in the Secret Intelligence Service, otherwise known as 'MI6'.
@vinnyward6547 2 күн бұрын
@1:09 when they are on about so many foreign visitors speaking different languages, these people are the locals and english for alot of them is a 2nd language.
@SarahKing-xj5qg 3 күн бұрын
I live in uk… u both so funny and amazing women love your hearts , definitely cuming back to your channel… I have to say we do feel safer here then Iv herd from people over your side of the world…. But few years ago across road we had a young man kill his mum and went out in public sooting and killing people including a 5 year old girl, he killed his self….. well more gun laws here bin tighten since then as well… it’s probably cuz in uk most up there own asses and live like we no best (sometimes we are rite)
@rw9207 4 күн бұрын
The average American pays about 15% of their income in Federal tax, but then, another 10-15% in state tax..and an average 18% on health cover. Totalling, a little over 40%-45% of their income.... In the UK the average Joe pays around 25-30% in taxes.. INCLUDING their National health contribution .. On the face of it, it looks like the Brits pay more taxes, but, they actually pay less over all...As well as no co-pay!!.........You're welcome!
@captaincorky237 5 күн бұрын
I used to live in the Lesser Antilles. One thing that made me feel at home - was 'Black Pudding'. (Blood sausage).
@captaincorky237 5 күн бұрын
Heh. If you buy weed or hashish, it is sold by the dealer in fractions of an ounce, but cokeheads and people measure their drug in grams. Confused?
@johnderrick2501 5 күн бұрын
It's not only British rights - the whole of Europe has at least the same rights as the British or if not better.
@donaldgrant9067 5 күн бұрын
We in America could have nice things if we didn't pay for their defense. Think of all the money that goes overseas to foreign government and bring it all back to America for the average American and we'd live like kings.
@jules.8443 5 күн бұрын
It might be a good idea to move the cursor up the screen so you don't get the line in the way of the video.
@spacefanatic 5 күн бұрын
You should watch the 2012 'Proms' (I believe) where they sing 'Land of Hope and Glory' and 'Jerusalem' if you have not done so. Also the 2023 Remembrance Service where Luke Evans (the actor) sings 'I Vow To Thee My Country'.
@thomasrohrmeier6280 5 күн бұрын
Believe me, most of us in Germany are ashamed of what happened. I mean, I tink I am not guilty in that way. But we are really carrying about, to let it not forget und NEVER happen it again.
@keithorbell8946 5 күн бұрын
The Tomb is close to the entrance of the Abbey, no one is allowed to step on it, so much that even the Queen’s Coffin was carefully carried around it. On another note, there is a tradition that the Bride at any Royal Wedding leaves her bouquet on the Tomb after the service. This was started by the Queen’s mother, who left her bouquet on the Tomb in remembrance of her brother, who didn’t come home from the war.
@xXKaira93Xx 6 күн бұрын
But this is what I mean what kind of laws do u Americans make they’re so unjust and unfair and unreasonable oh and unrealistic 😒😑🤯😰
@xXKaira93Xx 6 күн бұрын
And they call America the land of Free 😮 No its so Backwards literally America it’s the most messed up place ever I don’t understand why they are like this 😒
@JohnRoe-yl4iy 6 күн бұрын
Hello there! I had relatives fight in this war many thanks for your reaction! john hartlepool uk
@Judge_Dredd 6 күн бұрын
Well, not all semi-auto rifles, and handguns are prohibited weapons in the UK, .22 rimfire semi-auto rifles are still licenced, and so are muzzle loaded handguns. However, there are anomalies, in Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man (not a part of the UK), breech loaded handguns are still licenced. In the Channel Islands (not part of the UK), fully automatic, semi automatic, and breech loaded handguns are all still licenced. In addition, silencers are also licenced, and may end up being licence free, and there's no magazine capacity limits. In Scotland, Northern Ireland, and the Isle of Man, sub 12ft/lbs air rifles, and sub 6 ft/lbs air pistols are licenced, in the rest of the UK they aren't, although air pistols greater than 6ft/lbs are prohibited handguns.
@Chris-we7jx 7 күн бұрын
Hi Girls. Very amusing review. The term 'British' Baked Beans (in tomato sauce) is a bit of a misnomer as almost all baked beans consumed in the UK are imported from the USA. I wanted to include my favourire sarcastic insults to use on friends - which you might like to try out. 1. " I like your shirt / blouse - you can get them in your size as well " 2) Superb bitchy remark. When someone is wearing a previously-worn item of clothing instead of new " oh your dress is lovely - I've always liked that ".
@kristienification 7 күн бұрын
I live in Belgium, it's a 10 minute walk to the bakery where we live
@juliebear1505 8 күн бұрын
The same happened in New Zealand and Australia. Masscres led to massive changes in gun laws restricting access to most guns.
@steveb1972 8 күн бұрын
Xee I’d love to see a comparison of the US and JA!
