Did Brutus of Troy Really Exist?
Was Camelot a Real Place?
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@K55365 5 күн бұрын
You can look up the research paper : 'Iranian Roots of the Legends of King Arthur' by K. Arthur
@brianmoore4778 9 күн бұрын
Fantastic job.👋
@calebhowells1116 9 күн бұрын
@@brianmoore4778 Thank you!
@davejackson9601 11 күн бұрын
It would appear that he is out first and foremost to discredit you. Obviously this is because he doesn't agree with your hypothesis, which is worrying (from an academic point of view) as he seems to be prepared to fabricate in order to do this. I can only assume that he does not have a constructive argument against it that will stand on its own merit.
@Bimfirestarter 12 күн бұрын
Interesting. It is a common trend these days, isn't it, for people to be "not open to any agreement, headstrong, puffed up with pride" etc. It is disappointing when people double down on their mistaken notions after being corrected - it shows a blatant lack of interest in accuracy of information. We see it in Biblical Archaeology constantly in that, despite so many discoveries continually coming to light that support the Biblical narrative, there's this very strange eagerness to try and diminish their importance or attack another aspect of the appertaining narratives that have not yet been illuminated by archaeological discoveries.
@NatSatFat 12 күн бұрын
Totally understand, you have no comebacks, to contributors ( or website owners) for these "pedia stuff/info" that are or appear to be wrong, they will not accept this so won't change the info
@eponaalbion 12 күн бұрын
Whatre your thoughts on "Atlantis and the Silver City by Peter Daughtrey", whereby he uses the '100 clues' given by Plato. Also have you any clues to the name of the actual place, as my understanding, is that Solon spoke to the Priests of Sais, who had an oral history, an Solon befriended them an was told about this place but Grecafied it as 'Atlantis'! The Priests of Sais also told Solon, something like " you Greeks are but babes you only remember one flood an have forgotten the other three"!
@drew6194 15 күн бұрын
Of course they did. Where do we think potatoes came from?
@kevincasey5035 18 күн бұрын
@calebhowells1116 I appreciate your attempt to locate Atlantis inside the Pillars of Heracles but are you not just twisting the words to mean what you want them to mean? Try and dislodge Randall Carson's description of the location of Atlantis.
@calebhowells1116 18 күн бұрын
@@kevincasey5035 I believe that my explanation is the one which is most in harmony with a logical reading of Plato’s words. Like I mentioned in the video, it’s Plato’s own statement that suggests that Atlantis was inside the Pillars of Heracles while Athens was outside. There is another detail in Plato’s account which, in my opinion, categorically proves that Atlantis must have been inside the Mediterranean. I’m not very familiar with Randall Carson’s theory. Does he place Atlantis in the region of the Azores?
@nickthenoodle9206 19 күн бұрын
@anthonyalcock5104 23 күн бұрын
Caleb Howells has a 'degree' from the United States Institute of Language and Clerical Studies. The historian he calls Cecius must be Ctesias of Cnidus, physician to the Persian king Artaxerxes II. As a doctor he was probably reliable; as an historian, less so.
@calebhowells1116 23 күн бұрын
@@anthonyalcock5104 Hi Anthony, that’s nice that you’re interesting in learning more about me. 😊 Just to be clear, I call Ctesias by his name, Ctesias, in this video, not Cecius. 🙂
@hannahgrace2258 25 күн бұрын
@calebhowells1116 Fascinating and thank you for uploading the video! Nice tease for the next video too. 😜 The second half of this felt like one long Eureka! moment, especially the notes on the word "pontos" and the perspective shift on the speaker (Egyptian account) and how they would perceive the geography in question. Thank you for doing the research and comparing the accounts, then funneling the data down to a video series that makes it summarized for the rest of us. My pipe dream is that they finally find a way to translate the Minoan dialect to the extent that they can read the written texts, wherein they refer to themselves or reference the word Atlantis, Atlanteans, etc. since we still don't know what the Minoans called themselves.
