@tibbar1000 Күн бұрын
Wow, it is amazing to see some of the overlap between his stories and the Exorcist; fighting dogs,/fighting cats, “leave her alone she is mine”, …lots of similarities
@GabrielKish 3 күн бұрын
I've been there 4 times. Everyone appeared young (30's to 40) in the prime of their health. Everyone looked handsome or beautiful. A soft light radiated from everywhere. The light felt wonderful, like being in love. I've wanted to stay everytime I've been there. It really helped take away the fear of death.
@meggold3422 3 күн бұрын
I appreciate his expertise and faith, but Jesus is our Priest, intercessor and Lord. Christ fulfilled the Law. Once we accept His authority, the devil and his minions have no ground to stand on.
@anthonyfowler2623 7 күн бұрын
@anthonyfowler2623 7 күн бұрын
@nephilim0may0cry 9 күн бұрын
Pro tip: we live in a time loop🤣
@kelleenrossman7781 9 күн бұрын
It’s had getting back-demons are always restricting through the flesh, - when I pray it puts me to sleep , the rosary is a struggle when I want to go to mass I have anxiety.. but I’m not talking in a different language yet.
@robertleechford4250 9 күн бұрын
Truth spoken here.
@lifegiverchurchwindsor 9 күн бұрын
The new Testament authors are eye witnesses of christ. This guy doesn't know what he's talking about.
@alimaloney218 12 күн бұрын
May God bless and protect Fr. Carlos Martins as well as all of his brother exorcist priests. May they continue to free souls from the grip of the demonic. Mother Mary and St. Joseph, Terrors of demons, Pray for us. St. Michael the Archangel, Pray for us. St. Benedict, Pray for us. St. Pio, Pray for us! Amen! ❤️🙏🏼✝️
@mausperson5854 14 күн бұрын
Why the termination of the explicable in tems of idealism. We don't know what se dont know. Howerver, I belive I'm sitting on a chair right now and nohing in the unvitse, gravity included, alpears to be pushing back on that mundane presupposition.
@beverleypettit3577 14 күн бұрын
[Just looked up the meaning of the word 'abberant'. I kept think Fr Carlos meant 'abhorrent' each time he used the word ABERRANT. Eventually I looked to see if there was such a word as 'aberrant'. On looking up the word and discovering its meaning, I realised that I am enduring major distraction/resistance/listlessness even before prayer. It's hectic but at least I know know what it means and that it is my problem. Unsettling to know this. Now to deal with it.......... 🫣💥🙏🏽
@hollyvondross9635 17 күн бұрын
If we could only go to confession before mass like we used to. Confession was so available and tied to before reception of the Eucharist. Saturday mornings are disconnected.
@hollyvondross9635 17 күн бұрын
I went to a Redemptorist Retreat Center outside Milwaukee. To my surprise a reiki practictioner was available to sign up with for a session during free time. A large pagan type walking maze was in the garden made of gravel. A postina and other interesting things were available. Felt that there was an infiltration.
@taylordactul 17 күн бұрын
This priest is hilarious without even trying. He also has a good story-telling voice! Locks you in.
@taylordactul 17 күн бұрын
“You know, the diocese doesn’t have an exorcist.” “And how is that my problem?” 😂😂
@PrototypeGoose 17 күн бұрын
really thought this was joe rogan for a sec
@tylerwilson8615 19 күн бұрын
Everyone says don’t give Satan attention because that’s what he wants, no. Satan wants FEAR. Fear=control. I fear God as we all should. Expose Satan and his demons for what they are, our sinful enemies.
@CynthiaChamberlain-kr3ql 19 күн бұрын
The evil one mixes truth with lies to confuse you
@francesbernard2445 19 күн бұрын
Fr. Carlos Martins that is only called looking at someone who has an overbite and crooked upper teeth while the lower teeth under the longest teeth are not articulating with any teeth on their lower jaw. Simple as that. People who never experience food souce insecurity while growing up and while growing old depending on what all else they have experienced in life look different than people who have. Simple as that when someone who lives in a different environment than you are from is making strange with a person whom they are getting acquainted with. Which is why for hundreds of years interpreters had to often escort European priests who had to help maintain order around them too. Yes when someone is making strange with us to the extreme there is something wrong which is dangerous sometimes. Like when someone has been constant filled with fairy tales about witches and things like that. Which pope Benedict the XVI warned us not to worship instead of god.