@steveb1972 8 күн бұрын
Well you guys in the US had a ban on automatic assault rifles, but let it slide out of date…
@MusiciansWithVision 8 күн бұрын
One mass shooting changed the law in the UK, one mass shooting changed the law in New Zealand, one million mass shootings wouldn't change the law in USA; if anything, it would result in a law making guns MORE accessible!
@annwilsonclark2737 8 күн бұрын
What’s a Christian school, I though no religion in schools.
@nickydaniels1476 9 күн бұрын
During this time, my grandma's job was to sleep in the bell tower of the church and signal when there were fires to put out
@ajtommo 9 күн бұрын
As an Englishman I thank you lovely ladies for you showing and teaching your children the truth. Thank you and send my full respects ❤️🇬🇧
@mitula4986 9 күн бұрын
Zdravím z České republiky, hezké video. Nastínili jste zde pár otázek, na které nevíte odpovědi, tak snad trošku přispěji k objasnění. 1. otázka: Jak mohli Němci mohli dopustit nástup Hitlera k moci, i když věděli jaké rasistické názory prezentuje. Toto téma je daleko složitější a sahá do historie německého císařství, až p 1 sv. válku (Hitler také sloužil v armádě za 1. sv. války) po úspěšném atentátu na následníka rakousko-uherského trůnu arcivévodu Františka Ferdinanda d'Este v Sarajevu dne 28. června 1914. Ve zkratce, po 1 sv. válce bylo Německo poraženo a bylo vyčerpáno jak ekonomicky tak politicky. A v takové situaci se vždy hledá viník. Proto začal Hitler označovat za viníky právě tehdejší politické špičky a židy. Bohužel toto se děje i dnes v každé zemi, jakmile dojde díky politickým rozhodnutím k poklesu životní úrovně. 2. otázka: proč tato genocida židů trvala tak dlouho a nikdo nic neudělal : o těchto zvěrstvech se vědělo dlouho a věděli o tom i Spojené státy americké - návštěva představitelů židovské komunity u prezidenta Rossevelta, „V New Yorku, když viděli číslo z tábora na mém rameni, brali mě jako Žida. Když jsem řekl, že jsem byl Polák uvězněný v Osvětimi - nevěřili mi.“ (důkazy přinášeli jak novináři, žijící v okupovaných státech, samotní židé, tak Papež), načež představitelé USA jasně deklarovaly, že je toto nezajímá, nevěřili tomu a není to jejich válka ( doporučuji shlédnout dokument s názvem Shoah, který se tomuto tématu věnuje) Shoah is a 1985 French documentary film about the Holocaust (known as "Shoah" in Hebrew since the 1940s[4]), directed by Claude Lanzmann. Over nine hours long and eleven years in the making, the film presents Lanzmann's interviews with survivors, witnesses and perpetrators during visits to German Holocaust sites across Poland, including extermination camps). Na závěr, bych chtěla připojit svou osobní připomínku. Bohužel se setkávám s názory, zvláště u cizinců, kterých se tyto hrůzy nedotkly, proč se pitvat v minulosti, důležitá je budoucnost. Což je špatně. Lidé kteří neznají historii, nebo si ji nechtějí připomínat, tak dospějí k tomu, že další generace již o těchto zvěrstvech nebudou vědět a ty se pak mohou opakovat. Dále jsem šokována tím co se děje i teď ve světě a prakticky tato genocida židů probíhá i nyní viz. Palestinsko - Izraelský konflikt. Palestinci za 2 sv. války spolupracovali s nacisty a chtěli tuto genocidu židů rozšířit i na Blízký východ. Proto jsem zděšena tím, kolik států tyto nacistické praktiky Palestinců podporuje, ve formě různých protestů a pochodů proti Izraeli, aniž by tito zastánci vůbec věděli o těchto zvěrstvech na židech za 2 světové války. Tomu se říká "falešná humanita". Na závěr bych Vám doporučila spousty dokumentů a filmů, které na toto téma vznikly. I když jste byly šokovány tímto videem, které jste zpracovaly, není to nic v porovnání s realitou, kterou tyto dokumenty ukazují v realitě. Obzvláště dokumenty, které ukazují osvobození koncentračního tábora generálem Pattonem a zvěrstva které poprvé američtí vojáci viděli na vlastní oči. I když varuji před brutalitou., Filmy: Auschwitz: The Great Escape 2007 Sobibor 2018 Nackt unter Wölfen 2015 The Boy in the Striped Pajamas 2008 Message 2020
@baslifico 9 күн бұрын
Please watch "Irish Road Warriors Southern 100" ... SAme place, much better video and a race not a time trial.
@PotsdamSenior 9 күн бұрын
In (I guess) most of Europe tap water has to meet higher standards than bottled water.
@chrisuk45 9 күн бұрын
The up and down represents the bobbing up and down of the sailers as we were th worlds greatest sea power when this was written .