@MarcWiddowson 25 күн бұрын
Interesting. Have you looked into the theories about the Richat Structure being Atlantis?
@calebhowells1116 25 күн бұрын
@@MarcWiddowson I don’t find that convincing. In my opinion, it’s a case of extreme cherry picking and misleading statements about the supposed evidence.
@TheTonyTamer 25 күн бұрын
I have read in the analysis of the greek of Plato atlantic derives from Atlas , which as I recall would be towards Asia Minor - I definitely agree that it was not Atlantic ocean but questions santorini - which I like for other reasons - but I can entertain the asia minor area. Greek History makes a big demarcation for before Cretan domination and after - if you are looking for a definite argument here - it doesn't exist.
@spudspuddy 26 күн бұрын
Do some research for yourself instead of parroting erroneous old text books just so you can pass a pointless exam...then grow up
@calebhowells1116 26 күн бұрын
@@spudspuddy I’m surprised to get such a rude comment. What have I done to offend you so much?
@TywysogCraig 28 күн бұрын
Much to share by the grace of god 🕊️ heddwch
@stephenjohnston7630 Ай бұрын
Enjoyable story, well told, but those cherries are *very* carefully picked. My favourite bit is calling superficial similarities between Columbus' description of *the Bahamas* and Brendan's "description" of (presumably) *Newfoundland* "evidence". Also the claim that a stopover by a peripatetic monk is the cause of introduction of domestic sheep to the Faroes.
@calebhowells1116 Ай бұрын
Hi Stephen, thanks for the comment. I wasn’t comparing the description of Brendan’s island with Columbus’ description of the Baharmas. I only mentioned Columbus in the sense of that general era of history. Whether Brendan himself introduced sheep or not is frankly beside the point and skirts around the point of the video. The evidence found on the Faroe Islands shows that settlers had reached them by that time. There is no getting round that this ties in well with the record of a voyage that appears to have stopped off at those very islands at that very time. The record of Brendan explicitly shows that he was not the only one making that journey, so his personal circumstances, such as his position as a peripatetic mon, are irrelevant.
@richardhowells2445 Ай бұрын
Nice reasoning.
@Penddraig7 Ай бұрын
I would suggest that Cerniw or Cernyw was what the Gower Peninsula was once known as, we know that after the Romans left Britain, what is now Wales started sectioning off into 3 regions essentially the “Kingdoms” of “North Wales”, “South Wales” and “Mid-South Wales” What came to be known as “Mid-South Wales” in latter traditional materials was more often known as Cernyw in the early days. A fairly small region which according to tradition was founded out of the western chunk of the once Silurian territory in the early 5th century by Eugenius (the son of Magnus Maximus according to later claims) This was west of Gwent and Glywysing and was what we know today as the Gower Peninsula. Pasgen ap Urien was King of Gwyr around early 6th Century. Gwyr is the Welsh for the Gower so suggesting that the Gower was a Kingdom at one point and maybe what was once Cernyw Why is this the most likely location, well the Gower Peninsula is directly west of Gwent and Glywysing, Gwyr was once a Kingdom, so a small Kingdom in the Mid-South of what is now Wales, as the early traditions claim Cernyw was and it is on the south coast so if the Mercians (The Boars) where heading towards Cernyw (the Gower Peninsula) they would have to pass through Gwent and Glywysing and King Arthur territory and pushing them down would be pushing them into the Severn Sea (Bristol Channel) and for the most convincing part, it’s the name itself, Cernyw. Cernyw means horn land, land shaped like a horn The root is Carn, which with the addition of yw causes a vowel infection, so the A of Carn becomes an E. Carn means a prominence; a horn; a heap; a hilt of a weapon; the hoof of an animal. Yw means is; be; it is So in context of naming a place Cernyw, you are saying it is a horn, so in the context of land, the land is horned shaped and the Gower Peninsula is horn shaped, hence Peninsula. This also applies to Cornwall however there is a slight difference with Cornwall is that is Corniu, this is significant because the Cornish did not change their alphabet like the Welsh did so the i didn’t change to the y like in Welsh and the u didn’t change to the w like in Welsh, so despite them being the exact same word, meaning the exact same thing, because the Welsh orthography changed (numerous times) over the millennia, this is why we know Cerniw/Cernyw refers to a place in Wales as opposed to Cerniu/Kerniu in Cornish. Cerniw is often also