@VaughnLaguerre 22 сағат бұрын
Revelation 9 vs 12 to 21 is world war 3 coming in the middle east,Isaiah 13 is the prophesy of it.The 200,000,000 is an Islamic army to slay the third part of men which is 2.7 billion people,the third world started when irag invaded kuwait as a protest against the west for the palestinians.
@Teshometeshiti 22 сағат бұрын
Honestly thanks a lot and appreciate you to such excited presentation of Ethiopia in Bible history to the rest of world those who do not recogonized Ethiopia as a great country. Ethiopian GOD bless you !!!
@coolrabbit75 22 сағат бұрын
And the Ethiopian jews suffered racism and sterilization from the group there
@tigistweyessa7092 22 сағат бұрын
Yes We Ethiopian's are the True Jews !Ethiopia is the True ZION ! What you read is God word! not a history book! God blesse all the World!
@israelizzyyarrashamiaak766 22 сағат бұрын
Brave man to make this video right now. I don’t disagree as I’ve studied the Bible endlessly but during such tumultuous times simply making this video could be ….. messy. I do appreciate the video even if many will disagree. The Bible is the end all of arguments. If the Bible says it- it’s true
@jeffi854 22 сағат бұрын
Yeah, and God said he alone would gather his none believing people, a secular people from the four corners of the earth 🌍 and how he knew they would not be obedient to God . God said he knew they would be regathered back into his land but that one day they will believe in the God of Israel 🇮🇱. That one day they will callout to the living God when they cry out blessed is he who comes in the name of Yeshua !
@williejackson6182 23 сағат бұрын
Good. Information
@viralflowTV 23 сағат бұрын
Has nothing todo with Deuteronomy even the sephardic jews were slaves for 900 + years Deuteronomy was speaking of the time of Nebucadezzar, accept being African and not Hebrews and Not Egyptian
@Qarniyoos 23 сағат бұрын
@marcbra5074 23 сағат бұрын
Historical fact doesn’t matter. Hate is about manipulation of emotion.
@ShantaDaniel 23 сағат бұрын
India is mentioned in the Book of Esther as India in English translation Esther 1:1: "Now it came to pass in the days of Ahasuerus, who reigned over 127 provinces from India even unto Ethiopia". and as Indu Desam in Tamil or the land beyond River Sind - during the Persian Emperors Xerxes and Cyrus rule etc. it was governed by the Satraps or Governers of Provinces . Originally Hindu was named by the Persians as the Land beyond Sind River. It was not a name of religion.
@tongorlangar6487 23 сағат бұрын
This is an interesting history. The Dan Tribe is spread to most of the Africans countries in africa. We even have The Dan Tribe in Liberia 🇱🇷 as well.
@annbarkley5284 23 сағат бұрын
Whether lost or misplaced the Bible says in John 3:16 For God (So)loved the world that he gave us his only begotten Son that (Whosoever) believed in him(shall) not perish (but) have everlasting life. Christ died for the world no color race or creed. So no one is lost if they knew Christ. Prophecy fulfilled when it said “ I came to you my own and my own receive me not .” We are Gods creation and all is fearfully and wonderfully made .
@trudeauhasgottogo2725 23 сағат бұрын
Of Isreal? Lol Isreal was made by the Rothschilds family ans they changed the world map to hide true history 💯
@SamKekenai 23 сағат бұрын
Certainly god's word is coming to fulfilment
@RG-jr8ym Күн бұрын
If you read the book on Adam and Eve, India is mentioned in almost every page...
@greatindiandreams Күн бұрын
Wrong Ishmael will be a wild donkey of a man. That is totally wrong translation. According to christian theologians Rabbi's deliberately included antisemitism in their scriptures. The Jewish Torah is derived from Leningrad Codex which is dated around 1000AD approximately but the older torah is of the Samaritans which is around 120BC. There the correct translation is i will paraphrase it. Ishmael will be a fertile man and he will dwell among st his brothers. It is now accepted translation by a lot of christian theologians and the Jewish version is considered a wrong.
@brownogbu5978 Күн бұрын
What if I told you that you're a liar. What if I asked you how you know that your information is accurate and mine is wrong. ignorant is a disease. The Bible says that my people perish for lack of knowledge.