@Peggyanns 19 күн бұрын
When was Our Lady tempted?
@debraperkins4448 20 күн бұрын
"Th Earth IS Yah's Footstool" We Really are NOT on a Spinning Water Ball‼️ His "Hybrids" are demonic. The firmament cannot be penetrated. The fallen Angels have Corrupted Yah's Creations, Humans, Animals, and Plants. Go To: EntertheStars. The Reasons "they" are here is to Take as Many Souls to Hell with "them"‼️ Wake-UP WHERE DO PEOPLE "THINK" Our Civilization Aquired ALL these Technologies ❓️from ol' split foot hairy legs. ❤Vaya con Dios ALL
@debraperkins4448 20 күн бұрын
I Thought A Influential family in Turin Italy "OWNED" The Holy Shroud of Turin, When Did pope francis receive custody of this Miracle of Yeshua❓️❓️
@joannemonast8670 23 күн бұрын
May 1st mass with the relic of Saint Jude, the priest had me share host with my mother, and the host appearance was with blood. Special experience at this time in life.
@martinwilliams9866 23 күн бұрын
Choich is predestined, predestination is chosen!
@martinwilliams9866 23 күн бұрын
I tend towards panprotopsychism at the momement, & that physicality is the basis of consciousness, actually metaphysicality, The Glial network is highly responsive to extrrnal magnetic fields via the transverse Hall effect. When experienced meditators meditate their Brain waves phase-lock with the first peak frequency of the Schumann resonance, this is a shift in a state of consciousness. The mechanism most likely for this is the fore-mentioned Glial system.
@martinwilliams9866 23 күн бұрын
"Meditation" is a subset of consciousness expansion techniques, of which I would suggest the non-meditational methods are of greatest interest. Especially interesting are the Wholeness Process, the Headless Way, the Mystical Experience Program, the Enlightenment Process, & the Release Technique.
@martinwilliams9866 24 күн бұрын
The wiki gorillas are one of the reasons why I don't donate any money to Wikipedia.
@martinwilliams9866 24 күн бұрын
I also don't agree that if physicalism is true there's no possibility of survival after death. What I define as physicalism is that only physical "things" exist, not the unnecessary extensions of that. One of the catagories of physicalism is space-time, which may have the possibility of hyperdimensionality, if so then part of us may also be hyperdimensional & therefore may survive death.
@martinwilliams9866 24 күн бұрын
I don't agree that consciousness "goes away when you go to sleep," as when I wake up, I have some memories of dreams, which I then forget. Those fragments of dreams I do remember show me that I was completely conscious of the dream, whilst dreaming it, it's just that they are forgotten. Materialism is a still-born epistemology, as the material "stuff" requires a location in both space & time to exist. Physicalism it's bastard offspring adds energy, space-time & information to the matter of materialism & thereby falsifies it. Physicalism does have transcendental systems, entanglement both spatial & temporal are transcendent not of the physical world, but of some of its limitations. Also Physicalism is non-empirical in that, there's a belief in physical "stuff" that still exists when not experienced, which is a meta-empirical position. It's also metaphysical in that they profess knowledge of what is beyond the physical i.e. nothing. In order to be a scientist, one doesn't have to be either a materialist or a physicalist, both positions are philosophical interpretations of science & according to the principle of parsimony aren't required, in fact to have them is a form of scientism therefore pseudo-scientific. I'm of the belief that many scientists are semi-autistic, which explains their reaction to phenomena that doesn't fit their models, ie they become frustrated, then angry.
@joannemonast8670 26 күн бұрын
Prayers for generations past, present, and future! Prayers for ending selective education and documentation of prejudices throughout the history of gangs manipulating never-ending artfulness of GAMES psychological psychopathic narcissistic manipulating abuses on many levels!
@joannemonast8670 26 күн бұрын
Prayers for generations past, present, and future!