applied to Cornwall from a Welsh perspective and so often when people see the word Cerniw they automatically associate it with Cornwall not understanding the meaning and application of the term and that it could be used for any peninsula not just Cornwall, Cornwall just retained that name. In Welsh/Brythonic Gelliwig would have been a fairly common name for a place at one point as it was toponymic name but no longer the case as a “Gelliwig” would no longer be a thing as time went on and habitational practices changed. Gelli itself is still a very common term used in names of places in Wales though. Gelli is the mutated version of Celli, the soft mutation of C is G and this G is not the same as the standard G despite it looking the same letter, they are distinct letters and the mutated version of C has only been depicted as a G letter since the Middle Ages and this will crop up later with the second part of the name(Gwîg) Gelliwig is a compound of Celli + Gwîg Celli means an grove; a bower; an arbour Gwîg means a strait place; a corner nook or angle; a cove; a small retreat or opening in the woods in which Britons (Welsh) generally built their hamlets and hence traditionally used the term to denote a fortress/place of security/town which was hidden away in an opening amongst the trees, making it more inconspicuous. These were more common back in the day because woods and forests were more plentiful and the need to be more hidden away was greater. Over the years it came to be a general term for a settlement, a town/village/hamlet and also a street/alley owing to its use as a term for a strait. It also, in one of those strange instances of associations with the actual meaning, also came to be a term for a wood/forest/grove because of the fact the term was used to describe a settlement in a clearing within a wood/forest, the term often got wrongly applied to the wood/forest as opposed to the entire thing, which lead to having words like coedwig for a forest/wood where coed means wood/timber/trees, so literal translation being a wood of wood or a forest of trees etc I don’t know if you can get a wood/forest of something other than wood/trees but it’s kind of like the River Avon or Afon Afon, the River River Gwîg is where we get the -wick/-wich in English -wick being an alternate form of -wich which in Middle English was -wic and in Old English was -wīc and was adopted into Old English from the Welsh (g)wîg, (g)wîg ending in the Welsh letter G that was once a C, it became a C in the Middle Ages which is why you see variations of names like Meuric and Tewdric for Meurig and Tewdrig for example so when wīc was adopted into Old English it would have still been spelt wîc in Welsh or in the transitional period at least. I should add that I am not claiming that the Welsh word wasn’t adopted from say Latin, I just know that the “establishment” narrative is probably that it came from some Germanic word which is spelt and pronounced differently, be that a deliberate narrative or just the typical refusal to use Welsh as a reference language when deciding on the etymology of words, like the native language of Britain would have absolutely no influence of the English language, the Anglo-Saxons and Normans couldn’t possibly adopt words of the natives of the land. We know for example the Warwick was at one point surrounded by dense woodlands so it would have been a settlement within an opening amongst the woods/forest which is what the word gwîg meant originally and the War part means a weir. I can’t find any name for “Warwick” prior to it becoming Warwick in the 10 century, however we do know that a settlement did exist prior to it being named Warwick so I am guessing they adopted the existing name into the new name which is why it ends in wick and not burh which technically it would have been, if being a typically named Anglo-Saxon fortified settlement, which is what Warwick was built by Æthelflæd to be. The river that flows through Warwick being the River Avon so they retained the Welsh name of the river too, so for an ancient Brythonic settlement, it would have been an ideal site for a Gwîg, an opening in a forest with a river flowing through it and with the tradition of naming places toponymically, it would almost certainly contained the word Gwîg in it’s name. So with all that in mind, Gelliwig would be somewhere between Mercia and the Gower Peninsula and in what is now the Gwent/South Glamorgan/Mid Glamorgan area of Wales in order for them to be forced south and into the Severn Sea to be possible. So if as you say, Llanwytherin was once called Gelliwig, then this would indeed fit those parameters geographically and would have a good claim to be the location of the Gelliwig in the story.