@zerogravy8359 Күн бұрын
Yeah, right India will first accept the Christ and then fight against each other's doctrine of GOD to determine which is the correct doctrine of God according to the Bible 🤡
@maotengmomsourne5904 Күн бұрын
chineses are living every where in the world.. military force or not.
@danielpaul626 Күн бұрын
I’m from India Kolkata. William Carey’s Bible college here. Thank you for this vedeo
@jameswines6589 Күн бұрын
Read what the Bible says it says the kings of the East So it's not just China
@mercydj1991 Күн бұрын
Wow, I always thought Palestine and Palastine were the same. Thank you for the clarification!
@DeepBibleStories Күн бұрын
Thank you for watching and engaging! It means a lot to know the clarification was helpful!
@SuperJasondennis 22 сағат бұрын
This is the big problem of that conflict! Most people are ignorant of the history, not saying you are but I know people who will see this and completely disregard it and say yea Palestinians were always there! No they weren't, Arabs were in the region for sure, but this whole Palestinan cause, unfortunately for the self proclaimed Palestinians, is nothing more than an attempt to continue to wage war against Israel
@canibalgazaboy8325 Күн бұрын
Thank for the truth
@DeepBibleStories Күн бұрын
You welcome!
@tatevsahradyan775 Күн бұрын
jews have zero connection with Noah,,its Armenians who have and many decades jews try to fake story of Armenians
@williamkamore Күн бұрын
You left out the Gikuyu tribe who from the tribe of Asher. Upto now still live in mt.zion
@Susan-yl3fx Күн бұрын
Those of... wherever we are..as long as we close to our Heavenly Father and Most Blessed Creator.... and our Precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ... know who we are...if our communication with our Heavenly Father are open and have been following him and listening to him.... daily to this day.. even if we slipped at some times...we have already been forgiven and are still following our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus our Christ.... our Savior...
@sorik449 Күн бұрын
Northern Ethiopia people Semetic people and semetic language not kush people
@benchippy8039 Күн бұрын
History will not remember Israel as the good guys. Western governments enabling the slaughter will have a stain on their legacy too
@sorik449 Күн бұрын
Ethiopian people is semetic people specially northern Ethiopian people ።።።Tigray Amhara & Gurage people ።።።።and the language Amharic tigrigna & guragina semetic language basically from Geaz
@Bacahonest Күн бұрын
We Ethiopians God is our hope.
@verghesecherian5529 Күн бұрын
Why are the graphics so crude
@datepalm1969 Күн бұрын
The last three (3) 'trumpet' judgement in the book of Revelation are the three (3) 'woes' (Revelation 8:13), described in Revelation 9:1-21 and Revelation 11:15-18, pertains to the 'time of Jacob's trouble' that will be caused by the revived Islamic Caliphate 🌙, not China 🇨🇳. Multiple passages of prophetic scripture in the Bible in both the Old Testament and the New Testament of the Bible, overwhelmingly prove that that the 'beast from the great sea' (Daniel 7:7; Revelation 13:1), and the 'scarlet-coloured beast' (Revelation 17:3), are depictions of the revived Islamic Caliphate 🌙, and not China 🇨🇳. The interpretation that the 'historic' Islamic empire (including the Islamic Caliphates and Sultanates 🌙) which ended in 1917 (officially in 1922 when the Ottoman Empire was dissolved), is supported by the 'correct' translation and interpretation of Daniel 2:39 in which two words ('inferior' and 'thee' in Daniel 2:39 of the KJV Bible), have been mistranslated, the consequence of which is the misconception that the fourth (4th) 'kingdom' (empire) that is depicted as the legs of iron in the multi-layered statue in Nebuchadnezzar's prophetic dream on the 'latter days' (Daniel 2:28), is the Roman Empire. However, in Daniel 2:39 (KJV), the correct translation of the word 'inferior' should be 'more than' and the correct translation of the word 'thee' should be 'land' or 'territory'. The correct translations of the said two words ('inferior' and 'thee'), completely changes the interpretation of Daniel 2:39. The said verse is actually stating that all empires represented in Nebuchadnezzar's multi-layered statue must occupy the 'same area' that was occupied by the Babylonian empire, plus more (i.e. additional) area. The correct translation, and therefore, the correct interpretation, of Daniel 2:39 precludes the possibility that the legs of iron in Nebuchadnezzar's multi-layered statue depict the Roman Empire, but in fact depict historic Islamic empire 🌙, which is also depicted as the 7th head on the 