@tansygilbert4095 9 күн бұрын
The Tube was the first underground railway on earth it opened for buisness 1863 it is also the largest underground railway .
@melaniekehaya2868 10 күн бұрын
Also regarding sick pay. Most people don’t get any pay when sick. Again it’s only well paid valued people who get paid for being off sick. Millions of people have to work through sickness as cannot afford to be ill as too many people working from pay cheque to pay cheque. Actually even many well paid people also don’t get any sick pay this day. Yes SSP may kick in but it doesn’t pay your bills/ rent. Also there’s many zero hour contracts here and if you’re off too much they just don’t give you any hours. Many people have to use their holiday days when sick. There’s many people also who work for companies but are self employed under them and on very low salaries. They get no sick pay whatsoever or holiday pay. It’s not as rosey as you think. Been working 40 years here and British. Never had sick pay in this time, always on zero hour contracts and at times no holiday pay either. I’ve never had 5.6 weeks holiday pay. You’re comparing the entirety of the USA to high valued jobs in the UK which isn’t being realistic
@THEIDLESHOW 10 күн бұрын
I’m in the U.S. I have 2 weeks of vacation time a week and I found the hard way that I can’t take them all at once. They highly recommend taking a week at a time. 😂 😢
@SuperSetsquare 10 күн бұрын
The yanks are cowards unless they have a gun
@holog2992 10 күн бұрын
the quality is abismal compared to eu
@fionaparkinson3821 10 күн бұрын
It was one soldier representing many soldiers. That seems to get a bit forgotten. It doesn’t matter who he was or what he did. He’s just a soldier who represents every soldier. Everyone can grieve with him because he represents everyone who died in war. That’s forgotten about in today’s stupid politics. He doesn’t represent any party, country, religion, shade of skin or eurocracy. He is just a someone who died in war. Learn and improve yourselves. It honestly doesn’t matter. Whatever your division is, it doesn’t matter.
@HalloweenHallo-j3c 10 күн бұрын
What is this sound Qualität is shit 😂😂
@gabbymcclymont3563 10 күн бұрын
The UK has not had slavery since 1088, so it is totaly apporant to the UK.
@Username-7781 11 күн бұрын
As someone who grew up in Scotland, kids are expected to at least tell a joke or sing a song (often Halloween-related).
11 күн бұрын
Americans are stupid
@SVSupervox 11 күн бұрын
Contrary to popular belief the UK did *not* ban handguns and it is *not* illegal to own a handgun (or a semi-automatic weapon, come to that) in the UK - however, there are very strict rules as to size and calibre of those permitted. Perhaps the biggest difference between gun ownership here in the UK and in the US is the reason for wanting to own a weapon. If on a UK firearm or shotgun licence application you state that you want the weapon for self-defence, it will be instantly denied (followed quite probably by a quiet investigation into your life and lifestyle!) whereas in the US (thanks to the current interpretation of the 2nd Amendment) no reason is required to be given.
@baramuth71 11 күн бұрын
Basically, all US citizens are being lied to and deceived in all areas because nothing they are told every day through propaganda is true. They are brainwashed into believing that the USA is No. 1 in all areas. And the worst thing is that everyone is so influenced and still believes this nonsense. Exploitation and oppression of the rich are the order of the day, and the government allows these machinations because the rich have the say in the country and manipulate the government through corruption. Yes, the lobby is strong in this criminal system of exploitation. The worst thing about this country is that it allows a convicted felon, who has only made money through criminal fraud, who has bankrupted his own companies, to be re-elected president, or that such people can be elected president. How can a country have confidence in such a person in the highest office of the state? What is wrong with the USA, something is going very wrong. And this is supposed to be a democracy, to be honest, the understanding of democracy in China and in life is even better.
@windsorSJ 12 күн бұрын
Selfishness is the problem in America, there is the attitude of "why should I pay for someones healthcare who doesn't make as much money as I do". Whereas in Europe including the UK we are more community minded and are quite happy to share the cost for something that will benefit everyone. A good example was the reaction in the US with Covid when you had some people who said "I'm young and strong it won't effect me, I'm not wearing a mask" while not understanding that masks protected people you come into contact with from you.
@patabrahart1200 12 күн бұрын
Born war time I can remember you’d go the subways and come out morning ,lots of houses gone and lot of dead people.My dad was a warden come home and said your all being evacuated to Wales he had just pulled a dead body of a child out of a bomb house.
@margretblaswich6229 12 күн бұрын
How many children and adults where shot by accident by children? In the rest of the world 0. As long as people don't see their responsibilty, no one shoud have weapons. A FBI statistic says that 80% (!) of weapons, wich are in the hands of criminals, are stolen. From whom. Resposibility. I remember Dunblane. I remember Port Arthur. I remember Winnenden.
@nickydaniels1476 12 күн бұрын
I think it's only really farmers who have guns in the UK. I'm in my 40s and I have only ever seen a gun at an airport. Just 2 armed police officers patrolling. That's it!!!