@orgolwg 14 күн бұрын
This is a very informative comment. I would add that there is a tradition of palace of Arthur in Gower which is recorded in the Life of St Cenydd.
@Penddraig7 14 күн бұрын
@@orgolwg is that the reference to King Arthur’s court in Aber Llwchwr?
@orgolwg 14 күн бұрын
@@Penddraig7 so the wording is that St Cenydd was born about a mile from King Arthur's Palace in Gower. No more than that, but the Llwchwr area has been suggested.
@MarcWiddowson Ай бұрын
Thanks for this. In The Keys to Avalon, Blake and Lloyd give a whole revised geography of the Arthurian material showing that it is confined to Wales and has been wrongly mapped onto Britain as a whole. This includes identifying Kernyw with the area around the Llyn peninsula and things like Ceint being not Kent but Gwent and Llundain being not London but Ludlow.
@marcmanning7084 Ай бұрын
Good to see others doing good research and adding in common sense. Why after skirmishes/battls would you then ride presumably heavily fatigued 150 miles to recuperate only then to return to protect your kingdom?
@andrewhill2568 Ай бұрын
There’s an area on the outskirts of Newport still known as Coedkernew. Look it up on Google Maps.
@MonikaEscobar1965 Ай бұрын
You're not the first to figure this out, Wilson & Blackett were. But thanks for the reminder.
@honissabe Ай бұрын
Well done Caleb. It is high time that someone made this clear.
@MonikaEscobar1965 Ай бұрын
Wilson & Blackett research that is.
@legolasgreenleaf1961 Ай бұрын
Hi caleb, yes the confusion lies really in the spelling, yet Cornwall is Kernow, whereas Gelliwig lies in those lands between Cardiff and Newport known as Cerniw. And as you say its a question of basic geography in relation to sources we have, alongside various placenames. Also the great 'boar' in the mabinogi specifically tracks across southern Wales coming across from Ireland. I believe this ' boar' and its 9 piglets are this great army led by "the king of the Affrikans" Gormund, remnants of the Vandal nation that would go on to found Mercia.
@normsky5504 Ай бұрын
He would have got there quicker, but he made the mistake of asking directions from Paddy the Numpty.
@normsky5504 Ай бұрын
They did, but they returned when they couldn't get a descent pint of Guinness.
@splinterbyrd Ай бұрын
Haven't watched these vids through yet so maybe this lad discusses it. Spellings of "Arthur" in Latin vary, but as I recall Geoffrey Ashe has taken the name "Athorius" and points out that Riothamus is an anagram of "Athorius M." In Latin, M can be taken as an abbreviation of _miles_ or soldier. Thus Riothamus is an anagram of "Arthur The Soldier." Such an anagram could have derived from post Roman coinage, on which letterforms were frequently jumbled up. And I think I'm right that in source texts Ashe says he found references to "Arthur The Soldier."