'beast from the great sea' (Daniel 7:7; Revelation 13:1; etc). As a consequence of the correct interpretation of Daniel 2:39, the 'feet of iron mingled with potter's clay' (Daniel 2:41-43) in Nebuchadnezzar's multi-layered statue, depict the 'revived' Islamic Caliphate 🌙, which is the 'eighth (8th) beast' in Revelation 17:9-11, but is one of the seven (7) empires that unjustly afflicted and oppressed the descendents of Jacob-Israel: - 1. Egyptian empire; 2. Assyrian empire; 3. Babylonian empire; 4. Medo-Persian empire; 5. Macedonian empire (falsely attributed to the non-existent Grecian empire); 6. Roman empire; and 7. Islamic empire (includes the Islamic Caliphates and Sultanates 🌙). The above seven (7) empires are depicted as 'seven (7) mountains' in Revelation 17:9-11, which is often falsely interpreted as being the Roman empire because of the false premise that the city of Rome was built on seven (7) hills, whereas at the time of apostle John's prophetic vision in the book of Revelation, Rome occupied about ten (10) or eleven (11) hills, none of which were the Vatican Hill at that time! It is emphasised that Revelation 17:9-11 is explicit that the 'eighth (8th) empire must be one of the seven (7) empires (listed above), which precludes the possibility that the eighth (8th) empire (depicted as the scarlet-coloured beast in Revelation 17:3), is China 🇨🇳, or Russia 🇷🇺, or Japan 🇯🇵, or Europe, etc; but as already stated, the eighth (8th) empire must come from one of the seven (7) empires listed above. And the only empire that checks all the boxes, is the revived Islamic Caliphate 🌙. The interpretation that the people in China 🇨🇳 descended from Noah's son Japheth is also false because, among other information in the Bible to the contrary, Genesis 9:27 informs that the descendents of Japheth would 'dwell in the tents of Shem' which infers that the two would inhabit the same geographical regions and share the same values of the (i.e. the values in the Bible). Genesis 9:27 was substantially fulfilled in the 11th century A.D., when the 'Turkic' Muslims from the eastern side of the Caspian Sea (now identified as Turkmenistan 🇹🇲, Uzbekistan 🇺🇿, Kazakhstan 🇰🇿, etc), 'unprovokingly' attacked and invaded the nations in the ancient Anatolia (present day Asia Minor), which was 'lawfully' occupied by the descendents of Noah's son Japheth. The Turkic invasion (which involved horrific slaughter, torture, etc), forced the surviving descendents of Japheth to flee into Europe (through what is now Greece 🇬🇷), and into eastern Europe (through what is now Georgia 🇬🇪). (Source: 'Chronicles' by Matthew of Edessa; and several other historians) Although not widely known, expect for the Gentiles who are 'indigenous' to the land, and Gentile migrants from other nations, both of whom are in the minority because the population of people was very sparse in those times, the vast majority of people in Europe and other Western nations of the world are in fact the descents of 'Jacob-Israel (and therefore, the descendents of the twelve (12) tribes of Israel), who have been scattered (dispersed) to the 'end of the earth' (Isaiah 49:1-12; Amos 9:9; James 1:1; and ~130+ other passages of scripture in the Bible). The word 'Sinim' in Isaiah 49:12 (KJV) is a 'transliteration' (as distinct from 'translation'), of the Hebrew word that means 'South'. Therefore, the term, 'land of Sinim' in Isaiah 49:12 (KJV), should be translated, 'the land of the South'. And because the word 'land' in Isaiah 49:12 (KJV) should be translated as the 'great (i.e. enormous or large), the correct translation of the term, 'land of Sinim' in Isaiah 49:12 (KJV), should be the 'great land of the South' or the 'great Southland' which was translated as 'Terra Australis' in the Latin Bible. The name 'Australia' is derived from the term, 'Terra Australis'. Therefore, the term, 'land of Sinim' in Isaiah 49:12 (KJV) is none other than Australia 🇦🇺 (the great continent of the South, or the 'great Southland')!!! Isaiah 49:12 speaks of the 'gathering' (or more accurately, the 'regathering'), of the descendents of Jacob-Israel to their designated land from the River Nile to the River Euphrates (Genesis 15:18), which will be fulfilled at the beginning of the New Millennium. However, in order for some, albeit not all, of the descendents of Jacob-Israel to be 'regathered' from Australia 🇦🇺 to their designated land in the Middle East, they must first be 'scattered' (dispersed) to Australia 🇦🇺, which began with the arrival of Captain Cook in 1770. So, Australia 🇦🇺 (identified as the 'land of Sinim' in Isaiah 49:12 KJV), is in the prophetic scriptures of the Bible! Amazing but true!