@kyriacostheofanous1445 Ай бұрын
I loved the dig at Sam harris. Dude is a massive douche.
@dmm3124 Ай бұрын
Father John reminds me of a cartoon character.
@guyaquino5808 Ай бұрын
Why does he say that if one family member is liberated the other family members are wounded? I’m so confused Because then he contradicts himself and says that if one family member is liberated, it can be healing for everyone else What does he mean by my first question if when family member is liberated another family member is wounded? This disturbs me because I’m cleansing my soul and going through a minor exorcism so I would think my family would be protected not wounded
@jaimeforseth6077 Ай бұрын
God Bless all my sisters and brothers in Christ. Amen 🙏
@HaosCosmic Ай бұрын
I always come and go like cancer! That’s how I was created by the “demon” boss. Perhaps something in me sees better, but with each new experience, I understand how pathetic people are-those who try to prove something imaginary with empty words. I want to understand why one can’t hold a dignified and steady gaze in their interlocutor’s eyes. Isn’t that the first sign when a child lies? But how does a random madman dare to criticize your doctrine of cowards and perverts? You groan for money and power, like the windows in Amsterdam. At least they don’t post on the internet. Here, you’re sharing something-narcissism mixed into the finest metaphysical cocktail. It spills out of your mouths, disturbing others’ minds! And if all these exorcists have evidence, why don’t they film it? Why do the demons vanish in 4K? Oh, my head! How few ordinary people can use their imagination. If it were true, Hollywood, Netflix, and Disney would be fighting to buy your stories. But even those who distribute the most fictional landscapes don’t consider you. How ironic, how paradoxical that the fascinating logic of the sick, credulous human mind-worthy of wine-soaked biscuits-forgives you for not planting a fruitful tree.
@martinfreeman6491 Ай бұрын
Sounds like BS to me
@darmat6288 Ай бұрын
Praying for more vocations and holy priests.
@jamesstaggs4160 Ай бұрын
He does a better job at explaining why "consciousness" and "mind" are fundamental than just about anyone else I've ever heard, certainly does a better job than can. I began as a "seeker", became disillusioned with it when all I found was a bunch of charlatans, woo and wild speculation. I then became a material reductionist and I was never happier. However when I began to contemplate things such as space being infinite finite and how time either jad a starting point or it just infinitely regresses I realized that rationality and logic can only take you so far. That opened me up to looking at reality from a certain perspective ad brought me to the conclusion that mind gives rise to matter and not the other way around. I can "see" why it's so but I can't articulate it. We truly are one mind and that brings with it a host of problems.
@kathleen.cameron7234 Ай бұрын
I never knew that about the Masons
@sherimedford4106 Ай бұрын
Oops I meant in my last post that Baha'i says we must study science.
@sherimedford4106 Ай бұрын
Baha'i says we must study religion. To learn to be critical thinkers and balance science and religion! Science is immature but your views show were science will go and this will balance our worldviews for greater true connection with ourselves, our community, the world and transcendence.
@sherimedford4106 Ай бұрын
The world religion after Islam is Bahai. You need to research it.
@sherimedford4106 Ай бұрын
I became a Baha'i 50 years ago and it is a new world religion that blends ideas from Eastern and Western for global connection. It looks to science and mysticism to better guide our spiritual awareness. The Idealist view is there in Bahai. As I grow in awareness I find it there also. So many layers.
@hummingbirdcoins6392 Ай бұрын
As far as I’m concerned this passes the smell test.
@richardbond4496 Ай бұрын
it is amazing how much Catholics dont know anything about the subject they pretend to be experts in
@myrnagrijalva3042 Ай бұрын
Look the tough, bad ass, tattooed dudes.. their basically pooping on their pants.
@TarotTanja Ай бұрын
"Once you´re in hell you will never leave" - that is not true. God loves all his children. If a murderer should go to hell, he could always ask god for forgiveness and god would grant it. God (and the murderer´s mother) are probably the only 2 beings that are capable of so much love.
@keramatebrahimi943 Ай бұрын
The most wonderful speech interview I have ever seen.Please share with other people.Fantastically thought provoking ,mind teasing Talk......Thanks. Bernardo....wow