@sharenerobertson5574 Ай бұрын
Got to love how in 2024 they do love to rewrite our Aincent history to fit their own twisted narrative and how Nieve people are to automatically believe it without question 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Well these folk owe us Scot's,Irish Welsh all whom descendents of the Aincent kingdoms off the Gaul's/Celts/Picts and Druids A huge apology, along with over a 1000 year's off and our ancestors repromandation's An explanation to why they rid their lands of all the redhead that now only make up 2% world population a gene that is isolated to prodomanently the Scots and Irish Why they ride their lands of all the pale skinned folk For nearly 1000 years of colonisation, looting murder and enslaving Forcing us from our homeland of origin as you claim onto a tiny Island known an Britain.. Only for our people to be enslaved, by English rule for us to be shackled in servile chain's Why when from the 1700's they removed our native toung forcing us to speak the kings English Why was it these people didn't fight for our freedoms of slavery, why these people sat idiolly by while they killed of and slaughtered us in droves who spoke the Gaelic/Gaulic Language? While they outlawed all things Scots Irish Welsh? Music clothing tounge 🤣🤣🤣 An finally the Aincent kingdom history written by it's very captives, it's colonizers by the institutions and English rule Told the truth of the Aincent kingdom of the Welsh/Scots and Irish Because they didn't destroy burn every Aincent dwelling whole towns clans families tribes from the Highlands to lowlands. They didn't destroy the countries they conquered history 🤣🤣🤯 Make it make sense An please feel free to explain, to me at any point while this all took place our lands of origin sat idiolly by and didn't come to the rescue of their fellow country men!! Forced to a tiny Island
@liannblack2427 Ай бұрын
King arthurs real lol history from the 5th century was hidden and smuthered over by saxons
@MohamedAmineTrabelsi-in4ke Ай бұрын
The Trojan's Geoffrey is talking about are the slave Trojan's that lives in Greece not from Italy Brutus alone came from Italy cause he's born there he travels to Greece free the trojans how are he's people by blood then married the Greek king's daughter and travels to Britain he's royal family are mix of trojan/Italian and Greek
@harriependers9171 Ай бұрын
Perhaps you can studying the ´ Oera Linda Book´ by Jan Ot for another view on Atlantis
@legolasgreenleaf1961 Ай бұрын
Yet the Welsh had always maintained a middle eastern origin, with Llewelyn ap Gryffydd stating he could not hand over the land to Edward as his people had held it since the time of Brutus. Welsh scources also point out an initial landing of Trojan migrants to Gaul before sailing to Britain. With details such as Goffar the 'pict' besieging them, and the main reason they were forced to leave Gaul was because this situation. Also i would not rely too much on Bede's words given his denigration of the Britons in his time.
@calebhowells1116 Ай бұрын
@@legolasgreenleaf1961 Yes, indeed. The key is realising that the Celts themselves also claimed descent from the Trojans. This harmonises the apparent conflict.
@legolasgreenleaf1961 Ай бұрын
Also the AS chronicle, (originally) said the Britons came out of Armenia. In modern editions you'll notice Armenia has changed to Armorica, which is odd.
@Penddraig7 Ай бұрын
I agree that Brutus undoubtedly existed and more than likely came to Britain but I completely reject the idea that Britain was named after him, for me that is an apocryphal story, just a myth in the same way that I believe King Arthur existed but much of the stories are purely myth an apocryphal but that being said, we should not throw baby out with the bath water which is what some people like to do both when it comes to the Brutus stories and the King Arthur stories. Britain’s name is easily explained using the Welsh language and understanding of the change in the Welsh alphabet over the millennia and knowing which modern letters correspond to previous letters and at what points the alphabet changed and then on top of that, being able to reverse engineer Welsh words to understand the meaning and that can be done using Welsh and the word is an appellative, you could say a topographical appellative, a toponym.
@paulchallenger8153 Ай бұрын
Great research Caleb.
@calebhowells1116 Ай бұрын
@@paulchallenger8153 Thank you!
@orgolwg Ай бұрын
Really interesting, thanks for the video. How do you explain the Julius and Aaron connection with Caerleon though?
@calebhowells1116 Ай бұрын
@@orgolwg I would explain that as simply a later tradition that emerged due to the easy confusion between the multiple Cities of the Legion. Encouraged, no doubt, by the name ‘City of the Legion’ not enduring with York, while it continued being used for Caerleon and Chester.
@orgolwg Ай бұрын
@@calebhowells1116 plausible
@angusmurray3767 Ай бұрын
Just one problem. In Arthur's time the Saxons were in the southeast. There were no Saxons at this time in York and only latterly Angles (who were sometimes called Saxons). Civitas is pronounced /kee-wit-ass/ not /siv-it-ass/ and there is no such thing as "an Urb". Urbs (nominative) is already singular in case.
