Because There Is Such A Thing As A Heart [Gogotea - English Translation] 山も谷もない A life without mountains or valleys- そんな人生がよかった That kind of life would have been better. そう思うんだ That’s what I think. 上るにしても下るにしても坂道は楽じゃないから Whether climbing up or down, The slope is never easy to walk. それに付随して浮き沈みを繰り返す心ってやつは面倒だ And along with it comes the heart that rises and falls, Such a troublesome thing. これを売り飛ばせるとしたらどれだけの価値が付くんだろう If I could sell it, I wonder how much value it would hold. 今に至る人生の途中 On this path of life so far, 転がる矮小な幸福で生き永らえてしまった I survived on fleeting, trivial happiness. そこに付け入る負の連鎖 But where happiness sneaks in, A chain of misfortune follows. "生きる"とは自傷行為と大差ない "Living" is not so different from self-harm. 喜びだなんて感情は哀しみを肥やすための餌 Emotions like joy are just food To nourish sorrow. 喜怒哀楽の共食いに命すらかかっている Even our very lives are prey In the cannibalism of joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure. 目には見えない存在にどうして僕らは囚われてるんだ Why are we trapped by things We cannot even see? 夢も何もない A life with no dreams, no aspirations- そんな人生がよかった That kind of life would have been better. そう思うんだ That’s what I think. 叶う叶わない Whether they come true or not, いずれにしてもその重さに潰されるから The weight of them crushes you just the same. 裏腹にいざって時に諦めの悪い心ってやつは滑稽で面倒だ Yet, in contrast, When the moment comes, This stubborn heart that refuses to give up Is both ridiculous and exhausting. 人を人たらしめるものが心なら僕は機械でいい If it’s the heart that makes us human, I’d rather be a machine. 光なんてものを知ったから Because I knew something called "light," その裏の陰にも気付いてしまった I became aware of the shadows behind it. 人として生まれたから Because I was born human, 心なんてものがあるから Because there is such a thing as a heart, 依然として僕らは疲弊しているんだ We remain weary and worn. あらゆる事象の表と裏 Every phenomenon has two sides- その板挟みで平静を保てるほど僕らは出来ちゃいなかった We were never built To stay calm between them. 生きるなら心を捨てなきゃ If you want to live, You have to throw your heart away. 希死念慮や躁鬱も出所は心の暗所 Suicidal thoughts and manic-depression Come from the dark corners of the heart. 僕らなりの抵抗を正論で捻じ伏せるな Don’t crush our struggles With your righteous logic. 目には見えないもんに迎合するあんたらに何が分かるんだ What could you, Who conform to the unseen, Possibly understand?