@lewiabraha5738 Күн бұрын
The Arabs for Ishmael & Israel for Isaac the supporters of Ishmael have lost. In a short time the Palestinian will know the truth
@norab2125 Күн бұрын
It is written in quran to kill Jews and christians and convert the world to islam. Islamic god allah and false prophet Mo hates Israel to the bone. Satan hates the God of Israel to the bone. It’s as simple as that.
@abara887 Күн бұрын
Click bait.
@MaurineDurity Күн бұрын
Matthew 12-36 says when you stand before The Most Heigh Power, you will have to give account for every word that comes out of your mouth 🙌🏾
@teresitahilario1498 Күн бұрын
The Magog/ Gog!! Its in the Bible… NO WANDER!!!
@CobraPR893 Күн бұрын
US - Israel provoking China & Rusia & othere to increase there military.
@hankdetroit2076 Күн бұрын
There is no such Nation called Palestine there is no such people as a Palestinian it's a made-up term they're just Arabs from Jordan
@ferdinanddiego5242 Күн бұрын
How liar are you? Where can you find any record in World History that Asia ang Europe exchanged their people? Asia Major are Shemite through Joktanian Hebrew Joktan has 13 sons Ophir is one among them. And Asia Minor as Pelegan Hebrew where Abraham the Father of Isaac and Isaac the Father of Israel. And Asia Minors where Israelites who escaped from King Nebuchadnezzar 605BC. Europeans are Gentiles they are the childrens of Japheth. Not we as Pilipino/Maharlika. Our Ancestors were Inca and Mayans. No matter how liar you are, you can't change the Biblical records and World Record that we, Pilipino/Maharlika are the long lost begotten Tribe of Israel. Our ancestor was Likhi of 1Chronicles 7:19 and in the Book of Mormon his name was Lehi. Our ancestral record was written in the Book of Mormon. Not your narrative came from your own theory. I hate you and I will give you a recompense to this cheating you have done against this birthright bearer. I am Bongbong Tangiyan The fullest and the only one.
@franciscooper5011 Күн бұрын
The Bible says it all - no need to keep pondering over the fact that TMH JEHOVAH, tells us all through the Bible who the children are, and we have suffered for being disobedient to our GOD! We are crying out to Him today, asking for forgiveness for what our ancestors did, and those who love him are changing their lives, I am.
@rajucharles2957 Күн бұрын
India Mentioned in the Bible- Esther ✝️🇮🇳
@brucefarnham6616 Күн бұрын
@DarthTwilight Күн бұрын
This is really kind of just mulching the same information over and over and over again...
@dorotheaburchall9938 Күн бұрын
@TheSkogarmoar Күн бұрын
The West Bank would make more sense to Bible Believers if you called it what it actually is. Judea and Sumeria. Also, Gaza is old Canaan. That will help people understand too. That's where Goliath and the Philistines were from. Philistine --> Palastine
@carl9015 Күн бұрын
Gog Magog
@justinamusyoka4986 Күн бұрын
@abedejong6799 Күн бұрын
Many followers of Christ Jesus believe to be connected to Zebulon in the Netherlands, pls read the blessings of Jacob to HIS sons in Genesis 49:13 before he passed away.