@calebhowells1116 Ай бұрын
@@angusmurray3767 By the mid-sixth century (when Arthur’s battle took place), there were absolutely Saxons at York. I wasn’t going for the Latin pronunciation of ‘civitas’, but thank you for the explanation. Indeed, that’s correct that ‘Urbs’ is already singular! I always use it as such throughout the video, never referring to ‘an Urb’, so I’m curious as to why you mentioned that in your comment. 🤔
@Penddraig7 Ай бұрын
“…they sailed to Britain, so it is said, from the land of Armorica…” So it doesn’t say they were Celts, in fact I would argue that even if this was in fact the case and they did sail from the land of Armorica, this would be evidence that they were not Celts, so Bede would not be supporting the Celtic migration, he would be debunking it. This can easily be done using the Welsh language, the answer to the whole Celtic thing is in the Welsh language, it’s in the very name of Britain and in the name Wales too and in Gaul. What Bede is saying could be one piece of a puzzle but what piece depends of his source of “…so it is said…” By whom is it said because that could be extremely important because Britons migrated south into continental Europe and then returned to Britain when the Romans started expanding their Empire north through Continental Europe, that is one example. For me regardless of who or when these people from Amorica migrated to Britain, the fact that Amorica was part of Gaul means they weren’t Celts.
@sharenerobertson5574 Ай бұрын
Britain only came into existence in the 1700's
@Penddraig7 Ай бұрын
@@sharenerobertson5574 no that’s Great Britain not Britain, Britain predates the Romans
@danielmalinen6337 Ай бұрын
Was Robin Hood Robert Hode of Wakefield? And many others as well?
@Yeshua-s1j Ай бұрын
were ancient Britons celts?
@seanochroidheain6687 Ай бұрын
By the time the Vikings got to Ireland Ogham had been out of use for hundreds of yrs.
@AutisticEditz13 Ай бұрын
I'm still sceptical on this. William O. Pughe in 1803, pulling from an unknown source, says: "His descent is thus: Caradog ab Iestyn ab Gwrgant ab Ithel ab Morgan Vawr ab Arthvael ab Rhys ab Arthvael ab Gweirydd ab Brochwel ab Meirig ab Arthvael ab Rhys ab Eunyad ab Morgan Mwynvawr ab *Andros* ab Meirig ab Tewdrig" Also Athrwys (King of Gwent, son of Tewdrig) is not Athrwys (son of Meurig)
@harriependers9171 Ай бұрын
Read the Oera Linda Book
@AtarahDerek Ай бұрын
Brendan out here looking for more eyes of Crom.
@DenisNdreshaj Ай бұрын
Dardania was the ancient Troy According to some ancient writers. So dardans migrated to Britain and founded Britain after Troy being destroyed. There are some theories that ancient Troy location might be absolutely wrong so it can be with two ancient castle locations in the Albanian region. Lissus(Lezhë) or Shkodër. Both geographically correspond to Homer writings. What i mean that Troyans might have been mostly Celts by DNA.
@blain20_ 2 ай бұрын
Geoffrey translated an existing Welsh document. Said document is in existence today.
@calebhowells1116 2 ай бұрын
@@blain20_ Which document are you thinking of?
@spudspuddy 26 күн бұрын
@@calebhowells1116 kzbin.info/www/bejne/jHjCepKvbKiSfsksi=KuLA5_UCgmnWhVLV
@noahtylerpritchett2682 2 ай бұрын
I have a genetic chart on and DNA studies I can send you (if you have social media) where DNA can vindicate you. 2 studies and 1 chart
@JungleJargon 2 ай бұрын
It was the descendants of Nimrod and the Medes who arrived first in Central America.
@rickyodom1201 10 күн бұрын
you are right omec people came from tower of babel hope people can start see how it fits together
@JungleJargon 10 күн бұрын
@@rickyodom1201 Yep! I have it all almost figured out: Enough with all of the disinformation. Neanderthals are Eurasians and Denisovans are a mix of Eurasians and Sino Canaanite tribe of Sinim with the D y-hg in Asia and or the House of Nimrod with the C y-hg both of which are Hamitic. Evidence shows that Native Americans crossed the Atlantic to Central America from the Mediterranean Sea. There are four or more haplogroup lineages that show this migration route, the A C&D maternal lineages and the Q paternal lineage as well as probably the C paternal lineages made this same crossing. People are ignoring actual known human history. The actual historical records and DNA migrations show that everyone spread out from Mesopotamia. Ancient history is essential for everyone to know, especially the sixteen original civilizations… from the sixteen grandsons of Noah. We should learn ancient history before trying to learn science. 1. The first inhabitants of Italy (K) Tubal 2. Thracians (L) Tiras 3. Greek sea people (T) Javan 4. Siberians & East Asians (NO) Magog 5. Eastern Europeans & East Eurasians (P) Meshek 6. Medes (Q) Madai 7. Western Europeans (R) Gomer 8. Hebrews and Arabic (IJ) Arphaxad 9. Elamites (H) Elam 10. Assyrians (G) Asshur 11. Arameans (F1) Aram 12. Lydians (F2) Lud 13. Cushites (AB, C) Cush 14. Egyptians (E3) Mitzrayim 15. Canaanites (E2, D) Canaan 16. Original North African Phoenicians (E1) Phut The D paternal haplogroup Sino descendants of Canaan migrated from Canaan east to China all the way to Japan and Tibet. The C paternal haplogroup descendants of Nimrod migrated as far as South Asia, Australia, the Pacific, Mongolia and all the way to the Americas accounting for the Olmec civilization in Central America as well as the Q haplogroup descendants of Madai ancestor of the Medes that crossed the Atlantic to Central America. The A maternal mtDNA haplogroup belonging to the Semitic N lineage accompanied the Eurasian Q paternal haplogroup to Central America. The C&D maternal haplogroups belonging to the Eurasian M lineage also accompanied the Atlantic crossing of the Q paternal haplogroup Medes and probably the C paternal haplogroup to Central America. The Semitic B maternal mtDNA haplogroup seems to have crossed the Pacific Ocean to South America. The Mediterranean paternal R1b and the maternal X2a also found in Galilee represent another Atlantic crossing of the Phoenicians in the days of King Solomon considering also the Mediterranean paternal Y chromosome haplogroups of T, G, I1, I2, J1, J2, E and B in addition to the R1b in Native American Populations. J1 and J2 is Arabs and Jews. (I1 is most likely Dan and I2 resembles the movements of the tribe of Asher) Of course there is also the Cohen modal haplotype of J1 P58 as well which identifies the IJ lineage of Hebrews and Arabs that are descended from Arphaxad. J2 M172 is the largest group of descendants probably of the House of the kings David and Solomon. Now you know a lot more of what is verified human history. Neanderthals were Eurasians descended from Japheth and Denisovans are a mix of Eurasians and Canaanites and or Cushites descended from Ham. We know this because people living today have Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA. The mtDNA lineage of the out of Africa claim goes from African to Eurasian and then to Semitic while the Y chromosome lineage goes from African to Semitic and then Eurasian. So according to that Africans produced Semitic males and Eurasian females who then produced Eurasian males and Semitic females. *The reality is that all of these lineages had to have existed simultaneously.*
@stevie2109 2 ай бұрын
Very interesting food for taught
@ANTOINETTE-nk1tm 2 ай бұрын
@3ekaust 2 ай бұрын
I mean why are we looking for atlantis and assuming it is true but we are not looking for the cave of plato's cavern myth? They are basically the same: two myths written by Plato (and mentioned by nobody else ever unless referencing Plato's texts) in storytelling format with a lesson to learn off of them. If we assume the cavern was not informing of historic truth but it was simply a story made up to make s point, why can't we do the same with Atlantis? The proof you mention would also apply to Ugarit, a city who's god, El, was constantly called Poseidon by the greeks. Bull sacrifices were a common practice not only amongst pretty much all greeks but also everyone else in the mediterranean back then.